Saturday, February 8, 2020

Signs That Your Child Is Becoming a Pessimist

It’s often said that the world can be defined by two types of people; optimists and pessimists. Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it’s arguable that a good balance is required for a healthy lifestyle and mental well-being.

But what do you do if your child only displays negativity? Is it just a phase they’re going through, or is there something more concerning under the surface? Whatever the case is, here are a couple of signs to take notice of if you think your child is going through a pessimistic phase.

They give up early when approaching something challenging

Pessimists will typically give up on something before putting in the effort, often stating that the outcome isn’t worth the work it takes. If your child tends to struggle and give up with something, it’s a good idea to console and encourage them.

They don’t take pride in their successes

Many negative children will find it hard to celebrate something they’ve done, even if it’s an impressive feat. This can mean that they’re never satisfied and want to keep pushing themselves, which can be a good thing. However, it’s also commonly associated with a pessimistic attitude.

They’re suspicious of others

It can be difficult for your child to trust others, especially if they’ve had a bad friendship with school friends. Situations like this are common even in adulthood, so finding ways to cope with this and begin trusting people again is a good way to counter it.

While occasional negative thoughts aren’t a massive problem, it can eventually lead to problems in the future. That’s why we’ve included an infographic below on how to encourage positive behavior in your children. It’ll teach you how to inject a bit of positivity into your child’s life and also the benefits that it comes with.

Infographic: Regis College

Friday, February 7, 2020

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Whether you’re a homeowner that enjoy regular travel for work and leisure, or a landlord looking for ways to increase revenue doesn’t matter. The prospect of using short-term rentals is very attractive. 

Even a small level of research will show that this endeavor has the potential to generate a healthy return on investment. Before jumping in at the deep end, though, it’s imperative that you educate yourself on the matter. Otherwise, you may inadvertently set yourself up for a financial nightmare. Here are some of the key features you need to now. 

It’s Not Free Money 

When using short-term rentals, it would be easy to look at how much similar properties in your area charge and calculate your sums based on this fee. Sadly, this figure doesn’t paint an honest reflection of the financial results. 

This is a form of income that must be declared for tax purposes. Governments are able to track situations with ease thanks to services like LODGINGRevs. As such, landlords and homeowners using short-term rentals must accept their responsibilities. Be sure to take those aspects into account when calculating the financial outcomes. This should clear up whether the process is worthwhile. 

Your Property Needs To Shine 

You want your property to attract clients and avoid potential refunds and disagreements. Investing in the right upgrades for the home is an essential step that can unlock the best ROIs. This adds value to the home while also allowing you to charge more in the meantime. Holidaymakers and business visitors want comfort during their stays. As such, this is an essential feature that must not be ignored. 

It should also be noted that adding a detailed property listing will bring more interest in the home. As is the case with long-term rentals and property sales alike, taking better photos of the rooms will pay dividends too. 

The Process Is Time Consuming 

In truth, the marketing aspects are pretty simple. One advert listing can promote the property to thousands of potential customers. Similarly, the automated bookings and diary management tools ensure that this part of the process can be completed with ease. 

Nonetheless, managing your short-term rental properties does require a lot of time. You will need to communicate with several clients over the course of the year. Likewise, guests will expect the property owners to be present. You can bypass this with Manor Share and other property management systems. It removes stress and allows you to enjoy the full benefits of your financial investment. 

Full Property Rentals Aren’t The Only Option 

As with any investment or side hustle, it’s necessary to analyze every option at your disposal. Multi-family tenancy agreements have become increasingly popular for standard landlords. You may also wish to split your property into several rooms, with shared communal spaces, for your short-term rentals. This approach requires a little extra admin, but can increase the revenue. 

Better still, you will only need to fill a part of the property to see a positive return. This is especially useful for large properties, and may allow you to tea up with a local business to home their guests or temporary contractors. One way or another, only the best ROI will do. 

Friday, January 31, 2020

Three Reasons to Hire an Accountant as a Freelancer

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When it comes to freelancing, the last thing on your mind is probably hiring other people to work for you. Freelancing is usually a solo affair and you’ll rarely work or hire others, but one role that you might consider hiring for is that of an accountant. In this post, we’ll be explaining three reasons why you might want to consider hiring an accountant, even as a freelancer working mostly on your own.

1. Saves more time than you might imagine

Whether it’s recording your expenses, budgeting for expenses or even paying your taxes, doing your own accounting takes time. If it’s taking precious hours out of your workday, then consider hiring an accountant to help free up time.

2. Save you more money and helps increase profits

An accountant could easily manage your books and help you save a lot of money while also increasing your profits. Their expert knowledge will help you handle your account in a legally responsible way to avoid any potential issues with the law, while also suggesting ways for you to save money when reporting your taxes or purchasing necessary services and products to run your business.

3. Provides essential tax support

Taxes can be difficult to understand, yet it’s a vital component of running your business as a freelancer. To help you understand the importance of an accountant, we’ve included an informative graphic about tax professionals and why America needs more of them. We understand just how tricky it can be to manage something as convoluted as your taxes, hence why it’s valuable to invest in a professional accountant that can help you through the process.

Infographic: Northeastern University's Online Masters in Taxation Program

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tips For Having A Better Workday


Work is a big part of your life and takes up a lot of your time and energy on any given day. Whether your overall experience with your professional endeavors is negative or positive is ultimately in your hands.

Be glad to know there are specific actions you can take that are going to help you have a better workday. You’ll find that you’re a lot happier of a person and that your professional life is more rewarding when you apply these tips. Try your best not to let your past mistakes or mishaps dictate your future and instead focus on what you can be doing today for a better tomorrow.

Wake up Early

There are a lot of hours in one day to take advantage of if you schedule your time right. You can have a better workday by waking up early and using your morning hours wisely. For example, consider reading positive messages to improve your mindset or spending some quality time with your kids before you have to head into the office. Having the desire to wake up early may also force you to go to bed earlier and get better sleep in general. It may be not very easy to get up early at first, but you might genuinely enjoy having these early morning hours to yourself as time goes on. Make it a habit, and soon enough, you’ll be on your way to having more fulfilling days where you can go home each night feeling good about what you got done.

Focus on Increasing Productivity

You can have a better workday by focusing your efforts on increasing your productivity. Some ideas include limiting side conversations and eliminating distractions that are keeping you from completing your tasks in a timely fashion. Not only make a to-do list but put the items in priority order and complete what’s most important first. In addition, you can also set up your iPad as a second monitor by following these steps You’ll not only be able to view multiple screens and double the information you’re seeing, but it’ll also offer you the option to be more mobile on your job so you can travel if need be.

Organize Your Workspace & Files

You’ll be doing yourself a favor by taking the time to organize your workspace and files. When you know where your belongings are, you can easily find and access them. You’ll have a better workday because you won’t be stressing about having to look at a mess of piles all day in your office. Your files on your computer will be right where you left them, and you can quickly get to them without any obstacles. It’s especially important that you do this for any client information you keep so that you can ensure this information is not only accessible but secure and protected from any hackers.

Practice Work-Life Balance

You can also have a better workday by practicing work-life balance and taking breaks every so often. Get up and walk away from your desk every few hours to get a glass of water and rest your eyes. You may also want to consider going for a walk over lunchtime and getting some fresh air. Avoid working long hours and overexerting yourself so that you have the energy you need to tackle your tasks each day. Set boundaries and communicate expectations both at work and at home so that those around you understand your limits. Learn to say no without feeling guilty, and keep a calendar of events handy so that you don’t over-commit yourself in any one area of your life.

Take Care of Yourself

Your work days will be that much better and more enjoyable when you commit to taking good care of yourself. Some ideas for doing so include eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, and finding ways to manage and reduce your stress. Make yourself a priority, and you’ll find that all else falls into place nicely, and you get more done at work. You want to be able to walk into the office each day, feeling motivated and energized to tackle your assignments. Your workload won’t seem as overwhelming when you’re well-rested and in a good mood.

Maintain A Positive Attitude

The reality is that your attitude can impact your entire day and whether you’re able to get a lot done or not. Have a better workday by maintaining a positive outlook even when you’re facing challenges or roadblocks. Instead of getting upset or worked up in this situation, focus on applying your problem-solving skills and finding solutions to issues that might arise. If you walk around grumpy and give off pessimistic vibes, then that’s the type of energy you’re going to attract. You can maintain an optimistic perspective on work and life by reading uplifting quotes and affirmations and reminding yourself of all you’ve been able to achieve over the years.

Avoid Negative People

Most importantly, you can have a better workday by choosing to avoid negative people. The reality is that you’ll run into them throughout your professional life, but it doesn’t mean you have to let them get you down. Surround yourself with uplifting people who are encouraging of your efforts and make you feel good about yourself. Individuals who always focus on the negative do so because it makes them feel better to see others struggle. You have to be strong and wise enough to separate yourself from these folks and brave enough to find others to spend your time with others who are upbeat and put a smile on your face.

Working doesn’t have to be a chore and can be a pleasant experience if you have the right approach and mindset. Apply these tips in your daily life, and you’ll soon find that you’re able to get more done at work and go home each night feeling proud and satisfied with your accomplishments. Avoid letting others bring you down and stick to doing more of what’s going to help you feel good and produce great work. 

Take Control of Your Future

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There's a lot to take into account if you want to make a plan for your future. When you think of your future, you might be thinking of your career, or perhaps retirement. You might think about your family, or even what the end of your life may look like. It can feel like you don't have much control over what your future looks like, but it is possible to take control.

Know What You Want

To be able to take control of your future, you first need to know what you want from it. There are many things that you might consider, so you have to decide what's most important to you. What does your future look like and what are you getting from it?

Create a Plan

If you want your future to look like the vision you have for it, you need to create a plan that will get you there. This plan could take many forms, but it should ultimately outline your goals and the steps that you need to make to reach them. Break down your goals into as many steps as you need to make something happen.

Consider End-of-Life Planning

For many people, not having control over their life toward the end can be a worrying thought. But if you want to make sure you have as much control as possible, you should start thinking about it now, before it's too late. There's a possibility you might not be able to make these decisions at some point, so it's smart to do it in advance.

Visit Bradley University to Bradley University

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How To Live More Self-Sufficiently

Pixabay. CCO Licensed.
Self-sufficiency is a way of life that involves using your own resources and not having to rely on other people’s assistance. It can take a lot of energy and independence to live self-sufficiently, but it can also save you money and give you more control over your everyday needs. Here are just a few ways in which you can live more self-sufficiently.

Start your own business

Starting your own business gives you control over your own income. Without having to answer to an employer you can take on your own workloads and charge your own rates. You will still have to follow certain rules and ensure that certain licenses are in place. However, you’re likely to still enjoy more freedom than working for an employer.

Grow your own food

Many of us rely on grocery stores to provide us with food. Growing some of your own food could help to cut your grocery bills and could give you the satisfaction of knowing exactly where your ingredients come from. If you’re serious about growing your own food, you could look into farm land for sale – this could allow you to grow large amounts of fruit and vegetables of your choice and possibly even sell some of this produce. Alternatively, you could simply start a vegetable patch in your backyard or even grow a few edible plants indoors.

Harvest your own water

It’s also possible to harvest your own water. The most common method of doing this is to harvest rainwater in barrels. Such water could be used for gardening purposes or toilet flushing. Alternatively, you may be able to convert it into drinking water using a boiling and UV filtration system. You’ll no longer have to pay water bills and will be able to rely off of your very own water system.

Generate your own power

You can also go off-grid and generate your own electricity. Solar panels are an effective way of doing this and are able to harvest a huge amount of energy. In fact, with the right amount of solar panels, you may never require the need to pay an electricity bill ever again. Electricity can also be used for heating and cooling.

Teach yourself DIY skills

Being able to craft items or make your own repairs could be a valuable skill for living self-sufficiently. This could involve everything from being able to make your own cleaning products to being able to fix plumbing leaks yourself. Not everyone is DIY-savvy, however it’s become a lot easier to learn DIY skills thanks to the internet. You’ll save a lot of money by not having to buy as many products or having to call up technicians.

Learn to be frugal

Living a frugal life makes it much easier to get by self-sufficiently. Focus on your needs and less on keeping up with trends. You may realize that you don’t need to wear designer fashion brands or own expensive furniture. You may even realize that you can do without a TV or a car. Without the need to spend as much money, there won’t be the need to earn as much money, allowing you to truly make the most of your time. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

When you ask your children or grandchildren, they'll tell you that they want toys for their birthdays. No, they don't want another ugly sweater, of course. There's nothing worse for kids than opening a gift on Christmas day only to find a shirt wrapped inside. They want toys. And yes, they want cash, too, because they can purchase whatever they want.

But more than that, you should think about the kind of future these kids are going to have. Financial security is a big thing, as well as good health insurance plans in the Philippines. Teaching the children as early as now how to be financially secure and invest in their health is the best gift you can give.

So forget about those toys and clothes. Open a bank account for them. Teach them how to save. Invest in stocks and bonds and put them under their names. Financial independence is a powerful thing, and you need to give that chance to your kids in the future. Start as early as now.


If your kids have bank accounts, you can deposit a certain amount there instead of spending it on toys and clothes. You may give them a toy occasionally, but teach them how to save at the same time. Show them that they have money in their bank accounts. If a grandparent gives them cash as a gift, ask them if they want to save it for the future. Slowly, they will learn why it's important to save for the things they want.


You can buy bonds for the kids. It will take some time to mature. They can't enjoy the bonds until a few years down the road. It teaches them patience. It gives them an opportunity to have a closer look at the financial investments available to them. You won't be the favorite parent or grandparent, but remember why you are doing this for them.

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How about teaching your kids the value of collecting rare items? For their birthdays, you can give them a commemorative coin. Tell them they have to keep it in a safe place because a few years from now, the value of the commemorative coin will increase. They can make a handsome profit if they choose to sell it to a bidder.


Your kids will not wake up one day wanting to watch Bloomberg. But you can instill an interest in savings and buying stocks at an early age. Explain to them what stocks are. Then tell them that you are going to put some stocks under their name. Show them the certificate so that they know it's true. Try investing in a company that they recognize such as a toy company. Show your kids that they have a very small part of the company they love.


The best gift you can give your children is undivided attention. Take a vacation at least once a year. Take them to a place they have never been to before. Creating memories with your kids should be your number one priority. You'll never have them this little again. They will grow up and will want to do things on their own. Consider making it an annual event. Instead of giving them gifts, go on vacation.

When you see your teenage and adult kids saving and investing, you realize that what you've gifted them is the best present ever. It will help them be financially prepared for unforeseen circumstances. They won't get stressed every time their car breaks down. They will have control over financial matters.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

If you have owned your car for some time and it’s starting to lose a little of its charm, you may feel like it’s time to chop it in and start the hunt for a new car. Well, before you make a hasty decision like this, there are some things you can do.

In today’s post, we are going to be looking at a few ways you can give your car a new injection of life and make your baby shine again. 

Image Credit - Pexels CC0 License 
Why Give An Old Car A New Life?

Well, the first thing we should probably mention is that if your car runs well, but just looks a little aged, then rather than spend a fortune on a new car, with a little hard work, you can restore your car back to its former glory.

On the other side of things, it may be the case that you are looking to sell your old car, and no matter what you sell, you will always want the best price you can get for it, right? By tidying up the interior and bodywork, you will often find that the price you get for the car will be far higher than it will if you try to shift a shabby car.

Give The Bodywork Some Love

One of the best ways to really give your old car a new lease of life is to take the bodywork and really give it a treatment it deserves. 

Over the years, older cars can suffer at the hands of the sun and it’s UV rays, which will often see the paintwork end up dull and lifeless. While this may seem like it’s totally killed your beautiful car, there are ways to bring it back to life.

The first thing you will need to do is give the car a very good heavy wash and rinse. You should then take a putty stick to the car and remove as many imperfections as you can. The next stage is to find a mild cutting solution that will break through the film that has been left on your car from the sun.

The final step you need to take is to consider something like automotive ceramic coating, which will not only make your car shine once again, it will also protect it.

Take The Car For A Heavy Service

It matters not where you are keeping the car or selling it; you should look at taking the car for a complete service. When we say a complete service, you shouldn’t get this confused with a full service.

A complete service included everything you get from a full service, plus injector, fuel system, and engine flushes. Something as simple as this can take an old car and make it feel brand new. 

While this and the previous section may seem simple, they are incredible ways to bring your car back to life. Whether you keep the car or not, taking these steps will prolong its life and allow many more years of enjoyment from it.

Five Situations in Life Where Pursuing Legal Action Makes Sense

Hiring a lawyer tends to be something that we try to avoid. Not only can hiring a lawyer get incredibly expensive but if you need a lawyer then there’s probably something bad happening in your life. For instance, you might’ve just had a driving mistake that is going to require an attorney to sort out. Similarly, you could be going through a rough relationship with your partner which might lead to a divorce. In other words, if you need a lawyer, you’re probably not in a very good spot.

Images: (CC0)
As a result, many of us tend to try and avoid getting a lawyer involved whenever possible. A good example of this is when you wreck your car. The other driver involved in the wreck will often have their lawyers suggest a settlement out of court. This usually means paying you a sum of money if you agree not to pursue legal action.

However, you may still want to pursue legal action because the accident wasn’t your fault and you don’t think that justice was served. In this case, it’s possible (and usually recommended) to pursue legal action. But that’s not the only time you should be pushing for more legal action. In this post, we’ll be covering a couple more scenarios in life where it makes sense to pursue legal action instead of agreeing to a settlement.

1. Family law-related matters

If you’re going through a complicated or difficult divorce, then a family lawyer is going to be a huge help when it comes to getting your fair share of assets. If there’s a child involved, then that’s even more reason to pursue legal action.

2. Stolen intellectual property

Running a business is difficult enough as it is, so having other companies stealing your intellectual property and profiting off your hard work is definitely a situation where you should pursue legal action, especially if it’s against a larger company that thinks it can bully you out of the industry.

3. Discrimination in the workplace

Ever feel like you’re being discriminated at work for one reason or another? Do you think it could lead to you getting fired for no valid reason? If you lose your job because of awful managers, it’s a good idea to consider legal action to ensure you get justice for the wrongdoings against you.

4. Car accidents

We mentioned it briefly above, but making a car wreck claim with the help of a professional lawyer is going to ensure that justice is served and that you can claim a reasonable amount of compensation. If you’re confident that the accident wasn’t your fault, then this is the perfect time to pursue legal action.

5. Criminal charges

Be it something small such as a DUI charge or something more concerning such as drug possession charges, it’s critical that you speak to a legal professional as soon as possible for a number of reasons. For starters, it’s important that you try and lower or even remove the charge so that it doesn’t affect your record. This could have negative effects on your employment position and it could even hurt your future if you have a bad mark on your record.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Right now, many people are anxious about the state of the world. Issues like climate change, nuclear proliferation, and flu pandemics are all things that could effectively end life as we know it in the west. Worse still, the media tends to focus on these future unknowns instead of the successes that we’re achieving today. The 2010s were, globally-speaking, a roaring decade that saw more people lifted out of poverty than ever before in the history of our species. 

Even in the US, things are looking good. Between 1970 and today, incomes doubled. Continued progress in technology and factor productivity mean that the average person today is around twice as productive as their counterparts fifty years ago. The statistics on poverty are promising too. The number of people in the US living below the poverty line has fallen substantially since World War Two, owing to a combination of government welfare programs and economic opportunities in the private sector. 

If you would like to learn more about the role of the government in tackling poverty across America, take a look at the following infographic. It charts the progress of the nation from the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the aftermath of the Great Depression up to the present day. 

What’s nice about it is that it leads to some optimistic reading. It proves that the world isn’t all bad and that, overall, our societies are making substantial progress. Poverty rates are falling long term, and they could go even lower in the future if productivity and wages pick up.
Infographic by Norwich University

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Top Tips on Avoiding Gender Stereotyping

It’s already 2020 and, despite the real progress we’re making as a collective social group, gender stereotyping is still certainly a prominent issue. What is gender stereotyping? Well, the concept of stereotyping by gender has been around since the beginning of time. But, way back when, people sat back and took it because they felt like they didn’t have a choice. 

A quick search on the meaning of this particular type of stereotyping provides us with descriptions and definitions along the lines of gender stereotyping being “standardized representations of men and women within a culture, particularly in the mass media, which polarize differences between the sexes, notably in their physical appearance, traits, behaviours, and occupations”. In essence, society will tell you that if you’re a man, you should act as such; manly, strong, emotionally stunted etc… etc. If you’re a woman, then you are to be ultimately feminine and only do the jobs that you are ‘suited’ to you as a female.

Whilst, these days, people are much more open-minded and a lot more aware of the dangers of gender stereotyping, there are still those out there who will go out of their way to convince you that you are only supposed to work specific jobs or enjoy certain hobbies or live your life a specific way according to your gender. In this article, you will find three top tips on how to avoid or break out of this caged way of living. 

Image Credit: Pexels. Free To Use License
Ignore the Mass Media!         

The mass media is full of pitfalls and traps to lure you into thinking you’re not good enough the way you are. Tabloids, magazines, even certain social media sites will use their presence and influence to tear down celebrities for their appearance and show you, as the reader, that you should work harder on your body; invest more money into twisted diet products to lose more weight; use more expensive make-up and so on. All so you can be ‘better’ than the celebrity they are shaming on their front cover. 

This way of naming and shaming that has become a dangerous norm amongst platforms of the mass media. The use of gender stereotyping tactics as part of this process is part of what makes it so unhealthy to read about. According to them, *insert name* isn’t wearing any make-up on her venture out and doesn’t look like a woman anymore! Oh, *insert name* is sporting the Dad bod now; where did his manly physique go? The mass media will tell you that certain body types are either feminine or manly. If you’re body type doesn’t fit the one associated with your gender, then you need to ‘fix’ it, using weight loss or make-up products they get paid to promote.

In order to get away from this toxic way of thinking, it is important to ignore anything that brings a sense of negativity about someone’s appearance or, even, anything related to their gender. Only follow and seek those who promote things like good vibes and body positivity. This way, you won’t be made to feel like you aren’t worthy because you don’t conform to society’s gender stereotypes.

Go for the Career That YOU Want

As stated in the definition above, part of stereotyping by gender is tailoring it by occupation. Throughout time, working went from being only something men would do, to women being able to work, to being segregated by gender. For example; jobs that require physical strength were deemed as occupations that only men could do (let alone should). Jobs that involved anything associated with femininity; children, fashion or nursing, became types of work that only women should be allowed to do. 

Thankfully, the workplace is becoming infinitely more varied in who is doing what job. Men can be nurses. Women can be financial tycoons. Anyone can be a lawyer, teacher, politician or fashion designer, so long as they have the skills and put the work in. Yet, there are still people who frown at the idea of a woman being a builder or a man being a childcare specialist. This tip, as well as the other nuggets in this article, are about encouraging you to choose the career path you want to go down, despite stereotypes about whatever gender you associate yourself with. Find a passion, work hard at it and never stop learning. This tip actually goes hand in hand with the next and last one.

Juggling a Career and Kids - Who Says You Can’t?

One thing that has been reinforced throughout this post is that we, as social beings, have come a long way in terms of change for the better and true acceptance of each other. There’s no denying that. However, one topic that is arguably still one of the most debated topics is that of working after having kids. In these times, it is, more often than not, a necessity. Yet, there are arguments over how long a new mother should be on maternity leave for; whether she should go back to work at all, and so on. Even a father’s role is a hot topic up for debate, with people arguing over aspects from a father choosing to be a stay-at-home parent to the necessity of paternity leave at all. This is all derived from the commonality of gender stereotyping in the world of parenting.

People seem to be particularly keen to judge a new parent’s every move, especially on the internet. If they have a large presence online or have a significant amount of influence, then they are a bigger target for judgement on their parental decisions. Comments about returning to work too soon or leaving their kids (in safe hands) to go on a short holiday are found across the board. New parents have enough to deal with, so why are there those who feel the need to highlight everything they are supposedly doing wrong?

If you’re a new parent, or even an long-time parent, debating whether to return to work; ask yourself this. Would returning to work benefit you, both as a parent and a person? If the answer is yes, then who says you can’t? Even if it’s part time instead of your usual full time hours; if you know you can do something for you that won’t affect too much of the time you get to spend with your kids, why shouldn’t you go back to work? This tip is designed to encourage you to find a balance between being a parent but not letting it define who you are, if you don’t want it to. 

For your own sanity. For the sake of your mental health. For the sake of your happiness, don’t let society’s habit of gender stereotyping affect the decisions you make on how to live.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Want To Work Where The Cogs Really Turn?

In every business in the world, the cogs only really turn in one department. No, it's not the research and development department, although that’s a good guess. No, it's not even the legal department where some of the most important people in industries work. It's also not the risk department which is full of sharp minds. By the art of deduction, you’ve probably guessed by now that it's the financial department. In this part of a company, professionals of different yet similar kinds allow a business to function or to fail. Everything a CEO does has to be in line with that his or her financial confines deem to be. If you have a knack for money management and working with different characters and personalities in this realm, what kinds of roles should you aim for?

Tracking expenses and expenditures

The most important part of the day to day management of a business is expenses and expenditures. Expenses are smaller purchases such as inventory, transportation payment and even things like lunch for employees. Expenditures are larger more permanent purchases such as delivery trucks, stacking rails for a warehouse or office furniture. The bookkeeper is tasked with keeping things such as these within the constraints of the budget. Working together with professionals in the business administration department, you will be keeping the train firmly on the rails. It's one of the more basic financial functions of a business, but not done correctly, can see immense waste occur which will ultimately damage the business’ ability to conduct normal affairs.

Holding employees responsible

Every business fears auditors on some level. Business owners especially are somewhat wary of outside auditors such as those from regulatory bodies, coming into their business to inspect the financial honesty. However, many business owners will have their own accountants perform auditing missions so that internal corruption and or mismanagement is countered before it spirals out of control. You can learn more about this at the University of Alabama Birmingham where the role and responsibilities of auditing managers are explored. Taking their MAc program will get you well on your way to becoming qualified to perform such a role in any business. The financial importance of this profession is so important that the average salary is around $88,000. Senior or more experienced financial auditors will be earning above six-figures.

Sourcing long-term finance

Businesses large and small all need some kind of outside investment. This is why many companies go public. The cost of research is simply too high to do it alone and not take a big chunk out of company profits. Therefore, as a financial advisor, it will be your job to not only make long-term financial plans but to source long-term finance. Speaking directly with investors, other businesses and even governments will be one of your more important responsibilities. You’ll be working directly with the CEO and advising him or her on the best strategies that will secure the business for many years into the future. 

Many people don’t think too much about the financial department. It's a niche part of any business but ultimately if you’re lucky enough to be a part of one, you’ll be working where the cogs really turn. 

5 Ways To Protect Your Cars Paintwork

Image Credit: Pexels. Free to Use License. 
Whether your car is fresh off the production line or is a second-hand trusty workhorse, protecting its paintwork is the key to keeping its exterior in good condition for years to come and can make a vehicle look well maintained ultimately increasing its value. So here are 5 ways to protect your car’s paintwork. 

1. Don’t write on it
We know it can be fun to write on a dirty car but every time your fingertips wipe through the dirt they’re acting a bit like sandpaper, grinding the particles of dust and grime into the paintwork. It only takes one larger fragment of grit to leave a noticeable scratch and with regular touching, this inconspicuous action can begin to leave a more permanent mark on your shiny paintwork, so let’s find other ways to have a practical joke with our friends. 

2. Use a wax 
Wax not only makes the paintwork of your car glisten and shine but it also protects it from corrosive and harmful to paint materials such as bird droppings, tree sap, and tar which regularly find their way onto the paintwork. Waxes come in three forms, liquids, pastes and sprays and last between 3-6 weeks. Whichever type of wax you decide to use remember to only use it on the painted portions of your car and to keep it well away from the non-painted plastic or rubber components. 

3. Try a ceramic car coating
Ceramic car coating is relatively new to the market and because of it’s stronger bond to the paintwork the treatment can last 6 months or even more. Ceramic car coating not only gives a level of additional shine to the paintwork but also provides a hard and durable barrier to stop things sticking to it, making cleanups easier. Always have an experienced ceramic car coating installer apply the coating for best results and remember to have it topped up on time. 

4. Wash your car regularly 
Washing your car regularly helps to remove particles of dust and dirt that could end up scratching the paintwork and also washes away any corrosive substances such as acidic bird poo or tree sap. Remember to always use a detergent designed for cars as these are developed not to cause any damage to the paint and are made with specialist ingredients to give your car maximum shine. After washing your car carefully, paying attention not to rub the dirt into the paintwork, it’s then time to use a microfibre towel to dry and clean the rest of the body. Wash the wheels last and never use the same sponge on the wheels and the body as this can transfer abrasive dirt and dust. 

5. Try a car wrap
Wrapping involves covering your car in a vinyl film which enables you to not only transform its color or texture but also to protect the underlying paint job from sun damage and abrasions. Car wraps can even be printed with brand logos and personalized designs bringing the personality of your car to life whilst giving it a ‘fresh off the line’ without a new paint job. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Gifts For Him

Are you worried your gift ideas for the next holiday or birthday won't live up to the hype? Shopping for the men in your life doesn't have to be stressful this time around. Here are a few great gift ideas for him.


You can't go wrong with getting shoes for your boyfriend, dad, brother, grandpa or whoever. A guy can never have too many footwear options in his repertoire. You want this person to have the perfect shoe for every occasion, which is why a new pair of kicks are always the right choice!

Goods for His Guns

If the man in your life is a gun-lover, he is likely always on the hunt for the next addition to the family. If you have seen him pining over glock 43 holsters on Facebook, then you don't even have to ask him what he wants. You may also get some extra brownie points for supporting your favorite man's hobbies!

A Gift Card Basket

If you don't have the time or patience to pick out a gift, let him decide. You could give him gift cards to all his favorite food and clothing stores, and he is sure to be a happy man. Maybe you will even get a free dinner out of it!

A Vacation

Treat both yourself and the guy you love to a vacation for the next special occasion. A trip will be a great way to spend some quality time and will sure to be a gift he will never forget.

Avoid the panic of picking out a present for the men in your life by paying attention to subtle hints they give you throughout the year. There is always something special out there for everyone, and the options above may be an excellent way to start. 

Friday, January 10, 2020

Feel Like A Million Dollars

If we all had a million dollars, then perhaps we would feel like a million dollars more often. But the truth is, we don't all have the money that we'd like to, and we don't all have the health that we would like to. In an ideal world, we would all be rich and have a healthy bank account, as well as a healthy body. But in all reality, we're all working to pay the bills and to watch our bank account be empty by the middle of the month. And we consequently for rubbish about our lives and end up binge eating and staying on the sofa on the weekends. Unless of course a random event is happening, then we might dress up and come alive for one night only. It's just not the way that we as a world should be living our lives, but it's definitely something that everyone reading this can relate to. So, with everything going on in your life, how do you think you can finally feel like a million dollars? It will have been a long time coming for you, but we have a few tips that should help you along your way! 

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Putting Yourself First

It's so important that we start putting ourselves first. Some people are already doing this, and they might even be called selfish. We live in a world where we're far more eager to please others than we are to please ourselves, and anyone who is doing it the opposite is often considered selfish. But in this world we have to be a little selfish. You're never going to be able to get what you want out of life without doing it. But that doesn't mean that you can't do anything for anyone else, it just means you have to put yourself first. For example, one of the ways they we really screw ourselves over in life is by spending money when we shouldn't be spending our money. We agree to plans all of the time just to please other people, when it really isn't going to please our bank accounts. This then leads us to having no money to be able to truly enjoy ourselves, which then leads to stress. So, for the start of this year, try living a life of doing nothing but what you want to. If that's sitting on the sofa all weekend then go ahead and do it! Think about how much money you would save if you did. 

Focusing On Your Health

This is the one that people fail with the most. Your health is supposed to be something you focus on every single day, but instead it's probably something that gets ignored more so than anything else. We like to put our health at the back of our minds just in case the answer to the problems we're having, is not something they we want to hear. Take problems with hearing as a prime example. Hearing is something we definitely take for granted, and assume it's only going to go downhill when we get old and grey. When in fact, your hearing can go at any point in your life, causing some major distress. It's all down to the fact that we think hearing aids are for the elderly, when they have now in fact been designed with youth in mind. They're discreet, easy to use, and will change your life if you are suffering from problems with your hearing. 

Treat Yourself 

You're always going to feel better if your treat yourself. Like we said in the first section, this year should be all about making sure that you're able to treat yourself and to be a little bit selfish. But to truly treat yourself, we feel like you need to indulge. You could book yourself in at one of your local day spas and get a facial. Both men and women benefit from these, it shouldn't just be women who are going for them. They're truly relaxing and allow you to find peace with yourself during the short time it will last. It will cleanse and treat your face for any problems they you have, and it's generally a great treatment to have if you feel like you need a little pick me up! 

A Break Away

Finally, why not think about booking yourself a little break away. It's hard not to love yourself when you're going on holiday. Ordinary life stops and you're free to do what you want. It's the break from reality that you need to know is coming this year! 

Image Credit: Pexels CC0 Licence 
If you love to go off-road but your car isn’t quite up to the task, it’s a very good idea to prepare properly. This might mean adding some useful accessories to your car and it should certainly mean checking it is functioning properly before you set off. 

Off-roading usually means that your car will have to navigate more difficult terrain. Most cars are made for flat, tarmac roads. However, most 4-wheel drives are also quite happy to drive on uneven surfaces to an extent. Before you even consider off-roading, make sure that your car will be able to cope with the terrain you will encounter, whether that means desert, swamp, snow or mountain by asking your mechanic. 

A Few Accessories to Consider

Accessorizing your car will help to make sure that no matter what you encounter in the wild, you will be as safe as possible. This means that everything from 4wd bull bars to cameras to help you reverse could be ideal for your trip.  

However, accessories aren’t just for safety. You might also consider adding things like a roof rack to store a tent or other items as well as a bike rack so that you can explore the outdoors beyond the land your car can take you to. Practical accessories always work best when they open up new opportunities so think carefully about what you want to install and how it will work for you and the activities you have planned. 

Safety Checks 

Before you set out on your journey, you should perform a few safety checks to make sure that your car is road-worthy. For example, testing the pressure in your tires might not occur to you most of the time, but if you are going off-road, you may not have another opportunity to top up the air. Similarly, you should check the oil and ensure you have a full tank of gas before you set off. If you are driving long stretches without gas stations, you might also like to pack some oil, coolant water and a portable gas container. 

While many drivers are happy to rely on GPS most of the time, it’s always a good idea to have a map in the car just in case you lose signal. You should also familiarize yourself with the journey plan so that you have a good idea where you are going, even without technological assistance. 

Pack Only What You Need

Packing for a road trip can be difficult because you need to make sure that you have everything you need for each leg of the journey. If you are planning to drive off-road, you will also need to consider what you may need for every eventuality. Plus, you need to consider what you need as well as what your car will need. Rolling your clothes is one simple way to reduce the volume of your stuff but packing layers and washing as you go can also help. 

The more comprehensive your plan is, the more enjoyable it will be to go off-road and start exploring. So, all you need now is a route! 

How To Handle Car Trouble On The Road

From Pexels - CC0 License
Life on the road can certainly be unexpected, not to mention stressful. There’s nothing like a conked out engine to ruin a perfectly good day. Finding yourself stranded by a broken down car is an experience all drivers wish to avoid. Unfortunately, it’s one that most of us have dealt with more than once. During these situations, it’s important to remain safe and calm while you assess the problem at hand. To make this much easier, here are six tips for handling car trouble. 

1. Check The Owner’s Manual
When in doubt, you must always check the owner’s manual. Although it’s easy to panic when you see the “check engine” light or hear a strange noise, especially if you’re new to driving, doing so won’t solve anything. That is why you should instead remain calm and pull over when it’s safe to do so. Most issues are simple to diagnose, so read the owner’s manual first for information. 

2. Move Away From Traffic
Idling amongst traffic can make any bad situation a dangerous one. If another driver were to overlook your vehicle, they could crash into it, causing a serious accident. Because of this, you must attempt to move your car to the side of the road. When this isn’t possible, you shouldn’t push the vehicle. Entering traffic like this is highly dangerous, so it’s best to leave your car alone. 

3. Speak To An Expert
Unless you’re a qualified mechanic, you shouldn’t attempt to repair a car yourself, especially on the side of the road. This not only puts you in danger but could make the car trouble much worse. Instead, you must call a breakdown recovery service. They will then tow your car to a garage for you. If you don’t have a phone with you, use any emergency roadside phone available. 

4. Source Your Own Parts
When a repair is necessary, car trouble can easily cost a small fortune. Thankfully, there are a few ways to lessen the expense. Sourcing your own parts, whether you need VW parts, BMW parts, or another make entirely, is very effective. While even brand new parts typically work out much cheaper when bought online, you can cut costs even further by purchasing used parts. 

5. Prepare For Bad Weather
Most cars don’t break down on a warm summer’s day. That would be far too lucky. Instead, many drivers have to deal with wind, rain, and snow while waiting for a tow service. That is why you must keep emergency clothing in your car. A waterproof coat, gloves, and a pair of warm boots are extremely helpful when you’re waiting in the pouring rain for help to arrive. 

6. Never Leave The Car
If you can’t move your car out of traffic, you definitely shouldn’t stay inside it. After all, if another vehicle were to hit yours, you could be seriously hurt. That being said, you should not wander off too far. Leaving your vehicle stranded could result in it being towed away, leaving you with a huge fine to pay. Move somewhere safe, but always keep your car in sight. 

Car trouble isn’t enjoyable, but the advice above means that it doesn’t have to be so stressful. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

What To Do If You Are Experiencing Hearing Loss

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Your hearing is important. Without it, you would not be able to enjoy your favourite music. Conversations with friends and family may become difficult to follow as you would need to adapt your other senses to accommodate it. You would miss out on a lot of different sounds and information about the world around you.

But people do experience hearing loss, and it is something that is a lot more common than you may expect. You may think that it is something that is largely experienced by older people, however, hearing loss is something that can affect anyone, and at any age. 

What Are The Signs That You Are Suffering From Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss is something that very often comes on gradually. It may start with you just mishearing a few words, or losing parts of conversations. If you find that you have to ask people to repeat themselves, then this may be a telltale sign that you are experiencing hearing loss. 

In crowded places, hearing loss can become quite apparent. Normally, you would be able to hear someone who you are stood next to. But when you are experiencing hearing loss, you may find that sounds all blend into one and it becomes very difficult to clearly understand the people that you are speaking with.

Another common problem that people find with their hearing is that they get a ringing in their ears. This is a sign that you may have tinnitus. Often, the ringing does not really ever stop, making it almost unbearable at times for anyone who experiences it. An audiologist may help you to find solutions that allow you to manage this ringing sound. 

What Should You Do If You Think That You Have Hearing Loss?

Getting help with your hearing loss is essential. You may feel embarrassed or worried about needing to get help with your hearing. But getting the help that you need will improve the quality of your hearing and as such, improve the quality of your life. 

The first thing that you should do is to make an appointment with an audiologist. An audiologist is a specialist in matters relating to the ear. They have an in-depth understanding of the problems that you may face with regards to your hearing. They can very often identify the cause of the deterioration in your hearing, and propose ways of improving it.

What To Expect From A Visit To An Audiologist?

When you first visit your audiologist, they are very likely to ask you a few questions about your health. If you have suffered from any illnesses or had any accidents. The audiologist will also ask you about your lifestyle and the type of work that you might do. It’s important that you answer all of these questions with as much honesty as possible. This kind of background information will help the audiologist to identify the root cause of your hearing loss, and it may help them to determine the best course of action. Sometimes the underlying cause could be an infection that has not been treated, or you may have a build-up of wax inside your ear canal. 

Following this conversation, your audiologist will then examine your ear canal, looking for signs of damage or blockage. 

You will then complete a series of tests. These will generally consist of you listening to sounds through a set of headphones and indicating when you have heard them.

Again, be honest when you complete the test as these tests are designed to indicate the type of hearing loss that you are experiencing and the results may well affect the treatment options that you get given.

What Kind Of Treatment Can You Expect From Your Audiologist?

Your audiologist will be able to suggest a course of action that you should take following on from your hearing test. This may involve wearing a hearing aid. 

Modern hearing aids are often very lightweight and are designed to be comfortable and subtle. You can even get hearing aids that will pair up with your smartphone. 

Hearing aids are precision devices. Once set up, your hearing aid should be perfect for your ears and your specific hearing needs. 

If you are given a hearing aid to wear, it is important that you do actually wear it. It may take you some time to adjust to as sounds may appear much louder than before, but once you get used wearing it, you will find that the quality of your hearing improves greatly.