Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Struggling To Sell Your Car?

Pexels. CCO Licensed.
You’ve put up an advert online. Perhaps you’ve even approached a couple dealerships in an attempt to trade in your car. But no-one wants to buy your vehicle.

There could be several reasons for this. This post explores all those reasons and offers a few tips on how you can sell your car once and for all.  

Is the price too high?

Used car prices have become more competitive than ever. Consider whether you’re asking for too much for your vehicle – if it’s a basic model, over 15 years old and not in the greatest condition, you may not get much interest if you’re asking for more than $1000.

Classic cars and sports cars are likely to be worth a lot more, but you should still be careful of overpricing them. If you’re selling your car for $15,000 and other sellers have the same model priced at $13,000, you’re not going to get any buyers.

Of course, you don’t want to go too low just to get a quick sale. This is why it’s often worth doing some research to find the true value of your car. There are car valuation sites that can help you to do this. You can also compare similar cars that are up for sale online.

Are you marketing it in the right places?

You should also think about where you’re marketing your vehicle. If you’re marketing independently, don’t rely wholly on physical advertising – sites like Facebook and Gumtree are worth trying too and are likely to be where most customers are looking.

If you’re selling a niche vehicle, consider whether you’d be better putting ads in niche places. There are sites and dealerships catered to used classic cars, used performance cars and quirkier cars – these may help you when trying to find the right type of buyer.

Can you make any small fixes/improvements?

Small signs of visible damage could be enough to deter certain buyers. Consider whether you can make any small fixes such replacing missing hubcaps, fixing small dents or even buying a set of fresh tires.

Don’t splash out on large restoration work or improvements – you don’t want to pay more to fix up your vehicle than you charge for selling it (you may as well be paying to sell your vehicle).

It worth also noting that cleaning your car can go a long way. If you haven’t already done this, consider giving your car a thorough clean inside and outside. A dirty exterior and grubby interior will put off most buyers. Some people even pay to get their car professionally cleaned (although, as with repairs, you make sure that the money spent on this is worth it).

Could you take better photos?

A good photo is important for getting your ad noticed. Taking photographs of all angles can help to build the trust of buyers – a single photo from an unusual angle could suggest that you’re hiding something. Make sure that these photos aren’t blurry or distorted in any way. Similarly, try to avoid using artsy filters as they won’t give a true impression of your car.  

Should you scrap it for cash instead?

The last resort is often to scrap a vehicle. When it comes to very old and damaged vehicles, this is sometimes the best option. While you can pay to scrap your vehicle, there are some companies that will pay you to take your vehicle away. Try doing your local research to find out who buys junk cars near you. You may not get much money for your vehicle, but you’ll still earn something – which is much better than giving away money to scrap your car.

Is now a good time to sell?

It’s worth also considering timing when selling a car. Car sales can dry up in December and January, simply because fewer people have the money to put towards a car. Certain vehicles like convertibles may be particularly less popular during these months, while they can become popular in summer.

Generally speaking though, you can sell a car at any time of the year. Even in the midst of the current pandemic, car sales have slowed but are still happening. You may have to put more work into advertising your vehicle during these slower periods. If you don’t have the time or energy for this, consider whether delaying a sale is a better option – you could find that you attract a lot more buyers in a few months’ time. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

5 Tips To Living Independently

One of the stages you would have to pass through in this adulthood journey is moving out of your parent’s home and settling down on your own. Truthfully, it’s as liberating as it is confusing because there would be so much you would be faced with in this new aspect of your life. So, here are five tips you should consider to help you ease into your new-found independence.

1. Think positively

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It is easy to feel lonely and confused when you leave your parent’s home. After all, that is the home you grew up in and felt safe. Being away from your parents is quite a big step, and not having them around can put you in a foul mood. You should not dwell on these things. Instead, think about the advantages that come with starting a life on your own. Think about the beautiful journey you are embarking on and the lovely people you will meet on the way. You should commend yourself for taking such a big step! Not many are so brave.

2. Spend wisely

Now that you are on your own, you have to try to spend your money wisely. You should shop for groceries at relatively cheaper outlets,  let go of expensive hobbies, and avoid any debts. Creating a budget is the best way to ensure that you are staying on track with your finances. Try also to save and invest money for unexpected situations. For example, assuming that you have car troubles and you need to use services like Ship a car direct to get a new car delivered to your location, you will need substantial savings to make this happen. Not having such financial reserves can feel like limits have been placed on your independence, but do not be dismayed as there’s nothing wrong with asking for support.

3. Practice self-care

Being on your own does not mean letting yourself go. You should use your independence as a chance for you to discover yourself. Treat yourself to the activities you enjoy, like reading or listening to music and dancing. If you enjoy fixing old cars, then get an old car and start a project and you can work on it on weekends to relax. Cultivate healthy eating habits, and engage in activities that positively impact your physical and mental wellbeing. 

4. Use your social media carefully.

The various social media platforms are a great way to connect with your friends and family, but truthfully there are some dangers. These social apps want you to be safe, so they have made many security features available for you to use, and you should do so.

5. Interact with your neighbors

Being independent does not mean shutting the world out, as indeed, it is great to be a part of the community. By doing this, you will meet more people and make new friends, which will come in handy along the way. 

Living alone, or independently, is a big step to take. It can be challenging, but with these five tips and your friends and family’s support, you would enjoy every moment of it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Positive Thinking: The Key To A Happier Life

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Some people have the glass half full mentality and focus on the positive side of life instead of the negative. 

They live a life in accordance with that famous Monty Python song; and 'always look on the bright side of life.' 

And while we admit positive people can sometimes be a little insufferable, especially when we're feeling negative about ourselves, there are reasons why we should try to follow their example. 

If we think positively...

Good Things Will Happen

Good things are unlikely to happen in our lives if we wallow in misery and self-defeat. We are hardly likely to experience a positive life when we forever tell ourselves 'I can't' instead of 'I can.' Instead, we will limit the happy experiences we have in life, as we will be too focussed on the worst, and our misery and negativity will be perpetuated. 

Some people relate this to the universal law of attraction; the notion that when we give attention to negative things, our lives start to take on a negative shape. Positive thinking, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. When we think positively, we are more likely to bring positive things into reality and enjoy a happier life. You can find out more about this here: What is the Universal Law of Attraction?

So, try it for yourself. Turn your thinking around. if you focus your attention on positive things, such as your hopes, dreams, and wishes, you might see these things materialize in your life. In short, good things might happen, so be positive!

We Will Feel Healthier

A healthier life equates to a happier life, and science has determined positive thinking can be a contributing factor to good health, especially when it comes to stress.

Studies have shown that positive thinking can impact the way we deal with stressful situations. An optimistic mindset can give us cause to manage the stress in our lives, with the view that we can overcome whatever it is that is getting us down. A negative mindset, on the other hand, can give us reason to do nothing due to the assumption that the situation is out of our control.

If we think positively, we can rise above our stresses. If we think negatively, we might only perpetuate them. Either way, there will be a knock-on effect to our health, both physically and mentally, as we will either succumb to or overcome the side-effects of stress

We will become more grateful

Sure, there are plenty of things in life that might get us down, but if we focus on these, we will only start to wallow in sorrow and despair. Instead, we should focus on gratitude, because if we concentrate on those things that we are grateful for, we might start to feel happier about the way our lives are going. 

So, turn your negative thinking around every time it creeps up on you. Remind yourself of the many good things about your life. You will see that your life isn't as bad as you might sometimes make it out to be, and you should experience more happy thoughts instead of those that cause you to feel unhappy.  

Take care, and thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Do you want to be in business with CBD, but you’re unsure how? Then an affiliate program may be great for you. Read more about how you can be a success in this kind of program in this site here. If you want to review CBD oil, topicals, gummies, and pills, then affiliate links may bring extra income.
Most people love to purchase CBD oil because a tincture can make them less stressed and decreases their joint pains. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, and the manufacturers sometimes use CO2 as one of their methods for extraction.

The premium products are made from locally-sourced, and organically grown plants and they provide the best effects of stabilizing the mood and improving the quality of sleep.

This is why a lot of people purchase cannabidiol products in its many forms. With its many health benefits and no side effects, the consumers have nothing to lose with the products. The good news is that you can provide an in-depth review and direct potential customers to sellers of CBD products with affiliate programs.

Get Started on your Journey

The affiliate links are just one of the programs that you can join in CBD's profitable industry. If you have been dabbling in the market for a while, you'll know that you can get a certain percentage or a fixed commission once customers purchase a certain product on a website. You can check Cheefbotanicals for more information about legit websites that can help you jumpstart your journey as an affiliate. You need a website and an application form to join.

Where to Get Customers?

The easiest way for you to earn is to introduce a CBD product that you love to other people. You can create videos with reviews about your cannabidiol journey or create a blog highlighting the positive effects of the oil in your body. You can invite families, friends, co-workers, followers, and social networks to click your links. When someone pays for a certain product, you get a percentage even if you are sleeping. 

When it comes to your first earnings, the company of your choice will provide you a unique coupon code or referral links that will be connected to your account. You share the links to your followers or share it through social media platforms. You can even take things offline and print the affiliate links on flyers, banners, or calling cards.

How Much Can You Earn?

Many people are curious about the amount that they will be earning in these programs. This all depends on the agreement and the program that you are in. You can earn as much as 20 to 30% of every sale.

Others will pay you depending on the number of clicks that you can provide to their website at a specific time. This is called pay-per-click programs and you can learn more about them here: The more customers and visitors click and purchase using your coupon code, the more earnings you will have.

Discount rates that are specially made for you are also applicable for offerings. For example, if there's a special rate that you can redeem, you can also offer this to your friends as an exclusive deal. You might be required to reach a certain amount before you receive your payments. Most of the time, you can get paid through PayPal or wire transfers to your bank account.

Generating the Sale

One of the best ways to get new customers is to share your personal experience with a certain product. You can show them how you have used a full or broad-spectrum oil into your daily routine. Once your friends, families, and social networks see how well you have benefited from the oil, expect that they will be more comfortable in trying a new product. 

You can use your Facebook, Snapchat, Tiktok, Instagram, and other social media accounts to post your stories. Make sure to add the affiliate links with a picture of CBD oil so that your customers will know which products to get. You can also answer questions and entertain curious people so that they can be motivated to give the oil a try.

Each time they click and visit the affiliate website, you may get a certain amount, depending on your arrangement. This works well with pay-per-click programs. If the arrangement is you get a percentage of a sale, then you will earn a set commission while helping other people live a healthier life.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Keeping Your Garden as Presentable as Possible

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Summer is here and increasing numbers of us are looking forward to spending more and more time in our gardens. These outdoor spaces provide us with the perfect retreat during sunny days. We can bask in the sun. We can sit in the shade. We can have friends and family over for cold drinks or a BBQ. But in order to do any of these things, you’re going to have to make sure that your garden is presentable and in good shape. This is going to take some organisation, work and investment on your part. But it will be more than worth it. Here are just a few steps that you might want to take to keep your garden in the best shape possible!

Check Your Fencing

Over time, fence panels tend to go through a little wear and tear. This isn’t all too surprising. They’re battered by the wind and have to withstand rain and other elements. Gaps and cracks may begin to appear. It’s important to check your fences regularly to ensure that no damage has occurred. If there is any damage, call in professionals who can repair or replace your panels. If, after a fair few years, your fences are still in one piece but simply look a little battered, you might want to have new panels fitted too! Alternatively, a fresh coat of paint could help to make them look as good as new again.

Hire a Tree Surgeon

If you have trees in your garden, you’re going to need to use a tree surgeon’s services to keep them in good shape. While trees can make a beautiful addition to your garden space, they can quickly get out of control. If you still want the benefits of your trees (the aesthetic and the shade), then you don’t necessarily have to get rid of them. Instead, a tree surgeon will be able to maintain them - cutting branches that are getting unruly, dealing with the crown of the tree and pruning everything into a nice shape. This is great for safety (as falling branches could be dangerous), appearances and can also stop your tree’s branches encroaching on neighbour’s land. Find great Local Offers when searching for a tree surgeon. This will secure you a good price for a quality service.

Keep on Top of the Basics

Of course, maintaining a presentable garden is going to require that you keep on top of the basics. Make sure to mow the lawn regularly so that it doesn’t become overgrown. Make sure to pull weeds so they don’t take over your garden space. If you have flowers and flowerbeds, make sure to water them whenever needed. These simple steps will help to keep your garden a much nicer space!

Hopefully, the above tips and tricks will help you to create and maintain the most presentable garden space possible this summer. It really is important at this time of year when you’re likely to want to spend more time outdoors.

Watching an elderly relative suffer through illness and isolation can be such a tough time, as often it seems there is not much that can be done to ease their discomfort. However this may not actually be the truth, as implementing a few changes which can encourage them to gain some more independence can have a profound effect on both their mental and physical well-being. It doesn’t have to be tough to start supporting your elderly relative in seeking more freedom, as there are few simple ideas which might just be the perfect solution. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that you can utilize to assist your elderly relatives in maintaining their independence (and quality of life) for as long as possible. 

Image Source - Pexels 
Revamp Their Home 

Many elderly people fear nothing more than having to leave their home to stay at a care facility, so one of the best things that you can do is revamp their surroundings to make it much better suited to their needs. For example, installing grab bars in hallways or around toilets can help your relative to get around their home without the need for assistance, whilst a foldaway chair inside their shower cubicle can massively reduce the likelihood of slips, trips and falls. If your elderly relative has several floors inside their home, it’s important that you can provide them with a means to get upstairs on their own. A simple stair lift can usually do the trick, however in recent years full functioning wheelchairs lifts have been successfully installed inside homes for quite a respectable price. Revamping your elderly relatives home will allow them to stay there comfortably for as long as possible. 

Help Delivered To Your Door 

There are many forms of support that can be delivered straight to your elderly relatives' door, from ‘meals on wheels’ to in-home care. Investing in the services of a meal delivery service is a great way to ensure your loved one is eating healthily, and it saves them the bother of having to go to the shop to buy ingredients as well as prepare and cook things too. Finding a reliable in-home care service is an essential feature of an independent lifestyle, so it’s important that you can search online such as ‘home health care services in Wichita, KS’ (specifying your local area) to identify the most trusted provider. Always remember to read previous reviews left by other customers to find out honest opinions on the quality of the service.

Helping your elderly relatives to keep as much of their independence as possible has never been so simple when you are able to make the most of the amazing top tips, tricks and ideas detailed above. Supporting your loved ones through later life is such a rewarding experience, and knowing that you have been able to improve their day is bound to put a smile on your face! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

3 Signs It's Time To Move House

For most people, moving house isn’t at the top of their ‘fun things to do’ list. It’s expensive, stressful and involves a lot of work. But if you can’t escape the nagging feeling that it’s time to move on, then it’s the right time to consider a house move. There are all kinds of signs to look out for that you need to move, and it’s important that you trust your gut on this one.

Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons
1. Your house is too small

A home can feel big when you first move into it, but that once empty space can soon fill up - especially as your family grows. Signs your home is too small include too much clutter, not enough space for everyone to do what they want, and feeling like you’re all on top of each other. If you want to expand your family soon and you’re already feeling like you’ve outgrown you’re house, then it’s time to consider moving to somewhere larger.

2. You’ve fallen out of love with it

It’s easy to fall out of love with your house, and you might not have even realized it! From not wanting to have people over, to not wanting to take care of outstanding jobs and repairs - once you lose the passion for it, it can be really tough to stay enthusiastic about your home. While you could make changes to give it a new look, a new home could be the answer. Take a look at the market - if the thought of moving somewhere else appeals to you, then you know your house is no longer where you want to be. 

3. You find yourself looking at other properties/locations

It’s easy to window shop properties, but when you find yourself doing it a lot, it’s a sure sign that you’re in the market for something new. It’s a good idea to meet with a realtor to see what’s out there and what you can afford - you might not have thought it was possible until you start doing some research. A good realtor like Cami Jones & Company will take you through everything that’s available to help you find what you’re looking for. Even if you’re not in a position to move immediately, you’ll get some idea to help you get there.

Moving home is never easy, but if you’re getting itchy feet where you are, then it’s the right move for you and your family. After making the decision to sell up, you can start looking at your next property and hopefully find your forever home. Making the decision is a hard part of the process, but you’ll soon get excited as you prepare to move house. With plenty of possibilities and the chance to find your dream house, the decision to move could be the best decision you’ll ever make!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

What Makes a Great Preschool Teacher?

When looking for the best preschools in Jacksonville FL, you'll quickly find that the qualities of the teachers is usually what matters the most. While facilities and access to resources are also very important, a really good preschool teacher can make all the difference. Here are some of the top things to look for in a preschool teacher.

A Passion For Teaching

The greatest preschool teachers are the ones that have a burning desire to be an influence for good in young people's lives. Because the ages and attitudes of preschoolers can be difficult to deal with at times, a passion for teaching and caring for young children will be what drives the best teachers through. Children respond to people that genuinely care for them and want what's best for them.

A Dose of Creativity

With younger aged children, getting creative is the key. Preschool teachers that can not only make fun projects for their students but make the most of the resources and environment they are in will see the most success. Also, teachers that are creative in how they approach children from different backgrounds and learning levels will help all the children feel included and have confidence they can learn as well.

Ability to be Flexible

One thing that's sure to happen in a preschool classroom is that plans will get thrown out the window. While planning for lessons is key, a great preschool teacher is prepared for the unexpected. Being flexible in this way allows a preschool teacher to stay calm and adapt to whatever the situation calls for. Whether that's rain on an outdoor activity, or needing to adjust the curriculum because of a reduction in budget, flexibility is key. 

With creativity, flexibility and a passion for teaching young children, preschool teachers can really excel. Teachers that have these qualities tend to gain a reputation for their ability to work with children and word spreads around. Be sure to ask around to other parents when looking for a great preschool and find one that employs teachers of this caliber.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

How to Determine If You Have the Drive to Restore a Car

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Restoring an old car to a new condition can be extremely fulfilling. When you compare the completed project to the beat-up car you started with, you will find yourself amazed at the transformation at your hands. This is not a project for everyone. Use the following checklist to determine if you have what it takes to follow-through on a car restoration.

You Can Display Grit and Patience

Make sure you are up to the task. What starts out as enthusiasm can eventually turn into frustration and despair. The predictable often melts into the unforeseen so that occasionally it seems you spend more time solving problems than actually moving forward. If you think of problems as challenges requiring creative solutions, it means you have the right mindset.

You Are Willing to Research

Determine what your goals should be. Perhaps you are interested only in turning a rundown car into a functioning means of transportation. On the other hand, if you wish to fully restore a car to original condition, you need to research every aspect of the car’s manufacturing profile. You may instead want to create a custom look, such as applying a metallic paint finish through custom coating services Portland OR. In that case, you should read custom car magazines and visit forums to collect ideas.

You Are Resourceful

You should accept upfront that you will use only the best parts and materials every step of the way. However, depending on the car’s heritage, you may find yourself challenged to locate some pieces. In those cases, look for companies or individuals who can handcraft the parts.

Be prepared to spend year or more on a detailed car restoration if you can’t devote yourself full-time to the plan. Once you have completed the project, however, you will take understandable pride every time you step back and stare at your prized car.

Gift Ideas For Christmas To Get You Organised

It may be summer, but that doesn’t mean that we can look forward to brighter times in the future, and for many people that might mean Christmas. This year hasn’t been great so far, so it is fair to say that many will be wanting the festive seasons to come about to lift our spirits. For any of you organized ladies out there some of you may have even boxed off your christmas shopping already. For some of us, we are just starting to put plans in place and create our lists for the festive season ahead. One of the hardest things about christmas is the gifts you need to buy. With that in mind, here are some stocking filler ideas. 

Image source - Pixabay - CC0 License

Novelty gifts for the day 

Everyone loves a novelty gift, so why not indulge in one for your friends or family. These days you can buy anything they may like, but one of the things to think about might be looking at a range of christmas shirts or even a jumper from places like that they can wear for the special day. You could even look at joke gifts in local shops. 


Another great personalized gift would be glassware. This is where you can get things like wine glasses or something more specific like a whisky glass. Engraved with names or descriptions of the person you are gifting. 

Something engraved

Another thing to consider getting engraved would be existing jewelry or something new. Or even things like paper weights and stationery used in the workplace. Once you think about it, there are plenty of things you could get engraved.

Something for him

If you are stuck for a christmas stocking filler for men, here are some suggestions. 


Is there some law in place where you have to at least receive one pair of socks at christmas time? I think so. However, on a more serious note, they do make excellent stocking fillers, and you can never have too many socks. 


Hampers are a great way to add some of their favourite items into one gift. You could include some of the special food items they like, for example, chocolate or crisps. Then maybe add some chocolate or sweet elements. 


Who doesn’t love a tipple of their favorite alcoholic beverage during the festive season? So a great gift is to perhaps buy a bottle of that just for him. Anything from champagne to whisky will surely go down a treat. 

Something for her

Perhaps you are stuck for female gift ideas as stocking fillers. Here are some suggestions. 

Pamper sets

There is nothing quite like getting an array of pampering gift sets during the festive season. We can all love a new bath soak to try or facial wash to use. Thankfully, at this time of the year, many brands put together gift sets that include a variety of products. 


Pyjamas are a great gift idea for a christmas stocking. At this time of year, you can get some wonderful ideas from festive prints to something girly and colorful. Pyjamas come in all shapes and sizes. 


Many women love new stationery. So this time of the year is the perfect chance to buy a new planner or diary for the new year ahead. 

Let’s hope this has given you some ideas to work with.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Top Reasons to Rent a Storage Unit

When it comes to storing your belongings, you have a lot of options. One of these options is to rent a storage unit. Storage units can be beneficial in a lot of ways, but here are two reasons why you should consider renting a unit.

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You’re Ready to Downsize

Nowadays, a lot of Americans are considering downsizing. Many find it to be liberating to minimize the amount of things in their home or to find a smaller home, in general. After all, small homes are easier to maintain. If you want to downsize, you may not necessarily want to part with everything that you own. You may have seasonal decorations that you want to store or important paperwork or heirlooms that you don’t want to lose. To rent a storage unit provides you with a way to keep some of your property without it taking up space in your home.

You’re Renovating or Moving

When preparing for a move, it can help to have a rental unit available. If you find yourself moving, but your new place won’t be ready right away, you need a place to store your belongings until you can move in. Rental storage units Caldwell ID movers trust can provide you with a place to keep everything safe and dry until you’re ready to move it into your home. Likewise, if you’re renovating, you don’t have to worry about where you’re going to keep your things while the contractors work on your home.
Renting a storage unit can help anyone that needs a place to store their belongings for a short time. Likewise, if you want to rent a unit long-term, it can also help. For some, it can be stressful to be surrounded by all of your belongings. If you’re minimalist or moving, storage units can give you a place to store the things that are important to you.

How To Find A Debt Relief Program That Works For You

Once you are trapped in a cycle of debt, it is incredibly difficult to get out of. This is a big problem because debt affects your life in a lot of different ways. There are, of course, ways that you can pay off huge amounts of credit card debt in a short space of time, but if your circumstances are difficult and your outgoings outweigh your income, it’s tough to clear your debt. 

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When you find yourself in this situation, you might be looking at debt relief programs. There are a lot of great debt relief programs out there that could help you get on top of your finances. However, debt relief programs are not always the best option and there are a lot of scams out there that you need to avoid. If you do think that a debt relief program could help you, here are a few tips to help you choose the right one. 

Watch Out For Scams 

The most important thing is to watch out for scams because there are some organizations that will charge you a steep fee for meeting with them but they can’t actually do anything to help you with your debt. The Debt to Success System is not a scam because they can help you to remove your legal obligation to pay debts, but there are a lot of debt advisors out there that do not have the knowledge or expertise to do that. Instead, they will give you general advice about paying debt, which you can easily find for free online. Before you agree to work with a debt relief program, ask them exactly what steps they will take to help you manage your debts. 

Ask About Fees 

Some debt relief programs charge very high fees, which is a problem if you are already in a tough financial position. Paying fees is fine if your debts will be cleared very quickly, but if you are tied into paying for a service for a long time and it doesn’t actually work, that’s going to leave you in a much worse position. Some debt relief companies will ask for a large fee upfront, so think carefully about whether it is a worthwhile investment or whether it will make your debt situation worse. 

Consider Your Credit Score 

Debt relief options can help you to get out of debt, but some of them will also affect your credit score in a big way. If you declare bankruptcy, for example, it will leave a lasting mark on your credit score, which can make it difficult to borrow money again in the future. It’s important that you consider this before you make any decisions. If there is any way that you can realistically pay off your debts without a debt relief program, this is a better option because it will not affect your credit score as much. Things like bankruptcy, in particular, should always be a last resort option. 

Debt relief programs can be a good option for some people. However, it is important that you do your research and find a legitimate organization that can actually help you to clear your debts. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Keep Your Pets Safe at Home

Keeping your pet safe at home is one of your number one priorities as a pet owner. Here are three commonly overlooked safety issues that you should consider.

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1. Be Careful About Extermination

When you’re having pest control treatment in your home, talk to the exterminator about whether the proposed treatment plan will be safe for your pets. Try to work with a company that offers a non-toxic solution that won’t leave dangerous residue all over your home and put pets’ health in jeopardy. If you need to find non-toxic pest control Skokie IL, work with a service provider who can offer a safe and unique alternative to traditional chemical treatments.

2. Address Problematic Windows

If you have a window that doesn’t consistently stay open or you sometimes use something to prop it open, it can create a serious safety hazard for pets. If they go to a window to get a view and move against it just slightly, it could cause it to slam shut suddenly. Likewise, a window with a screen could be a hazard if a small animal leans against it. A cat who is basking in the sun or doing a little bird watching could fall out of the window if the screen rips or pops out. Don’t leave a window open high enough for this to happen or install a pet window safety guard that can prevent a tragic accident.  

3. Keep Your Doors Closed at All Times

When you’re bringing things in and out of your home, be sure to keep your doors closed between trips. A dog or cat can dart out in just a moment not necessarily because of any escape inclinations but just plain curiosity. Once outside, he or she could get lost, struck by a vehicle, or attacked by another animal. Be conscientious about keeping your door closed to protect your furry family.

Friday, July 24, 2020

6 Reasons Why You Need Help Getting Rid Of Your Debt

Debt is something that affects everyone at some stage of their lives. Some people borrow more money than others, and most people repay their debts as agreed with their lenders. The trouble is, debt can get out of hand and spiral out of control when you least expect it.

For example, if you’ve recently lost your job or aren’t able to work due to injury or illness, you’ve no way of paying your bills. When that happens, your creditors will start hounding you to make a payment - something which is impossible to do in such circumstances.

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Are you in a position where your debts appear to be taking over your life? And are you finding your life quite stressful these days? If the answer to both questions is yes, don’t worry because you’re not alone.

Managing and getting rid of your debt isn’t something you should do alone for the following six reasons:

1. Your mental health is at risk

The first thing you should keep in mind is that dealing with the burden of debt alone will harm your mental health. When you feel like your mountain of debt is going to snowball out of control, it’s time to seek some outside help with it.

2. Everyone’s debt problems are unique

You might assume there are several other people with the same level of debt as yourself, and you’re probably right. But, that doesn’t mean someone else’s solution will work for you! It’s crucial to get the right debt advice, so you don’t make any mistakes in finding a solution.

3. Some unusual debt solutions can help you

There are many different “tried and tested” methods of easing the burden of debt. However, some you may not have heard about, and others you might have dismissed as a scam.

For instance, you might have heard about the Debt to Success System scam when, in reality, it’s just an unusual debt solution that works well for some folks. Without seeking help from others, you won’t know which unconventional methods are out there that work well.

4. You need help contacting your creditors

When dealing with a financial crisis, you will inevitably need to speak with your creditors about the problems you face. The trouble is, doing so without going through a professional third-party debt solution provider is a bad idea.

Using a third-party offers a variety of benefits, one of which is avoiding conversations with your money lenders.

5. You need help and advice for the future

The last thing you want to do is clear your debt problems and then find that history repeats itself. To that end, a professional debt counselor can give you the support you need to make better future financial decisions.

6. You don’t know what’s best for your situation

Last but not least, trying to resolve your debt problems alone can leave you feeling frustrated. That’s why it makes sense to work with a debt professional as they can help you determine what’s right for your situation.

Self Care Advice For Those Who Are Struggling

Self care isn't something you’re either into or you’re not. It shouldn’t be, anyway. Self care should be something that everybody does, regardless of age, gender, and other factors. Looking after yourself should not be something that ever comes as an afterthought, or something that doesn’t come at all. That being said, many people simply aren't in the habit of caring for themselves, and as many weren't taught how important this is, they just don’t do it.

Getting into the self care habit is essential - especially if you’re struggling. Maybe work is getting you down, or maybe there are other things going on in your life that you just don’t know how to deal with. Whatever it is, looking after yourself can help you to get some headspace, and you could find yourself in a better mindset. This will allow you to make decisions far easier, and you should end up feeling less stressed. If you want to get into the self care habit but you don’t know how, read on for some self care advice:

Start Small

If you’re not used to self care, then you’re going to struggle to throw yourself head first into a self care routine. Just start small. For example, vow to drink a big glass of water when you get up in the morning, and leave your vitamins on the side so you remember to take them. This alone is an act of self care.  

Try to Turn It Into A Habit 

Transforming things into habits means you need to be consistent - it can take about 3 weeks for a habit to solidify to the point where you’re not just going to stop doing it. James Clear’s book Automic Habits explains how to transform your habits and get rid of bad ones. 

Only Do Things You Enjoy 

You don't need to slather yourself in lots of different masks if you really don’t like them. Don’t do things you really, genuinely don’t like in the name of self care and instead, just do things that you enjoy. There’s bound to be something you like to do, even if it’s spending 30 minutes on the hobby that you feel like you don’t spend enough time on. Looking after your skin and soaking in the bath can be lovely, but it might not be for you and that’s ok. 

Prioritize Your Health 

If you’re not prioritizing your health, you’re not prioritizing self care. Go to regular health appointments and check ups. Don’t underestimate the importance of eye tests, and make sure you go to the dentist. You may also want to get a hearing test. You might be surprised to learn that you could need a hearing aid if you have never been for a test. Stay on top of your appointments. 

Take Time To Yourself 

Just have some time away from everybody and enjoy it. Eat nice food, watch a show you love, and get comfortable in your own company

Consider A Therapist or Life Coach 

If you’re really struggling, a therapist or life coach could help you to get back on track. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How do you explain to a child about the coronavirus crisis? It is difficult enough for adults to get a full grasp of the pandemic, what more for a child who is wondering why he or she cannot go out and play. Here are some of the questions your little one may ask, and the best responses you can give.

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Question: "What is a Corona Virus?"

Response: "A Corona Virus is a germ. You know what germs are, right? But this one is different because it can make people sick very quickly. The germ comes from people who have it in their bodies already."

Question: "Why can't I go out and play? 

Response: "We are doing our best to keep you healthy and free from the virus. We cannot see it, so the best we can do is to stay home. We do not know where it is. It is an invisible enemy. So to avoid getting sick, we should stay home. Only Mommy or Daddy can go out to get food and other things we need."

Question: "Mommy, why do you have to wear a mask when you go to the grocery?"

Response: "Mommy needs to do that to protect me from the virus. Remember I told you, we cannot see it? A mask protects Mommy's nose and mouth from inhaling the virus so I don't get sick. I also wash my hands thoroughly after I get home before I touch anything else. Mommy and Daddy are being very careful so that we don't get sick."

Question: "When can I go back to school? I miss my teacher and my friends."

Response: "Right now, there are still people who are getting sick, so your school will be doing online classes for now. You can still see your teacher and your friends. You will still be doing your lessons, sing songs, and learn art. The only thing different is that you will be using the laptop to do these things. It will not be forever, only until things get better."

Question: "Can I visit Grandma and Grandpa?"

Response: "Sure you can, but not as often as we did before. Once a week will be fine. But you will have to wear a mask and a face shield when we take you to visit your grandparents."

Question: "Can people die if they get the virus?"

Response: "Yes. People may die if they get the virus. These people are those who are already sick of something and then they get the virus. But if you are healthy and strong, you may only feel sick for a while and then get better. Now, do you understand why I keep telling you to eat healthy food and finish your veggies? It is because I want you to have a strong body to protect yourself from the virus."

Question: "When will the virus go away?"

Response: "Many people like scientists and doctors are working to find a cure. Do not worry, they are doing their best. Let us pray for them so that they may find the solution to get rid of the virus." 

These are just some of the questions a young child may ask. As parents, you must learn to choose the right words that your child will easily understand. Be honest, but also be careful not to overwhelm them with information and cause anxiety. Reassure them that all these things that are happening are only temporary.

Keep their little minds busy with other things. Encourage them to be creative through art. Get new books, especially on topics they are interested in. Keep them interested in learning new things. You can get your child a small plant that they can take care of. You can sit outside in your patio at night and gaze at the stars and the moon. Teach them about the planets, the solar system, asteroids, and galaxies. There are so many ways to keep a young child curious and hungry for new knowledge! 

My 4-year old grandson busy drawing the earth, sun, moon and other planets
Being on lock down has its perks too. Some of you may have been given a work from home set up by your employer. That's good because you get to spend more time with your child and you get that chance to personally see to it that your family is safe. 

We have been on lock down since March 16th. That's a total of 126 days to this day. Some restrictions have been lifted, but the rising number of cases is still getting everyone worried. My family and I follow strict sanitation procedures - wearing a mask (and face shield if possible), no shoes or slippers in the house, washing hands, avoid touching our faces when we are outside, and practicing social distancing. Prayers do help a lot too!

Before I end this post, let me share with you a photo of my grandson's drawing. He drew the earth, and then grabbed a red crayon and started coloring a part of the earth red. When I asked him what the red color is all about, he said, "This is the people on earth with coronavirus." And this kid is just 4 years old! 

That red area, according to my grandson is, "People on earth with corona virus"
Stay safe, and stay home as much as possible. Let us listen to the experts' advice and be vigilant always.

3 Benefits of Painting Services

Painting companies often provide more than just a paint job. Depending on the company, they can offer services like plaster repair, custom trim and molding, and staining. Here are three benefits of using a painting service.

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1. Professional Renovation Skills

Choosing to use a professional contractor when you want to renovate your workplace or living space can ensure the project is finished on schedule and meets standards and expectations.

Say you want to renovate an entire building, or most of the updates you want to make are outside. That can be a lot of work, and a project of this scale would probably be better off in the hands of experts with professional training.

2. Reduced Stress

Renovation projects can consume a lot of time, money, and energy. You can take on that work yourself as a DIY project, but most of the time, working with professionals can take a lot of the stress and workload off your plate, especially when you have a big project or extensive updates in mind. 

You can reduce stress with a one-stop-shop contractor. A company offering a wide range of professional painting services Redding means you can rely on one company for every part of your renovation instead of finding a different contractor each step of the way. That kind of strategy can really lower your stress level.

3. Long-Term Results

Utilizing the skills of professional painters and renovators usually means you can count on their work to be of high quality and last a long time. With good-quality workmanship, you won't need touchups as often as you might otherwise. That cuts long-term costs and means you won't have to deal with figuring out when and how often to schedule maintenance.

There are a lot of benefits to hiring professional painting services or renovators. They can repair, update, and maintain your office or home for you, so you have fewer things to worry about.