Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What Not To Say To A Person Experiencing Depression

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It only takes a brief look at some of the facts and figures about depression to see just how serious a problem it is in the present day. High-profile cases certainly help keep the issue in the public eye, and the growing awareness of mental health issues is a positive thing. With that said, we’re still very much in the early days when it comes to treating mental health like its physical counterpart, and when it comes to understanding mental illness, even the most well-meaning person can find the way forward is littered with pitfalls and false starts.

Depression, in particular, is a very easy condition to misunderstand, which can make it harder to treat. While physical illnesses can be studied in laboratories, and their treatments tested in controlled conditions, depression often doesn’t behave as people expect it to. No matter how benign someone’s intentions may be, it is all too easy to say the wrong thing to someone who is struggling with depression. Here are some of the most common faux pas, and things to avoid saying, when talking about this frustrating condition.

“This will pass”

When seeking to reassure someone with depression, it’s completely understandable that so many of us reach for this statement. It’s an optimistic thing to say and, seemingly, has the advantage of being true. In the vast majority of cases, someone struggling through a depressive episode will come out the other side appreciating their improvement. However, when you’re in the midst of an episode, it’s a statement that can grate all too easily. Often, someone with depression won’t want to hear about a future they have difficulty envisaging.

What to say instead: Often, nothing at all. Be prepared to listen and sympathize. Give the person a chance to talk about anything that animates them.

“What are you depressed about?”

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So many people fundamentally misunderstand depression as being a reaction to life circumstances, and expect that by pointing out the positives in someone’s life they can make them feel better. This is particularly the case when talking to a young person who may need teen depression treatment and a listening ear. People with depression are rarely depressed about something, and it is entirely possible to seemingly be in a great position in life - with money, friends and great future prospects - and yet still feel empty.

What to say instead: “Take the time you need to feel better. You don’t deserve this and you are loved.”

“You know, what helped me when I was in your place was…”

Even people who have experienced their own periods and episodes of depression can be prone to saying the wrong thing when trying to help a friend or family member. With the best will in the world, someone in the midst of a serious depressive episode is not going to want to hear what worked for someone else. Quite apart from anything, depression is not like a lock with a definite key that will always work. It’s a complicated condition, and by talking about our own experience it’s all too easy to come across as making this thing about us.

What to say instead: “I’m here to listen if you want to talk. And if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m still here.”

“You don’t seem/look depressed!”

As with many other misconceptions about depression, this one falls back on the assumption that depression and unhappiness are the same thing; an understandable mistake, but an error nonetheless. Someone with depression will not necessarily present with the exterior that people would expect. Indeed, it’s common to hear people mention that someone is “the last person in the world I’d expect to be depressed”. A person can be smiling, even laughing one moment and within seconds be feeling lost and alone. It only makes matters worse when someone then makes the above comment, which can only ever sound like “I don’t believe you - you’re not depressed, you’re making things up.”

What to say instead: “I’m so sorry, I had no idea. You give off such positivity that I never would have guessed - if you need to unburden now I’m right here.”

“You need to focus on the positive”

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While thankfully few people these days would be as tin-eared as to say “Snap out of it” to a person with depression, there are a few statements which will sound every bit as harsh to someone in the midst of an episode. A major aspect of depression is anhedonia - the inability to take pleasure in what would usually be pleasurable activities. Telling a depressed person to “focus on the positive” is like telling someone with a fracture to magically heal that bone. Worse yet, the instruction to focus on something else is victim-blaming and insinuates that their problems are irrelevant to you.

What to say instead: “I’m sorry you’re hurting right now. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“I thought this was over…”

Depression is not a condition that has a specific beginning and a definite end, and sometimes a person who has been suffering will show a major improvement, and seem totally rejuvenated. This can be as a result of therapy, medication or a combination - or even completely out of the blue. It can then be distressing to see them fall back under the shadow of depression, but this is something that happens. The path of a person with depression, even in the best of scenarios, is often more of a zig-zag than a straight line. By telling someone that we had considered the bad times to be over, it’s implicit that we’re disappointed in them for not being cured.

What to say instead: “You’ve come a long way, and I believe in you. It’s natural to have days like these, don’t beat yourself up.”

Although our awareness and understanding of depression has improved immeasurably in recent years, it is a persistent condition that can devastate lives and it attacks people by taking away the resources they would usually use to fight it. If you’re helping someone through a depressive period right now, remember that it’s often by just being there that you’ll make the biggest difference. Take care!

The Sudden Shock of Disaster and Overcoming It
Most people like to believe that while disaster seems rampant around the world, it isn’t going to happen to you. However, disaster is one of those things that does not discriminate against anybody, and it can strike and affect your life at any time, regardless of how good you are. 

With this disaster comes a sudden shock. If you’ve never experienced an accident before, this shock can throw you off your game, and you’ll find it challenging to deal with the issues you face. This isn’t good for anybody, but it’s not the end of the world. Here are some disasters you might encounter and how best to overcome them. 

Car Accident

If you’ve ever been in an auto wreck, you understand how potentially terrifying it can be. Some car accidents are minor. You might get bumped into at a stop light, or someone might scratch your car reversing out of a parking lot. But other accidents can be much worse. 

After an accident, it can take some time for you to feel comfortable with getting back on the road. Even if it wasn’t your fault, your confidence is shaken, and you’re worried that the same thing could happen again. The chances of this are low, but not impossible. 

You can work through these fears by talking to friends and family, so they understand what you’re going through. By doing this, they will be more understanding when you avoid driving places, and as a nervous driver is a dangerous one, this is safer for everybody. 

Losing Your Job

When working anywhere, it’s easy to get used to a routine. You wake up and go to work, you come home, and you repeat that every day. But with this routine, you get comfortable, which is why losing your job can feel much worse than it is. 

However, being made unemployed or redundant is not the end of the world, and for a lot of people, it’s the chance to embrace a new chapter of your life. Start by looking for something new immediately and remember that you know a lot more than you think you do. This will give you the confidence to look for better positions than your current one, which could prove beneficial. 

Home Repairs

Your home is supposed to be your sanctuary from the stress of the outside world, but disaster doesn’t care about that, and when it hits your home, it makes you feel powerless. 

You don’t need to, though. Whether it’s something minor like a leaking tap or more frustrating such as vandalism or theft, there’s no point feeling sad about it for too long. Instead, take action to make sure it never happens again, either by learning how to make the fixes yourself, getting broken windows or locks repaired, and installing security systems (if you don’t already) so you can catch the culprit. 

Overcoming the Shock

Disasters happen, and if you go through your whole life never experiencing one, you can consider yourself lucky. However, most people will encounter a disaster or two during their lifetime. Instead of allowing this disaster to consume you, though, it’s instead better to confront it and transform your bad experience into a good one; however that may work best for you. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

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Learning to communicate is an important part of a child’s development but it doesn’t always come as naturally as we hope, with 5% of US children aged between 3 and 17 having been diagnosed with a speech disorder and 3.3% diagnosed as suffering from a language disorder. Although speech and language disorders are different they do also often intersect, so here are 5 things to watch out for to help you decide whether your child could benefit from some additional help in the form of speech therapy for a possible speech or language disorder. 

1. They do not gesture 

Gesturing is often one of the first forms of communication that a new baby will use. They may point to the bottle when they are thirsty or make a grasping gesture towards a toy they want. If you don’t notice your child gesturing between the ages of 7-12 months by pointing, waving or using their hands to indicate they want something then this could be a sign of a language disorder. 

2. They do not make baby babbling noises

As babies begin to find their voice, they usually begin to experiment with sounds and start to babble somewhere from age 4-7 months. Babbling often sounds like baby language and is incoherent but necessary as they begin to learn how to make sounds.  If you feel that your baby is unusually quiet and isn’t experimenting with noises from their mouths then this too could be a sign of a speech or language disorder.  

3. They have trouble ennunciating certain sounds

It’s perfectly normal for children to mispronounce certain sounds when they first begin to speak, but this usually sorts itself out by the age of 2. However, children with speech impediments often struggle with pronouncing sounds such as p, b, m, h or w for much longer and their speech may be unclear and difficult to understand. If your child is approaching 3 years old and is still struggling with pronouncing the letters of the alphabet then this too could be an indication of a speech impediment and they could benefit from speech therapy

4. They do not understand verbal requests

Children between the ages of 1 - 2 years should be able to understand simple spoken requests such as, “please don’t touch that” or “come here please”. If your child appears to not understand your requests and isn’t simply ignoring you, then this could also suggest a language disorder as they are struggling to understand what you are asking of them. 

5. Your child is not speaking in sentences 

Although in the early stages of your child’s speech development they will often stick to single words or short phrases such as ‘milk’ ‘hungry’ and ‘no’, by the age of 1.5 to 2 years they should be beginning to create longer more complex sentences. Such as “I want to go to the park” rather than simply saying the word “park”. An inability to put together a longer coherent sentence can also indicate a language or speech disorder which can be diagnosed and helped by a speech or language therapist.

Friday, November 15, 2019

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We feel the pressures in every aspect of our lives. We may end up feeling fatigued or unwell a lot, not because of one specific thing, but because there are a plethora of problems. It's difficult in the modern-day, especially when we are bombarded with numerous methods of survival. But when it comes to something like self-improvement, the goal is simple, being a better version of ourselves. How can we do this?

Addressing Pressing Problems

We are the biggest obstacle. When we start on a path to fulfillment or self-improvement, we have to look at who we are. This means a very long, hard look in the mirror. And while, for some people, the obstacles are staring them in the face, for others, it can take a lot of digging. An issue like depression is common. But we needn’t let it get in the way of achieving what we want, especially with various professional resources out there. A place like Honey Lake Clinic can provide professional help with depression. And with something like depression, it can be a symptom of the much larger problem, which means that if we get to the root of it, we've got a foundation on which to build upon. Making a new change in life is about confronting those elephants in the room.

Start At The Very Beginning

It's a very good place to start! We don't stumble upon the best version of ourselves right away. It's all about taking steps in the right direction. The very idea of making any change in life is about saying to yourself that you are ready to take that first step. When we start out and have made the decision that we want to make significant changes, we can very easily get intimidated by the long road but we have to remember that taking the first step is always the most difficult. As soon as you take that first step, then you can focus on taking the next one.

Forget About Shortcuts

We live in an age where we want everything on a plate, right in front of us and we want it now. Shortcuts, when it comes to improving yourself on the inside, don’t necessarily exist. There is no magic trick to changing yourself, it's about understanding that you have to undertake this journey. Shortcuts can be beneficial in other aspects of your life, and you may very well use shortcuts in order to make life easier in other ways. For example, if you want to work smarter rather than harder, especially when exercising, you could use significant tools like high-intensity interval training. What we need to remember when we are working on improving ourselves, is that these tools are all grist to the mill. We absorb the relevant tools, and we discard the others. After a while, we can begin to see what is beneficial to us in our lives. But it takes a long journey in order to recognize those aspects that will serve you well. This is especially true if you haven't been well, or you suffer from negative thought patterns. You may find that you have automatically shied away from anything that benefits yourself. And this means that it can take a long journey to get to the end product.

Don't Give Yourself A Deadline

Deadlines provide motivation in one respect, but when you look at self-improvement from the inside-out, does a deadline provide more pressure than is necessary? A deadline is all about getting something completed. But when you hit your goal, however big or small it may be, what happens after that? But there is the cliche: we are all a work in progress. And as we learn to step in the right direction, we can see there are more challenges that we would like to take on. It's about having that healthy balance, because in one respect you may have a certain goal, and then you can work on maintaining it, meaning that you are still progressing. But also, as that deadline can provide a sense of finality, this could result in relapses. It's far better, in this respect, to implement certain lifestyle habits. When you are stepping in the right direction, you've got something to look towards, but when you reach this goal, putting another goal in its place can provide that motivation. Some people need motivation in order to progress through life. If you are someone who suffers from depression or anxiety, that need to “busy yourself” may very well prove a lifeline. But if you use the deadline as a pressure, especially if you put the deadline too near, this can have the opposite effect.

You Don't Need To Be On Your Own

Being the best version of yourself is partly to do with taking the initiative, but always remember that you can get help from other people. Pride comes before a fall. And a lot of people pride themselves on being self-made. But let's get this out of the way: we all need help on occasion. Perhaps this is the reason you've not been able to become a better version of yourself? As you start to open the metaphorical blinds, you will realize the opportunities that make themselves available to you. Sometimes this means that we need to ask for help in order to get to the next level. Whether it's personal, professional, or emotional, you never need to be on your own. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, and in fact, it can be a lifeline.

Learning to be a better version of yourself is about looking in the mirror and seeing what you want to achieve. We so easily measure ourselves by other people's achievements and this automatically intimidates us, and stops us from making changes. But once we start to look at the person we want to be, the only person that really matters, in the end, is ourselves. We can't change anyone else, but we can change ourselves. It's never too late. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How To Find The Perfect Home For You

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Finding a new home to settle down in can sometimes feel like the biggest decision you have ever made. From the perspective of tying your financial life to this consequence and a good deal of your future experience, you would be right. Perhaps only having a child, getting married or joining the military will have this much of an effect.

That being said, finding the perfect home for you is not something you should feel out of line for trying to achieve. There are millions of potential places you could live in this world, and so making the right decision often requires time to think, adapt, consider, and then execute your plans. But how do you know if a home is right for you? And when you do find a home you like, how can you be sure you’re making the right decision?

It can be hard to tell. Thankfully, this is the subject we hope to grapple with, giving you the chance to remain your best self through and through. Please, consider:

Design It

Designing your home can be a great idea, because then you can allow for the faculties you truly wish for while avoiding those you do not, or you may even have some authorial intent over the planning process. Bellriver Homes offer free new home design consultations to help you find what you truly need or want, and with a service of this calibre at your beck and call to help you realize your property dreams, you will be thoroughly able to not only find what may be appropriate for you, but to realize that in a high-quality manner.

Your ‘Must-Haves’

There are certain things that we need when looking for a property, and remaining aware of what your red lines are can help you focus on that which you most need. It might be that a little land accompanying the property is important to you, as you hope to run a very humble smallholding. Perhaps the capacity to renovate or extend in the future is important to you, or the ability to secure this property correctly due to the amount of valuable items you own. When you follow this approach, you can aim your sights in the right direction.

A Dream Life

It’s important to try and consider what your dream life could look like when taking this approach. While you may not be able to shoot for every single possibility that you have, using your ideal as a backdrop can help you try and shoot for the stars, because at least then you’ll land among the clouds. This might be that you wish for an open plan design, or property you can renovate, or perhaps a garden space you can curate and grow vegetables in. A dream life is hard to build, but can be progressed from the right foundation.

With this advice, we hope you can find the perfect home for you.

The Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence are some technical terms that almost everyone now hears every day. With these emerging technologies, the business landscape has changed. Today, as Steven Taylor observes, some retail stores are going out of business. With augmented reality, you can see and test products before you buy them online. The same technologies are also affecting the real estate industry.

Online Shopping

While a realtor or a landlord may still put up a banner when they have a house up for sale or rent, millennials prefer to compare houses online. With augmented reality, you can take a virtual tour of a house just like you would in real life. Instead of traveling across the neighborhood looking at houses, you can now do it in the comfort of your sofa. Better yet, buyers and sellers can close deals online.

The Economy of Sharing

Today, many people prefer to hire cars when they need them instead of buying them. This is happening with most millennials who prefer to rent houses rather than buy, share offices and split rent, and to sign long-term leases for offices. Firms can buy than rent these houses for extended stays negating the need to buy office space.

Improving the Tenant's Experience

Tenants and aspiring homeowners are shopping for modern homes. A modern home embraces the Internet of Things (IoT), where all gadgets, from the vacuum cleaner to the bulbs, are intelligent and interconnected. Houses with vintage designs and archaic devices are losing value seeing that the cost of modernizing them is high. A 2017 PWC study in Canada and the USA showed that the real estate industry would change drastically in the next decade due to such trends.
Change is a powerful force. For realtors to stay in business, they need to embrace new technologies. Realtors have to adapt to the ever-changing needs of tenants and aspiring homeowners, and one way to do that is by keeping up with market trends. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11 Ways To Become A More Confident Driver

If you want to become a more confident driver, it’s important to realize that this isn't something that will happen overnight. It takes time to become a good, confident driver. Be prepared to work at this consistently. 

Below, you’ll find 11 ways you can become a more confident driver. Start working on these things now and you’ll have unshakable confidence on the road before you know it:

1. Take Extra Courses And Lessons

If you know you need to improve your confidence and fast, then taking extra courses and lessons could be the way to do it. Just because you’ve passed your driving test doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take extra workshops and courses if you feel like it will help you. You may be able to learn extra skills, tips, and tricks on these courses that will help you to become an overall better driver. You may even be able to find courses that enable you to spot hazards and avoid them by driving defensively. 

2. Get A Car That Suits You 

You must get a car that suits you - you shouldn’t get a car that’s too big or fast for you to handle, or you’ll likely make mistakes. Once you have a car you’re confident driving, make sure you’re as familiar with your car as can be before going out. You need to know what all of the symbols mean, as well as where your lights and other features are. This will enable you to drive as safely as possible. 

3. Practice As Much As Possible

Practice makes perfect. You can’t expect to be a great, uber confident driver if you’ve only been out on the road a handful of times. Making short journeys to begin with will help you to get the hang of driving, and you can gradually build your way up to longer journeys. If you’re scared to drive, the longer you spend away from driving and the road will likely stop you from trying. You have to keep practicing to build on your skills and develop that confidence. 

4. Have A Good Idea Of Where You’re Going

Make sure you have a good idea of where you’re going so that you are sure nothing will trip you up on your way. You can download sat nav apps on your phone that are really useful, providing you have somewhere secure to place your phone as you drive. You shouldn’t need to touch it as you drive, or you could get distracted and get into an accident. Even if you don’t get distracted, you could get in big trouble for messing with your phone while you drive. 

5. Be Aware Of Any Diversions Or Accidents

Research the route before you set off, even if you have a sat nav. This way, nothing can throw you off as you make your way to your destination. You want to make sure you’re aware of any diversions or accidents ahead of time so you don’t panic when you’re in the car. 

6. Take The Weather Into Account 

The weather will affect how long it takes you to get to your destination, as well as how you drive. You need to take a wider berth around bikers and horses, and you should also make sure you leave at least a few seconds in between you and the car in front. Wet roads make stopping times longer, so you need to account for this. 

If the weather is particularly severe, you should avoid driving altogether. For example, icy roads can cause accidents, and snow can be very difficult to navigate. If you have no choice but to drive, make sure you take your time and that you have things in the car that will help you in an emergency. This includes a phone, phone charger, first aid kit, torch, and so on. 

7. Avoid Driving With Friends

Driving with friends while you’re trying to build your confidence could have an adverse effect. If there is too much talking around you, you might find yourself more distracted and focused on them rather than the road ahead. You may find yourself needing to contact a car accident lawyer, rather than enjoying the trip. Limit the amount of friends you have in the car while you’re trying to build your confidence, and make it abundantly clear to them that you can’t have them talking and laughing loudly. Don’t try to show off either, or have your music too loud. Drive sensibly, just as you would if you were on your own. 

8. Don’t Focus On What Other Drivers Are Doing

One of the worst things you can do is focus on what other drivers are doing. If they are driving closely behind you, for example, don’t feel under pressure to speed up. Continue driving safely and to the speed limit. They can overtake you if they have to. You can’t let other drivers intimidate you. Focus on what you’re doing. 

9. Don’t Hesitate To Take A Break

Stop somewhere appropriate if you need to take a breather - the services are ideal, or a car park if you know that one is close by. You shouldn’t really stop on the hard shoulder or somewhere that could cause an accident. However, it’s always safer you stop and take a breather, especially if you feel a panic attack or something coming on. It might seem silly, but deep breathing can be a huge help. 

10. Put On Some P Plates

Let other drivers know you’re not that experienced by putting P plates on your car. This way, they should give you a wider birth and understand that you may not be the most experienced road user. 

11. Be Kind To Yourself 

You may make a mistake or feel terrified of the road, but you must be kind to yourself. If you beat yourself up, you’re going to feel worse and you’ll create a vicious cycle that is hard to get out of. In general, your mindset will set the tone for the drive ahead. Try to remain relaxed and positive, even if you’re not 100% confident. 

The Three Stages Of A Child’s Oral Health

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It’s easy to forget all of the growing you did when you were a child, especially once you’ve long since halted this process. Your body changes an awful lot when you are growing up, from your body getting hairier to your bones getting larger, and all of this development has to be taken seriously. Oral health is a massive part of this, though a lot of parents struggle to make sure that their little ones enjoy the best dental health. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring the three stages that they will go through in this process, giving you the chance to tackle each one as they come.

As A Baby

Babies tend to be born without any teeth, and have to stick to a liquid diet until they have some coming in. This process isn’t without pain, though, with a lot of babies going through agony to get their new teeth in place. This is known as teething, and is something which a lot of parents struggle with, especially when it’s their first child. Giving them things to chew on can help with this, though the best comfort they can get will always come from their parents. You should work hard to give them the time they need during this process, and should be taking them to see a dentist on a regular basis.

Losing Their Teeth

It won’t take long until a child is ready to start losing the first set of teeth they grow, ready for their permanent nashers to find their place. This can start quite early for some kids, though others may still be losing some teeth as they enter their teenage years. While this doesn’t usually hurt, it’s worth making sure that your child is aware of this process, as it can be quite scary to find a loose tooth when you’re not expecting it. As their new teeth start to come in, you should be taking them to the dentist even more often than before, as this time is crucial to their development.

The Teenage Years

As they enter their teenage years, most kids will have all of their adult teeth. This means that they will have to live with any of the issues they encounter with them, and you should be working hard to keep their mouths healthy. A lot of teenagers need braces, and you should be figuring out what to expect at an Invisalign consultation long before this time comes. Products like this are far better than traditional options, as they won’t make your child look any different, and this is helpful when they are at a point in their lives when appearance will be crucial to them.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a surgical procedure done to remove one or more wisdom teeth. Most oral surgeons recommend removing wisdom teeth when the third molars have developed roots but haven’t broken through the gums. Kids go through a lot of development through their teen years.  Wisdom teeth usually start to grow between the ages of 17 and 21, and for some teens, the teeth fail to erupt through the gum and cause problems. For many teenagers, wisdom teeth removal will be the first oral surgery they will undergo and their first time dealing with post-operative curing and uneasiness.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of managing your child’s oral health. A lot of parents struggle with this, finding it hard to know what they need to do when their little ones are developing. Of course, though, there are plenty of professionals out there who can help you, and it’s always worth taking their support when you can get it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

3 Ways To Improve Your Magnetism

There are lots of reasons why you might want to improve your personal magnetism. Not least amongst them is that with a greater sense of magnetism, you will find yourself attracting more people into your life who you are going to enjoy having around you. But there’s more to it than that - an increase in personal magnetism will also have a way of making you feel more fully yourself, more confident, and more able to approach or attack anything that you might need to focus on. Clearly, that is all very useful indeed. In this post, we will look at just three of the most effective ways to improve your personal magnetism in a short space of time, so that you can enjoy all of these benefits and more.

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Looking Good

A big part of this is about how you appear to others, so it is going to be necessary to work on that as best as you can first of all. There are plenty of things that you might feel you want to improve here, but as long as you are working on one or two of them you should find that you can easily make this work out pretty well. Focus on all those things that people tend to notice easily and early on. That means getting your hair done how you like it, focusing on improving your skincare, and getting whatever dental implants you might need. With an improved smile, skin and hair, you will already be attracting much more attention to yourself. So that is absolutely something you can start with.

Being Active

It is hard to be personally magnetic if you are not really moving around very much and sitting in the corner all the time. If you want to attract more attention to yourself, you should focus on being as active as possible. That will mean that people see you, for a start, and they will also start to wonder whether you are someone they want to get to know. This process of being more active is difficult for many people, but it is probably essential if you really do want to be more magnetic, so be sure not to overlook it. It is easy to do, and it could mean that you are going to improve your magnetism much more than just doing nothing.

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It’s no use creating all of this energy in yourself and then keeping it inside. If you want to be personally magnetic, and if you want to do something with it, then you are going to need to think about sharing your energy with those around you. That is something that people tend to find very catching, and it will often mean that you are going to discover a new way of being which really opens you up to other people more. That in itself is a hugely important part of the process, and something which you can and should work on as well as you can at all times from here on out.

Wedding Venue Ideas For The Kookier Couple

It doesn’t matter whether you are in the early stages of planning your wedding or whether you are more of a last minute organizer, the chances are that the venue is a key aspect of your big day. Getting hitched somewhere that is picturesque, atmospheric, photogenic and means something to you as a couple is important. This should be the best day of your life so you want it to be memorable for all of the right reasons. Just because your mum and dad are expecting you to get hitched in a church doesn't mean that you have to go down this route. It’s vital that you are a little bit selfish on your big day and you choose the elements of your wedding based on what you want.

Church weddings are great, but if you aren’t religious or your dream wedding is far from a vicar and pews, you need to think about the sort of place where you do want to say your vows. Nowadays, there are plenty of options for your special day. Read on to discover the sorts of venues you might want to consider for your wedding.

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If you are a couple that adore their movies, you had your first date in a cinema or you are keen for a big screen and red carpet backdrop, you could do much worse than choosing an art house cinema. Forget about the massive out of town chains, and consider those kooky little art house cinemas that originate from the 1920s. The decor of these places is authentic with art deco lettering, architecture and seating making it a stunning venue for your wedding.

You could choose a big screen with a ready-made aisle for you to walk down. The Dolby surround sound can be an ideal platform from which to play your personalized music choices and the big screen is perfect to show off a slideshow of you as a couple. You might want to choose a montage of images detailing your relationship from when you first met up until your wedding day.

Cinemas are atmospheric and ooze class. You could even continue the theme with other aspects of your day. You could opt for some art deco inspired Pure invitation wedding invites, you might want to impose a 1920s dress code, and your music choices could be inspired by the flapper girls of the early twentieth century. 


If you love nothing more than being on the beach and you have fond memories of your holidays abroad as a couple, then it makes sense to look at a coastal wedding. You could choose to get hitched on the beaches of Bournemouth in good old Blighty, or you might fancy heading overseas for a more tropical affair. Consider the cost of each of these options. A wedding abroad will be infinitely more costly than one at home. This will have an impact on the guests that you will have attending your big day.

Being on a sun kissed beach and saying your vows to your partner is idyllic. If you want waves lapping at your feet, a gentle breeze cooling down the midday sun and awesome photos for memories, then a beach wedding can be perfect.

As well as your ceremony, you could hire a private section of beach to whip up a marquee and enjoy a spot of al fresco dining for your wedding breakfast. Being so coastal, you could carry on the beach theme by opting for a menu with a seafood flavor. How about scallops to start, a stunning fish platter for your main and a light dessert to finish? There are plenty of options from a formal sit down affair to a more casual beach barbecue for your guests to enjoy.


While a little mundane compared to a beach or cinema wedding, getting married in a hotel can be the more economical choice. At this venue, your wedding ceremony, reception and evening party are held in one all encompassing space. This can leave less room for any hiccups throughout the day. Having a blank canvas in which to create your own themed wedding can also be more exciting. You could visit a range of hotels and choose the one that suits you most as a couple. Large chain hotels are brilliant for people who want a large space to decorate themselves. Alternatively, you could select a modern boutique hotel for a more exclusive vibe. Or maybe, a more traditional or historic building is more your style.

Some hotels and accommodation settings are stunning such as castles or yurts. You could stage your own knights of the round table theme, or perhaps you want a simple color coded theme. A black tie affair can be simple yet classic and ooze class and sophistication.

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There are many classic gardens in the UK that host wedding ceremonies. All you will need to do is locate a registrar as the English country garden will be in full bloom for an excellent backdrop to your vows. It doesn’t matter whether you get hitched in the blossom filled spring, the flora laden summer or a snowy winter, the gardens will look beautiful and scenic. 

Getting married in the great outdoors can be freeing, and it is an ever more popular setting in which to say ‘I do.’ With some white chairs, a self made aisle and some simple flora and fauna, you can enjoy a simple pared back ceremony.

While a church or registry office based ceremony is still the most popular venue for weddings in the UK, they are being given a run for their money as millennials who are now getting wed, are keen to explore kookier options. Don't feel limited in your choices and investigate every single option. Home based ceremonies are not unheard of. Or perhaps you fancy getting hitched underwater, in the Arctic, at the zoo or at a waterpark.  Ensure that you utilize this guide to inspire your venue choice for your special day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Why Choose Plastic Pipes For Your Home 
Irrespective of what type of pipework system you require, whether it be for clean water or chemicals, you need to choose the material of the pipes with a great deal of care. In general, you have two options at your disposal. For many years metal was the favoured choice, however, nowadays more and more people are opting for plastic pipes instead. There are many different reasons why this is the case. Thus, keep on reading to discover the key reasons why plastic pipes are better than metal pipework systems…

Firstly, one of the main reasons why plastic is the preferred choice for pipes and tanks from the likes of Tank Direct is because it is much more flexible. This type of material can be used with a whole host of applications. From chemical systems to agricultural irrigation systems – the list is endless. Whilst you can use metal in these circumstances, it is often not as effective. This is because metal has a tendency to corrode. In chemical systems especially, you will find that the metal weakens over time because of corrosion and rust. This can easily lead to leaks, which consequently leads to expensive repairs, not to mention a lot of hassle as well. It is also worth considering how detrimental this would be in a pipework system for drinking water. Traces of the metal can end up in the water, and this can lead to that awful metallic taste. Nonetheless, if you opt for a plastic pipework system you will not experience any of these issues. Plastic is not a material that corrodes, nor does it rust. Therefore, aside from flexibility and a much higher degree of quality, you should also factor in the longevity of this type of system. If you invest in plastic pipes you will get a lot more years out of them than you would with metal pipes, and thus value for money is assured. 

This leads onto the next point perfectly – the cost savings associated with plastic pipes for your home. As mentioned, you are less likely to require a repair if you opt for a plastic system. Moreover, your pipes will last for more years when compared with metal pipes. Nonetheless, these are not the only savings you will benefit from. Plastic is actually a lot cheaper to produce, and thus plastic pipes will cost less, to begin with. In addition to this, they are also much lighter and therefore they are easier to transport. Not only does this further indicate that they are flexible, yet it also showcases how you can save money on transport costs. 

The final factor you should consider, which a lot of people have a tendency to overlook, is the environmental benefits that are associated with plastic. When compared with metal, this is the more eco-friendly option to go for. This is important because the need to look after our planet is evident and businesses all have a responsibility to play their part. So, why is plastic the more environmentally friendly option? Generally, they reduce the user’s need to use as much energy. This is because they have low thermal conductivity, and thus they do not conduct heat as easily. Nevertheless, they are also a great insulator, meaning you lose less heat in hot water supplies. Again, this represents cost savings, yet you can also be safe in the knowledge that you are doing your bit to reduce the damage being done to our planet. 

Why You Should Have Regular Blood Tests

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Blood tests are a reliable part of your health and wellness, and they determine how well your body is working as well as diagnose diseases that might not have apparent symptoms. When it comes to your overall health, it can be confusing to know what is best. So, fortunately, your blood can provide data on your health and wellness. Here are some other reasons why it's essential to have regular blood tests.

Diagnose Disease

Prevention and early detection are two of the best ways to deal with diseases such as cancer. While they may not be perfect ways to find all diseases, many diseases can be found via blood tests, and early diagnosis can make a difference in your treatment. An excellent example of a condition that people rarely discover they have because of symptoms is Leukemia, as there is no standard screening process that exists for detecting early-stage Leukemia. Doctors often recognize chronic Leukemia during routine blood count checks done as part of a regular health check or for other reasons, such as those conducted when a person seeks employment, joins the military, is pregnant, or is about to undergo an operation. But many leukemias are not found until a person goes to the doctor because of the symptoms they are having.

Check Your Metabolism 

Diabetes is a significant health problem facing society today, and according to Dr Richard Maurer, author of The Blood Code, "your blood tests are a window into your metabolism—the chemical processes of your body." Specific blood tests can help you understand if you are diabetic, pre-diabetic, or have a healthy metabolism. 

Checking Your Liver

Your liver's job is to break down different toxins, drugs, and hormone products like a detoxification system, so it's an essential part of your body. Luckily, any problems in your liver, such as build-up, and abnormal levels of protein, iron, and cholesterol, among others, can be seen in your blood tests and could indicate potential problems with your liver.

Checking Your Kidneys

Your kidneys regulate blood pressure, pH level, mineral concentration, and water composition of the blood, they are responsible for filtering and removing waste from your blood, which, in turn, gets eliminated with water as urine. By checking your blood, you can improve the health of your kidneys and anything causing you issues.  

Blood Sugar

Having a blood sugar test measures the levels of glucose in your blood. High blood sugar levels can mean that you have diabetes or prediabetes and may need to make significant lifestyle changes to prevent you from progressing to full-blown diabetes. Eating a healthy diet, losing some weight, and getting regular exercise each week can reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes in half.

Vitamin D Levels

A blood test can also measure the levels of vitamin D in your blood, which is essential for bone strength. Older women are more likely to suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, because their skin doesn't produce this vitamin as efficiently from sun exposure as they age, and because they spend less time outdoors. If your levels are low, then eat more foods containing vitamin D, such as dairy and fortified orange juice or take a Vitamin D supplement. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How To Take Care Of Your Aging Relatives

There comes a point when your parents start to move from active seniors into the group that needs extra care. And actually, as children, it is your opportunity to give back some of the care that you soaked up while you were little. Of course, the situation can be trickier from time to time. 

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash
It helps if you have conversations in advance about things like care homes, home care, and even more serious things like ‘end of life care’. It can be difficult to have these conversations, but it is easier than trying to make them on the spot at a later date. 


There will be times while you are caring for your parents you see that you are getting overwhelmed, or the rate at which they need extra care is increasing. It pays to take a step back and asses the situation. Here are some areas that you can consider:

Your Ability

While we like to think we are all as strong we need for as long as we need, the truth is from time to time, we will need help. If you are going over to your parents to care for them a few times a day, how will you fit in your own life and your job? Consider your situation too.

  • How is your health?
  • Do you have the time?
  • Do you live close enough?

It is very important that until they can no longer make decisions that you allow them to make as many for themselves as they can. And, you must know that you might not like what they decide. Like stopping a medication, or trying alternative therapies. In this scenario - you are the person who supports their decisions and helps them maximize what that means. 


It shouldn’t be a factor, but the sad reality is that it is. The cost of care stacks steeply and quickly. Nurses, medications, fitting specialist items like stair-lifts or moving to an assisted living home. All costs money and that is without the standard bills like food, electricity and heating. 

You might be able to apply for a range of financial help, but you’ll need to explore these with your parents in advance too. So that you know their situation and know what applies and what doesn’t.

Home Safety

There will come a time, that the chair that has always been in the hallway is a trip hazard rather than an antique. The beautiful bedroom rug causes an accident. The safety of the home will change. It is better that you take care of these earlier on. Adding grab bars to the bath, and outside any doors with steps. Give the rooms extra light too. And keep everything within easy reach. 

Caring for your parents or an ageing relative can be emotionally and physically demanding, so you have to make sure that you take care of yourself too.

Should You Relocate For A Job?

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You’ve been offered a job - but it requires you to move to another city or state. Should you take the job or not? There’s no easy answer to this question and it can depend a lot on the job in question and your current circumstances. Here are just a few of the biggest considerations that could help you to decide whether you should relocate for a job.

Make sure it’s definitely the perfect job

Firstly, you need to consider the job itself. Is it really worth uprooting your life for? Or are you not really that passionate about it? If the latter is true, you may not want to relocate across the country for a job that may not be for you.

The salary is a big factor to consider. Ideally, you want to be earning the same amount of money or more than you are now in order to justify relocating. A drop in income could mean a drop in quality of living (although,cost of living is an important factor to consider – which is covered later).

You also need to be excited about the role and the duties that it will hold. You may have a few nerves if some of the duties seem unfamiliar, but ultimately you should be raring for the challenge.

Finally, you should research into the company, the team and the workplace. If you can, talk to people there and take a guided tour (you could travel there in person or you could organize a virtual tour). Read reviews online left by former employees to check that it’s a good company to work for. It’s possible you may be moving to a branch within the same company, but even so the running of this branch could be very different and is worth delving into.

Research into the location

Next, you need to consider the location you will be moving to. Make sure that there are neighbourhoods local to your workplace that are suitable for you and your family to live.

There should be enough things to do in the area and a good range of local facilities such as stores and transport links. It’s important that there are also schools in the area that are suitable for your kids – this is something you’ll likely want to do a lot of research into and it could involve touring schools in person.

The local people also need to be friendly. Factors such as the crime rate are worth looking into. Also try checking out community social media pages and local news websites to see what’s going on. You could even try visiting the area and talking to locals in person.

The climate and terrain could also be an important factor. What are the temperatures like in summer and winter? Are there any threats of natural disasters such as floods, forest fires, hurricanes, earthquakes or sinkholes? Is there any natural beauty on your doorstep that could be worth moving for such as the sea, lakes or mountains? All of this could be worth looking into.

Compare living costs

The cost of living is another important factor to consider. While your new job may come with a bigger salary, this could all be for nothing if the local cost of living is much higher.

Property prices are the most important cost worth comparing. Many major cities are renowned for having very expensive property prices – both to buy and rent. Make sure that you’re earning enough to cover these costs.

Groceries and other day-to-day items could also be cheaper or more expensive depending on the area. For instance, a pint of milk can cost twice as much in New York as it does in Texas.

There could also be driving costs to consider. Auto insurance can sometimes be higher if you live in a certain area due to a greater rate of accidents of theft. You may even need to use your car more in a certain location, which could mean more money in fuel or even more money spent in road tolls. Alternatively, some locations may not require you to drive as much, saving you money.

View some of the local properties

It’s worth looking at the types of properties that are available in the area that you plan to move to. What you get for your money in your current hometown could be very different in another city or state – there could be less space and no backyard. You need to be sure that this is suitable for you and your family.

When it comes to viewings of properties, you can either view these properties in person or plan a virtual viewing with a local realtor via video call. Try to view a selection so that you can get a more thorough idea what homes are like in your new location.

Talk to your family

If you’re planning on taking your family with you, you’ll need to certain that it’s what they want too. Uprooting your family could have lots of consequences – your kids will have to find a new school, your partner may have to get a new job and everyone will have to make new friends. Your family may not want to make all these changes and it could interfere with their own individual goals.

If you haven’t already discussed relocating in the past, you could find that family members are firmly reluctant to move. Try to convince them to do some research with you so that they can thoroughly consider the possibility of relocating before coming to a decision. View properties together, look up facts about the location and talk about the move. List all the pros and cons and when you feel you have an idea of the full picture, cast a vote. Ideally, it should be a unanimous decision by you and all your family members to relocate.

Young kids are usually able to adjust to relocating quite easily and many not need to be consulted on what they want. However, kids over the age of 7 are likely to be impacted by the change and should be involved when deciding whether to move. When it comes to teenagers, you should be particularly careful of uprooting them without their full backing and you should also consider the impact it could have on their education.

Work out how you will move

Relocating to a new area takes a bit more planning than simply moving a few blocks down. You may have to hire a long distance moving company to help handle the move. There may even be specialized moving services required for vehicle transport or for fragile items. This will all cost you extra money that you will need to find the funds for.

Moving could get particularly complex and expensive if you to ship or fly over possessions (for instance, if you’re moving to Hawaii). Planning to buy items like furniture when you reach your new home could be more sensible in some cases.  

Remember, you can turn back

Uprooting your entire life doesn’t have to be a permanent decision. If it turns out that you and your family aren’t enjoying yourself, you may be able to quit your job and move back.

Of course, you may find that you settle comfortably into your new life and don’t ever want to return. Sometimes you never know unless you take the plunge.