Friday, May 22, 2020

Safely Tossing Bulky, Unwanted Appliances, Cars and More

We have definitely all been there - there’s some non-working appliance, electronic item or even something larger, like a car or pool, that’s just been collecting dust, rust or mold in our homes and yards for months or even years. And why? It isn’t because we enjoy those expensive home ornaments taking up space and making us look like Fred Sanford’s younger cousin. It’s because we don’t know what to do with them! 

Photo Credit: Ömer Aydın
So many of us have no idea how to dispose of non-working items like this properly. We know we won’t want to just throw them away, because they’ll be tossed in a landfill and that’s terrible for the environment. But how do we dispose of them? 

Below are a few ideas of disposing of appliances and other items safely and responsibly. 


So you’ve got a washer or dryer that finally bit the dust, sitting there turning into a rust heap in your basement. Or your dishwasher is camping out in the garage, an expensive pile of non-working metal. You don’t want to just throw them away but you aren’t sure if they can be recycled, either. So what to do? 

For certain appliances, you may be able to strip them for parts which you can then sell, donate or give away. Wiring may be valuable, so check with your local recycling center. They may be willing to pay you for some of the parts and wires. 

When all else fails, you can call a commercial junk hauler to take away your unwanted items. This takes away all the hassle of having to find a way to get rid of the items yourself and they will recycle them and dispose of them safely for you. 


Pretty much all of us have a junk drawer with at least two non-working cell phones that we have no idea what to do with. They’re so expensive, you don’t want to just give them away, but you can’t ever use them again. 

Luckily, there are a number of companies that buy used cell phones. You can even find the kiosks in the foyer of your favorite retail store, or if that isn’t your bag, pop online to review a few of the companies that do this. It’s usually as simple as filling out a form, snapping a picture or two and the company will send you a mailer and a label, then pay you for your phone(s)! These companies will pay good money for smart phones especially, as they recycle, repair and repurpose them. 

This same practice can work for other electronics, too, such as TVs, video game consoles, and more. Why let something sit around collecting dust, or throw it away where it won’t ever break down in a landfill, when you can sell it for some quick cash? 


There’s nothing worse than having a broken down car sitting in your yard, driving down your property value and turning into a rust heap. 

If you find yourself with a car that you can’t sell, isn’t worth anything for parts, and you have no idea how to get rid of it, luckily there are options for you. You could call a salvage yard, and while they will come tow your vehicle and give you cash for it, beware that they often don’t pay very much. 

Another option is to contact a reputable company like Sell the Car USA, who buys junked, wrecked, damaged and non-running cars for reasonable fees. You can sell your car to them, get it towed off your property and never have to worry about it again! These companies usually pay you before they even take your car off the property, ensuring that you’re paid fairly and quickly. You can start a quote and fill out a little information to find out if your car is a good candidate for this service!

And there you have it. In most cases, whether you’re looking at an electronic item, appliance or something larger like a vehicle, you can find a reputable company who will take it off your hands. You might even make some money for it! 

Scratching Your Travel Itch During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has brought with it a lot of changes to our lives, including how we socialize, shop, and work. It’s pushed us indoors, to the point where even a trip to a local restaurant seems like an exciting day trip. Bigger travel trips that will take us further afield will have to put on pause for the time being, which is pretty heartbreaking for people who already had a trip planned. Still, though you may be unable to explore new lands right now, there are ways you can experience the wonder of travel right from your own home. We take a look at some of the best ways to do this below.
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Virtual Tours

OK, taking a virtual trip might not be as fun as visiting in person, but it’s better than nothing! There are many ways you can explore the world from the comfort of your sofa. You could load up a place on Google Maps and dive into street view, for example. It won’t be as good as the real thing, but it will give you a sense of what the destination is like. Some of the world’s best museums have their collections online too, allowing you to virtually visit the attractions you’re currently unable to visit in person.

Foods of the World

One of the joys of traveling to a new destination is having a chance to enjoy all the delicious recipes that come from that region. If you can’t get there to taste it first-hand, then why not look at making the meals yourself? It’s a great way to bring a dose of international culture into your life. This carnitas tacos recipe is delicious and straightforward to make, and will make you feel like you’ve just touched down in Mexican -- especially if you’re playing Mexican music and sipping a Corona beer while you’re making it. You don’t always need to travel when you have your stomach to travel for you!

Learn a Language 

If you’ve always liked the disorienting sensation of not fully understanding what’s going on around you when you travel, then why not throw yourself into learning a language? You’ve got all this time that you have to spend at home; you may as well make the most of it! In the early stages, you’ll be completely confused by the language, just like you are when you’re traveling. Slowly but surely, however, you’ll find that the language is beginning to sink in. And who knows -- by the time the lockdown is lifted, you might just be able to speak the local language the next time you take a trip!

Planning a Trip

And talking about taking a trip: now could be the time to get planning. The pandemic won’t last forever! By dreaming up some travel plans now, you’ll be ensuring that you’re raring to go when it’s finally possible. Much of the fun of taking a trip happens during the planning stage anyway. You’ll find that it really can be enjoyable! 

No matter what the criminal allegation or charge might be, the prospect of being placed under arrest is a daunting one for anybody. Nevertheless, the justice system operates in a generally consistent manner and much of the same advice can apply to anyone in this situation. Before getting sidetracked by the stress and pressure of an impending trial, try to stay calm. Focusing on the points outlined below can be a source of great relief and comfort.

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Understand Your Options

There are often several different possibilities on the table for a suspect upon being locked up. Though these will possibly include a plea deal and robust defense plan, those are hardly the only choices a person in this situation will need to make. For starters, it is important to get out of jail as soon as possible if such release is allowed by the court. Look for a trusted and reputable source for bail bonds near me Cleveland OH, or a similar service in whichever jurisdiction is appropriate for the case.

Understand Your Choices

At that point, it is smart to begin searching for a qualified legal team or an attorney with direct experience in the area of law most closely aligned with the likely charges. Start the search online, but supplement it with advice from trusted friends and family to get the best idea of which firms are available.

Understand Your Next Steps

Although experts will be handling the legal arguments, every defendant should be invested in his or her own case as much as possible. This means understanding what the future will hold and how each of the possible scenarios could play out.
While few among us would volunteer to go through an arrest, such scenes play out in communities around the world every day. If that describes you or someone you know, keep the guidelines above in mind.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Most Effective Garden Upgrades

There is no doubting the fact that we love spending time in our gardens when the sun is shining. Whether it’s getting a pull-out for the children and letting them have a splash around, or drinking a cocktail in the sunshine on one of our days off, but there are some things we can do to improve our garden, and they don’t need to necessarily be grand designs either. Our gardens are unique to us, and we should choose what we love. But there are plenty of opportunities to build a wonderful outdoor space for you and your family and here are some of the most effective ideas.

Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash
We love to sit on a lush green lawn, and Big League Lawns can help you with that, but there are some things you can do to ensure that your lawn is healthy and looking its best. Having somewhere to put your garden furniture and dip your toes in the green blades of the grass, is relaxing and comforting for S during the summer. Been able to get a large blanket out and place it on the lawn to have a picnic on, and enjoying time looking at your window at a wonderful landscape In front of you, is something that will entertain and comfort for years to come. A high-quality lawn cut regularly can be very therapeutic. It is also very aesthetically pleasing and something we consider to be essential for a high-quality garden.

It sounds obvious that gardens need flowers to help them look better, but there are some unique ways that people are coming up with, that really set off a garden and its features. It’s easy to plant seeds, so creating raised beds, window boxes, or even pieces of art with specific flowers growing in specific areas, can really make a huge difference. Having fun with your floral displays, whether they are meant to look a little like a wild woodland, or a pruned and preened oasis, the birds and bees, and your visitors alike Will appreciate your efforts.

If you are lucky enough to have space to plant some trees in your garden, then thinking it through thoroughly is important, but you can have plenty of preparing trees where ever you are in the world, and some beautiful blossom to see at different times of the year. Not only that but trees can help you gain some privacy, and some shade in certain areas of your garden, and depending on what you are looking for they don’t necessarily need a lot of work once they have matured. Trees are an investment, and you will appreciate the effort that goes into them when you have a beauty Of a tree to sit under during the summer months.

So if you have some great ideas for your garden, then write them down, create a plan, and get the right people working on your vision as soon as possible. You will thank yourself when the Sun is shining and you are sat with a cocktail in hand.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

7 Ways To Protect Yourself Right Now
It’s safe to say that we’re all living through strange times right now. We’re all having to adapt our lives and change our habits and it can be really hard to deal with. But, at the same time, it’s happening. And there’s not a lot that we can do about it other than work with it and try and make the most of it. Sure, there are also going to be negatives that we have to deal with too. It can be incredibly stressful and you may be experiencing a wealth of worries. But that’s not all. You may be dealing with money troubles or struggling to manage day care for your kids. And while there will always be a range of worries that go with the current situation, here can be positives too.

As with anything in life, you always have the option to focus more on the good things than the bad. It can be hard, but it’s something that can make you feel so much better when you do. After all, you’re spending more time at home and around the people that you love, and it’s a good idea to try and make the most of that. But at the same time, you will want to ensure that you are protected too. Let’s take a look at how you can do that.

1. Block It Out

To begin with, as much as you might want to stay up to date with the latest information, you should also try to block out as much noise as you can. Sure, take in all of the official information, but try to distance yourself from the news or social media conversations around the pandemic, especially if they are making you anxious.

2. Cut Back

Next, you’re going to want to take a look at your financial situation. One of the most important ways to protect yourself right now is for you to make sure that your money is manageable. It can help for you to cut back your monthly expenses here so that you aren’t paying out too much. Any way that you can reduce your costs and spend as little as possible will allow you to have a cushion in case anything happens to your income.

3. Save More

Now, you may find that you do actually have some spare money to put into savings. And, because we’re living and working through such strange times, it’s nice to be able to have some money in savings. Even if you use it soon, it’s very reassuring.

4. Be Careful

Next, you’re going to want to make sure that your home is protected. And that means that you’ll want to be a lot more careful about your house and property. Sure, you may be in all of the time now, but you may be targeted when you do go out of the house. So maybe look to hire a certified residential locksmith to keep the house safe. It’s also a great idea to make sure that you don’t lose your keys because you need to be in your house more than ever now.

5. Be Vigilant

And it’s important to be careful online as well as in real life. Sadly, you may notice that there’s a lot more online scams at the moment. So you’ll want to be vigilant. And not only that, but make sure that your online security is still good.

6. Go Slow

But that’s not all. You’re also going to want to make sure that you’re protecting your health here. And yes, that does involve wearing a mask or gloves and washing your hands when you’re in public, but it also means slowing down. Don’t feel pressure to be on the go. Don’t push yourself to do too much because it’s an exhausting time right now. So it’s okay to slow down in life and just enjoy the time right now for what it is.

7. Be Kind To Yourself

Finally, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re able to just be a lot kinder to yourself. It’s easy for you to beat yourself up and feel like you’re not doing so well, or to feel like a guilty parent, or worry about what’s happening with life. But this isn’t going to be the best thing for yourself. Instead, you will need to make sure that you are a lot kinder to yourself. Take it easy and just enjoy this time, because soon enough, life will be back in full swing.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

We like to think that our homes are clean and hygienic environments, protecting us against the ravages of the natural world. But when you peel back the layers a little, you discover something shocking: they’re not as safe as you might imagine. There are all kinds of hidden toxins in your home, and they could be wrecking your health. 

In this post, we’re going to take a look at some of these, giving you a heads-up. 

Carbon Monoxide

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Carbon monoxide is a very different chemical to the mostly harmless carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is dangerous because it preferentially attaches to the hemoglobin molecules in your blood. It sticks to them, preventing them from taking up the oxygen you need to supply your cells with energy. 

Worse still, carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas; you usually have no idea whether you’re breathing it in or not. 

So what does any of this have to do with your home? It turns out that carbon monoxide is a byproduct of many appliances in your property. Sources include heating systems, coal, oil or gas devices, and your water heater. Even regular, open fireplaces can be a source of excessive CO. 

The solution is to get a carbon dioxide monitor - a bit like a smoke alarm. It’ll tell you whether your home's levels are safe, or whether you need to make radical changes to your current setup. 

Salmonella, E. coli, And Other Germs

Salmonella and E. coli are two types of bacteria that live naturally in most of our homes. In general, there is no way to get rid of them completely. The best you can do is keep their numbers down and foster the growth of the harmless subspecies in both groups. Failing to do so can lead to vomiting, UTIs, and serious lower bowel infections. 

The best strategy is to keep meat and animal products out of your home completely. Even using the most clinical approaches, it is almost impossible to eliminate these bacteria entirely. 

If you check here, you’ll also see that some microbes can enter your home through the water supply. Therefore, it is a good idea to use a water filter to capture bacteria before they do any harm. 

Lead Toxicity

Lead has been pretty much outlawed for the last forty years. But some homes still contain the heavy metal, despite the regulatory changes. The most common sources of lead in the house are lead paints (many of which are now flaking off walls) and lead pipes. 

If you’re worried about lead poisoning in your home, you can get a lead testing kit. This device will tell you whether levels of lead are in the safe range or whether you have a problem. 

If you’re over the safe threshold, you should hire a certified lead removal company. These professionals are able to strip lead from your home without contamination of surfaces, floors, or anything else. Do not attempt a DIY removal as this could make the risk of toxicity worse. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

6 Unique Gifts for Your Adult Son

When he was a young boy, you knew he’d like toys and video games so getting him a fun present was easy. Now that he’s an adult and has moved out of the home, what do you get him for his birthday or Christmas? You might be stumped about guy gifts. If so, here are some great ideas to inspire you.

1. Wooden Organizer
If he seems to misplace his wallet and keys whenever he visits your house, he’s likely having the same issue at home. Help him stay organized by getting him a wooden box for his essentials, including his sunglasses and watch. Have his name engraved on the item to make it extra special.

2. Vehicle Payments

Is your son still paying off his car loan? Many adults have debt that includes vehicle payments, and he could be one of them. Take some of the financial pressure off his shoulders by shrinking the car loan. By writing a check for a chunk of the remaining amount (or all of it), you will likely help him more than you might even realize.

3. Babysitting Gift Cards

If your son is a dad, then create homemade cards that offer your babysitting services. Each one will be good for one evening or weekend babysitting your grandchildren. This present will be one he’s sure to appreciate, whether he makes it a date night without the kids or enjoys some quiet time at home.

4. Leather Apron

If he loves to BBQ or use other cooking techniques, then Men’s Aprons are a great gift idea. The durable material will last longer and look better than old-fashioned aprons. It will take him from the casual backyard cookout to the elegant dinner party host. He’ll think of your delicious home-cooked meals growing up as he puts his own spin on many dishes.

5. Gaming Keyboard

Is he still a video game lover, just as he was when he was a teenager? If so, consider getting him a mechanical gaming keyboard. It is backlit in a range of colors and makes a satisfying clicking sound as he hits keys on it. Take his enjoyment of games to the next level. He works hard at his career and deserves to have fun at the end of the day.

6. Retirement Savings

While he’s a young adult now, he will one day be in retirement. Help your adult son start to save for it by creating a retirement account for him. If he already has one, then deposit cash into it or buy him bonds. The gift of investment is an amazing one because you are encouraging his financial independence.

Final Words on Gifts for Your Adult Son

From goods that he can hold to items he can wear, and non-material options too, there are many great gift ideas for your boy now that he is all grown up. He will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and the bond you have will be as strong as always. Finally, he’s sure to love that the present, whichever one you choose from the list above, is unique and useful for him.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting a Pet

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Most of us have had a pet at some point in our lives. If you don’t have a pet right now, you may be considering getting one. Now, there are so many perks that come hand in hand with getting a pet that it would be impossible to list them all in one article. They can make great companions. They can bring a smile to your face. They can entertain you. You can bond with them. But it’s absolutely essential that you really think about the decision to get a pet over before diving in the deep end and buying or adopting one. At the end of the day, pets are sentient, feeling beings and you will be entirely responsible for their health, well being and happiness. Some can live a long time and pet’s don’t grow up and gain responsibility in the same way that kids do - you’ll remain responsible for them and will have to care for them their whole lives. You need to be absolutely certain that you can meet their needs and more! Here are a few questions you need to ask yourself first.

Can I Afford this Pet?

Any pet is going to come with financial costs. Some, admittedly, more than others. But there’s going to be outgoings attached to them. All animals require veterinary care - whether that’s vaccinations, worming, flea treatments, booster injections or anything else they need on a regular basis. That’s before we consider potential costs attached to unexpected illnesses or accidents. Realistically, any pet you have needs to be insured so you can always provide the care they need. Take into account that this insurance cost can rise as they age too, so may not be cheap forever. Then, you need to think about food costs. Bedding costs. The cost of toys and games they may enjoy. Treats. The list goes on. Pets simply aren’t cheap.

Can I Meet this Animal’s Needs

Different animals have different needs. A horse’s care will vary drastically from a dog’s care. A cat’s care will be hugely different to a cichlids care. So, make sure to look up the needs of the animal you’re interested in. Does the pet require exercise and will you be able to take them out frequently enough? Do you have enough space? Can you keep up with necessary grooming? You need to be able to tick every box in order to give this pet a good quality of life.

Do I Have Enough Time?

Pets require a big time commitment. Sure, some pets can be left to their own devices for longer periods of time as long as they have the right environment - reptiles for example. However, if you’re out of the house all day every day, a dog probably isn’t going to be for you.

These are just a few questions you need to ask yourself before getting a pet. This really is a significant decision that you have to be certain about!

Gifts To Show Your Lover That You Care

When it comes to buying gifts, they say it's the thought that counts. That's never more true than when you are trying to show your boyfriend or girlfriend that you care. In truth, the sentimental value is far greater than the monetary value.

Here are eight priceless ideas that truly show how much you care.

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1. The Home Date Gifts

Spending time together is truly the greatest gift of all, and you don't even need to leave the house to make it happen. In fact, you can also embrace your joint love of geeky gifts, such as gaming or home cinema experiences. For the latter, a home popcorn machine can work wonders too. If joint interests aren't an option, do something that is focused on what they love.

If nothing else, you can use this as bargaining power when picking dates outside of the home...

2. Something With Rare Historical Value

Anybody can pick up the latest jewelry from the local mall. However, necklaces or rings that incorporate Megalodon teeth make a far greater statement. After all, the number of pieces available is limited due to the shark species being extinct. When jewelry isn't an option, sports or music memorabilia can offer historic and rare value.

Crucially, it's an idea that shows you have made a significant effort to find the ideal gift for your lover.

3. Write Them Something

Whether it's a poem or a song, writing something for your significant other isn't cheap. It's priceless. It's something that you have put your heart and soul into, which will have a telling impact on the recipient. Even if you aren't quite up to the standards of a professional, writing down the best things about your unique love story is sure to bring a smile or two.

However, it is highly recommended that the gift is accompanied by something they can unwrap too.

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4. Name A Star

Your partner is your everything. Naming a star after them is a great way to show them that they mean the world to you. The idea itself is very simple, but it can be combined with other ideas. A walk under the stars, followed by the reveal is a great option. Fireworks – ideally silent ones – can also add something special to their birthday or your anniversary.

Presentation is the key for this type of gift. Get this right, and you'll be destined for success.

5. Personalized Photo Gifts

Thanks to the benefits of digital communications, it is now a very easy task to create personalized photo gifts. Creating photo books are the ideal way to celebrate the amazing experiences you've shared up to this point. Canvases for the living room or hallway wall are ideal too. Likewise, photo gifts, such as keyrings and mugs can leave the desired impact.

When using the latter idea, a joint gift where you each keep one half can be a great solution too.

6. Adopt An Animal

If your significant other is an animal lover, adopting an animal is a great option. Whether it's an endangered species or their favorite animal doesn't matter. The sentiments are particularly strong, while regular updates offer an ongoing gift. If you live together, you may alternatively want to consider getting a pet instead.

Either way, the animal is something that you can love together. It brings you closer together.

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7. The Big Statement

Depending on what stage of the relationship you are at, big statements can be made. This can include giving your lover a key to the property, asking them to move in, or even getting engaged. The show of commitment is a truly special gift. And, it can also link up nicely with other gifts, such as the keyring idea for when asking them to live with you.

Avoid making the big statement for the sake of it. But when it feels right, this gift is amazing.

8. Career Support

If your partner is passionate about chasing a new career goal, why not support them with your gift? Booking studio time for a musician, acting classes for an actor or a new camera for a budding photographer are all great options. The show of belief and confidence can make a world of difference to their ego and motivation.

It could also make the gift hunting process a lot easier for the years to come.

The Final Word

Sentimental gifts do not need to feel cheap. Likewise, they do not need to cost you the earth. Find the right balance by finding something personal, and you won't go far wrong. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What to Do About Your Embarrassing Health Problems

We all experience embarrassing health problems from time to time, and these problems can often go untreated and ignored. If you feel like you can’t seek help because of embarrassment, your health will continue to suffer, and that’s not the way it should be. We’re going to talk about some of the things you should do to deal with health problems that you find embarrassing or tricky to talk about, so read on now.

Look to Your Lifestyle for Explanations

Your health is heavily influenced by your general lifestyle so if you’re not sure what’s going on with your health and you want to put things right, the first thing you should do is try to live a healthier lifestyle. Simply getting a bit more sleep, drinking more water, getting active and losing some weight could be all you need to put those embarrassing health problems behind you. There are no guarantees but it’s worth a try.

There’s No Need for Shame

We all have bodies and they all do weird things from time to time. There’s no shame in dealing with your health problems even if they feel a little embarrassing at times. Everyone experiences issues and everyone gets help sometimes. Put your feelings of shame behind you and get the help you need if you think that’s the right thing to do.

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Don’t Worry Alone

Going it alone when you’re dealing with health problems is never a good idea. You will only end up putting your mental health under strain if you allow yourself to go it alone and don’t get the help you need. The stress associated with health problems, especially when you have no idea what’s wrong, can be pretty huge, so why put yourself through that?

Head to Your Pharmacy

It might sound embarrassing, but getting help from a pharmacist is a good idea. You can describe your symptoms and have an over the counter medication recommended to you. You can even pretend it’s for someone else if you’re too embarrassed to admit it’s you who’s having a problem with warts or whatever it is. It’s a quick and easy process though, so it could be what you’re looking for.

If a Problem is Persistent, Talk to a Doctor

If you have any problems that just won’t go away and you’re not sure what’s going on, don’t hesitate to see your doctor. It’s best to make sure that things are taken care of and your health is put first because that matters more than any level of embarrassment you might be experiencing. They’ll help you in a discreet and confidential way.

We all experience problems that seem a little embarrassing because our bodies are complex and throw some strange situations at us from time to time. Rather than ignoring the problem or hoping it just goes away, be sure to take the right action and do what you can to get those issues dealt with properly.

If you’re someone who wants to invest a bit of their money into property, you’ve probably been asking this question for a while now. You want to know what would be more worth your time, money, and energy: a new build, or an old house? But in truth, there’s no simple and straightforward answer to such a question. It depends on a couple of factors, so let’s go into a bit of detail surrounding them below. 

What kind of build would you be most happy with? Always take that into consideration. 

Consider the Pros 

There’s quite a few to both; let’s start with the pros of a new build:
  • Depending on where you’re buying, you’ll be given a lengthy warranty
  • New builds are more environmentally friendly, thanks to their energy efficiency ratings
  • Plus, you’ll be the very first person to own the house, and you’ll be calling all the shots!

And now, moving on to the pros of an old house:
  • You’ll have much more negotiating room when it comes to the price
  • An old house tends to have more space, and more rooms, to make use of
  • Old houses are tried and tested, in terms of architecture - they have unique and eye catching looks! 
Consider the Cons

Of course, there’s no pros without cons; let’s start with old houses this time:
  • Potential security issues, thanks to the aged architecture
  • Old houses are pricey to try and run, as well as renovate when the time comes for extensions or redecorating to be done! 
But new builds have just as many outstanding and glaring cons:
  • If you’re building from the ground up, there could be many delays down the line, and there’s a good chance you won’t move in when you planned to
  • A new build can look a lot like the new build down the block, or the one next to it, and there tends to be a minimalist layout both inside and out - a lot of people don’t like this! 
Consider What’s on Offer

A final point to finish up, but an important one. House and land around you might be filled to the brim with new developments, but at the same time, you may be working with only older houses and homes that could do with a tender and loving touch. 

You really have to consider what’s on offer to you, and what’s going to be the most value within your area; it’s all about context, and if you’re not planning to move elsewhere, or move into an investment portfolio that spreads far and wide, base your buying decisions on what’s around you. 

Now’s a Good Buying Time

A new build, or an old house? What would be the best decision for you and your money? It’s a big choice in the current day and age, and the housing market is more diverse than ever. Make sure you do your research, consider the costs involved in either choice available to you, and then decide! 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Common Causes Of Sneezing & Solutions

If you have found yourself starting to sneeze a lot more than usual recently, then there are many things that this could be. Before we get into the potential issues that might be causing your sneezing, it’s a good idea to think about how long it has been going on, whether it is relatively recent or something that has been around in some form or another for quite a while. You might also want to question yourself on whether or not you have any other symptoms co-existent with the sneezing. All of that is useful data you can use in working out the problem. But in any case, a persistent sneeze is troublesome and annoying, so let’s take a look at the potential causes and solutions.

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Hay Fever

If you find that you regularly start to sneeze in the summer, and especially on dry, hot windy days, then this could be a sign that you have hay fever or similar allergies. If you have never had hay fever before and you've just started sneezing during high pollen days, you might be wondering whether this is still possible. The answer is yes: anyone can develop hay fever at any point in their life, and you might just have started yourself this year. The best thing to do is to take antihistamine and see if that improves it. If it doesn’t, then that is a sign that it is probably something else that is the culprit.

Other Allergies

Hay fever is really just one form of allergy, but you might also have a range of other allergies if you are sneezing a lot. If you have a pet, it might be that you are allergic to their fur, for instance - cat’s fur is a particularly common allergy. Or you might be allergic to dust in the home, or any other number of things. If you feel you have allergies of this kind, then you might want to think about researching a variety of allergy remedies. There are plenty of them, and it might be that you need to try out a few until you find one that is suitable and works for you, but it is worth the effort if it means that you are going to ultimately end up with a vast improvement in your sneezing and other symptoms.

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Cold & Flu

Of course, a sneeze can always be a sign of a cold or flu. If you have started sneezing in the past few days and you also develop a temperature, then you might well have an illness of this kind. However, at the current time it is of course wise to bear in mind the possibility of it being coronavirus. There is no need to panic, but you should make sure that you keep an eye out for those other symptoms of the virus, such as a persistent cough and a high fever or difficulty breathing. If necessary, seek the medical attention you feel you need.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Strategies For Coping With Memory Loss

One of the more distressing things that can happen to someone as they age is the loss of memory. This can be gradual or sudden, but in either case it is likely to cause some problems and be quite upsetting for all involved. It will be especially upsetting if it is a great deal of memory loss, but even just occasionally forgetting little things can be annoying and frustrating too. However, no matter the reason behind it or how advanced it has become, there are strategies for coping with memory loss that we should all be aware of. Whether you have an elderly loved one who is suffering or you are starting to experience memory loss yourself, the following is all good advice.

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Sometimes The Rational Doesn’t Work

If you have ever been looking after someone with dementia, you will know perfectly well that it is not always possible, or necessary, to continue to speak to them rationally and logically. A lot of people think that they should try to bring the person in question back to the rational plane by continually telling them what it is that they have forgotten and what the truth is. But in reality, this is more likely to land you in trouble than help the individual in question. The rational doesn’t always work, and sometimes you have to just let them do their thing. If you are the person suffering memory loss, you can consider the same for yourself too, if you start to get confused about things.

Expert Care Might Be Required

If there is someone in your life who is struggling with extreme memory loss, perhaps as a result of being elderly and with dementia, then you need to consider that it might be time to find them some expert care. You might want to look into getting a professional carer to come and visit them, or even live-in with them, or you might prefer to get them into an assisted living program. With that kind of life, they can continue to live happily, while also receiving the kind of personal and medical care that they are in need of. And if the establishment in question also happens to practice memory care, then that is definitely going to be a plus.

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Staying Mentally Active

There is something to be said for staying menally active in order to help with memory loss, both in a preventative sense and in terms of in-the-moment care as well. There are many things that can help here, whether it’s doing puzzles like sudoku and crosswords or just making a point of reading something every day. Either way, staying mentally active is going to make a huge difference to how well one can remember things, and it is something that we should all think about doing from as early on in our lives as possible, to help stop ourselves experiencing severe memory loss later on in life.

Three Things To Know Before Buying That Fixer Upper

Getting onto the property ladder is tougher than ever. With rental costs spiraling each year, it makes sense to buy instead if you have a way of getting a deposit together, but the cost of moving and buying a house is a huge obstacle for many. One route into home ownership which saves many first time buyers is purchasing a ‘fixer upper’ property - a home that needs some serious TLC to bring it back to its former glory. Not only can this significantly lower the purchase cost, but it can also provide a huge amount of satisfaction seeing your home go from decrepit to designer! However, it is definitely a serious undertaking to take on a fixer upper, so many sure you’re assessing the property you're considering buying carefully to make sure it’s worth the financial risk.

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Check Your DIY Skills

First of all, one of the factors which costs a lot in a complete home renovation is labor. The costs of paying for contractors are a huge outlay, so work out what you could do yourself to save costs. If the house is structurally sound but dated cosmetically, you should be able to remove wallpaper, polish up floorboards and repaint yourself. For anything more drastic, you might need to call in the professionals, and that quickly adds up. Anything such as fire and water damage repairs will need careful attention to get your home up to standard again, and if you plan to do anything structural, such as removing walls to create an open plan layout, you’ll need to get it done properly by a qualified builder.

Price It Up

Having the vision to see what a house could become is a skill, but that only gets you so far. It’s a separate skill to be able to accurately price up the cost of a renovation project. If you’re really interested in a house, aim to get a contractor to do a walk-through with you before you make an offer, to weigh up the cost of any potential work. Be aware that they may not be able to be 100% accurate without detailed surveys as to the condition of the building. Any offer you make needs to take into account your costs in bringing the property back to a liveable standard.

Be Sure On Financing

You need to know from the outset exactly where the money is coming from to pay for the work you need. With funds to find for your down payment and moving costs, any savings you have will be taking a hit anyway. There are Federal programs designed to help house buyers finance the purchase of a property which needs renovation work that you can look into. Similarly, take the advice of a mortgage broker who will be able to scan the market for deals where you can borrow the purchase cost of the house plus a loan to cover renovation works in one go. Money can be an extremely stressful issue when purchasing a home, so understanding everything down to the pennies is an absolute must before signing on that dotted line.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

8 Tips on How to Transform Your Home Workplace

Working from home can be an indicator of freedom or formula for interference. If you work from home regularly or just occasionally, you should know that it is essential to design your home workplace. The right workplace should not be too comfortable and should encourage productivity. A lot of research has shown that your workplace can significantly impact your mood and productivity. Research has also shown that the type of light you choose to use in your workplace can either make you drowsier or more alert. Working from home is a fantastic benefit; however, you have to create a workplace that will increase your productivity.

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Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Home Workplace

Get rid of distractions

Even if you are ready to have a home office, decide whether it is the best place to create one. If you are a family person, it can be effortless to get your table all piled up with your kid’s homework, or get them playing around your computer. Such distractions make it hard to create a professional atmosphere. You are lucky if your home is big enough to get an entire room devoted just for your office. To avoid distractions of sleep, steer clear of the bedroom, and also make sure that there is nothing that can compete for your attention, for instance, laundry baskets, kitchen sinks, among others. The best way to get rid of distractions is by first acknowledging their presence. Ignoring any non-work distractions will not do you any good. Instead, the opposite happens; you will just become more aware of their existence and spend more time trying to get rid of them. Keep in mind that distractions like kids are there to stay; therefore, it would be best if you choose more than one designated home workspace, and make sure that your family members are aware whenever you are working.

Embrace natural light

In order to really make the most of your home workplace, you need to focus on having as much natural light as possible. There are many ways to achieve that, but one of the easiest is to simply ensure you have the right custom home windows. You ideally want windows which are going to allow plenty of natural light to the area where you work, so you can be sure that you are going to get enough each day. The right windows will often make all the difference here. But there is more to think about too when it comes to light.

It is not a new thing for people to put their desks into a home workplace and automatically put it against the wall in the shadiest part of the room. True, your desk and chair set-up in your office is essential, but you have to take care of your eyes too. You can achieve this by choosing the right lighting for your home office. Choosing the perfect lighting for your home office is an important task that is often ignored. Regardless of the time you use your office, an ideal lighting plan makes all the difference. Start by taking a look at how natural light affects the room at various times of the day and note where the shades fall and think about how you plan to use the workspace. Remember that the direction of light can produce a shine on your computer screen. So what is the best way to arrange your office furniture with the guidance of light in your mind? Just below your window.

Overhead lighting

Overhead lighting cannot be the best office lighting source but is a sure way to help fill in places that other sources of light seem to miss. Switch your overhead lighting with something distinctive and cool. If you work in a compartment, it might seem like your overhead lighting woes will never leave. However, don’t be afraid, there are some tips to lighten up your day and keep your eyes healthy and attentive, for instance, getting out and incorporating your own task and ambient light.

Keep the home office cool

Being too cold or too hot is the perfect recipe for disruptions. Air conditioning keeps your home office cool in the warm summer months. With a little planning and creativeness, you will be able to keep your office cool during summer. During the winter, try using thermal backed curtains to help keep the cold out. These curtains can also be used during the hot summer months to help block the sun’s rays. If your home office air conditioner is not properly functioning, consider looking for a dependable air conditioning repair to fix the problem.

Additionally, if you don’t have one, you can create your own. Start by getting a basin of ice and a desk fan. Blowing the air from the fan over the bowl of ice will give you the cool breeze that you want.

Green up the office space

The best way to green up your office is to add green plants. Besides, incorporating live plants in your workspace is a sure way to have a hygienic office. Plants refresh oxygen and suck up the common toxins like carbon dioxide. Additionally, plants increase efficiency and lower anxiety. The main downside of bringing live plants into your workspace is that you will have to water them daily. 

However, many plants require less care and irregular watering. Get yourself one, besides, caring and watering the plant is a good break from the computer screen and is an excellent way to help you focus more when you get back to work.

Invest in a good chair

Various reports have shown that slouching and similar seating positions can result in headaches, backaches, poor concentration, and fatigue. A healthy posture promotes general comfort, including improved concentration, and stamina through long working hours. If you want to invest in the right office chair, make sure that you look for one that has modifiable features.

Paint the wall

Consider surrounding yourself with colors that motivate you. You will need a color that gets your work engine humming. Some people will prefer a bright, crimson color, for instance, orange or emerald green, and others will prefer a soothing color like sea form blue or green.

Get everyone involved

When working from home, you can get distracted very easily. In that case, you will need the support and cooperation of the whole family. Call a family meeting and explain to the little ones that you need to concentrate during your working hours. Ask your partner to keep the kids occupied and entertained to keep them busy. By asking every member of the family to do their part to help you stay productive, you are showing them the importance of teamwork.


At the end of the day, creating a home office is a good way to use your empty nest. When creating a home office, make sure to avoid visual clutter. Try to keep your desk as clear as possible and put all the needless things in an ornamental object. Your home office should be a place that you would like to go to every day. So, put in more energy to create one that meets all your precise needs and encourages you to get everything done.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Bit of History: How Old Glory Came To Be

A country's flag is symbolic of their journey to independence as a nation. Citizens are always so proud to display their flag during national holidays. Just the sight of the flag strengthens the sense of patriotism in the citizenry. 

In its 244 years of independence, the United States flag has undergone so many modifications. The current flag with 50 stars is the 27th modification, which was ordered by President Eisenhower in 1959. It became official in 1960. 

The U.S. flag is commonly called "Stars and Stipes," "Star Spangled Banner." and "Old Glory." The first two "nicknames" are for obvious reasons, because the flag has indeed stars and stripes and is a banner. But why is it called "Old Glory?" 

The name "Old Glory" has an interesting story to it. In 1824, Captain William Driver hoisted a flag on his ship before he set sail on a voyage around the world. He exclaimed, "I will call her Old Glory!" This was the flag that accompanied Captain Driver in his sea voyages until 1837 when he retired and moved to Nashville, TN. 

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The flag Old Glory had 13 stripes in alternating red and white color, 34 stars and an anchor to symbolize Captain Driver's voyages at sea. However, during the civil war, Captain Driver feared that Old Glory would be desecrated so he had it sewn inside a quilt for safeguarding. It was not until 1862 when Nashville was taken over by the Union headed by Ulysses Grant that Captain Driver revealed the flag and was granted permission to hoist it over the dome of a former Confederate state capitol. 

That's a bit of American flag history there for you. 

Every year on June 14, we celebrate U.S. Flag day. It is a day dedicated to commemorate the adoption of the first flag on June 14, 1777. We usually decorate our front porches with the colors red, white and blue, and proudly display American flags on our windows and front yards. It is a day we spend with family and be thankful for the freedom we so enjoy. 

How will you be celebrating Flag Day? Will you be displaying our flag on your window, porch or front yard? Let me know in the comments below.