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"Nothing is impossible."
Nah. I don't believe it. There are things in this life that are impossible to achieve. For me, it is traveling that is now close to being impossible. I know, some of you are now raising your eyebrows, but it is true. I am giving up my dream of traveling and these are the three reasons why.
1. I don't have the money.
Really, I don't. Surviving every day is a task in itself. Trying to make the budget last to cover all the necessary expenses - food, utilities, doctor's fees, maintenance medicines is a mind-boggling thing. Despite having a job (online work-at-home gig), I barely have what you may even call "savings."
Why won't I get a regular 9 to 5 job? Well, there's an explanation to that and read on to reason # 2.
2. I am homebound
I am tied down to responsibilities concerning the health and well being of my family. My mother has Stage 4 Breast Cancer with Bone Metastasis. My husband suffers from a myriad of chronic illnesses which gave him mobility issues. I babysit for my grandson everyday so his parents can go to work. I cook, clean, do laundry, buy groceries, run errands to the drugstore, and do other tasks as needed, as well as trying to earn my keep by doing my online job.
I barely have enough time to spend for myself. No "me time" ever. None.
With all these going on, traveling has been pushed out of the picture. The only "traveling" I do is going to the market, the grocery store, and the pharmacy. My travel radius has been reduced to within 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) from my home. Once a month, I take my husband to see his pain doctor, that is about 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) away from home. That's it. That's about as far as I get.
3. My wings are broken
I am the dragon with broken wings. I have lost the fire in me. Since I gave up my corporate job, I no longer have friends to talk to. My days are full of worry and stress. There are days when I just want to hop on a bus going to wherever. I need a break, I badly need a vacation but with everything that's going on, I simply cannot.
And so I go on everyday, dreaming of places I wish to see. I long for at least a weekend in a far away place, without having to worry, without being rushed, without thinking about making dinner, scrubbing the toilet, and tidying up the house!
In my mind I sing a stanza of the song, "Part of your world," "What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand...."
Am I being selfish? Am I only thinking about me?
Am I being selfish? Am I only thinking about me?
It is early morning as I write this post. Another sunrise. It is time to start the daily grind.
Today my mind will entertain me with the wanderlust for Santorini.
Come travel with me.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of the ocean at our ocean coast hotel at the beach, where every moment is a seaside paradise.