Thursday, December 6, 2018

The human body is a masterpiece. The structure and the physiology are truly marvelous! 

A few years ago, I wrote a post about some amazing body facts which surprisingly turned out to be my most read blog post. There is so much to learn so I am sharing some interesting information about the human body's internal structure.

► What are the largest and smallest organs in the body?

The skin is the largest organ. In an average sized human, the skin has a total area of 20 square feet. The skin acts as the body's first line of defense against illness and infection. It also helps regulate our body temperature and protects our internal organs from damage due to external elements.

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The smallest organ is the pineal gland. It is about the size of a grain of rice (5 to 8 millimeters) and is located in the center of our brain. Its main function is to produce melatonin which regulates our sleep cycle.

► What are the largest and smallest bones in the body?

The largest and strongest bone is the femur or thigh bone. Its upper end connects to the pelvis to form the hip joint while its lower end connects to the tibia and to form the knee.

The smallest bone is the stapes, which is one of the three tiny bones found in our middle ear. It measures around 3 x 2.5 millimeters. Now that is tiny!

Human stapes bone size in comparison with a penny
► The small intestine has an absorptive surface area of 250 square meters!

The small intestine is a long, narrow tube roughly about 6 meters (20 feet) in length. It is where nutrients in the food we eat are absorbed and carried through the bloodstream. What is more amazing is that inner lining of the small intestine has an absorptive surface area of 250 square meters (2,700 square feet), roughly about the size of a tennis court!

The inside walls of the small intestine are not flat, rather, it has circular (mucosal) folds along its entire length. These folds have villi or small projections that protrude into the lumen (cavity) of the small intestine. However, that is not yet the end of it. Every villus has multitudes of epithelial cells, each of which has microvilli. Think of surface area multiplied!

► The longest nerve cell in the body is approximately 0.91 meters (3 feet)!

A nerve cell or neuron is composed of 4 parts - the dendrites, the some (or cell body), the axon and the axon terminal. The axon is the longest part of the nerve cell. It carries nerve impulses away from the cell body. The longest nerve cell axons in the body are those of the sciatic nerve. They start from the base of the spinal cord down to the big toe of each foot. That is approximately 3 feet long in an average height human!

► Let's talk about the red blood cells

An average person has about 20-30 trillion red blood cells circulating in their body. Did you know that a pinhead-sized drop of blood can contain as much as 5 million red blood cells! A healthy red blood cell is only 6.2 to 8.2 micrometer in size. It is difficult to imagine such a minute thing doing the task of oxygenation for the body!

A red blood cell's lifespan is 100-120 days. New cells are formed in the bone marrow and the old cells are destroyed in the spleen. 

Here's another interesting fact about red blood cells - it only takes one minute for a red blood cell to circulate the entire human body. From exiting the heart through the aorta into the circulatory system, it only takes 60 seconds for a red blood cell to return back to the heart through the superior and anterior vena cava. Wow.

► Our brain and neurons

Acting as the command center, our brain does really amazing things. An average human brain weighs about 1400 grams (roughly 3 pounds). It receives 20% of the body's blood supply. According to credible sources, our brain contains about 100 billion neurons or nerve cells that work non-stop in receiving and sending nerve impulses.

There are different sizes of neurons. Some are very small with short axons and dendrites, while others have very long axons (see information about the sciatic nerve above). You may be wondering about the speed at which impulses travel through these neurons, right? The speed depends on the thickness of the axon. It has been discovered that the thicker the axon, the faster the speed of travel of impulses. So we can deduce that the long nerve cells have thicker axons to enable them to convey information faster.

How fast is fast? "Slow" transmissions are about 0.5 meters per second, while "fast" transmissions reach the speed of 120 meters per second (268.43 miles per hour)! Can you imagine something going that fast inside our own bodies? Mind-boggling.

► How strong is stomach or gastric acid?

Our stomach produces three different kinds of acid that aid in the digestion of the food we eat. These acids are potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and hydrochloric acid. With a pH level of 1 to 3, these three acids can dissolve metal! Oh goodness. And to think we have that inside of us? How on earth does our stomach stay intact with that much acid in it?

We must thank our stomach's epithelial cells which produce mucus and bicarbonate that forms a layer of protection for our stomach lining. The pancreas likewise produces bicarbonate that it secretes into the duodenum part of the stomach for further protection and avoid damage to the small intestine. Sometimes, our stomach produces too much acid that the epithelial cells are unable to cope with. This is the reason we suffer from gastric ulcers.

The human body is wonderfully made, don't you agree? From two tiny cells merging together into a single cell that divides a multitude of times comes forth a human being! There is so much to learn and appreciate about this living, loving, thinking and rational creation that we call "our body."

Feel free to read my first blog post about human body facts here.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

How You Can Raise Extra Cash In One Month

Ah, money. Is there anyone on earth who doesn’t have a complicated relationship with it? It seems like we never have enough, or we do but then get hit by a surprise bill, and whoosh, it’s gone. While keeping money might seem like trying to keep water from slipping through your fingers, it’s actually more possible than people realize. Within one month, you can see an increase in the amount of cash that you have! We take a look at several ways that you can do this below.

Say No

You’ve got an income. Getting money into your bank account isn’t the problem; it’s just what it seems to leave just as quickly. But why is this? While you’ll have essentials that you need to pay for, is it also possible that you’re not quite as disciplined as you should be? Because we’re spending the bulk of our time working, it doesn’t take much to make us believe that we’ve earned a treat of some kind. And our friends are always willing to offer us one! They’ll invite us out to dinner, for drinks, to the cinema, anything that costs money, basically. For the next month, say no to invitations, unless it’s not going to cost you a penny.

Sell Old Goods

We’re a society of hoarders. We accumulate more and more, and rarely have a clear out. If this sounds familiar, then good news! You likely have a lot of cash sitting in your home. Take a look at through your cupboards and drawers, and see if you’ve got anything valuable that you could sell. Of course, the pricier the item was to begin with, the more cash you’ll get for it. If you’ve got an old smartphone and are wondering “can I sell my phone?” the answer is yes, you can. You’re not using the items anyway, so you may as well get some money for them.

Spartan Living

There are some things that you need to pay money for, such as your rent, food, and drinks. You can’t do much about the cost of your rent, but food and drinks? That’s all within your control. For the next month, look at only eating those bargain (but nutritious) meals. Ditch the expensive daily coffees, too. People spend much more money on eating and drinking than they think they do, and much more than they need to!

Reducing Essential Costs

Some costs, such as getting to and from work, can seem pretty rigid, but they’re not. If you’re driving, you can take public transport. If the train is too expensive, take the bus. While you’re at work, you should be eating your homemade lunches, not buying it every day! Track every penny, and make any cuts, where possible, which don’t impact your quality of life. If you put all the money you would have spent on these things into a savings account, and take a look at how much you’ve saved in a month; you’ll be pleasantly surprised! 

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Recovering From Injury: A Victim’s Guide

Being a victim of injury is something that many of us have experienced, and that many more of us dread! The trauma of the incident itself, combined with the pain, and the rigors of treatment and surgery can be severe to bear! Then there is the money lost to days off work, and the extra cost of therapies that you never thought you would need to deal with as well. In fact, for someone people being involved in an accident can change their whole lives, and not for the better. Luckily, there is a way to remain strong and get through to the other side. A topic you can find out more about in the post below. 

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Coping in the moment 

In the split second when an injury occurs there is often nothing we can do to prevent it. However, the way we act in the direct aftermath can have a significant effect on both our experience and our recovery. 

In particular, ensuring our own safety is paramount, something that can be difficult when we are distracted by pain, or when we see another in danger. It's also crucial for us to seek out medical treatment as soon as possible. In fact, for many injuries, prompt treatment can make a considerable difference to the damage that is done, as well as reduce healing times. 

Knowing what to expect with medical treatment  

Once it is safe to do so, and if your injury is a serious one it's likely you will be taken to hospital for assessment and treatment. In an accident situation, this usually following a set number of steps, the first being when the ambulance people arrive to provide on the spot care, and often pain relief. It is also the ambulance crew that will work in tandem with the police and the fire service to ensure that the situation is made as safe as possible both for you the injured party and for everyone else involved as well. 

Once the ambulance crew has stabilized you, and assess your injuries, they will usually rush you back to the hospital for further treatment. This often involves being placed on a gurney in the back of the ambulance, frequently with one of the paramedics with you to keep an eye on your condition and administer any medication that you might need during the journey. 

Once you reach the hospital, you will be taken to the emergency department, where the seriousness of your injuries will be assessed once more so they can ensure the people that need treatment the most urgently are the first to receive it. Therefore, when your condition is more serious, you will be taken to a treatment room or operating theatre immediately. 

After any urgent issue have been treated, and you are considered stable, you will be given a bed in the main hospital to recover in. The length of time you may need to stay can vary depending on how quickly you make a recovery, and whether you encounter any complications with your treatment. Then once you have the go-ahead to go home, you will usually be asked to come back as an outpatient for regular check-ups to see how our injury is healing, as well as for any additional treatment sessions that are indeed. 

Of course, it's also worth bearing in mind that during your stay you can ask for a second opinion regarding the care that you received at any time. Something that many people forget until they have left the hospital building, and can be beneficial if you are unsure of the recommendations you are currently receiving. You may also be able to give a power of attorney to your relatives in case you are in a situation that requires an important decision, but you are unconscious, or not able to make it. 

Coping financially 

Of course, far from the struggle being over and done with as you leave the hospital, for many victims of injury it is only just beginning. This because the treatment that they received will be billed to them, something that may mean they need to take out medical credit to cover their bills. Add to this the fact that many people that are injured cannot return to work straight away, or even for an extended period of time and it's easy to see why so many people struggle financially after an accident has befallen them. 

To that end its vital to search for a legal advocate that has an impressive track record in personal injury cases. After all, claiming back compensation from those whose fault the injury was is the best way to cover the unexpected cost and the financial strain that an accident can cause. 

The psychological and emotional effects 

Sadly, when it comes to being involved in an accident, it's not all about coping in the moment, the aftermath, or even the financial burden. This because being injured can have an emotional and psychological effect as well. 

In particular, it can be widespread for injured parties to experience a condition known as PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. This is when thoughts, images, and flashbacks of the incident intrude into their day to day life and traumatize them all over again. Something that can make it hugely difficult to function and have a good quality of life. 

Happily, there are some effective therapies for conditions such as PTSD such as trauma-focused CBT were the therapist will guide you through remembering the experience, and help you to manage your emotions. 

Alternatively, there is also EMDR which is a type of therapy that uses rapid eye movement along with bringing the particular incident to mind. The idea being that the distraction allows the brain to process and file away the experience correctly, so it is no longer lodged in the psyche and gets trigger over and over again, even in situations that aren't actually dangerous. It can, therefore, be a valuable tool for victims wishing to recover and get on with their lives, after being involved in an accident and falling victim to an injury.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Traveling Long Distance with a Dog

When you own a dog, you always own a dog. You'll have heard the saying ‘a dog isn't just for Christmas', and this couldn't be truer. When you own a dog, they become a part of your family. You'll plan your days around them, and you'll always consider their needs when it comes to taking trips and spending time away from home.

Some people chose to put their dogs in kennels while they are away, or they decide to leave them with family and friends. But, for other families, it wouldn't be a proper family vacation without their furry friend. Of course, sometimes things come up out of the blue, and you have no choice but to pack your pet up into the car and take them on a long trip with you.

This can bring challenges. Some dogs are great in cars. They don’t mind travel and are happy to go along with your travel plans, whatever they might be. Others aren't quite so sure. Many dogs get anxious about even a short car ride so a more extended trip might seem impossible. Either way, here are some tips to make the journey as easy as possible for your whole family.

Prepare Your Car

You should always take the time to check your car over before any long journey, with or without pets. Perform essential car safety checks like testing the brakes, tires and lights and checking the fluid levels under the hood. The last thing that you want is to find yourself looking for a legal solution for your car accident case because your car wasn't in good enough condition to make the journey. So fix any faults and take it to the garage if you have any doubts. It can also be worth going in for a full service before your trip if your car hasn't had one for more than a year.

If you are traveling with a dog, there are other things that you should check. Make sure that there is enough room for them to lie comfortably when your car is fully packed up. Make sure that they can be secured safely, and that the space in your vehicle can remain well ventilated and cool. 

Pack Home Comforts

Dogs can be a bit like children. Strange things, be it environments, atmospheres, noises, smells, sounds or people, make them anxious. They like stability and familiarity. When things are different, they get nervous, and their behavior can suffer. 

Everything about traveling is different. Even if they are used to being in a car, it won’t be for this long, and they might still have trouble settling when you reach your destination. One of the best ways to make them more comfortable is by keeping as much you can the same. Try to stick to any walking and feeding routines that you have. Pack their bed, their favorite toys and even their usual food bowl and blanket to help them to feel more secure and safe.

Plan Plenty of Stops

Just like you, your dog gets tired of being in the same position. They need toilet stops, they need to stretch their legs, and they need to relieve the boredom of being stuck in a tight space for hours at a time. So, if you are taking a long road trip, plan plenty of stops along your route, or make sure you leave yourself plenty of time so that you can stop as many times as you need to as you go. If you are staying overnight anywhere, make sure the accommodation is pet-friendly before you book, don’t just assume that they will be.

Go for Long Walks

A long walk shortly before you start your journey, with any luck will mean that they curl up and go for a long sleep as soon as you hit the road. Long walks at rest stops can have a similar effect. Try to tire them out as much as you can before loading them into the car.

Build Up Slowly 

If your dog is a very nervous traveler, you can’t just expect them to be ok with a long road trip straight away. If at all possible, try to build up slowly. Take them on a short drive every day, building up to a longer journey at the weekend. 

Trust Your Instincts 

You know your pet. You know how they behave. You know when they are happy, and you know when there is something wrong. Along the journey, it’s essential that you trust your instincts to help you to keep them happy and safe and give them what they need. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

Car covers for indoor and outdoor uses

A car cover is a product made from large sheet of fabric and is used to cover a car to protect it against the surrounding elements. A car cover is needed when the car is not in use for a certain period of time and needs to be kept from dirt and dust. Even if a car is kept in a garage, dust and dirt can still settle on the car surface. If a car is kept outdoor, then it should be covered with a custom car cover to prevent the sun rays, weather elements, and surrounding elements from damaging your car.

An indoor car cover is great for keeping dust and dirt off the car surface. And if you have young children playing in the garage, it could protect from the little hands and fingers, and against scratches or knocks. If you are shopping for indoor car covers, look for custom indoor car covers that are breathable and with good ventilation to allow moisture to escape. If it is not breathable, moisture trapped under the car cover could cause molding and could be damaging to the car.

Even if you are using a custom Chevrolet indoor car cover, it is good to check frequently or uncover the car to prevent any mold or mustiness from forming whenever possible. Before covering your car with an indoor car cover, always make sure that the car surface is clean and dry.

An outdoor car cover will be able to protect a car against paint fading but an improper fitting car cover could cause more damage than protection. A loosely fitted car cover could easily move about and rub against the paint surface to cause fine scratches whenever there is strong wind blowing. Outdoor car covers are designed to be water resistant and the covers could easily trap dirt and moisture if it is not properly fitted. With the outside heat and moisture soaking under the car cover could promote fading of the paint surface.

Some car owners would suggest that a good cleaning, drying and proper waxing of the car before putting on the car cover. A good quality custom fitted car cover that allows ventilation or designed to allow vapour out from under the car cover, can effectively prevent damage to the car. Depending on your preferences, there are car covers to go over only the top of the car to protect the leather inside the car from the strong UV light.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Three Tips to Prepping Your Car Before a Road Trip with Your Besties

It’s the ultimate daydream—a long road trip to somewhere awesome with your best friends. Can you imagine the music, the thrills, the conversations? Exciting doesn’t quite cover it. However, in the midst of that excitement, don’t forget to prep your car, and your pals, for the sometimes-tiring trip ahead. 

Want to be as safe as can be on your road trip with your besties? Take this article’s trip-prep to heart. 

Check the Fluids, Air Pressure, Filters, and Tires 

Checking the fluids, air pressure, filters, and tires are natural go-to musts for overall healthy car maintenance, so these things should be done anyways. However, they become more important when you are headed on a road trip, where it would suck to get stranded on the side of the highway because you neglected to have your oil replenished. 

Tip: Hire a professional mechanic to do a full work-up on your car before you leave for a road trip. They can fix the things that need to be fixed now, then give you a list and amounts of things that can be remedied later. 

Side note: Some people are worried over car aesthetics before a trip. You could likely find a mechanic to laser, like a fine-point bph laser but not medically, or buffer off imperfections, bettering your car’s aesthetics for your travels. 

Stow Away Two Different Emergency Kits: One in the Backseat, One in the Trunk 

Emergency kits include first-aid kits, like bandages and ointments, but they include more for road trips. For instance, if something were to ever happen, such as an accident due to severe inclement weather, you need to know that you and your friends are safe, warm, and well-fed until someone arrives to help. 

An example of road trip kits for emergencies would be non-perishable foods, such as jerky and nuts, several bottles (or even a couple of jugs) of water, and thermal blankets. You should also bring along flares, small road cones, 2 prepaid backup cellphones, and flashlights. 

Brush Up on Your Driving Skills, Discuss Driving Shifts, and Make a Pact to Be Safe and Responsible 

The first few hours of a road trip can be super-fun with playlists and conversations—but eventually, everyone is going to get tired and want out of that car long before you reach your destinations. 

Be smart and brush up on your driving skills with a re-read of a driving manual. Keep you and your friends safe with shifts when someone gets tired. Do things, like always buckle up, to ensure the road trip is a safe, responsible one.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Accommodating for All of Your Pet's Needs

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We are a nation of pet lovers! It’s not all too surprising that we want what’s best for the wide variety of different animals that we choose to keep and who provide us with unconditional love and companionship! So, here are a couple of different ways that you can accommodate for two different pets that you might have taken in as a part of your family.


Let’s start with a relatively large and difficult pet to accommodate for - a horse. If you have a horse, chances are that you have already done your research and are well aware that accommodation for this species of pet is neither small nor necessarily cheap. However, if you have gone ahead and taken on the responsibility of a horse anyway, you’re more than likely happy to provide for your equine friend. Seeing as a horse cannot live comfortably within a human home (and cannot really be housetrained so probably wouldn’t be welcome indoors anyway), you are going to have to invest in a stable. You may also want to consider more portable options, such as field shelters, for situations in which parts of your land flood in the rainy season or are too exposed to the sun in the dry and warmer seasons. This will ensure that your horse is comfortable throughout the year!


Dogs are a more common household pet than horses and, admittedly, require a little less specific care when it comes to housing them safely and comfortably. After all, they are more likely than not living within your own home, which is likely to already be warm and secure for your own comfort. But there are a few additional bits and bobs that you can invest in to make your canine companion that touch more comfortable. Dogs tend to sleep a lot more than humans do, with the average canine requiring between twelve and fourteen hours’ worth of shut eye on a daily basis. So, you should browse a variety of different dog beds where they can rest their weary head throughout both the day and night. The type of bed that you should choose will largely fall down to your pooch as an individual. Larger breeds, of course, will need larger beds. Smaller breeds are generally content with a smaller bed. Measure your dog and measure the bed to ensure that they won’t be cramped up in it. The next factor will be shape, material, and filling. Most pooches aren’t fussy and will be just as happy on a large dog bed cushion as a doughnut or bolster bed. You will get to know your own pup’s preferences as time goes by!

These are just two different types of pets and a couple of different ways that you can accommodate for their accommodation needs. There are, of course, plenty of different species out there that you might care for! What’s most important is that when you take on any pet, no matter how large or small, and no matter how seemingly intelligent or unintelligent they may be, you cater to their every need. They are reliant on you and it is your responsibility to care for them adequately!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Hiring a Company to Repair Your Roof

Have you recently moved into a house that is rather old? If this is the case, you might have some problems with your roof at some point in the future. You need to be sure that you have a very dependable and reputable company to call to fix your roof. Not all roofing companies are the same. In fact, the difference in the quality of work they provide you with can be quite staggering. Here are a few tips that will allow you to hire the best roofing company in your area.

1. Go to the site controlled by the Better Business Bureau and look at all of the roofing companies they have listed. 
The BBB is one of the best places to find companies that perform emergency roof repairs Denver CO. You will be able to read detailed info about all of the roofing companies in your area. This will give you a better idea of what options you have. Take a look at the letter grade that the BBB has given to each roofing company. This letter grade will help you to tell which companies are the best and the ones that should be avoided.

2. Get the opinions of your family and other people you know.
You probably know many people who have needed roof repairs in the past. Find out who these people hire to repair their roof. Are they totally happy with the way their roof was repaired? Did the company use the best materials for the repair? How long did it take the company to finish their work? What was the amount of money they charged? Compiling all of this info will make hiring a roofing company much easier.

3. Make sure that the roofing company has both a license and insurance.
A license indicates that the people who work for the roofing company have the right amount of training. Insurance will come into play if the roofing company causes damage to your home while they are working. The insurance will pay for the repair of the damage they caused. Always ask to see their license and proof of insurance.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Weird Facts About Natural Gas

Natural gas stands at the cusp of becoming the most used fuel source on the face of the earth. In honor of this fact, here are some interesting and weird facts about natural gas and all it stands for! 

1. Natural gas consists of methane, mainly, but there are also other ingredients as well. these other ingredients consist of propane, butane, and a few others. 

2. In its natural state, natural gas has no odor, has no color, and is highly flammable. It is also lighter than the air so it can float in the air very easily. To make it easier to detect if there is a natural gas leak, companies who use it add an additive called mercaptan which smells like rotten eggs. While this may be an unpleasant odor, it goes a long way to ensure that people do not blow themselves up if it has leaked into the environment. 

3. Natural gas has been around for quite some time. Historians state that it was first discovered back in 6000 BC in the Middle East. It was discovered by the process of lightning from the sky igniting buried reserves of natural gas that had been seeping from the ground. This was long before the ADVENT OF natural gas piping installation came to be. 

4. In fact, the very first natural gas pipes were invented in China in 500 BC and were made from bamboo. The natural gas which flowed these unique pipes was used in the production of salt brine. 

As you can see, there are some very weird and wonderful facts concerning natural gas. Not only is it an incredibly useful fuel to have available but it has a long and storied existence as well. Hopefully, this has piqued your curiosity into learning more about natural gas and its many uses.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Whether we're taking the kids to school, or picking them up and taking them to their various extracurricular activities, you can feel that you spend half your life chained to the steering wheel. For some, it's as natural as breathing, because parents can enjoy that quiet time while waiting outside soccer practice, listening to the radio, and getting an opportunity to be alone with their thoughts, but as soon as the kids and their friends jump in, it's noisy, stinky, and stressy! And it's at this point, where your children are ignoring you so they can look cool, and the reality sets in... you are a glorified taxi service... But what can you do to ensure that everybody gets along just fine?

Setting The Boundaries
You've got to drive, and you've got to do it safely, so you shouldn't stand any distractions that can take your attention off the road. If you're giving rides to your kids’ friends, you can either sit there in silence and let them verbally bash you, or you can be an absolute disciplinarian behind the wheel. Ultimately, if you need to focus, and your kids are being incredibly distracting, you can either have a word with them before they get in the car, so you can spare their embarrassment in front of their friends, or you can give them a dressing down in front of their friends. It's your choice, but the priority is to ensure you are focused on the road. You don't want to be so distracted behind the wheel you end up causing an accident, and then a car accident attorney has to get involved, and this ends up causing a very fractious relationship between you and your children. It's each unto their own when it comes to their own kids, and you can't underestimate the potential for damage when behind the wheel.

Taking Time To Chill Out
Getting the message through to our kids can be like banging our head against a brick wall, and if it's got to the point where you are fed up of giving your children rides everywhere, without them acknowledging your presence, or being mouthy, and you're unable to cope with it, you've got to find some good practices to make sure you calm down. If being a parent is incredibly stressful, you're not alone! But the difference between you and the others who let the stress overwhelm them, and they end up continually shouting at their children, is all about being able to cope with the stresses effectively. And while it might be very difficult for you to meditate in a house full of noisy children, it's about finding the opportunity for you to calm down. We all have our own methods, but predominantly, are we just waiting for the kids to go to bed, and then we sit down in front of the television and unwind? This may be a perfect practice for you, but it's not going to help you tackle your stress triggers. Finding out how you get stressed, and noticing the signs and symptoms, but then finding the appropriate tools to deal with an isn't just an overnight fix, it's a long journey that we've all got to address. We can view stress and anxiety as being part of our parental duties, but this is where looking for some little things to keep you calm will be a lifesaver in the long run.

And if we feel that all we do is ferry our children back and forth to sports practice, choir practice, and everything else, day in and day out, maybe we just need to look to the future and take comfort in the fact that it won't be long until they leave school, or are able to drive for themselves! It can be a very difficult thing to keep a lid on when you're a stressed parent, and you don't want to shout at your children, but you still need some respect from them. And when you're sat there, in the car, waiting for them to get out of soccer practice, taking these moments to stop, breathe, and say to yourself “it's only a few more years” will take the edge off. We've all got teenagers that treat us like doormats, and the big solution is to let it wash over us. And while it's not as easy as that, we have to be careful that we don't get angry or lose our temper. Sit, take it easy and breathe; don't hit the roof!

We all know that it is best to try and stick in your job for a long time. Not only does staying with the same company over a long period look impressive on your resume, but it can actually help with your career as a whole. After all, you will be well settled into the company, will know the whole business inside out, and will be known to all management staff. This will greatly increase your chances of gaining a promotion and moving your way up through the company’s ranks.

However, things don’t always pan out that way. If you find that your motivation starts to dwindle at work, it could be time you moved on to pastures new. It’s not just a fading motivation that could be a sign that it’s time to move on. Here are a few others that you might want to take notice of as well.

You Are Always Stressed

Jobs can be quite stressy at times, but this isn’t usually a reason to throw in the towel. After all, the stressful phases usually pass before too long, and you shouldn’t have to deal with the stress for long periods. If you do, though, it could end up being bad for you. If you find that your work is making you stressed all the time, you might end up taking the stress home with you, and this could then lead to poor sleep patterns and tension in your personal relationships. So, be sure not to stick around in a position that is continually giving you this kind of grief. It’s best to move to a different company where you can balance out your stress levels.

It’s Dangerous For Your Health

Stress can be dangerous for your health as well, but that isn’t actually the only health risk you might face at work. In fact, there are some workplaces, such as factories and warehouses, that feature a lot of risks, and you will need to make sure that you always wear the correct safety gear in order to stay at work. If your employer doesn’t supply you with these, they are ignoring their responsibility, and you should move to a different company that takes the safety of their employees seriously. Similarly, builders and other workers in the construction industry need to watch out for asbestos-related diseases. Thankfully, there are now legal solutions for mesothelioma victims that can help those suffering from the effects of asbestos. If your employer shows a disregard for your safety in this respect, it’s another reason to switch companies.

There’s No Chance Of Promotion

Do you think you have moved up through the company as far as you can go? If so, you might want to look for another business that can provide you with better future prospects. You need to be in a job that comes with plenty of opportunities for promotions throughout your entire time with the company, otherwise you won’t be getting any benefits from the job. It will also prevent your own self-development. Not only that, though, but you also need to be in a job where there is plenty to learn so that you can continually develop your skills and knowledge. This will prevent you from getting bored with your everyday tasks and jobs.

You Don’t Believe In The Company Anymore

When we look for a new job, we often try to find a company that we believe in and holds similar values to our own. This will help us to stay motivated in our role, and feel like we are helping a business work towards something that we believe in or are passionate about. However, it can be easy to end up no longer believing in a company anymore. Businesses may change their values or start working towards a different end, and these might not be agreeable to you at all.

You Always Countdown To Home Time

Have you started to watch the clock throughout the day and count down the hours until you can go home? That’s a sign that you are really bored at work, and you should think about starting the hunt for a new one. There needs to be some form of excitement for your work, but watching the clock all day is a clear sign that any excitement that you did have has now very much disappeared.

So, do you recognize any of these signs mentioned above? If so, you might want to think long and hard about how you currently feel about your job. It might be time to start looking for a new one!

We often overlook how common concrete is. It makes up virtually all roads in the United States. Most city streets are lined with sidewalks made of concrete. Residential driveways, garage floors, and industrial-purpose floors are made of concrete as well. There being so much concrete across modern society, the likelihood of some concrete being cracked in any given location is reasonably high.

You most likely don't know that cracks are caused by a myriad of factors. They're not all simply cracks, as different originating factors of cracks are most effectively treated in different ways. Let's brush over the most common types of cracks that sidewalks, driveways, and other concrete structures endure.

When the Ground Settles, Bad Things Can Happen

This goes without saying, but concrete sits on dirt, rock, or a combination of the two. When the ground beneath the concrete wasn't settled before the concrete was poured or installed, large cracks can and often will split driveways, sidewalks, and slabs in halves, quarters, and potentially many more pieces. Cracks formed as a result of settling can also rear their ugly head if trees or major plants have recently been pulled.

Have You Heard of Heaving? It's a Phenomenon, That's for Sure

Tree roots can reach out from trees for hundreds of feet. They can also grow to be quite thick, displacing things like sidewalks if they were once poured near growing trees. Cracks that are caused by heaving involve concrete - it's almost always sidewalks that are affected - slabs breaking clean in two and one of them rising several inches over the other. Over time, the gap grows. The only way to fix heaved concrete is to remove trees or pour new concrete.

Plastic Shrinkage

Plastic shrinkage refers to the process by which moisture leaves recently-poured concrete, causes the slabs to crack, and slide towards or away one another. These types of cracks are by far the most common in concrete.

Concrete is everywhere. Most people don't think of concrete repair, however. Knowing what type of concrete crack you're dealing with can make concrete resurfacing in Charlotte, NC infinitely easier.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Selling your home can be a difficult decision. After all, you have to think about where you are going to live now, how your family are going to feel and even if it is the right choice to move. If you end up getting less for your home than you originally planned, this can put even more pressure on you financially and this is the last thing you need when you already have so much going on right now. Luckily, there are a couple of things that you can do to try and make way more money from your home sale by following these top tips and tricks.

Stage your Home

77% of real estate agents believe that it is much easier for a buyer to visualise themselves in a staged property. It doesn’t cost much to stage your home when you look at the value it could add, not to mention that it is also essential if you want to show your home in the best possible light. It’s so important that you are able to stage your living room, bathroom and master bedroom, as these are generally the most desired rooms in a family home.

Target your Buyer

Different types of property will attract different types of buyers. Each type of buyer will have their own individual needs, and if you are able to meet these needs then you will see the price of your home rocket. If you have a rundown property for example, there is a high chance that you will be targeting an investor who is looking for a project. For this reason, you need to try and spend your time advertising the house towards this type of buyer. When you are able to take things like this into consideration, you can then make your home way more appealing because you can find out exactly what your buyer is looking for. Little things like this can make a huge difference, not to mention that it also gives you the chance to have much more control over your sale.

Boost Appeal

When you own a property, you probably won’t spend too long looking at it from the outside. You might not notice any cracked paint, chipped windowsills or even mould growth. Your buyer on the other hand, absolutely will, so outside appeal is a very important concept for you to take into consideration. Think about replacing the door if it is looking a little worse for wear, or even think about pressure washing the walkway to your property. If you have bushes, shrubs and trees overgrowing your home then cut them back and really open up the space. Little things like this can add thousands to the value of your home, and it gives your buyer a good first impression from the moment they enter the property.

As mentioned above, trimming back your greenery can make a huge difference to your home’s appeal. Studies show that a home that is well landscaped can sell for up to 12% more. You don’t have to spend a lot of time upgrading your garden, you just need to make sure that your lawn has been cut recently and that your patio area is clean and free of grime. Quality garden furniture can also go a long way when it comes to your landscaping as well, so if you can, you should always invest in this. You may even be able to make a deal with the buyer to sell them the furniture, adding even more value to your property.

Upgrade your Kitchen

A minor kitchen remodel can really help you to boost interest. The kitchen is often thought as being the most important room in the house for a lot of buyers and for this reason, you need to make it stand out. Steel appliances and granite countertops are considered to be the most sought-after. If you want to step things up to that next level then consider painting over your dated kitchen cabinets with some glossy, white paint. You can also invest in some new tile flooring if you want to bring everything together, as it is easy to maintain and even easier to clean.

The Bathroom

A bathroom renovation can be very costly and it can also be incredibly time-consuming as well. When it’s done right, it can make your lives way better and it can also be very attractive to a potential buyer. Mid-range bathroom remodels can increase the value of your home by over 3.8% and this is certainly something that you will want to take advantage of if you want to sell your home for more money.
New Hardware

If you can’t afford to upgrade your kitchen or even your bathroom then consider investing in some new hardware. This can include new doorknobs, cabinet pulls and even drawer handles as well. This can have a huge impact on your market potential and it is great if you are on a small budget. They can also add charm to your home if you choose them carefully. If you feel as though your bathroom or kitchen needs more of a boost then look into cabinet refacing and even new lights. When you have these installed, you will soon see that they can drastically change the look and feel of the room without bumping up the price too much.


An organised and a very clean home can really give you the impression of a well-maintained property. If you have a bed that isn’t made, a spare room that is full of clutter or even blinds that are covered in dust, then this can give a really bad impression of the home. Tidy rooms also appear way bigger as well, so this is well worth doing. When you are trying to improve your home, you need to wipe down your baseboards and cabinets. You also need to dust everywhere and get rid of any clutter. This will have a notable impact on the viewability of your home.

Smart Technology

You may think that it is daft to install smart technology when you are due to move out but this is not the case at all. Smart door locks and even thermostats can really make your home stand out. Consider having your home security system, foyer light, carbon monoxide detector and more hooked up to your smartphone. This is usually very cheap to do but it also gives you the chance to advertise your home as being “smart”. On top of that, buyers will remember your home for all the right reasons as well so there are numerous benefits to getting this done.


A lot of homeowners spend so much time looking at their walls that they don’t realise when they become faded or dated. A lot of wallpapers and even bright colours can also be a real turn-off for potential buyers. If you have wallpaper in your home then it is a good idea for you to remove it. Studies have shown that most buyers in this day and age actually prefer something with a much broader appeal and this can include neutral-coloured paint.

Ceiling Fan

People love to have a ceiling fan, and this is especially the case in the master bedroom. Most people are also willing to pay way more for them as well. To make things even better, they are generally very cheap to install so you won’t have any issues there. If you are having a problem trying to afford everything you need in your home then it may be worth you looking into OnlineCash4Payday® | installment loans online for good and bad credit.

Update your Flooring

Old carpet can be a real eyesore for buyers. It can also be a hazard if you have allergies as well. if you want to try and make your home as appealing as it can be then hardwood floor is certainly the way to go. If you cannot afford hardwood then don’t be afraid to go with laminate. Of course, if you have a hardwood floor installed right now then instead of ripping it out, consider getting it refinished. When you do this, you can then add thousands onto the value of your property and you can also really make the most out of your renovation.

Natural Light

The more natural light you can let into a home, the better. Consider cleaning the windows, opening up the blinds and then turning the lights on. This will instantly brighten up the room and it can make it look bigger as well. Most buyers look at lighting when they look around a property, so if you can, you should try and invest in some new lighting as well as this can really boost the appeal of a room.

So, there are many things that you can do to try and sell your home for more money and when you follow the above tips, you will soon find that there is no reason why you can’t do most of these upgrades yourself.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

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There are a whole wealth of articles out there which shout about the health benefits of walking your kids to school instead of driving. As can be seen from sites like, those benefits include things like maintaining health and building confidence. That’s good news all around, don’t you agree?

Sadly, a look outside any school gates reveals that the benefits mentioned above aren’t enough for many. We all want our kids to be healthy, of course, but we assume they achieve this through play and physical education. If we’re walking kids purely for health, then, it doesn’t always seem worth our while.

But, what if we were to tell you that it isn’t only health benefits you’ll experience from a change like this. There are practical reasons to get your walking boots on instead of reaching for your keys. If nothing’s won you around thus far, then, the following pointers could be the things to do it. Read on, and you may find you start walking in no time. 

An increased chance of being on time

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Your kids may be able to get physical exercise elsewhere, but they only get one chance to arrive at class on time. The chances are that you already know how difficult it can be to achieve that simple goal when you come by car. Congestion, accidents, and weather all play a part in determining when you arrive. And, let’s be frank; nothing makes you feel worse than making your children late through no fault of their own. By comparison, walking to school removes many of these variables. You won’t need to worry about how busy the roads are, or whether the weather makes visibility difficult. You’ll be able to walk on those clear pathways come rain or shine. And, guess what; your kids will probably be on time as a result.

Removing the risks of the road

The delays mentioned above aren’t the only risks of the road, either. Busy roads and frustrated drivers can also result in accidents. Rates of road-based crashes often skyrocket around school time, and it’s easy to see why. With many parents choosing large family cars like SUVs, there’s also an increased risk of severe incidents like rollovers. While you could contact lawyers like those found at if this happened to you, that wouldn’t make up for putting your kids at risk. By comparison, walking is a reasonably safe affair. As long as you stick to crossings and designated walkways, it’s unlikely you’ll stumble into trouble.

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More money for the family

If even the above isn’t enough to convince you, consider that driving to school can also cost a fair amount. Fuel alone can soon add up when you’re crawling along behind a stream of other parents. Not to mention general maintenance costs for your vehicle. That’s worth noting given that keeping costs down always matters when you have a family. By comparison, walking doesn’t cost a penny. With that in mind, which option do you prefer?

Friday, October 26, 2018

You are the type of person who wholeheartedly believed that health is wealth. You are so grateful every single day when you wake up feeling happy and healthy; you realize that not everybody in the world has this luxury so you always want to make the most of it. Whether you’re brushing up on beauty tricks or trying out a new health recipe you are always trying to find better ways to take care of yourself. Sometimes you can come across a few hurdles in your life and your health can take a huge hit, so it’s important to always put yourself first. Here are a handful of ways that you can hone in on your health and make your wellbeing wonderful.

Take Injuries Seriously

When you get injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, it is very easy to let this take over your entire life and have negative effects on your wellbeing. Firstly, you will need to seek out a personal injury lawyer who can help you to overcome the financial losses you have experienced. Getting the justice you deserve will help you to start your physical healing process much more effectively. It is important to take your time when it comes to healing; don’t rush back into your day to day routine. You might need to seek advice from a physical therapist and get their advice before jumping back into normal life again.

Clean Up Your Diet

Making sure your diet is full of nutritious and delicious foods will give you higher energy levels and better overall health. If your diet currently consists of sugary snacks, takeouts and fast food then you might want to take some time to brush up on your cooking skills. Find a handful of delicious recipes that work for you and your family and make sure you attempt to cook at home more often than you eat out. In the long run your body will benefit from this diet overhaul.

Embrace Exercise

When you think about hitting the gym everyday is makes you anxious and afraid; you don’t want people staring at you whilst you’re trying to figure out how to use certain equipment. Exercising shouldn’t feel like a burden or a stressful task, so try to erase any negative thoughts you have surrounding this subject matter. Find a friend that wants to get in shape too and attend classes together such as dance or boxing. As soon as you find the physical activity that gets your heart pumping you will feel a lot healthier overall.

Mental Health Matters

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so make sure you are always making important ‘me time’ for yourself. Go for a long walk, read a book or listen to music. Allowing yourself to escape from the real world for just a few minutes a day really will help you.

So hone in on your health and make your wellbeing wonderful right now, by incorporating all of these ideas into your daily life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

What To Look For In POS System For Gas Stations

When running a gas station, the POS (or point of sale) system needs to be a bit more advanced than that of a grocery store POS system. So what needs to be considered when searching for one? Read on to find out! 

The first thing that needs to be considered is how well will the system work with the safety mechanisms in place to prevent people from pumping the fuel first and then driving off? In this day and age, almost all fuel pumps are pre-paid only, meaning that if the consumer is going to pay at the pump, they need to "swipe" their card first and then choose what grade of fuel they wish to put in their vehicle. Depending on the type of card used, there may be a hold placed on a larger amount than what is actually pumped. This hold will be released according to the policies of the card's issuing bank. The gas station pos systems texas will need to differentiate between the different grades of gas as well as alternative fuel options such as E85 and diesel. In addition to these recognitions, the software needs to be able to add or deduct any points due to any kind of loyalty program the gas station offers. 

When dealing with gas station purchases, there may be differing taxable amounts from purchases made within the convenience store, which almost all gas station have nowadays. Purchases may include packaged food, cooked food, tobacco, and alcohol. All of these items will have differing purchase and taxing restrictions based on what region the station is located in. These are just a few of the things to think about when looking for an initial pos system to purchase or if an upgrade is needed. Remember to consider all options before committing to a system to avoid any kind of breach of contract issues in the future.

Monday, October 15, 2018

4 Tips for Remodeling Your Bathroom

Are you ready to remodel your bathroom? Before you start stripping the tile, there are a few things that you should know. Here are just four tips for making changes, improving appearances and avoiding common remodeling mistakes. 

1. Don't Touch Your Plumbing 
It can be ridiculously expensive to alter or upgrade your plumbing. Between water lines, gas lines and pipe lines, there's a whole labyrinth in the walls of your home. Making adjustments isn't impossible, but it will eat up a good portion of your budget, so most remodelers decide to simply work around their plumbing. Think long and hard before you decide otherwise. 

2. Consider Different Materials 
You don't have to buy stainless steel fixtures just because stainless steel was already installed in the bathroom when you bought the house. You can shake things up by choosing an entirely new material to work with, and the results can make your bathroom seem completely transformed. If you've always dreamed of brass faucets, now is the time to buy them! 

3. Replace the Big Things First 
You might be tempted to remodel smaller things first since they'll be less of a strain on your pocketbook. In reality, however, you'll just be putting a glossy shine on an old car. It's better to take your money and spend it on something big like floors, lights or total bathroom refinishing Baltimore Maryland. You can always make your minor changes at a later date. 

4. Have a Theme 
Having a theme will give you something to decorate around. Instead of haphazardly throwing rugs and shower curtains into the mix, you can sit down and figure out what bathroom features will accentuate the look that you're trying to create. The end result will be an organized, well-decorated bathroom that follows a consistent decor. These are just a few tips for remodeling your bathroom. It isn't always an easy endeavor, but it's one that can pay off in a big way when you create a space that you love. Use these suggestions to build the bathroom of your dreams!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Understand that there are so many ways to bring in more income. Because of the advancements in technology and the internet, a lot more is accessible now. If you're thinking that you'll always have to trade your hours for dollars to be successful as a fitness trainer, think again and try these three ideas to get started. 

1. Create a fitness product. 
Customize your own fitness product, and sell it to your customers. Take a look at the equipment you use when you're working out your clients. If you use jump ropes, fitness bands, and kettlebells, you can always order your sticker and logos to print on these types of products. You can always profit from customizing a product and selling it to your clients. Make it a product that is essential to the workout so that your customers won't even hesitate to purchase it. 

2. Develop an online course. 
If you'd like to develop an online brand, you can do so with the use of an online. In this course, you can demonstrate different workout routines at various levels. You can have beginner, intermediate and advanced courses. Since it's an online product, you can always use affiliate links to send people to helpful resources. If they purchase those resources, you'll get a commission. You can recommend everything from specific workout geat to prostate health supplements . Just make sure that everything you recommend involves your own clearance and approval. 

3. Produce a fitness app. 
Fitness apps continue to dominate the app stores. Statistics suggest that fitness apps will continue to bring in billions through the year 2020. With the right app design, you'll be able to reach millions of people. If you already know how to build an app, you can take care of the technical components. If you don't know how to build an app, you can always hire a really great app developer to take care of the dirty work for you. Take a look at the fitness apps that are currently in the marketplace. Think about what you can offer in your app to make it stand out in the crowd.