Thursday, June 4, 2020

Five Tips For First Time Hearing Aid Users

When you’re using a hearing aid for the time, you might find the experience a bit disorienting, especially if your hearing loss has come on gradually. There will be sounds that haven’t heard clearly for a long time, so your brain will need time to readjust to interpreting those sounds. Here are some tips to help first time hearing aid wearers.

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1. Give yourself time. Hearing aids can take some time to get used to. You can’t expect your brain to remember how to hear, identify, and interpret every sound again instantly. Hearing aids can feel a bit strange at first on your ears, but this is perfectly normal. After your hearing aid fitting, it might take a couple of days or even weeks before they feel comfortable.  When you first put on a hearing aid, sit somewhere quiet at home. This will help you to get used to the new sound quality in your home and adjust to the noises you can hear again.

2. Start small. Getting your hearing skills back can take practice. When you first get a hearing aid, start by only wearing it for a few hours a day. If you start to feel tired or overwhelmed, remove them, but try to wear them for a little bit longer each day. The longer you can keep them on, the better you will become at identifying sounds, interpreting voices, and focusing on what you’re hearing.

3. Read aloud. Before you got your hearing aids, you might have been told to stop shouting a lot. When you experience hearing loss, it’s common to talk loudly as you can’t hear your own volume. When you can regulate your own volume again, you might need to practice. A good way to learn to do this is by reading aloud to yourself while wearing the hearing aid. This helps you to get used to an appropriate volume for your speech and will help you learn to recognize the sounds of words and speech again.

4. Pair reading and listening as often as you can. When you’re reading a book, try and read along with the matching audiobook. When watching television, turn the closed captioning on. Reading along with what you’re listening to can help your brain get better reacquainted with associating sounds with the right words and speech.

5. Enlist the help of family and friends. Your loved ones can be very helpful while you are adjusting to your hearing aid. Visit them or ask them to visit you so you can practice speaking comfortably in a group. The practice will help your brain to relearn the associations between sounds, words, and body language. It’s easier to practice with people that you know well, as their familiar voices will be easier for you to identify and understand. Your friends and family can also help by adjusting the volume on your TV. They can set the volume at a comfortable volume to their ears, so you can adjust to these volumes. Don’t turn your TV higher than someone without hearing loss would, or you could cause more damage to your hearing.

Unusual & Unique Gift Ideas

If you are hoping to show that special someone in your life exactly what they mean to you, there are many ways in which you can do that. One way that you should always consider is to find them a gift which they would never have thought you would get, something so unexpected that it really surprises them. Being able to find unusual and unique gifts is something of an art, and of course especially so as you are trying to make sure that your loved one really appreciates it and that it is personal to them. In this article, we are going to look through a few ideas for unusual and unique gifts which you might want to consider for your loved one, so that you can hopefully surprise them in a completely new way.

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Name A Star

If you are looking for something especially romantic, then you might want to consider this one: naming a star after them. If you want to show someone that you really care, you can actually go out and find people who will allow you to name stars for someone you like. What’s more, you can name it more or less whatever you want - and you can ensure that it is a visible star too, meaning that you will be able to point it out to the person on a clear night. Find out more about this unique and romantic gift, and see whether it might be something that goes down well with the special person in your life.

Beer Subscription

Perhaps you are keen to find something for a professional contact, someone that you don’t necessarily know personally all that well but who you do want to do something for. If you have someone like that to buy for, then you might be able to make a good impression by getting them a subscription to a beer club. There are many of these going around at the moment, and you can simply buy that person a year or just six month subscription, so that they have beer delivered to their house once a month or even more often than that. This could be a great surprise, and it’s a gift that few people are likely to want to turn down.

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Indoor BBQ

If you are looking for something for those friends of yours stuck indoors without a garden, then you might want to think about getting them an indoor BBQ. These actually work very well, better than you might think, and they are generally a wonderful way of cooking any kind of protein that you might want to eat. You can even get some which are smokeless, so that people can use them indoors no matter what their situation is without worry. It’s a thoughtful gift during this time of lockdown, and one that you might want to think about if you are keen to surprise someone special and close to your heart.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

7 Ways To Manage Your Stress

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Stress is a natural reaction. It is the way that our body gets ready for us to deal with perceived danger. Whether that is us getting chased by a predator thousands of years ago, or going for a job interview in the modern era; stress can give you the edge to fight. 

However, if you’re perceiving danger or threat constantly, and your mind is full of worries, the stress can become uncomfortable. 

You could lose a lot of sleep, and you will have trouble unwinding at home. 

It is essential that you manage your stress. 

Here are seven great ways to help you to lower your stress levels. 

1. Do Lots of Puzzles

Believe it or not, one of the best tools you can buy to help you lower your stress is a sudoku magazine. By completing puzzles that require a high level of concentration, you will be able to keep your brain active, while taking your mind off the thoughts that cause you to stress in the first place. 

2. Take Some Exercise

Exercise is a great way of lowering stress because it increases the levels of endorphins in your body. 

Endorphins are a feel-good hormone, so they’ll make you feel positive. 

Find a physical activity that you enjoy. Build up the frequency that you perform this activity. 

3. Perform Deep Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing is an excellent way to calm yourself down when you’re stressed. 

Breathe in slowly through your nose over the count of four. Then, hold your breath for five seconds. Then, breathe out slowly through your mouth over the count of six. 

Repeat this for a few minutes.

4. Try Meditation 

In much the same way as deep breathing can help to calm you down, meditation will also help to ground you at the same time. 

Find a quiet spot and sit or lay in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and breathe in and out gently. Focus all of your attention on your breath. 

Meditation takes some practice, so if it feels odd on your first attempt, don’t give up;  it may get easier in the future. 

5. Use Journaling 

Journaling involves writing about your life. Write down everything that bothers you throughout your day. All of this will help you to process your emotions in a positive and constructive manner. 

6. Harness the Power of Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations mean writing down things about yourself that you are happy with. Or, writing down positive statements about your life right now. 

This might be writing down something that you’re good at, or focusing on a nice thing that someone has said to you. 

7.Learn Your Triggers

Stress is often triggered by similar occurrences. You might find that the things that make you the most stressed will be recurring problems. 

Learn to identify these. Make a note whenever you are stressed about what has happened to make you feel this way. Then, look for patterns. You might not be able to cut that stressor out of your life, but you might be able to manage it better. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Choosing a dentist is one of the most important decisions that you can make. And one that could have a significant impact on your dental health in the future if you choose incorrectly. 

It’s therefore important to sit down and conduct thorough research before you settle on one. As part of this process, there are several considerations that you must keep in mind from the beginning.

To help guide you and ensure you’re on the right path, here are 5 of them:

1. The Cost 

One of the key considerations is the cost of the dentist. This not only includes how much it will cost you for a routine checkup but for any potential treatments that you need to have done over the years. Dental appointments are vital, so you want to ensure that the dentist that you’re looking at sits within your budget. 

Of course, many dental practices will offer a payment plan and some treatments may be covered under insurance. But by using this consideration as a key point of comparison you’ll be able to make a decision more efficiently. 

2. Experience

Another key consideration is the experience that the dentist has had in the field. A factor that matters greatly when it comes to your oral health, you need to have the peace of mind that they know what they are doing. 

The more experience they have, the better they will be at helping you with a condition or procedure. To discover this, spend some time looking on their website to see what accreditation they have and what others say about them. 

3. Services That They Offer

Before deciding which dental practice you should register at, pay attention to what services they offer. Do they provide a wide range of services? Or do they only cater for some treatments/conditions? Typically, a high-quality dentist will not only provide emergency treatments (such as emergency crowns or fillings) but gum surgery, bonding, etc. 

4. Education and Qualifications 

Following on from number 2, as part of identifying their experience in dentistry, you should also look out for what qualifications and education they have completed. It’s important to know that all qualified dentists should have attended dental school. 

If they are a specialized dentist, such as a dental hygienist, they should have also carried out other related certifications after completing dental school.

5. Ask for Referrals

Along with reading testimonials on their website, it’s a good idea to seek further reviews from third-party sites or those you know who use their services. This gives you an authentic insight into what current patients think of their work and whether it’s the right decision for you. 

Once you’ve done this, you can then call each of the dentists on your shortlist and request a consultation appointment. Through this initial meeting, you’ll be able to analyze their skills and experience, as well as getting a useful insight into how comfortable you feel around them – which is essential.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 5 key considerations that you should keep at the forefront of your mind when choosing a dentist for you and your family. All valid points, you can use these before settling on the most suitable dentist for you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Five Road Safety Tips You'll Need

Being a safe driver is probably one of the most important things to be when you're on the road. You can be behind the wheel and in control of your actions, but how do you control the actions of others? You can't. Instead, you need to make sure that you don't take your safety for granted and you watch the road at all times. 

Did you know that in one area, more than 65,000 were injured as a result of car accidents? This is a figure that’s far too high and you don't want to be part of the statistics. It’s so easy to be comfortable behind the wheel and make good judgements, but it requires you to be as safe as possible. You cannot be a safe driver, however, without being aware of your actions. Here are five road safety tips you'll need while you’re behind the wheel of the car.

Image Source: Pexels
1. You should never drive when you’re tired. So many people think that being tired is just for those who drive long distances consistently. It’s not the case, not when you could be tired from work. Long hours or shift work make you more likely to fall asleep at the wheel, too. Being tired slows down your reaction times, and you need to think about the signs of fatigue, too, to know if it’s a problem. Caffeine, taking regular breaks and driving with concentration can help you massively to remain safe on the road.

2. You must focus on the road ahead. It may feel like a harmless activity to send a text or change the music on the radio. The thing is, that moment of distraction could cost you and send you off the road. You need to be able to react to hazards and all of your focus should be there and not on the music or your phone.

3. It's not rocket science, but drinking and driving? It’s a big no-no. You need to be as alert as possible on the road, and not putting alcohol into your bloodstream, slowing down your reaction times and fluffing your ability to concentrate.

4. Keeping an eye on the weather may be something you do for your day to day life, but you should consider that the weather can change the condition of the road. You shouldn't speed up, shift lanes or squeeze through traffic if you’re expecting storms and icy roads. It’s vital that you stay aware of the conditions of the road around you so that you can make the best decisions.

5. Driving defensively is so important when you are on the road. You need to be alert and ensure that you are keeping yourself focused on your driving while being aware of other people on the road. You can avoid accidents by giving others time on the road as much as your own time. Signalling early is a must, too, and it's respectful of other drivers to let them know your actions.

Staying safe isn’t hard to do if you are aware of your own actions. Start today and be better on the road!

Friday, May 29, 2020

Here I go again with my addiction with soap operas staring my favorite Asian superstar, Jerry Yan! I have actually watched this series four times and would love to have some free time to watch it all over again. Yes, it is that good!

My Best Ex-Boyfriend is a  Chinese TV series of 42 episodes, released in 2015. Before I go on discussing drool-worthy scenes in this series, let me start off by introducing you to the superb cast.

My Best Ex Boyfriend is a series that will make you want to binge watch till the end. Every episode has its twists and turns and plays with your emotions. Honestly, there were episodes which made me want to jump into the story!

Plot Summary:

Li Tang and Fu Fang Si were sweethearts in university. Cheng Xiang Nan was Fu Fang Si's classmate and no matter how hard she tried, she could not beat Fu Fang Si's talent in design. Her anger and envy took roots when they were still students.

After graduation, Li Tang and Fu Fang Si started a small fashion studio, called Fancy. Li Tang's father was not in favor of this and he disliked Fang Si because she declined an offer to work overseas, which in turn made Li Tang to decide to stay by her side and work on this small business instead of going abroad to work on the family business.

A year after starting the business, Li Tang sold the business which made Fang Si really upset that it made her decide to break up with him. 

Cheng Xiang Nan broke up with her boyfriend Yin Hao Ran because of her ambitions of fame and fortune once she gets her foot into the modeling industry. She said she will never get out of poverty if she continues her relationship with Hao Ran. This was also upon the prodding of her mother who wanted her daughter to become rich, whatever it takes. 

Fast forward to six years - Fu Fang Si has built a career on own, maintaining the same label, Fancy. She was invited by Yin Hao Ran to join a fashion show to present her creations. Cheng Xiang Nan is now a super-model in the industry and the top asset for Don Juan, a fashion company owned by Li Tang. Fang Si and Xiang Nan's paths cross again and the hatred flares up, especially when Xiang Nan ripped Fang Si's dress into pieces. 

Fang Si gets rave reviews from the show, secures a contract from Qiao Rui Si to market her designs. Suddenly, Li Tang appears. Fang Si and Li Tang's eyes meet, but would only cause Fang Si so much pain because Li Tang proposed marriage to Xiang Nan right there and then, shifting the media's attention from Fang Si to Li Tang and Xiang Nan.

Conflict after conflict arises, which would really make you want to watch the next episode and the episode after that. The series will show some dirty tactics of a well respected businessman, eliminating any small company that poses a threat. There is greed, lust for money and fame, misunderstanding, and the relationship between a father and his son. The series also highlights the determination and courage of Fang Si to get her label to be known. The relationship of lovers and ex-lovers are worth watching. It makes you really wonder who will end up with who.

I would really want to discuss more about the plot, but I would rather stop here, so that you will watch the series yourself. I promise you, it will be worth your time. 

My Favorite Dialogues:

Hao Ran: Are you waiting for Li Tang or just commemorating your past?

Fang Si: Actually, there isn't much to commemorate. Six years ago today, I texted him to end our relationship. Six years later, today, the pin he gave me is now broken.

Hao Ran: Fang Si, let bygones be bygones! How many six years does a person have? Fang Si, please put an end to what happened in the past today. Today, Cui Can went public. There is nothing you should feel sorry for about him! The broken pin is a sign from God that you should live for yourself!

Fang Si: For him, today is the end. For me, I will try again tomorrow.

Hao Ran: What?

Fang Si: As soon as sent that text, I regretted it. I sent him another text later, to tell him to wait for me here on the second day. I waited for him the whole day. My mom was with me too. But he suddenly disappeared, just like this time, and never showed up again. After losing the store, he kept waiting for me downstairs at my home. I didn't want to see him. I didn't give him the chance to explain, either. But when I actually sent that short text, I found myself in greater pain. I only lasted for four hours, and then I surrendered. I didn't want to leave him. 

Hao Ran: Fang Si, can you get a grip on yourself? He isn't worth it!

Fang Si: Its not about whether its worth it, or not! It's not about being willing, or not! I know he is selfish, childish and sometimes unreasonable! Actually, I'm not that strong either! I'm a coward! I haven't been able to admit that I can't leave him!


Li Tang: My dear Fu Fang Si and schoolmate! Do you know how furious you made me sometimes? I really hated you! I didn't want to see you again in my lifetime! Do you know how hard it was to handle you and get along with you? 

But I love you very much. So, will you marry me? 

I know that in the past, I was very childish and immature. I didn't do a lot of things well, and made you sad. I was a hateful person. I want to use the rest of my life -- I will definitely use my life to work hard and be very serious, not to be a childish person, and protect and love you. So give me this chance and marry me, alright? 

Let me put this ring on you. Will you be with this childish guy for the rest of your life? 

Fang Si: I will.


Xiang Nan: I heard Fang Si opened a new studio and that you helped her out a lot. I also heard you're setting up a press conference for her.

Li Tang: This is a private matter between me and Fang Si. Shouldn't it be none of your business?

Xiang Nan: You're right. You don't have Tang Huang, but you have Li Corporation. Boss Li is really wealthy. I wonder if your father found out you spent so much money on it what would he think?

Li Tang: My dad is now very supportive of my relationship with Fang Si. He already approved our marriage so the wedding should happen soon. Because we're working together, I should invite you, but because I fear you'll wreck the ceremony, I decided not to. Li Corporation and NSH's collaboration is about to hit the market soon. Hence, I think we should focus on our business.

Xiang Nan: Li Tang, don't act like you're calm. I ruined your father and I ruined you. You have lost Tang Huang. Fu Fang Si's many years of efforts have also gone to waste! You should hate me and hope that I will go down the eighteen stairs of hell.

Li Tang: Hate you? You are insignificant to me now. Boss Cheng, you still don't understand the current situation? Its only business between us now. Other than that, you are insignificant to me. 

My Review:

Jerry Yan once again plays the role of a rich kid - impulsive, childish, but with a soft spot in his heart for the people he truly cares for. His acting is commendable. He really gets into the character he portrays. I'm not saying this because I am a big fan of his. Jerry is a really good actor. In his role as Li Tang, he was able to pull off an image of a young entrepreneur who is charming, playful and cool, squashing the stereotype of a boss who is straight faced and wears a suit to work every day. As for his outfits in the series, some were quirky looking, although I accept it as such, because his business is in the fashion industry. 

This is the first soap opera where I got to watch Maggie Jiang. Such a pretty lady and likewise a great actress. Her facial expressions are perfect in every scene. Like Jerry, she really got into the character of Fu Fang Si. During some scenes when I could feel the hurt she suffered, I just really wanted to "get into the series" and give her a hug to comfort her. Maggie was the perfect choice for the role - charming, naive, but headstrong in her will to achieve her dreams. 

I was doubtful of Yin Hao Ran from the very start of the series. Ron Ng portrayed the typical "wolf in sheep's clothing." He did things that put Fang Si's career in trouble. He is a cunning businessman and would do anything for profit. It was only towards the end of the series that he made amends to his mistakes. 

Cheng Xiang Nan (Viola Mi) is the baddest villainess ever! I really wanted to pull her hair and drag her out of the series. Seriously! And all those evil things she did for money! She epitomizes that saying, "Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned." There really must be people like this in real life, and I hope I don't get to meet them! 

This series is all about lost love, misunderstanding, deceit, chasing dreams, filial piety, and rekindling a love that was never supposed to have been lost in the first place. It also gives viewers an insight of the problems that business executives face in dealing with market competition - sometimes up to the point that relationships are tainted, trust is lost, and love is set aside. 

I highly recommend you watch this series. I am positive that after you've watched it, you will believe that true love is worth the wait.

Hungry for more Jerry Yan? Check out these other posts:

1. The Forbidden Flower - Series Review + Memorable lines
2. Loving Never Forgetting - Synopsis + Series Review 
3. Meteor Garden Season 3 - Fan Fiction (5 Part Series)

As a dog owner, nothing is more frightening than the idea of your little friend developing health issues. While we all want our pets to be safe and healthy, there are some medical issues that we cannot protect them from and they will appear no matter what we do to stop it. One of those issues is hypertrophic osteodystrophy (HOD), otherwise known as bone inflammation, and as you can see here, it usually affects larger breeds.

When some of those medical issues arise, it is our responsibility to ease our pup’s symptoms, help them overcome the problem and lead a better-quality life. The owners are the ones who need to take proper care of the animal and simply ignoring the symptoms is the worst thing you could do. If you suspect that your pup might be suffering from this condition, then read on to find out what it actually is and how it can be treated.

What Is Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD) And What Causes It?

This is a medical condition that affects the bones of large breed puppies. It is usually developed between the second and the seventh week of their lives and it is closely connected to their fast growth. While this is a condition that is usually simply outgrown by canines, there are instances in which it could lead to permanent damage and deformed legs.

The most common symptoms of this condition include pain and swelling in the joints, loss of appetite, and lameness, as well as fever and diarrhea. While you might not be able to do much about it until the pup grows and beats the disease on its own, you definitely want to ease its symptoms and help it any way you can. There is a new, popular way of treating this, but we will get to that later.

If you want to jump to the new treatment plan immediately, here you go: 

The cause of this medical condition is still not perfectly clear. While some experts think it has to do with a lack of vitamin C, others believe that it might be the dog’s response to vaccination. This lack of evidence makes it almost impossible to think in advance and prevent the development of HOD. All you can do is treat it if it occurs.

If you believe to have noticed some of these symptoms in your little pet, the best thing you can do is take it to the vet. A professional will know how to diagnose the pup properly, as well as tell you what you should do about it. Once again, the worst thing you can do is simply ignore the problem and wait for it to disappear. I suppose you wouldn’t be able to watch your pup suffer like that.

How Is It Treated?

Now we have come to the treatment part. This condition is usually treated with anti-inflammatory medication and there seems to be a perfect product on the market ready to help your little puppy with the symptoms of HOD. I am talking about a compound called Cannabidiol (CBD) and the products derived from it.

Cannabidiol is a compound extracted from the hemp plant, which comes from the family of cannabis. Although the plant is related to cannabis, neither hemp, nor CBD products are psychoactive or toxic for your animal. In other words, the products are perfectly safe for animal consumption and they have proved to be highly effective in the treatment of hypertrophic osteodystrophy and similar conditions. 

The reason CBD is so great in the process of treating HOD is because it has anti-inflammatory properties and it is a perfect pain management tool. As we have already established, when your pup develops HOD, it will feel a lot of pain, swelling, and inflammation in its joints. Those are all the symptoms that can be successfully eased with the help of CBD.

While you might not be able to get rid of this condition immediately, CBD is your best shot at helping your dog by relieving its symptoms and consequently improving its quality of life. I know you definitely want what’s best for your doggie and in this case, the best you can do is ease the pain and inflammation. CBD can help you do that.

How Homeopathic Medicine Can Help You

Your health is important, and the reality is that for many, traditional forms of medicine don't always offer the support they need to feel their absolute best. If you find yourself looking for new ways to improve your health naturally, homeopathy, or homeopathic remedies Burien WA, could be a good option for you. 

Image source
What Is Homeopathic Medicine?

Homeopathic medicine is a medical treatment system based on the theory that the body knows how to heal itself. It often involves a variety of natural cures, using substances like plants, herbs, vitamins and minerals. It also emphasizes working with your body in a holistic way. When aiding you, homeopathic practitioners will often take your habits, like your eating habits, sleeping habits, and habits relating to physical activity into account when assessing how to improve your health. 

What Are the Benefits?

There can be many benefits to using homeopathic medicine, especially for those looking for more natural, gentle ways to help them with their ailments. One of the benefits of this kind of medicine is that it tends to work with your body in a natural way and can, therefore, have fewer side effects or less dramatic side effects than other kinds of treatment. Additionally, homeopathic medicine can be used for both chronic ailments as well as acute ones, and many supplements designed to help you with one health concern can often help boost your health in other, unexpected ways. However, it should be kept in mind that there aren't any guarantees that this kind of medicine can cure you, so it can still be a good idea to check with your regular health care provider if you have a health concern. 

A Final Word

Health is important, and for some, traditional methods of health care don't always help you to feel your best. If you find yourself curious about ways to heal that are more natural, homeopathic medicine could be right for you. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

An Introduction to Water Systems

It might sound obvious, but according to Merriam-Webster a water system is a system of supplying water. If your city’s waste-water treatment plant is the first thing that comes to mind, that’s a great example. However, there are several other types of water systems that vary significantly in size and scope and it's a good idea to know what they are.

Public Water Systems

Researchers estimate that there are approximately 150,000 public water systems in the United States. The Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA, has determined three different types of public systems. A Community Water System provides a year-round water supply to the same population. A Non-Transient Non-Community Water System supplies water to at least 25 people for at least six months out of the year. Transient Non-Community Water Systems supply water to places where people only occupy briefly, such as campgrounds and gas stations

Residential Irrigation

Your home’s irrigation is an example of a small system, but it’s an important one, nonetheless. Without it, your yard and plants might not survive. Also, if one of your lines starts to leak and you don’t notice it, you could waste thousands of gallons of water in minutes. You might want to familiarize yourself with some water system repair products, just so you can have them on hand.

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Drinking Fountains

Drinking water that’s supplied to the public is highly regulated and needs to be regularly tested and maintained by certified professionals. This includes everything from the water that comes through your faucets to the drinking fountains in parks. The next time you’re on a long hike and you come across an outdoor fountain in the wilderness, you might want to think about what was entailed in getting that water out there.    

Water is an easy thing to take for granted, but a lot of work is entailed in creating systems to ensure everyone has access to it. 

3 Care Options for Senior Loved Ones

As people age, it can be difficult for family members to determine what level of care is needed for their senior loved ones. It can be especially complicated to balance the preferences and needs of the senior with the lifestyle and demands of the family member’s lives. When in this situation, it is important that family members understand that there are multiple alternatives options to consider.

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1. Living With a Loved One

Some families are able to accommodate their senior loved ones into their own home and provide all the care they need. While all family relationships and situations are unique, many seniors enjoy being surrounded by people they know and love. However, some seniors with unique medical conditions or dementia may require more assistance than their family members can provide.  

2. Living Alone With Assistance

For seniors who wish to remain in their current place of residence, it is sometimes an option to have a nurse or caretaker visit the senior’s home as necessary. The level of care provided can often be customized to the individual’s needs. Assisted living facilities, such as adult foster care fall river, are another unique option for seniors that allow them to live in their own apartment-like room while getting help with only the tasks they cannot complete on their own.

3. Receiving 24/7 Care at a Facility  

For people with complex medical issues or advanced dementia, a skilled nursing facility, dementia care facility, or a similar type of living complex that offers around-the-clock care is sometimes the best alternative. There are also some transitional care residences that can alter the level of care provided depending on the individual’s needs, ultimately offering 24/7 care when necessary.
Knowing what options are available allows family members and seniors to develop a plan that best fits their unique situation. It is important to always consider the health and mental stability of the aging individual and to place value on both party’s preferences when deciding.


Monday, May 25, 2020

So what have you been up to during this quarantine period? For me, I went back to my first love - photography.

I dreamed of becoming a photo journalist. I was dead set on taking up Journalism after I graduated from high school, but my parents had other plans for me.

However, my love for photo journalism has never waned. I still walk around looking for the extraordinary in ordinary things. With the current crisis, it has given me more time to appreciate the beauty around me.

Sharing with you some of my personal photos I have saved in my external hard drive. Hope you enjoy viewing them.

Flower photos: 

When there are flowers, of course, there will be animals that will be attracted to them. Here are some of my photos of butterflies, a caterpillar, a snail and a grasshopper. Sadly, the butterflies in the photos are not well. They must have been hurt or something because they could not take flight. Still beautiful even in their unfortunate state.

That's all for now. This is such a good way for me to keep the symptoms of depression in check. 

Oh, just to let you know, all these photos were taken using a smartphone.

Do you think it is time for me to invest in a real camera? I think so too, and I already have been saving up for my very first DSLR. Hopefully I will have enough to buy it as a Christmas gift for myself.

Stay happy and stay safe!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Caring For Someone With A Chronic Condition

Chronic conditions are hugely important things which affect not just the person suffering with them, but everyone around them as well. This can often especially be the case when someone is diagnosed with something very suddenly out of the blue, but even when it is from birth it is likely that it can affect one’s life profoundly too. If you are living with someone, or otherwise close to someone, who has a chronic condition, you probably want to know what you can do to help them. As it happens, there are many things you can do in caring for a person who has a chronic condition, and we are going to take a look at some of them now. Bear these things in mind if you want to ensure you are helping them out as well as possible.

Source - CCO Licence
Understand The Condition

The most important thing that you can do is to understand everything there is to understand about the condition itself first and foremost. By getting to grips with everything you can about the condition, you are going to be in a much better position when it comes to helping that person, rather than being in the dark. There are many things you can do in order to learn more about their condition, whether you look for information in trusted books and medical journals or whether you simply speak to the medical professionals. If you seek information online, be sure to take great care in ensuring that it is a reputable and trustworthy source, otherwise you might struggle to know whether the information you are getting is any good at all.

All in all, if you make a point of understanding the condition more, you are going to feel more capable of helping your loved one - and they are going to likely appreciate that you have taken the time to learn all of that information.

Be There For Them

The best thing to do in a day to day sense is just to be there for them however you might be able to. That means that you are by their side when you need them, so they know that you are there and they subsequently feel supported. That doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to put literally everything on hold, nor are they necessarily going to ask for that. But showing that you are there for them is going to mean that they feel so much more supported, and in many ways it is the most important thing that you can do for them. As long as you are there for them and generally supportive, that is absolutely going to be the best you can do.

Source - CCO Licence
Help Them Make Healthcare Decisions

With many chronic conditions, there are going to be a huge range of decisions which the person needs to make. Knowing that they have someone with them who can help them to make those decisions will make it a lot easier, and should mean that they are going to be more likely to make an informed and sensible decision along the way. If you are particularly close to them and they want you to help them out in the future in this way too, then they might even think about asking you to be their power of attorney for healthcare and medical decisions. This is a big responsibility to have, and you are going to have to think carefully about whether or not it is something that you want to engage in. As well as the huge decisions you will likely have to make in the future, you have to bear in mind that there are many risks of being a power of attorney, and it’s a decision that only you can really make. So be sure to take it seriously and treat it carefully, and you should find that you can do what is right.

Source - CCO License
Ask Questions

It is generally best not to just assume that you know how the sufferer is feeling or what is going through their heads, and that you instead simply ask them where necessary. The more questions you ask them, the more you are going to work out what is going on for them. That will inform the help that you provide them, and it will help you to do the right thing for them at all times. You will also find that it’s a great way to show how much you care, and they are probably going to appreciate it for that reason too. Ask as many questions as you can to really get to the bottom of their experience at all times.

Taking Care Of Yourself

A big mistake that a lot of carers make is that they forget that they are also important. If you want to ensure that you are going to be able to help the person long into the future, and if you want to stay sane and happy yourself, then you need to make sure that you are caring for yourself as much as you are caring for them. If you forget to care for yourself, you can find that it quickly leads to a lot of resentment towards the person you are caring for, and that means that you are then more likely to start turning away from them, so it’s really no good for anyone to let this happen. Taking care of yourself means that you give yourself a break from time to time, that you say how you feel about what is going on, and you don’t completely give yourself up in service to the other person. If you can remember that and still show them a lot of care, you have done it right, but it is a hard balance to get right.

As you can see, there is a lot to think about when you are caring for someone with a chronic condition. As long as you have thought about these things, you should find that you can do it much better.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Guide to Caring for Your Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon affectionately referred to as “beardie”, is a reptile and one of the many lizard species. Its name is so-called because just like dragons, it has spiny reptilian scales and a beard of spikes that puffs up under its throat based on its mood. This beard also turns black for different reasons but especially when it is stressed. It is considered one of the best lizard species and among the easiest to care for, therefore, it is usually kept as a pet and in zoos.

Beardies are omnivores and can be found in bushes and tree branches and they like to stay on rocks and trees, basking in the sun. They are mostly native to Australia and can also be found in deserts, eucalyptus woodlands, and shrublands. Their average lifespan is 4 – 10 years and a fully grown one can reach up to 18 to 22 inches, weighing between 10 to 18 ounces. They range in color from red to yellow, white or brown

Beardies are mostly gentle, alert, inquisitive, hardy, and tame. They also exhibit behaviors like waving of their arms as a sign of submission, especially by females. Also, when alarmed or anxious, their spiny beards get extended and can turn black. Many owners of bearded dragons like to watch them for fun while they feed or as they chase crickets. You can check out this article to learn more.

How to Care for Your Beardie

Provide it with a Home

As an owner of a bearded dragon, there is a need to care for it if you want it to live well and live long. You need to set up a home, called a terrarium, for it with a screened lid and a source of heating as they are from warm and dry habitats. To make sure it is comfortable, you should line the bottom of the terrarium with calcium sand or a reptile carpet especially if it is a young one. At least once a week, clean up its wastes and provide a clean and fresh living. You should also add a few branches and rocks for climbing and hiding.


Beardies are ectotherms which means that they need both hot and cool environments. As a result of this, endeavor to put thermometers at the different ends to measure the temperature. Also, a hygrometer to measure humidity. Its humidity should be between 20 to 30%. The heat source should be over the beardie’s basking spot; the warmest area of the terrarium at around 100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit while the cooler end should be about 38 to 29 degrees Fahrenheit. Note that the basking light should be turned off at night. Remember that they are active in the day and sleep at night. To view your pet at night, you may need to use a night specific source of light so as not to disturb it.

You can learn more about how to properly light your pet’s space here:


Being omnivores, they eat both plants and insects. A bearded dragon should be fed at least 2 to 3 times daily. You can feed it vegetables such as carrots, leafy greens, and insects like mealworms, wax worms, and crickets. You can also feed it with fruits like apples, melons, and bananas. There are also pet stores that sell bearded dragon foods, you can get some of that for it. Also, make sure to always provide it with water and clean its feeding plates and bowls regularly.

Keeping Your Beardie Healthy

As much as possible, when you newly acquire your pet, try not to hold it for up to three or four days as it needs a chance to get used to its new home. If you keep handling it, it can fall sick. If you notice any symptoms of sickness, you need to take it to the vet. Some signs that your pet is sick include:

Not eating and drinking water.
Hiding more than is usual.
Shedding and discoloration of its scale.
Discharges from its mouths, eyes, and nose.
Watery and runny droppings that have continued for more than two days.
Swollen joints.

Taking care of this creature requires some knowledge. Thankfully you can find several resources online that will provide you with sufficient bearded dragon guidance. Take advantage of these.

Where Can You Get a Beardie?

If you are interested, you can purchase a bearded dragon from reptile expos, pet stores, and breeder websites. Captive-bred specimens are healthier and easily adapt than those caught in the wild, so it is recommended to get those.