Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Savvy Strategies to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety Levels

Stress is something you are greeted with every single day, whether you’re working, at home or travelling. No matter how much you try and settle these heightened emotions, they always manage to creep back in your mind and make you feel inadequate. You would literally do anything to reduce your stress and anxiety levels; this type of movement would change your life. When you’re looking to live a healthier and less anxious life, there are a number of ways to kickstart the process. Depending on how deep rooted your stress and anxiety is, it may require guidance from a professional. However, if you are ready to alter your mindset, change your habits and step out of your comfort zone, you will be able to make a huge impact. It is so important to take small steps when you’re looking to reduce your stress levels. You won’t be able to click your fingers and transform overnight; there are certain steps you need to take. It doesn’t matter how overwhelmed or anxious you are in your day to day life, some of the following ideas will help to alleviate your symptoms. Take as many ideas as you like right now and you will soon feel a huge weight lifted from your shoulders.

Get a Dog

One of the best ways to reduce your stress and anxiety levels is to get a dog. Not only are they loyal, friendly and caring, but they’re pretty cute too! Imagine walking into your apartment after a terrible day at work and being greeted by a gorgeous fluffy pup that loves you unconditionally. Look here and you might just find a cute canine that would fit perfectly into your life. Remember, a puppy is a lot of responsibility so you need to make sure that you’re prepared to commit. Once you do find the time, you will instantly be able to relieve your stresses simply by stroking them, taking them for a walk or cuddling them on the sofa. Dogs have helped people combat severe depression and anxiety for years, so why not see how they can help you?

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Say “No” to Social Activities

Like most people in the modern day, you feel pressured to say “yes” to every single social event you get invited to. Whether it’s a work colleague’s birthday drinks or a school friend’s wedding, there is always something to go out and do. This can put huge amounts of stress on your shoulders unnecessarily because all you want to do is relax with the people you actually care about. Being in social situations can trigger your stress and anxiety so why would you want to constantly put yourself in that position? You should feel empowered to say “no” to social activities more often. This doesn’t mean that you have to isolate yourself from everything going on in the world, it simply means you have the power to pick and choose what you do. Nobody is forcing you to attend these events, so stay strong and put your mental health first.

Reassess Your Career

Feeling unhappy in your career can spark so much stress and anxiety inside you without you evening realizing. Whether you’ve got an overpowering boss or you really hate the industry you’re in right now, there are so many ways to get out of your current stress inducing situation. Although quitting your job right away might not be an option, you can start to take steps that will improve your current career. Whether you start searching for another role that you would enjoy or you confide in a colleague that might understand you better, there are so many ways to remove yourself from this type of unhealthy environment. Your career is such a huge part of your life, so don’t allow this to cause you daily stress and anxiety if it doesn’t have to.

Are You Happy in Your Relationship?

Being trapped in an unhappy relationship can trigger stress on a daily basis. Toxic relationships are often very tricky to navigate, so make sure you are prepared to make some much needed changes. Assess whether this person adds value or stress to your life; this will be the basis of your final decision. This type of no-nonsense approach feels harsh from the outside, but this will work wonders for you in the long run. You don’t deserve to be in an unhappy relationship that is holding you back, so have the courage to make a change right now.

Change Your Daily Routines

Believe it or not, you can reduce your stress levels by changing up your morning routine. Getting up five minutes before you leave the house, skipping breakfast and throwing on any old outfit can actually trigger stress in your brain for the entire day. If you want to mitigate these feelings of stress, you need to learn how to adapt your daily routine to suit you. You might find that a morning meditation serves you really well from the moment you wake up. You may need to adapt your evening routine so that you can learn to switch off more easily. Consider your current daily routines and see how they might be triggering your anxiety. These are one of the easiest things in your life to change, so make sure you take action on this and discover more calming daily routines.

Enjoy Time By Yourself

Spending time by yourself should never be seen as a negative thing in your head. People might call you weird for wanting to be by yourself often, but it can work wonders for your mental health. Time by yourself can kickstart new thoughts, inspiring ideas and allow you to love yourself no matter what. You might seem like the most outgoing person in the room sometimes, but being alone is the best way to recharge. If you consider yourself to be an introvert time by yourself will literally feed your soul. If you’re one of those people who feels totally stressed out at the thought of being amongst a large group of people for a prolonged amount of time, then taking time for yourself is super important. Don’t listen to people who aren’t supportive of this much needed space and time; soon enough they will start to realize that they actually need more of it too!

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All in all, these methods have been tried and tested by people suffering from anxiety and stress for years. Although every single method mentioned above may not work for you, you’re bound to find something that is high value and worthwhile to you. Try to lower your expectations a little bit from the get go; if you are constantly chasing perfection this will never play in your favour. Think carefully about how much you want to relieve your stresses and work slowly and gradually towards your end goals. Sooner or later you will start to notice shifts in your behavioural patterns, which is a true sign of change. Remember, you’re not trying to change innately who you are as a person, you’re trying to bring out the sunnier sides of yourself. It is also nearly impossible to eliminate stress from your life altogether; there are bound to be moments when you feel overwhelmed and anxious. It is how you deal with these moments that will make everything much easier in the long run. All of this can be achieved as long as you invest the time and self care needed to make a huge impact in your life and lower your stress levels for good.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Significance of Playgrounds

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Every individual has gone through the process of development since the day he was born. Physical and mental development varies from one person to another.

For children, the best way to develop the different aspects of their life is having the freedom to play. A child who experiences independence tends to become more responsible for his choices and actions. The freedom to go around and play gives every child the chance to explore his potential.

Children playing is one of the reasons for playgrounds and pocket park designs. These are great places where a child can move and discover the different things that he can do with other children who are in the same shoes as him. Within the corners of a playground, there is an unlimited opportunity for fun, games, and imagination.

The Role of Playgrounds in Child Development

1. Social, Brain, and Language Development

When a child has the freedom to play in a playground, he can practice his social skills, find solutions to his problems, and establish self-control during a conflict.

Playgrounds also improve the language development of a child since he tends to talk with other children. The interaction with different children will allow them to share and express their thoughts and feelings.

2. Physical Development and Good Physical Exercise

Since playground time can include different activities, it can stimulate the physical development of a child. Some common examples of these activities are slides and swings, which can improve balance and coordination, tactical panels for hand-eye skills, and climbing frames to strengthen the muscles. When a child achieved a difficult task, it can encourage mastery and physical strength.

3. Emotional Development and Positive Mental Health

Playgrounds can evoke different emotions for every child. Many kids feel excited about play since they can run around, shout, swing, slide, and climb. While playgrounds are associated with positive emotions, some kids might also feel anger and fear due to different situations like climbing too high or fighting with other kids.

The different things that they experience during play will help them learn to control their positive and negative emotions, which is vital to their mental health.

What Makes a Good Playground

Motion - a playground should encourage children to run, climb, jump, swing, slide, hop, throw, toss, and more. Hence, a good playground must have different moving parts, such as swings, balance activities, and activity panels.

Interesting to Look At - color, sound, and texture are important factors for a good playground. The place must get the interest of a kid.

Incorporates Nature - a fun playground must have a touch of nature. A green space with natural elements like sand and water can be more appealing to the kids.

Friendly Competition - a friendly and safe competition is an essential factor of a good playground. Children should be allowed to compete with each other in a fun way.

You’ve been involved in a car accident. It happened so suddenly and the violent impact has made you a little disorientated. This could last for many days or even weeks, depending on the severity of the crash. You will be in pain of some sort. Even if you’re not injured in a major way, you will only feel your minor injuries once you’re away from the situation. Your adrenaline will be pumping so you could be feeling fine but your body is merely coping with the traumatic event, by releasing endorphins. Once the seriousness of the incident wears off, you will become more wary of what actually happened. It's at this moment that your near future will be up in the air. The other party could blame you for the accident, your license could be given points and you may also be deemed guilty by a court of law. When you are sure it's not your fault, knowing the ways to prove your innocence will be your saving grace.

Seeing is believing

Before the era of smartphones, the only way to prove your innocence without a shred of doubt was to obtain CCTV footage. Despite having smartphones, CCTV footage is still one of if not, the best way to show a court of law that you were not at fault. Seeing is believing as they say and, footage of the accident taking place will leave nobody in any doubt. The cause for speculation will be eradicated if you can get the relevant pieces of footage. It's in your best interest to speak with your lawyer as soon as the crash occurred. Let him or she know where the crash happened and where you have spotted security cameras. Your lawyer will take down the details and make a short list of stores that they can contact in the bid they will release those tapes to him or her. 

However, if there are witnesses to the accident, it's vital that you get them on camera if you can. Usually, citizens will admit to seeing the whole event take place, but they may not want to be on camera. Those that do, get them to introduce themselves before explaining what they saw. Get as many eyewitness testimonies by the side of the road as you can. If someone doesn’t want to get in the camera, kindly ask them to give you their details so you can contact them later on if needed. You may need to entice them with the offer of payment, should you need their testimony in court.

Have your wits about you

When you’re involved in a bad car crash, your fight or flight mechanism will be in full motion. You may become erratic and just try to get to safety. However, it's within your best interest to stay still and take a few deep breaths. When you have your wits about you, you need to immediately start recording the event. Using your smartphone, record from the inside of your car. Make sure you get a 360-degree shot of your surroundings before you get out of the car. Once out, you should record the road if you find any skid marks. This will be incredibly useful in determining who saw who first and tried to stop. It will also indicate who was speeding, by the length of the tire marks on the road. It's a good idea to keep the camera rolling by putting it in your pocket just so you can pick up the sound. You may also want to use voice recording apps that have features allowing you to lower background noise and pick up voices only. Make sure you are recording every single word you speak and what the other party says. This could be your saving grace if it ever arrives at a he-said-she-said scenario in court.

Make special notes

You never know where you may have a car accident. It could be in the middle of a busy city or out in the middle of nowhere in a rural part of the country. You cannot rely on eyewitnesses coming in to corroborate your story. You need to take special notes of the accident. If you can smell alcohol on the breath of the other driver, make a note of this either in writing or in the recording on your smartphone. If you can see alcohol bottles or cans in their car, this is also noteworthy information. 

Is the other driver slurring their words? This is also something you have to take note of, either by video recording or merely in written form. Make sure you are jotting down the time and date, as well as what they were saying when they made it apparent they could be impaired somehow. Take pictures of their tires. If tires are bald they will have much less grip on certain surfaces and conditions. It will take longer for the car to stop and as a result, pose a danger to other drivers. This is great evidence to use against the other party. Are any of their car lights out? If their brake lights are not working properly or perhaps their headlights are uneven, this could confuse other drivers. A badly maintained car by the other driver will help your case, in some cases win it for you.

Refer to police evidence

It's common for police officers to be called at the site of a car crash. It's within your best interest to cooperate fully with the officers at the scene. They will be logging down information and making a crash report which will go down in the police and accident databases. Once it's on this system, it holds a lot of weight in the instance of proving your innocence. Most of the time, officers will take a report down and then notify you when they have logged it into the system. This is for both party’s knowledge as it will be the precursor which then allows legal proceedings to occur. If you are afraid this may happen to you or if you are the person who wishes to initiate the proceedings, then you can use this Accident Report service. It will show you the police’s accident report in full, with all the details the officers saw and took. All you need to do to use it, type in the area ZIP code, the date of the accident, the vehicle manufacturer and the year of your car’s build. 

All this will be used to then locate your accident report and make it ready for printing. Your attorney will want this report before anything else. Since it is the word of law enforcement, it will be the end-all and be-all of any case you put forth. Video evidence is great, but the officers will be trained in explaining certain things that will give your footage creedence. This is not a case of vice versa. 

Record your phone calls

Sometimes the guilty party will try to intimidate or plead with the victim of a car crash, over the phone. This usually occurs when you have pressed legal action and or their insurance company is finding them at fault for the crash. It's so important that you don’t hesitate to record the phone calls. Have another smartphone at the ready so you can do this while taking the call on your own phone. In some states, you have to declare you are recording the other person, but in some, you do not have to. In many cases, it's best not to let the other person know as they will change their story before proceeding any further; thus you’re unable to catch them trying to frighten you. 

Expect the guilty party to try and use subtle language to threaten you. You must try and get the truth of their intentions or feelings out of them without being too obvious. Asking them questions is a very good tactic which will lead them to be defensive and thus, shows their true colors. When they make a threat, ask them to repeat it with an excuse, such as you didn’t hear them. Sometimes recordings can be muffled and thus it provides leeway. When they repeat their threats clearly and thoroughly there is no way of hiding from the facts in court.

Be completely cooperative

It's easy to become overwhelmed by the situation but if the other party is dragging you to court, don’t be intimidated. Be completely cooperative with the police and their legal team. Even if you are absolutely innocent, any form of resistance to document requests or interview requests will be taken as an admission of guilt. Do not slow the process down, in fact, offer to help in any way you can. In the meantime, make your own case by working with a legal team and ask them for advice on what you should do if further requests are made. Hold onto your video evidence and make multiple copies of them so nothing can be lost in the event of a hardware error.

There is a myriad of ways to prove your innocence. You need to work quickly at the scene of the accident, collecting as much video evidence as possible. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

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While air pollution doesn’t top all of our lists when it comes to big concerns, it is something that we should all take into consideration. You’re not only at risk of air pollution when you visit major cities and spend time out on the streets. You can be at risk from the health consequences of air pollution in your own home too! The good news is that you can better control the conditions you live in than conditions in public spaces. So, here are a few steps you can take to improve the air you breathe when you’re within your own home.

Sweep, Vacuum and Dust

Every home will generate dust. Dust itself is basically an accumulation of skin cells, hair, and other debris that gets dropped on the floor. While not necessarily dangerous in reasonable quantities, it does lower air quality and can irritate your lungs. Make sure to sweep, vacuum and dust your home to remove any excess dust regularly!

Clean and Repair Air Con Units

Air con can be great for air quality in your home - keeping everything circulating and making sure nothing gets stagnant. But this only applies to clean air con units. If your air con system is full of dust or hasn’t been cleaned, it can actually spread dirt and germs around the room it’s in. Make sure your unit is in top condition and if you notice any problems, contact Pezz Electrical Services, LLC. They’ll be able to fix things and get your unit up and running again in next to no time.

Invest in Houseplants

If you haven’t heard plants referred to as “nature’s life support system” yet, you have now! Plants draw impurities from the air surrounding them and photosynthesise carbon dioxide into oxygen as part of their natural process. You can incorporate plants into your home to help improve the air quality without spending too much money. Of course, this may not be ideal for people suffering from allergies such as hay fever. You should do plenty of research into the plants you choose. If you have children or pets, be particularly wary and always choose non-toxic options.

Invest In a Salt Lamp

Salt lamps, sometimes referred to as Himalayan salt lamps, are pretty lamps composed of salt. The bulb is placed inside a carved block of salt for subtle glow. But as well as serving a functional purpose in terms of lighting, they also draw in water from the air, removing bacteria and dirt with it! This can improve air quality in the space they’re being used in. The lamps come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so it’s worth shopping around to find the one that will best suit your needs and aesthetic preferences.

While we tend to take the air we breathe for granted, it is important that we guarantee ourselves good air quality wherever possible. The above steps are just a few ideas that will, hopefully, get the ball rolling in the right direction for you!

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Family life can be hectic. Getting kids to school and picking them up on time, making sure everyone gets to their clubs and extracurricular activities and doing the family food shop alone are all complex tasks that can be made a whole lot easier when you have a good quality family car. Sure, public transport is great. But managing multiple kids at once on it and making the walk between the public transport stop and your actual destination can be difficult - especially when the kids are being difficult and may be throwing tantrums.  When you get a good family car, you’ll be able to cart your little ones around, pick up larger food shops more easily and generally lead an easier and more convenient life. Here are just a few steps you might want to take into consideration and follow if you’re looking to get the right car first time around!

Keeping Costs Low

Driving, of course, can get extremely expensive pretty fast. There are all sorts of costs that come hand in hand with taking to the roads. You need to get a car in the first place. You need to insure it. You need to pay necessary taxes. You need to put fuel into it. But it’s also important that you don’t let this put you off. There are many ways that you can cut costs in all of these areas. When buying a family car, chances are you’ll be taking out a loan or finance agreement. Very few people have enough money to buy a car outright, so these alternative forms of payment make getting a car much more accessible and feasible. When you take out a loan, just make sure to shop around for the best agreement with the lowest interest rate attached. New Roads Auto Loans are a good place to start out. You may always want to consider used vehicles rather than new vehicles. Of course, you don’t want an old banger. You want something that will be safe for your family and up to standard with the latest safety regulations. But you should also bear in mind that cars lose a lot of value as soon as they have been taken off the forecourt. You can get almost new cars for a lot less money than a new one which will be practically indistinguishable. When it comes to insurance, use price comparison sites to get the best deal. Different providers have different rates. It will just take a bit of looking to find the lowest cost option!

Prioritize Space

Remember that one of the most important aspects of a family car is space. Families tend to take up a lot of room. Whether that’s with car seats, booster seats, needing more than five seats, or getting sufficient boot space to store prams, multiple people’s luggage or more.You should also look towards the future. If you have a partner and three children now, but may be having more soon, it’s worth looking at seven seaters straight away, rather than buying and having to sell and re-buy in the near future.

These are just a few things you should focus on when you’re planning on buying a family car. There are, of course, other things you might need to consider to make sure all of the boxes on your list get ticked. But these are good places to start!

Preparing For Life As A New Driver

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If you are a new driver, there will be many things you will soon learn. While you may be fooled into thinking that once you have passed your driving test, you will be filled with confidence and can’t wait to get on the open road, the truth is, you will spend most of your first year driving absolutely terrified.

While you may think that you learn all you need to know as a driver while you are learning, you will find that while you are driving around in your first year, you will learn a hell of a lot more than they don’t teach you in drivers ed. 

Taking all of this into account, you should be preparing certain things for your life as a driver that covers you no matter what situation you may find yourself in. Whether you like to acknowledge it or not, at some point in your time driving, you will have minor accidents, and there are a few things you will really be thankful for.

The first thing you should make sure you have is great insurance. While you may find some cheaper insurers, you will find they are cheap for a reason, and the level of cover they provide is rubbish.

Alongside your insurance, it’s always a great idea to have access to car accident lawyers. While they may only be needed in extreme cases, they can be some of the best people to have around when an accident happens. 

The below infographic will give you a little more insight into how car accident lawyers can help should you find yourself in a sticky situation, and you may also learn a few things you didn’t know along the way.

Infographic Design By Zavodnick, Zavodnick & Lasky, LLC

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

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Looking at a computer all day long is an unfortunate reality of modern life for many of us. We have to sit motionless looking at an LED-backlit screen all day long if we want to earn our keep. It's the way of the world. 

The majority of us are willing to make the sacrifice if it means that we can take care of ourselves and our families. But the calculation changes dramatically when you include health considerations. Is it still worth staring at a screen if it hurts your eyesight? Maybe not. 

Does Screen Time Damage Your Eyesight? 

So, is looking at a screen from 9 am to 5 pm every day a good idea? Does it lead to long-term eye damage? 

To the surprise of many, the answer appears to be "no." Looking at a screen does not increase your chances of developing sight loss or damage your vision so that you need progressive lenses. In other words, it doesn't lead to fundamental changes in the eye that you can't reverse. It isn't permanent. 

That's not to say, however, that looking at a screen never causes any issues - it does. 

The human eye evolved in an environment in which people would have mainly focused on objects in the distance. Rarely would a person sit down and just stare at a rock or a tree for eight hours per day, so the eye never had to evolve to perform this function. 

In the last twenty-five years, though, we've seen a shift. Now more than ever before, people need to stay in one place and look at one thing, and it is causing problems. 

Eye dryness is the most common complaint of people who stare at their computers all day long. Researchers think that the reason for this comes down to the fact that people blink less when they look at computer screens. Less blinking reduces the amount of tear fluid sitting on the surface of the eye, making it feel dryer than it should. 

The next most common issue is eye strain. Remember we said that the human eye evolved in an environment where it was focusing on distant objects more than those up close? Well, this can lead to eye strain. The muscles that make the eye focus on near-field objects aren't designed to do so for hour after hour every day of the week. Eventually, they become fatigued, and this can cause eye strain - an uncomfortable muscular condition of the eye. 

How To Deal With Eye Strain

Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to combat eye strain and dry eyes. Take a look at them below.  

  • Try placing a matte filter over the front of your screen as this will reduce reflections from sunlight coming in through the window
  • Take a break for five minutes every hour or so and stare out of the window. If you can touch type, close your eyes as much as possible while working. 
  • Keep some eye drops on your desk, just in case your eyes start to feel itchy. 

Child Support Payments: Dead Broke vs. Deadbeat

Leaving an unhealthy relationship is part of life, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with prioritizing your health, happiness, and future by way of obtaining a Michigan divorce. But leaving your spouse does not mean your responsibilities to your family are over. Child support is a state-mandated requirement that’s based on a number of criteria, including current and expected income. According to the U.S. Census, there are over $10 billion in unpaid child support payments, and that number is growing annually. Of course, there’s a huge difference between being a deadbeat parent and just dead broke. But what’s the difference and how can a divorce lawyer help you get the support you need?

What Is a Deadbeat Parent?

“Deadbeat” is a derogatory slang term used to describe the ever-present and continually growing phenomena of biological or legal parents who fail to fulfill their financial responsibilities to their children. In many cases, a parent isn’t truly considered “deadbeat” by non-legal sources until their actions become habitual and practically expected by the other parent and the kids. A deadbeat parent is considered by social standards to be an inexcusable individual, often a narcissist or manipulator, who puts themselves ahead of anyone else, including their children. However, in many cases, these assumed “deadbeats” are honestly just “deadbroke”.

How Does Child Support Work in Michigan?

Child support is a legal decision that is mandated upon the finalization of your Michigan divorce. The State of Michigan uses a child support formula to determine the proper amount required to pay monthly by the non-custodial parent. Modifications and amendments can be requested and made through your Michigan divorce attorney during the divorce process. However, once the court makes the final judgment, failure to comply may result in felony charges.

Why Do Parents Fail to Pay Child Support?

Good parents want the best for their kids and attempt to prioritize their children however they can. But life happens and sometimes tough decisions need to be made. Between 1993 and 2015, payment trends have stayed pretty consistent: approximately 44% of custodial parents receive the full amount of child support due while almost 31% receive no support whatsoever. Those two trends have risen slightly over the years while partial payment trends have nosedived from nearly 40% to 25%. But why do parents refuse to pay the support their kids need and deserve?

The majority, between 37 and 39% of struggling non-custodial parents, either feel no need to go to court, they pay or provides what they can, or they simply can’t afford to pay anything at all. Sometimes it’s a pride issue as 21-24% of custodial parents either don’t want to contact the other parent, they’re unable to locate the parent, or they simply refuse to ask for or accept help. Only 1% of parents either have shared custody or can afford to raise their children on their own. In most cases, these statistics focus on financially unstable parental situations and those without a legal and binding custodial arrangement.

What Can Be Done to Get the Support Your Children Need?

Relying on promises and personal agreements to make things “easier” on either parent is more likely to cause future headaches and heartaches then get you the help you need to raise your kids. Your kids must be prioritized after your divorce is finalized, and the only way to get consistent and legal child custody payments is to get a legal child support order. A divorce attorney can handle all your concerns and assist with a reasonable payment arrangement to ensure it’s fair and workable all around. If you’ve put off making payments or applying for custody payments, a Michigan divorce attorney may still be able to help. Give us a call to see what can be done.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Running Out Of Things To Do In This Cold Weather?

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Sunbathing and water sports may be out of the question for the months ahead, but this does not mean that there is not plenty to enjoy during the cold months. Read on to discover five of the top things to do in the city throughout the months ahead…

1. Pamper yourself at a spa – What better way to relax than by taking a trip to a spa and enjoying one of the many treatments that are on offer? From massages to facials, this is the best way to unwind and be pampered whilst it’s cold outside. There are lots of new and exciting facials as well for you to try, such as microneedling. Why not opt for a hot stone massage or enjoy a sauna or steam room? 

2. Sip hot chocolate – Winter is always a popular season amongst chocolate lovers, as it gives them plenty of opportunities to indulge in a hot chocolate drink. There’s also delicious food to eat in winter, such as soup, red meat, stews and such like. But, if you are looking for something to do with your friends, why not meet up for a hot chocolate?

3. Ice skate – If you really want to make the most of winter then you should definitely try a bit of ice skating. Of course, this is an activity you can enjoy all year round at the indoor ice rinks. However, when the colder months are upon us there are lots of outdoor places that set up ice rinks for people to enjoy. This takes the fun to an entirely new level. There are various places for you to try this activity, depending on where you live.

4. Shop until you drop! – A lot of people can feel a bit depressed and gloomy at this time of year. If you are someone who enjoys a good bit of retail therapy, now is the perfect time for you to indulge and treat yourself. So, why not go on a shopping trip at your local mall?

5. Spoil yourself with sweets – If there is one thing we enjoy during the winter period it is eating. It is the season when eating more than usual is certainly acceptable. After all, we need more food when it is cold, right? There are lots of fantastic restaurants that have been set up in recent years that focus on sweet treats and desserts specifically. Why not meet one of your friends and one of these places and enjoy some delicious snacks?

Hopefully, you now feel like you have some good suggestions that can help to cure your boredom during the colder months. While we may not be able to go outside and bask in the sunshine at the moment, we can enjoy ourselves by pampering ourselves or heading to the local ice skating rink! Don’t sit inside this weekend and feel down; get out and do something fun. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

How To Keep Your Kids Happy, Healthy & Safe

As a parent, you want what’s best for your kids and to keep them out of harm’s way. It’s your responsibility to ensure they are nurtured and well taken care of while under your roof.

There are ways for how you can make sure they’re not only happy and healthy but also safe. Be an involved and active parent so that you can build a stronger bond with your children and protect them as they grow and explore. Try your best but also don’t be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes. Instead, use these moments as learning opportunities to do better the next time around.

Wear Your Seatbelts

You can keep your kids healthy and safe by requiring them to wear their seat belts. Model good behavior by doing so yourself and reminding them to wear it each time they enter the car. If an accident should occur, then they’ll be more likely not to get injured. However, misfortunes happen, and you may find yourself in an impactful car crash. If your child ends up in the hospital with severe head injuries, then find a lawyer who specializes in traumatic brain injury law and can assist you with your case.

Know Their Whereabouts

Another opportunity to keep your kids happy, healthy, and safe is always to know their whereabouts and when you can expect them home. Make sure you have them check in with you frequently when they’re out and about and get to know their friends. If they’re old enough, you may want to equip them with a cell phone so that they can call or text you in case of an emergency. Remind yourself that keeping tabs on your kids isn’t being nosy; it’s you being a good and responsible parent.

Maintain A Clean & Organized Home

Having a clean home will not only make you happier, but your kids will enjoy it more as well. You can keep them healthy and safe by removing any dirt and grime frequently and decluttering your rooms and closets. You want to avoid having belongings out in the open that are a tripping hazard or that your kids can get into and hurt themselves. Assign each member of the family tasks so that you don’t have to do all the work yourself and you can teach them some responsibility at the same time.

Have Conversations with Them

Directly talking to your kids more can help you to ensure they’re happy, healthy and safe. Open up with them and ask questions so that you can better understand their perspective and what’s going on in their lives. You can also use these discussions as a chance to teach them new information and healthy habits. For example, explain to them the importance of getting decent grades, cleaning up after themselves, and treating others with respect. You have a lot more experience and knowledge as the parent, so don’t be afraid to share your viewpoints and perspectives with them and see what they have to say. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

It would be nice to say that it's easy to go through life without any nasty surprises coming up. As though you could spend every day knowing exactly what's coming. Of course, just about everyone knows that this simply isn't the case. The reality is that life is always going to throw things at you that you're not expecting and that's just something that you're going to have to come to terms with. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't things that you can do to make facing those surprises a little bit easier. With that in mind, here are some ways to better handle those things that life throws at you.

Be prepared

If you want to avoid life throwing you for a loop then one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you're prepared for anything that might happen. One of the simplest ways to do this is to make sure that you have money put away in a savings account in case something happens that requires you to spend money. That way you don't end up in any financial trouble. The same goes for things like keeping your resume up to date. Losing your job suddenly can be really shocking but a fully up to date resume makes it much easier to hit the ground running and find something new right away.

Get the right help

One of the hardest things, when you find yourself at the mercy of one of life's nasty surprises, is the sense that you're having to deal with it all on your own. However, that's not the case. It's always a good idea to know who you can reach out to if something happens, whether that's a financial advisor or a personal injury lawyer. Having someone in your corner can make even the most difficult and stressful situation just a little bit easier to deal with.

Learn to roll with the punches

No matter how well prepared you might be, things are always going to take you by surprise. Whether it's getting a bunch of tasks you weren't expecting at work or our life taking a direction you never could have been ready for, if you really want to avoid letting these things derail you entirely, you've got to be willing to be flexible. Learning to roll with the punches is one of the best things that you could possibly do in order to handle anything life could throw at you.

The reality of living in the modern world is that none of us are ever going to be fully prepared for the things that might happen. That might seem like a pretty scary prospect but you shouldn't spend all of your time thinking about what could be or what might be. At the end of the day, all you can do is live your life and focus on what's right in front of you. After all, that's all you really have control over when it all comes down to it.

What To Do If Your Home Gets Flooded

Image Credit License CC0
If your home gets flooded, either due to excessive rain, a river nearby bursting its banks, or through a plumbing problem, it can be catastrophic. The damage that water can do to your property and all of your possessions is significant. Dealing with the aftermath of a flood can be upsetting, and stressful. There is a lot of work that you will need to carry out, and it is important that you do everything that you can. 

What To Do Immediately During The Flood

Your first priority is to your safety. If it is unsafe in your home, or if the emergency services have told you to evacuate, then you need to leave your home as it is and come back to it whenever you can. Your life is more important than your possessions. 

Once you are able to enter your property again, you should take photographs of as much of the damage as possible for your insurer. Get in touch with your insurance company as soon as you can. You may be covered for support in getting your house cleaned up, but at the very least, they need to know about a potential claim as soon after the flood as possible. 

If you are able to, hire a professional company such as Service Restore to help you to get the home cleaned. 

Removing The Water From Your Home

Your first priority is going to be to clear the water out of your home. You can do this using a combination of buckets and a wet-dry vacuum. If you don’t have a wet-dry vacuum, you can try and borrow or hire one. 

It may be possible to push some of the water out from your home, assuming you have somewhere outside where it can easily flow to. 

For any residual water remaining on the floor, you can mop this up. Use towels as much as possible, but ensure they are constantly being rung out. You will be left with a damp home. 

Airing Your Home

It is important that as soon as the water has been removed, that you air your home immediately. Open windows and hire dehumidifiers. If you have fans or air conditioning units, use these to circulate the air. 

If damp is allowed to remain anywhere in your home it will quickly turn to mold. 

Assessing The Damage

Following on from a flood, your home may have sustained damage. Flood water may contain sewage and there are some severe health implications relating to some forms of flooding. You need to get your property professionally checked out by an expert recovery team.

You may have serious safety problems if water has got into your electrical wiring. Where water has soaked into flame retardant wall panels, it may be compromised. If water has got under flooring, then there is of mold developing under the tiles. All of these could be major problems that could cost a considerable amount to repair. A professional assessor will be able to advise on the full course of action that will be required. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Why Do I Feel So Tired All The Time?

Do you feel like you’re always on the verge of going back to bed for a nap? Feel like you have no energy to do the things you want or need to do? There are a lot of reasons you might be feeling fatigued, and some of them might need some serious attention, so here are a few issues to take a closer look at.

Link - Pixabay License
You’re not getting enough sleep

It might seem like the most obvious answer, but if you’re having trouble getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep on a regular basis, it will naturally impact your energy levels. Try to maintain a sleep routine that stays consistent and avoid naps that tend to interrupt your regular sleeping habits. Similarly, make sure you make your bedroom the best environment for sleep, possible, maintaining the temperature, cleanliness, and noise as best as possible.

You need to diet and exercise

Alongside sleep, how you eat and how sedentary your lifestyle is can impact your metabolism greatly. If you don’t get the energy you need and condition your body into burning it efficiently, you can end up feeling a lot more lethargic. Eating the right amount of calories for your body, and creating a balanced diet is essential, as is working to get a little bit more active with every day.

Your mental health may be affecting you

Stress is commonly known to cause tiredness because of the impact it can have on our sleep. When we are stressed, we find it harder to go to sleep, which then leads to us feeling tired. If you’re suffering from depression, however, you may not have any problems sleeping, but you might feel constantly low energy. This may be in part related to changes in diet and stress commonly associated with depression.


One of the most common medical reasons for feeling tired all the time is that you are anemic: you don’t have enough iron. Anemia, or iron deficiency, is more common in women who are pregnant or experience heavy menstruation, as well those who have stomach ulcers, or those who regularly used NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or aspirin. A simple blood test from the doctor can pinpoint anemia, and treating it is as simple as taking supplements and making dietary changes in the long term.

Other medical symptoms

If you get enough sleep, eat and work out well, and don’t have any of the symptoms of mental health issues or anemia, it’s important to go to the doctor. There is a wide range of medical causes of fatigue and lethargy, including sleep apnea, thyroid problems, diabetes, restless leg syndrome, and more. Simply put, to narrow it down to any of these, you’re going to need a professional medical opinion.

Tiredness doesn’t have to mean anything more than you need to have a good night’s sleep. However, if that doesn’t fit the problem, it may be time to start looking at lifestyle improvements such as exercise and better dietary habits, as well as to consult your doctor.

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When it comes to purchasing a good pair of boots you will wear for winter, there are a few factors to consider and these would be the choice of material, style, and insulation. 

Boots primarily used for outdoor activities should be insulated, with sturdy construction and if possible, made of materials that would keep moisture out. However, we have no command over the weather and a sunny day in the winter can suddenly turn into a day with freezing rain and leave you and your boots soaking wet. This can happen to anyone, so how can you dry your boots? Here are some effective ways to get the moisture out of your beloved boots.

1. Thoroughly dry the exterior of the boots using paper towels or rags. Pat dry instead of rubbing. This method would absorb the moisture better. Then stuff the interior of the boots with crumpled pieces of old newspaper. However, you will have to replace the crumpled paper every two to three hours or so.

2. Place your wet boots in an area in the house where it gets good air circulation. Do not leave them out in the garage. The moisture in your boots can freeze and cause more damage. 

3. Do not subject your wet boots to a high heat source. It is tempting to use a hair dryer to do the job quick but this would do more harm than good, especially if you are dealing with leather boots. 

4. A more efficient and convenient way to dry your boots is to purchase a boot dryer. Cozy Winters has a wide selection of boot dryers and other top of the line products to provide your family (and pets!) cozy winters! (no pun intended). Boot dryers work by providing a gentle heat source to dry the inside of the boots. Cozy Winters boot dryers have different models from different suppliers, all tried and tested for quality and performance. These portable machines not only dry your boots, but they also provide a UV light that kills bacteria. We all know that bacteria thrives in high moisture areas and you don't want that, right? Check them out and choose which ones would work best for you and your family. 

These are just 4 simple ways to care for your winter boots to make them last longer. Don't let the weather and wet boots stop you from having fun!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 
If you’re worried about what you would do if you were to have a car accident then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Although the chances of getting into a car accident are low, you need to ensure you’re as prepared as you can be should the situation arise. Whilst it may be overwhelming and stressful, there are lots of things you can do to make the situation a little easier. From remaining calm to calling for help, the more you’re doing the better. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider if you find yourself in a car accident:

Are You Remaining Calm?

One of the most important things you can do if you find yourself in an accident is to remain calm. Although the situation is incredibly stressful and overwhelming, staying calm will help to ensure you’re approaching the situation as rationally as you possibly can. If there are others in the car with you, you need to ensure you’re also helping them to stay calm. For tips and tricks when it comes to staying calm in an emergency situation, you can visit this site here.

Have You Called For Help? 

Once you have calmly assessed the situation, you need to call the right people for help. Whether that means calling your friends and family or calling the emergency services, getting help should be your main priority. If you don’t have your phone on your or you’re struggling to connect, you may need to attract someone’s attention in order to ask for their help. Chances are if you’ve been in an accident, there will be people who stop and offer to help regardless.

Are You Hurt Or Do You Need To Seek Medical Attention?

If you or anyone in your car is hurt, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you’re seriously injured or someone needs attention right alway, calling an ambulance should be one of the first things you do. If you’re feeling sore as a result of your accident, you may be able to wait a couple of days before booking an appointment. At the end of the day, you need to do what’s right for you.

Do You Need A Replacement Car?

Another important thing to consider is whether or not you’re going to need a replacement car. Depending on the damage that you have done to your car, chances are you’re going to need to use a loan car for a couple of weeks. If you’re looking for a loan car you can use after your accident, you may want to consider contacting not my fault car hire.

Will You Be Claiming On Your Insurance? 

Finally, you may also want to consider if you’re going to be claiming on your car insurance. Although there are certain cases where you’re not going to be able to make a claim, it’s always worth contacting them to find out exactly what you’re entitled to. For a guide to claiming on your car insurance, you can visit this site here.

Are you worried about being in a car accident? What can you do following an accident to ensure you're approaching things as calmly as you possibly can? Did we miss anything off the list? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Spring 2020 Makeup Trends You Should Know About

Photo by kinkate from Pexels
Throughout the various seasons, you might see different makeup trends. But what you’d wear around Christmas might vary hugely to what you wear in spring. 

This spring, there is an array of fabulous makeup trends that you should know about. A new era of makeup, these bold looks will certainly stand out from the crowd:

1. The Bright Lip

This year, the bold lip is making a comeback. From bright reds to light pinks, there are plenty of vibrant shades out there for you to choose from. Whether you opt for a matte lipstick or a traditional satin finish, you’ll look and feel fabulous the moment that you step out of the house. 

With hundreds of different brands to choose from, you’ll be able to find a bold lipstick that fits your style and your price point. 

2. The Red Smokey Eye 

Ok, so everyone knows about the power of the grey or black smokey eye. So if you’re looking for something a little different this spring, opt for the red smokey eye. 

A trend that’s rapidly on the rise, it looks wonderful no matter what your eye colour. If red isn’t your favourite choice, you could alternatively opt for navy blue, a light brown or a forest green (for those who really want to push the boat out). 

3. The Floating Eyeliner

Another prominent makeup trend that’s sweeping the catwalks and Instagram is floating eyeliner. Many people might not be brave enough to do this look as it is quite extreme, but it’s very fashionable. 

A fun new thing to try, you could do it with black eyeliner or try out a bolder, neon colour. You could also do it in a more unique shape, like a cloud, angel wings or a dramatic cat-eye. There are plenty of sites with inspiration for this trend, including Pinterest.

4. Sheer/Natural Makeup

Why not take it back to basics with sheer or ‘barely there’ makeup. This spring many people are opting for this look, ditching the glam style of yesteryear. Choosing a light highlighter and other natural-looking products, it brings out your inner beauty and whos that less truly is more. 

A lot of celebrities swear by this look – from Jessica Biel to Blake Lively and Kendell Jenner.

5. Brightly-Coloured Mascara

Mascara doesn’t always have to be black. This year, why not give it a break with the traditional mascara and experiment with brightly coloured mascara for once? Think neon pink, blues, greens and other colours. A bold makeup statement, it’s something that you will want to pair with natural lipstick and eyeshadow so that it’s not too OTT. 

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 5 of the top 2020 makeup trends that you should be aware of this spring. What style you choose to replicate, of course, is up to you. Makeup is a very individual preference and something that everyone chooses to do differently. But whatever out of the above you go for, just know that you’ll look (and feel) fabulous!