Sunday, September 15, 2019

3 Ways To Appear Professional

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There are many good reasons in your professional life why you might want to look as professional as possible, and clearly it is something that is worth looking into and trying to perfect. The truth is that anyone can spend some time looking more professional, and the kinds of results that you are going to get from doing so are well worth the effort it might take. It will help you to feel better in your work, more confident with how you relate to people, and many more things in between, so in the meantime you will definitely want to try and make this a reality. In this post, we’ll take a look at just some of the best ways in which you can hope to appear more professional, so that you can absolutely expect that to happen.

Your Appearance

The first thing that most people will probably feel they need to work on here is their physical appearance. You want to make sure that you look the part, and that means knowing how to dress in the right way for the occasion and make yourself appear presentable in a way which people would appreciate, and which they would think of as being professional. That can take some practice, but it is the kind of thing that you will certainly get better at over time. It can help to look at what other people are wearing and how they present themselves and taking some clues from that - but then it is always worth going your own direction a little if you can. All in all, as long as you look the part, you will seem and feel much more professional, in a way that will really make a difference.

Your Car

Because the manner of your arrival at any meeting is likely to be noticed, and because people will take it as an indicator of who you are and your level of professionalism, this too is something that you will probably want to think about to some degree. That doesn’t mean that you have to have a top of the range vehicle to be taken seriously. But it does mean you should make a point of keeping your car well-kept and ensuring that it does not look dirty or untidy. If you are to have people in your vehicle between meetings, then you will need to focus on the interior too, which could mean installing some of the latest gadgets to look the part - find out more info on that here. As long as it is professional above all else, that is all that matters.

Your Behavior

Finally, it’s always important that you focus well on the way in which you behave, so that you can make sure that you are doing so as professionally as possible. It might be that you need to work on some key elements to your behaviour, or you might just need a general confidence boost before you go into any professional setting. Whatever you think is necessary, make sure that you do whatever you can to bring it about in yourself.

Friday, September 13, 2019

If you want to cut back on your daily expenses, then you have nothing to worry about. It’s easier than ever for you to do that and you’d be surprised at what a difference it could make to your life.

Compare Electricity and Gas Prices

Think about it, are you getting the best deal for your electricity and gas? If you’re not quite sure then you’ll be glad to know that it only takes a couple of minutes for you to compare the best deals and by taking the right steps, you can be sure to save a small fortune.

Cut out Pricey Drinks

If you spend every weekend going out or if you find yourself going overboard when having friends round, then this could be really hitting your budget. One way for you to help yourself here would be for you to put a small portion of your salary aside each month. When you do, you can then use this for any luxuries you might want without cutting into your main budget. Remember that this amount needs to last the full month, so if you go over one week, you’ll need to cut back the next.

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Keep a Change Jar

Believe it or not, having a change jar is one of the best ways for you to save money every month. Simply collect any loose coins that you have around the home or even in the back of the car. When you do this, you’ll easily be able to see how much you’ve saved, and you can also use it towards something special for the family.

Ditch your Overdraft

You might think that your overdraft is handy and that you can easily spend more than you have in the bank. You do however need to take note that if you do go into your overdraft on a regular basis, you’ll be cutting into the amount you have every month, and this can easily impact your budget. One way for you to get around this would be for you to get rid of your overdraft entirely.

Clear Out Anything that is Unwanted

This might not be an expense, but it can make a huge difference to your savings. If you have items that you no longer need then why not think about selling on Ebay? When you do, you’ll be able to make some extra money and you may even find that you are able to clear out your home too. This will also help you to build your savings, which can be the secret to long-term success.

Share your Car Journey

You’ll be wasting so much money if you drive to work every single day. One way for you to avoid this would be for you to see if there is a colleague who lives nearby. Car sharing is becoming bigger than ever before and usually, your colleagues will always be more than happy to contribute to your fuel costs. You can even put up a notice at work to see if there are people in other departments who can ride with you too.

Evaluate your Insurance

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking into travel insurance, health insurance, life insurance or anything else of the sort because you need to do everything you can to make sure that you get the best insurance rates. If you’re able to save a small amount on each policy, then this will really add up. One thing that you do need to be careful of when selecting your insurance is that cheaper is not always better. If saving money is ultimately going to mean that you end up with a worse policy, then you need to weigh up your options.

Change your Mobile Contract

If you have a mobile contract, you will know how expensive they can be. To cut the cost, think about whether you actually need all of those extras or whether it’ll be cheaper for you to get a pay as you go phone in the future. The more you can shop around, the more deals you’ll find so take the time and make sure that you’re willing to compromise if required.

Don’t Take out a Payday Loan

Payday loans can be appealing, but the interest rates are usually extortionate, and you certainly won’t be better off. If you do have a payday loan right now, then you need to do everything you can to pay it off as soon as possible. This will help you to make the most out of your policy and it will also help you to maximize your savings.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How Do You Get Your Finances Back Under Control?

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There's no doubt that money is always going to be a pretty serious part of just about all of our lives. In fact, there's a good chance that that's a pretty severe understatement. The truth is that money is one of those things that is constantly hanging over many of our heads every single day. The hardest thing is that it can often feel as though you don't have any real control over your finances. However, that doesn't need to be the case. With that in mind, here are some things that you can do in order to keep your finances under control.

Cut back on luxuries

One of the simplest things that you can do in order to take back control of your finances is to ensure that you're not wasting money on things that you simply don't need. A lot of people assume that it's the large purchases that drain their finances the most. And sure, that is a factor but it's also the smaller, more frequent purchases that make a big difference. These kinds of things can add up a whole lot more quickly than you might expect and it's the kind of thing that you can go without noticing for entirely too long. Make sure that you're keeping a close eye on any luxury spending, no matter how small it might seem.

Look at the cost of living

The cost of living in the modern era is higher than it's ever been and that means that more and more of us are having to be as careful as possible about how we make the most of our money. You need to make sure that you're not taking any of your general living costs for granted. You should always be looking out for cheaper deals on things like energy bills as well as ensuring that you're not being ripped off by your landlord when it comes to what you're paying every month.

Take control of your debt

Debt can be one of the scariest things in the world. It can feel as though once you're in debt things are never going to get any better. However, that's simply not the case. There are plenty of things that you can do in order to deal with your debts. One of the best things that you can do is to contact someone like Working with a debt settlement lawyer can help you pull yourself out of that pit when it feels like you can't do it alone. 

In all honesty, the simplest and most effective thing you can do is to set up a strict budget. Keep track of exactly what you're spending. This includes food, fuel, heating, rent, and shopping. Everything that you spend money on needs to go in the budget. It's the best way for you to look at your spending in the cold light of day. Look at your spending and can see places you can afford to cut back. If you can do that, then you'll be able to get your financial situation in order much more quickly than you'd expect.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

If you feel as though you just aren’t taking good care of yourself, then now is a better time than ever for you to make that change. To find out more, take a look below.

Get Outside

Ditching the comfort of your home is a fantastic way for you to improve both your physical and mental health. It’s very similar to meditation in the way that it benefits the brain and it can also make you feel way more alive too. One way for you to really help yourself would be for you to explore green spaces, such as parks and gardens. This will satisfy you more and it will also make it much easier for you to reap the benefits. If you want to take things to that next level, then why not try an outdoor workout instead? Research has shown time and time again that being outside can reduce mental tension and it can also help you with depression and anger.

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Pay it Forward

Believe it or not, helping others is the best way for you to try and help yourself. By lending a hand, you can boost your mental health and you can also boost your self-esteem. You never know, by paying it forward, you might also be able to meet some new friends too.

Choose the Right Scents

Aromatherapy is a fantastic way for you to relax and it can also offer you different benefits. If you want to get the biggest benefits, then it may be a good idea for you to focus on citric scents. This can help you to slash stress and it can also boost your memory in some instances. Why not try the benefits out for yourself?

Stop Turning your Music Up

Music can have a profound impact on your mood, but if you listen to music too loud then this could damage your hearing. If you want to find out more about hearing loss then click here. Of course, if you want to benefit then you need to listen to mood-boosting music without having the volume turned up too loud. This will give you the same benefits without harming your health.

Stress Less

Stress is incredibly bad for your health. Research has shown time and time again that the more you stress, the more strain you put on your heart. If you want to de-stress then consider drinking more tea, or even have a nice relaxing bath at the end of each night. This will really help you to keep those feelings at bay and it will also help you to have more energy in the day too.


Meditation is proof that it really doesn’t take a lot of time for you to make both your mind and your body feel good. It’s a fantastic way for you to relieve stress and it can also help your emotional stability too. Research has shown that meditation might also be able to keep winter illnesses at bay too, and this is another major bonus that you can certainly take advantage of.

How Expensive Can A New Baby Be?

Babies are expensive, there’s no doubt about that. And the more children you have, the more expensive your childcare costs are going to be - and when a new baby comes along, that’s when the cost of raising a family skyrockets to the moon and beyond. You have less time on your hands, and you definitely have less disposable income; how do you cope? 

The newborn stage, on average, is usually the most expensive time of a child’s life. You have to take care of their every need, after all, and that’s going to cost you quite a bit per week, never mind on a yearly basis. And because of that, let’s examine how expensive a new baby really can be. It’s important to think about in the run-up to extending your family, no matter how exciting the process can otherwise be! 

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The Prep Costs Can Be Huge

There’s going to be a new baby in the house, and that’s something that’s going to cost a lot to even get ready for. You have the nursery to decorate, you’ve got the kitchen to stock, you’ve got the bathroom to make baby-friendly, as well as baby proofing the rest of the house, just in case! On top of that, you’ll have to buy quite a few soft furnishings, as well as self-care items for you and your body, and there’s a good chance you’re going to be off work for a while. How are you going to pay for such an expensive addition to the family? 

Mostly it’s done via saving and budgeting, as well as one partner remaining in their job, whilst the other stays at home. Of course, depending on which one in your relationship has the higher paying the position, either mama or papa could be the one holding the baby! 

The Recurring Costs Can Be Hard to Keep Up With

After the preparation you’re going to have to do, you’re going to need to keep up with the recurring costs as well. And that means things like formula, clothing, cleaning items, as well as diapers and washcloths, and baby-friendly soaps and sponges. Most of all, you’re going to want to buy as cheap as you can, but at the same time, buy durable products that take care of your baby. After all, there’s always a worry that a cheaper brand of something is going to harm your child in some way, shape, or form. 

Of course, budget companies like Depends diapers exist out there, and they have a lot to offer people worried about the cost of their new baby. Especially if you’re a first-time parent, this is definitely a lot more useful than someone who’s been through the experience before! 

A new baby can be very expensive. Indeed, even just delivering a baby in the hospital can cost you upwards of about $10,000 in some areas. You’ll need to budget and prepare, so know the costs ahead of time, and be ready! 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

How to Create a Great Family Home

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When you move into a home as a family, it is important that you can create a home that suits the needs and preferences of your family and your lifestyle. When you have children, there are certain elements which you need to consider to build a safe, stress-free and fun environment for all of the family, including areas which are adapted to the desires of each family member. 

Conduct Repairs

Although ensuring that your home's appliances, gadgets, and systems are in working order can often be the least of your priorities, it is vital that you are able to maintain these to ensure that your family is kept safe and happy. If you do not maintain home appliances often, these can break and lead to issues, such as being without vital appliances and services or starting a fire. To maintain your appliances and ensure that repairs are made to your home regularly, you should clean your appliances regularly, research the warning signs of a fault, such as sparks and get an assessment if you believe that there is a fault. You should also try to learn how to do basic DIY so that you can fix items while they are waiting for repair. If you are unable to fix these yourself, you can search for a local "handyman near me”  who can help you to work on odd jobs and fix non-urgent repairs to your home.

Invest in Functional Items

When living in a family home, it is inevitable that your decor and furnishings will be under constant wear and tear from pets, children, and even your partner. To ensure that your furnishings are a worthy investment and that they have the longevity to match their cost, you should try to invest in functional items which are both practical and durable. For instance, when investing in furniture such as sofas, you should try to opt for leather sofas rather than fabric, as these can be easily washed and cleaned of any stains that occur. If you do choose fabric, you should check if this can be easily removed and washed.

Install an Appropriate Amount of Storage

Every family has more possessions than they have space for, and installing an appropriate amount of storage from the start will help you to keep your house organized and tidy. There are many ways that you can add more storage to your home, and this includes options such as under the stairs storage, under the bed storage, and filing cabinets. For children’s rooms, keeping kid’s storage options fun can make them more likely to use them, and there are many exciting options for children such as pocket storage racks and toy boxes. To get your child to use these on a regular basis, you could turn your pocket storage racks into beds for your child’s soft toys, or create another game centered around this storage container.

Consider Extending 

If your family is expanding, or you have realized that there is not enough space for your family within your home, you should consider extending. Although extensions are not cheap, they can create a profit for you in the long term by adding value to your home. There are many different types of extensions that you can opt for to allow your family to have more living space, and one of the most popular options are conservatories. Although these can often be hot in summer. Orangeries are also popular options; similar to conservatories, they provide bright and airy spaces that you can use as living rooms, playrooms and dining rooms, taking advantage of the natural light and the room’s closeness to nature. 

Create a Great Layout 

Creating a great layout for your family home is vital if you want to make your home an enjoyable and relaxing place to be, especially if you have a large family. For instance, you should consider creating separate spaces for both adults and children so that they can each have their own area to perform activities that they enjoy without distraction. While playrooms for children can allow adults to have tidy and quiet living rooms to receive guests in and relax during the evenings, playrooms give your children a creative space that is fully their own. 

Creating the perfect family home can be difficult, especially if you try to make everyone happy. However, through conducting the required repairs and maintenance, and ensuring that you have taken your family’s needs into consideration, it is possible to create a family home that everyone will love. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Every Day Drivers Waste Money On Cars

How much do you spend on your car? 

According to a study run by Pony Parts, we spend on average $335,080 in our lifetime on our vehicles. To put this figure into context, it’s the equivalent of 10% of our lifetime earnings with a bachelor’s degree. There are only two terrifying facts about this. First of all, not everyone has a bachelor’s degree and can claim the same kind of earnings. What feels like 10% for one household, could be 20%, 30% or even more for another family. Secondly, everybody and their grandma owns a car, which means that even though we are not all on a comfortable salary, we still have to make ends meet for our vehicle. That’s a tremendously big ouch for your budget. 

However, what’s even more worrying about our car expenses and budget, is how much many of us overspend without even noticing. Indeed, there is no need to make car ownership more difficult when you can keep your costs down and your car on the road. Here are a few tips to spend less than 10% of your lifetime earnings on your vehicle: 

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Your priority: Finding the right vehicle for you

There is such a thing as the right vehicle for you. Typically, if you’re going to save money on the purchase of your car, it’s a good idea to consider used models that have still plenty of life in them and a budget-friendly price tag. Indeed, if you consider depreciation, new cars lose most of their value during the first couple of years. Buying a second-hand vehicle ensures the best value for the price as long as you know how to choose the right car. Your budget plays a significant role in your decision. However, you need to also consider car dealership practices vs. private sellers’. You’re more likely to get a better deal via a trustworthy professional who can offer protection and repair in case of problems. Another factor that affects the purchase is how long you intend to keep the car before getting rid of it. Anything that doesn’t meet your criteria is a waste of money! 

Investing in maintenance saves you a lot of troubles

Does it need saying? Your car requires regular maintenance, even when everything seems to be running smoothly. The best time to maintain your vehicle and let professionals perform all the common automotive services from oil changes to basic repairs is when you don’t have any complaints. Indeed, fixing small issues before they have the potential to grow is the safest way to avoid dramatic expenses in the future. 

Modifying your vehicle is a bad idea

If you think about it, your car serves one clear purpose, which is to take you from A to B. It is a commuting machine that gets you to work every day, drives the kids to school and helps you to bring your groceries back home. As such, it’s a tool that makes your life easier. Your car doesn’t need to be modified to fulfill its primary functions. Modifying your car is a popular trend when it comes to injecting some personality to the model, but at the end of the day, it’s a waste of money.  Indeed, you’re likely to struggle to get a profitable resale value with a modified vehicle. Most buyers prefer stock models. Additionally, your insurance costs are likely to go through the roof! 

Getting your hands dirty

How many drivers can roll up their sleeves and fix their cars? There are a lot of things that, as a car owner, you can learn how to do to maintain your vehicle and cut costs. Something as simple as changing your brake pads yourself can be done in a matter of a few hours on your drive if you’ve got the right tools. More importantly, as you learn to change your brakes, your wheels, or even your oil, you develop a deeper understanding of mechanics. In the long term, fixing your car yourself makes you a better driver and enhances your awareness of issues. You can get things fixed more rapidly as you can easily explain where the problem lies. 

Waxing is not just for the looks

Everybody washes their car. Waxing it, however, is not as common. As a car owner, you need to wax the body regularly as it provides protection against the elements. Indeed, your car is constantly exposed to sunlight, oxidation, salt, and maybe even acid rain. A coat of wax, however, can act as a shield that preserves your paint and protects the body from rust. 

In conclusion, if you’ve been looking at cutting down costs on your vehicle, be warned that it takes more than reducing your insurance cover. In fact, you’d be better off maintaining the same cover while learning how to prolong your vehicle’s life. 

Homemade Self Care Products You Can Make This Weekend

In the pursuit of youth, beauty, and natural health -  we are always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to stay healthy without all of the chemicals. 

If you are looking to ditch the commercially chemical packed products this year, and head for a natural self-care routine, this post is ideal for you. Whether you are on the lookout for sulphate free shampoo,soap free body wash , or salt-free shower gel, today we have some simple recipes which are guaranteed to simplify your beauty routine once and for all. Here are our top recipes for self-care products at home this year. 


Soap is the most basic self-care product and is the most commonly used cleaning product by all. Soap is often laden with chemicals such and Sodium Laureth Sulphate which causes soap to produce suds and bubbles. However, this recipe is simple and easy to make and will leave you squeaky clean every time! 

You’ll need: 
1lb glycerine soap base
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp goat’s milk 
Coconut oil for greasing

Melt the glycerine soap base in a bowl above a pan of boiling water. Once melted, add honey and goat’s milk and stir to combine. Grease silicone molds (any shape you like) with coconut oil, and then pour the mixture into the molds. Allow to set at room temperature or in the fridge, and enjoy it when you next take a shower!

Dry Shampoo

When out and about, dry shampoo can be a lifesaver, and when you have forgotten to wash your hair this handy little spray or powder can be used to absorb the grease and oil in your hair to make it appear clean until you are able to wash it. Dry shampoo is a great little product and it is something that can be made easily at home. 

You’ll need:
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp cornflour

Mix both ingredients in a bowl, and then sprinkle onto the roots of your hair to absorb moisture and make your hair feel revitalized. 


Shampoo is used to wash hair, and unfortunately a lot of the time it can contain a lot of harsh chemicals. Rather than use shampoo which can cause residue build-up on your scalp, there are some simple home recipes that will allow you to wash your hair naturally. The recipe we want to share with you is not only simple, but it will smell amazing and make your hair smell stunning. 

You’ll need:
8oz water
2 tsp dried rose petals
3oz castile soap
3tbsp aloe vera gel
1tsp jojoba oil

Add dried petals to boiling water and leave to soak for 30 minutes, then drain liquid into a bottle. Add castile soap, aloe vera gel, and jojoba oil and shake. Use to make your hair silky and shiny. 

These simple self-care products should make your life much easier and allow you to save money and stay clean without the chemicals. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Why Dog Owners Are Happier People

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If you’ve never welcomed a little puppy into your home, you have no comprehension of the joy this little four legged creature can bring into someone’s life. Unlike a cat, a dog will cling to you like glue. They will imprint on every member of the family and become one of the pack. They adore being loved and showing love. Dog owners are happier than non-dog owners because they experience unconditional love from their pooch. But dogs give us so much more than just puppy mutt eyes and a cute little face. Dogs really are a man’s (and woman’s) best friend.
Read on to find out why.

Emotional Intelligence

Dogs have a tendency to read the emotions of their owners. It doesn’t matter whether you enjoy the company of an intelligent breed like a border collie or one renowned for its lack of obedience like a beagle, the chances are your pooch will read you like a book. When you are feeling alert and happy, they’ll bring their favorite toy to you so that you can play. However, if you are a little under the weather or you are feeling a little low, you mutt will snuggle close to you, sit on your lap or curl up at your feet. They know when you need company, a little extra love, and support, and this is their way of providing it. It is this emotional intelligence that forms the great bond between dog and human.

They Want To Please

A dog loves nothing more than hearing the famous two words, ‘Good boy,’ or ‘Good girl.’ It is these two simple words of praise that your canine buddy lives for. They are eager to please us and know their place within the pack. They want to be obedient and are keen to show just how agile, playful and trainable they are. If you find yourself with a pocketful of chicken breast, your mutt will sit, play dead or give paw for the treats they can smell on you. Your pooch will be keen to behave around visitors and will be great company on road trips, outings and walks down to the park.

Walking your dog can provide you with ample opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and get out into the great outdoors and exercise. This can help lift your mood, boost your dopamine levels and leave you feeling less stressed and with lower blood pressure.

Dogs Become Family

While you might welcome a puppy into your life expecting them to be nothing more than a pet, you will be surprised at just how much of an integral part of your family they become. Before you know it, you’ll be commissioning some custom pet pop art to put on your family photo wall, you’ll be making bespoke Christmas cards with your mutt on the front, and you’ll be considering where to go on your vacation taking into account your dog’s wants and needs from a trip. Dogs become one of the family very quickly. Having a puppy really is like having a newborn baby. They need love, feeding and sometimes even rocking to sleep.

If you want to become happier, you can do worse than buying a dog!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

I have been living with Diabetes for decades and it is not a pleasant experience. Fluctuating blood sugar levels, pricking your finger several times a day, insulin shots and pills, pills and more pills add to my anxiety that this chronic illness is here to stay.

Managing my blood glucose level is already as task in itself, but once anxiety sets in, then it is a whole different story. When I have those days, I don't want to get out of bed. I have all sorts of pain, I feel lethargic and my mind is in a blur. I can't work or function normally. Thankfully, I am able to snap myself out of the rut with the help of adding certain foods in my daily diet. These foods have a low glycemic index (GI) which means it would not cause a spike in my blood sugar levels. It is also known that eating food with low GI can reduce the risk of depression.

Here is my list of 5 foods that help ease my stress and anxiety. The best part? They are are diabetic-friendly too.

Brown Rice (GI = 50)

Brown rice is whole grain rice meaning it contains more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than white rice. Brown rice has a high vitamin B content, which is essential in the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin which regulates our mood. 

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Eggs (GI = 0)

Eggs are inexpensive, filling and has no carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of protein because it provides the essential amino acids in the right amounts. It is also packed with vitamins A, and D, and B-complex vitamins that helps keep blood and nerve cells  healthy.  One egg provides us with important antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin for eye health.  Other minerals found in eggs are Calcium, Selenium, Zinc, Iodine, Phosphorus and Choline.

A study on the effect of Vitamin D on depression and anxiety in women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus showed some improvement in the respondents' mental state, however more clinical trials are needed to establish its use in clinical practice. 

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Cashews (GI = 25)

Cashews are not only a delicious snack, but it also provides us with a significant amount of magnesium in our diet. In fact, a 100 gram serving can give us 73% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA). Magnesium restricts the release of the stress hormone, cortisol. It also acts as a barrier preventing this stress hormone from entering the brain. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer, so it helps reduce irritability, restlessness and fear.

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Black Beans (GI = 30)

Black beans, as well as other beans are great sources of protein. The health benefits of including black beans in our diet are improvement in cardiovascular health, regulating blood sugar levels, reducing cancer risk, improving digestion and boosting the functions of the nervous system. 

Black beans contain molybdenum, which help break down sulfites in highly processed food. Another important nutrient in black beans is its Vitamin B9  (Folate) content. Folate, or Folic Acid is needed to maintain a healthy nervous system. Deficiency of this vitamin may increase risk of developing clinical depression. For people already suffering from chronic illness, developing clinical depression and mental/cognitive impairment should be avoided at all costs. 

Photo By Sanjay Acharya - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Avocados (GI = less than 15)

This superfood is packed with healthy fats, dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.It is naturally sodium free, sugar and cholesterol free. Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids, the good kind of fat, which ensures heart health, and aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and E. 

Avocados contain B-complex vitamins and magnesium. As previously mentioned, B-complex vitamins help in the production of mood-regulating hormones, dopamine and serotonin, while magnesium acts as a barrier to restrict the release of cortisol into the brain. 

There are natural ways to relieve stress and anxiety, and that is eating food that are rich in nutrients that promote a healthy nervous system. Start adding these 5 kinds of food to your diet now and let its nutrients nourish you back to a healthier, happier you!

Friday, August 30, 2019

How To Prepare for Car Accidents Before They Occur

Accidents can be part of life, and are often things that are considered inevitable. If you are someone that drives every day, then it doesn’t put you at risk. Plus, we will see and hear about car accidents on the news each day. You are no doubt aware of some of the risks that come from driving, but until one happens to you, then it is hard to really know the impact that it can have. So with all of that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can help to prepare for car accidents, all before they even happen. 

The things to do are things that are clear and pretty obvious, but they can tend to be something that we start to ignore when we have been driving for a long time. But if you aren’t paying close attention, then you might find yourself in need of a car accident attorney. So next time you get behind the wheel, make sure that these things come into your head, so that you can follow them and be the safest and most courteous driver that you can be. 

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Check your car before you drive

When you are learning to drive, then it can be one of the things that is going to be drilled into your head; check the car properly before you drive. But checking out the car first before you start to drive, is something that is really important. It might feel like you’re being super cautious, but your safety, and of those people around you, really is something to think about and consider. So make it a habit of checking for things like leaks, lights that are no longer working, and anything else that doesn’t look quite right. You should also check something like the rear view mirror to make sure that visibility is clear, as well as things like the wipers working well. 

Keep it slow

If you are someone who manages to make it to your final destination just in time, or even a little late. But that is only going to be a good thing if you have arrived there safely. It is so important to drive slowly, or basically just keeping to the speed limit, because after all, they are there for a reason. Of course, being someone who drives slowly doesn’t mean that you will be kept away from car accidents, but it will mean that you have plenty of time to react to different things, which could cause a potential accident. You are going to be much more in control of your car when your car is being driven slowly, rather than when you are storming through the roads. Plus, the severity of having an accident is going to be much less when there is a slow car, compared to a car going quickly. 

Keep both hands on the wheel

It is going to seem a little old-school, but having both of your hands on the wheel are going to help immensely when you are driving. Believe it or not, both hands are actually meant to be on the steering wheel. When you drive, the thing you should be focused on is the driving; there doesn’t need to be any other tasks that occupy you. Looking ‘cool’ with just one hand on the wheel isn’t something that should compromise your safety. It will give you much more control and help you to reduce the chance of being in an accident when you’re not in control of the wheel.

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No distractions

Driving is something that is enjoyable and fun. But there are some distractions that can really kill all of the fun. Things like calls and text messages can wait until you are at your destination. Updating your social media is not something that is needed when driving; a tweet can wait. If you need to make a call or get in contact with someone quite urgently, then it is a good idea to pull over, or just wait until later. People can always leave a voicemail if needed. 

It is important to remember that distractions can be outside the car too, not just things that are inside. There might be some things that catch your eye on the road, as well as things like the weather being a distraction. Putting sunglasses on when the weather is sunny, is naturally something that can be needed when the sun shines, but that can be a distraction as it can be hard to do one-handed when you’re driving. The focus when you are in the car should be on driving the car. Eating can be something that can be a distraction too; if you’ve ever opened a bag of chips when driving then you will know can be a dangerous distraction. 

Drinking and driving don’t go together

This could definitely be something that could have been classed as a distraction, but because of the impact it can have, it does need its own section. Drinking is a massive no if you are thinking of getting behind the wheel after. There are many accidents that are caused by drinking and driving, and the consequences can be pretty terrible. When you have been drinking you will lose control of your senses, especially with a large reduction in reaction time. So you really are putting yourself in danger, as well as the other people out on the road, so there really needs to be a blanket ban on it. Call a taxi if you end up drinking when you didn’t plan on it, and then you can collect your car the next day when you’re rested and it is all out of your system. Your life is so precious and losing it over driving after drinking would be something that would massively disrespect it.

One of the final things to do is to make sure that you have your phone charged, and have a list of numbers that you can call in case of an emergency (once you have been pulled over, of course). 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Getting Older? Here's How To Cope

Getting older is often something that is dreaded, however, more than anything, ageing is a state of mind. Yes your body will get older and you’ll develop more wrinkles, but you don’t have to adopt that ‘old person’s mindset’. Mindset is so powerful. A study was conducted where a group of older men had to live like they were in their 20s. They read papers from that era, listened to music from that era, and did everything possible to convince themselves that’s the era it was. By the end of the experiment, many of them felt better, were walking taller, and were even going without their canes. 

If you’re worried about coping with ageing, below, you’ll find advice that could help you: 

Keep Your Mind Healthy 

Start by keeping your mind healthy. From the intro you can gather how important your state of mind is, so work on keeping your mind healthy and strong. You can do this by brain training, doing things like crosswords, sudoku, and other games. Do this rather than watching TV or scrolling the internet, at least for a while. The earlier you start, the better! 

You can also keep your mind healthy by making sure you get plenty of sleep, eating healthy foods, and reading self development books. Everything works together holistically, so taking care of both your physical and mental well-being is important. 

Credit: Pixabay
Ask For Help If You Need It 

You might realize that you need a little more help as you get older, and that’s normal. You may not be able to walk as far as you did once, or even get around your house the same way you did. Maybe you could use help moving into a bungalow, or perhaps you want some help from a place like Senior Life. Whatever you think is best for you, make sure you speak to those closest to you and get an idea of what you can sort out. 

Stay Active

Make sure you do your best to stay active. The longer you stay active, the more mobile and healthier you’ll be later on in life. People accept things like bad backs, aches and pains, and slowing down as a normal sign of ageing, but the fact is, they haven’t done much exercise. Go for regular walks, try swimming, and if you feel up to it do a gym class or go on your own. Try to incorporate some activities into every day. 

Eat Well 

Balanced meals are the key to health and happiness - don’t let the pendulum swing too much one way or the other! You want to get plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy proteins, carbs, and healthy fats. Learn how to read nutritional labels and what each macronutrient does for you. 

Let Go Of The Need To Look ‘Perfect’ 

No matter how great your skincare routine is, how much you exercise, and how hydrated you stay, your body will change. Let go of the need to look perfect and embrace these changes. Many people report feeling much happier and more comfortable with themselves as they age! 

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Life's Not Fair But You Can Learn To Cope

Life is harsh and unfair. Even though none of us genuinely believes they live in a happy and cozy kingdom, surrounded by fluffy candy floss trees and bouncing unicorns, we tend to assume good things are bound to last. So when suddenly something terrible happens, our first reaction is to rebel against it. 

It’s not fair, we say. And we are right, it isn’t fair, but fairness is not what life is about. Unfortunately, life is a combination of good and bad. If you’re lucky, at the end of your days, the good moments outnumber the bad ones. But, in the meantime, when life hits you with a tragedy, you don’t know how to react. When you lose someone you love, the world around you seems empty. Even your day-to-day existence feels void of joy and purpose. At the back of your mind, you hear a little voice asking you how you are going to cope. And you realize, with horror, that you can’t find an answer to the question. 

But, life is not about fairness. If we accept to be alive, we need to accept that not everything that happens is fair. And when you do, you find in yourself the strength to cope and rebuild your happiness. Indeed, even if everything seems dark today, there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you are ready to look for it. 

Art helps you to express your grief
Asking the practical questions first

Tragedies can take your mind off the practical things. But you’ll find it easier to deal with your emotions gradually. Sudden loss is a shock that leaves you vulnerable, exposed, and confused. You are surrounded by a mixture of violent emotions, ranging from sadness to anger. However, you need time to understand what it all means and to let go. During that period of pain and confusion, simple and practical facts can help you to move forward until you’re ready to unbottle your feelings. When the loss is unexpected and accidental, you can find the pragmatic approach of a local attorney reassuring in the face of grief. If the loss was the result of a long illness, discussing the case with a specialist doctor can give you a better understanding of the situation. The practical questions don’t eliminate your pain, but they give you a clear perspective of what was done and what is left to do. They provide you with a direction you can follow until you’re ready to face your emotions. 

Setting easy goals to achieve

You don’t want to get up in the morning. What is the point? Life has hurt you too much, and you’re not sure you are ready to forgive and move forward. 

It might be hard to believe, but you are not alone with these feelings. For any people who go through grief, imagining a happy day again is impossible. Impossible goals are not exactly easy to reach. However, small goals are more manageable. Getting out of bed in the morning. Cooking lunch and eating it. Getting out of your house to do your shopping. A goal at a time, you can relearn to live and redefine your happiness. More importantly, these little milestones create a path towards your future. 

Finding a way to express your emotions

Grief is difficult to describe. Sadness. Anger. Confusion. Pain. Feeling lost. There is more than one emotion to grief and more than one way of expressing them. When you’ve run out of tears, but you still feel that the grief bottle isn’t empty yet, you need to find another way to pour its content. Some choose therapy because talking can make a big difference. For others, art offers a path to explore your pain. Drawing, painting, writing, or even knitting can show you a way to let your grief out. 

Realizing that you’re not okay

Grief, however, doesn’t pass easily. It can hide at the back of your mind, creeping into your life every day a little more. And one day, without knowing it, you realize that you’ve stopped grieving, but instead you’ve become depressed. Developing awareness of your feelings takes time, and as you’re falling, you may not have noticed the signs. But some clues can tell you whether it’s time to consult a specialist. Depression affects your sleeping patterns. You may not be able to rest at night, or you might sleep too long and still feel tired. Your mood also influences your appetite. Many people lose weight when they’re depressed. Ask yourself: Are you eating correctly? Finally, depression leads to social withdrawal. Avoiding social situations could be a sign. 

A sudden loss is devastating. People will tell you that time heals all wounds. But it doesn’t. You heal, only if you can use the time to understand and accept the pain.

Moving House Doesn't Have To Be Stressful. Here's How

Moving has always been a stressful process. It is said to be up there with divorce and a serious illness as one of the most stressful things you can go through! To make it a little easier for you, we have some tips to make moving house this year a little more straightforward.

Photo by bruce mars on Pexels
Understand the property market

If you really want to make the process of moving home easier, then you need to gain an understanding of the property market. You are probably very eager to sell your old house and buy a new one as quickly as possible, but it's essential that you don't rush the process. There are many things that you need to consider if you want to save money and make sure that you make the right decision. Start by making improvements to your existing house; if it's in good condition, then it will be more valuable in the eyes of the market. Declutter it, paint the walls and clean the carpets - this will impress potential buyers and does not cost a huge amount in terms of time or money.

As for buying your new home, you need to think carefully about what you and your family want and need. The location is just as important as the property itself. You might be looking for an exclusive gated community, such as those provided by wigwam properties or a beachfront condo. By gaining an understanding of the property market, you should be able to sell your old home and buy a new one with relative ease. 

Get a decent offer from a removal company

Another costly and stressful aspect of moving house is hiring a removal company to help you out. The chances are that you probably don't have enough room to move all of your belongings in your car, and you don't want to damage your precious possessions, especially if you are making a long-distance move. Before you rush into booking the removal company, you might want to start by decluttering, so that you do not take anything unused or unneeded with you, saving you both time and money.

Prepare for moving day

With everything that moving house involves, it can be easy to focus on the bigger picture and completely forget about the small details, especially on moving day itself. For example, you need to make sure you pack an emergency moving kit that you take in your car - this may be a spare change of clothes, some mugs and plates, your toothbrush, toilet paper, and soap. You don't want to put your essentials in the main moving van; otherwise, you will spend forever trying to find the things you need once you arrive at your new house - it is always the last box that comes off the truck!

You may also want to prepare for moving day by setting up things such as the internet a few weeks in advance. It can take most providers a couple of weeks to send out an engineer to set up your connection. You also need to redirect your mail and let all the important people and organizations know that you have moved house.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Image Credit: Pexels
Lifestyle over-halls, health kicks, and new fitness regimes are great, and anyone embarking on a health and fitness journey should be encouraged and applauded. If you are thinking about doing this, then it's a good idea to break it up into smaller chunks rather than focus on the bigger picture and a whole transformation. If you want to lose weight for example, then while it's good to have an overall goal, it can be too daunting to think about trying to lose four stone, but if you focus on losing half a stone and you achieve that fairly easily then you can focus on the next half and so on. It works the same with anything, and in just everyday life, it is all those small things that count and add up that make the difference to your life. 

To transform an unhealthy lifestyle, start by trying to focus on one small, unhealthy habit, and turn it into a healthy, positive habit. For example, if you have a can of soda at lunchtime every day, have a glass of water two days a week instead. Starting with small, painless changes helps establish the mentality that healthy change is not necessarily painful change. It's easy to build from here by adding more healthy substitutions.

When it comes to exercise, start by taking 10-minute walks, and choose the days and times to walk, and plan a route. Once you have achieved this for a couple of weeks, then you can start to build it up, either add in some running, stair climbing or stopping to do some press-ups or sit-ups. 

Focus on drinking more water, so treat yourself to a nice new water bottle and make sure you have it with you at all times. Set yourself challenges to drink a certain amount by your 11 am meeting or by lunchtime so that you make sure you're getting into the habit. 

Steer clear of all-consuming diets and meal prep as this can be hard to keep up with you end up failing. Take it slow and steady and make a conscious effort to add more vegetables to every meal. 

Small changes make a big difference, and it's not just about diet and exercise either. Small health problems, if ignored, can deteriorate and end up affecting your overall state of health and quality of life. For example, if you notice that your hearing isn't what it once was - at first it's nothing serious, you can cope with it and it doesn't affect everyday life, however there is evidence that if you have hearing loss, it could mean that your brain atrophies at a faster rate than normal. It could affect your memory and might increase your chances of developing Alzheimer's and other types of dementia which you can learn more about here.

You need to look after your eyes, your skin, and your brain as well. Each body part should be cared for and as mentioned, if you do so in small doses, then you will have a far better chance of overall health.