Wednesday, October 14, 2020

4 Misconceptions About Business Wear And Style

Are you preparing for an important job interview? Perhaps you are working to be considered for that crucial job promotion at work? If this is the case, then there are a few steps that you can explore and misconceptions about business style that you definitely need to avoid. Let’s take a look at a few of the false assumptions. 

Women Don’t Need To Think About Their Business Style 

One of the biggest misconceptions that you definitely need to avoid is that women don’t need to think about their style at all. That’s just not the case and the reality is that women could be judged by what they wear to work, even more so than their fellow men in the office. If you are worried about this, you should explore popular trends in women’s office wear. In doing so, you can ensure that you don’t look out of place in your business. However, ultimately, expectations here could differ from business to business. 

You Can’t Be Yourself 

A lot of people assume that dressing the right way for the office means that you won’t be able to show who you are and maintain your personal style. We don’t think that’s the case at all though and you can certainly still represent your own idea of yourself. An example of this would be piercings. You can still have piercings even if you are trying to look your best in the office. If you’re looking for rock piercing jewelry shop here and consider styles that aren’t too bold. 

The Little Details Don’t Matter

You might think that customers and employers are going to ignore the little details when it comes to your personal style. However, you’d probably be surprised or even amazed by the little things about you that a customer or client will notice. That’s why it is worth ensuring that your shoes are polished and that your work outfit is well presented. You need to iron your shirt and ensure that you’re not wearing clothes that look like they need a wash. Other aspects of your style like your hair are important too. You might even want to think about getting your hair cut and styled the day before you have a job interview. That way it still looks and feels fresh. 

You Need To Spend A Fortune

Lastly, you might assume that you need to spend a fortune to look perfect for the business office. We’re glad to tell you that you can ensure that you look ready for the office, even if you’re working on quite a tight budget. You just need to search around for different stores and look for great deals on clothing. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the things that people do tend to get wrong about business style and a few of the steps you can take to guarantee that you look great when you enter the office in the morning. Indeed, perfecting your business style could help you improve your business reputation or even help you win big at your next job interview. 

Why You Need to Pay More Attention to your Hearing

Hearing. It is something we take for granted, isn't it! Have you ever wondered what you would do should you lose your hearing or you experience some level of hearing loss? Many people overlook their hearing when it comes to having check-ups. Visiting the dentist, optician, physician, etc. is common when we think about all the appointments we need to manage our health. But we don't seem to apply the same level of consideration to our hearing.

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Once you experience any degree of hearing loss, the next step is to look at buying hearing aids to help you regain your hearing to as close to pre-damage levels as possible.

How can you reduce the chance of experiencing hearing loss from external sources?

Ear Protection

Ear Defenders, earplugs, or other headwear to help you minimize noise levels can all be helpful to keep your hearing intact. Wear them as and when you are in loud noise areas to protect your hearing and reduce noise levels to those that are safe for your ears.

Avoid Loud Noises

Not always as easy is it. However, limiting how often or how long you are close to loud noise or music can greatly impact your hearing. Noise over 80decibles can have detrimental effects on your hearing, so making a conscious effort to avoid noises in this range will help you keep your hearing in good condition and limit any loss due to loud noise.

Typical noise levels for comparison are:

            Whispering – 30dB

            General conversation – 60dB

            Moderate traffic – 70 to 85dB

            Motorbike – 90dB

            Listening to music on full volume through headphones – 100 to 110dB

            A plane taking off – 120dB

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

If you visit a place where you know the noise levels will be loud, think about where you will be standing and what is happening around you. Take a nightclub, for instance, or a concert, standing close to the music system and speakers will mean you experience the noise levels at a higher decibel than, say, someone standing at the back of the room. Making choices to stand further back or away from the source of loud noises can help you to prevent damage to your hearing in the long run.


After being in close contact with loud noises in an area for a prolonged time where there are loud noise levels, allow your ears the chance to rest and heal. Deafening sounds can be an assault on the senses and allowing your ears the quiet time they need to recover from high noise levels will serve you well in years to come.

Regular Hearing Tests

Keeping on top of regular sharing tests means you will be made aware of any changes and potential damage to your hearing sooner rather than later. Getting expert advice on how to protect your hearing from an audiologist means you can work with them to reduce or eliminate any damage before it is too late.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Buying a property is something that many of us will do in our lifetime, and it can be an exciting time for anyone who is doing it for the first time. However, regardless of whether this is your first or potentially last home, there are some things worth avoiding. Here are four mistakes to avoid when buying a property.

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Have Money Available For The Process

Firstly, it’s important to understand that buying a property and moving can cost you money. It’s crucial to work out whether that’s something you can do right now or whether you might have to hold off until you’ve saved up enough money. If you’ve already bought a property, you should know what typical costs are expected in addition to the sale of the property. You have legal fees to factor in as well as the moving process itself and that cost of moving furniture from A to B. It can start to really add up, and so you want to make sure you have the money available to cover this so that you’re not just putting it on the credit card and starting off your new home with a mountain of debt. Try to have this available and ready for use ahead of time. This requires planning and perhaps a budget that will help you save your money.

Don’t Shop For Mortgages Alone

Your mortgage deal needs to be one that’s great for you, and that suits your financial needs. You need to be able to commit to this mortgage, regardless of what initial term you go for. Don’t just shop alone for mortgages because you’re only ever going to get a handful of options before you get bored of applying. Instead, get a mortgage broker and make use of online resources like MortgageCalculator.Org. This can help provide you with everything you need in order to get the right mortgage option for you.

Know What You Want

It’s important to know exactly what you want when buying a home because it can be a serious decision that you need to make. It’s especially important if this is your first home, and therefore, a big move for you alone or with a partner. Have a checklist of things that need to be crossed off in order for you to consider the property. If they’re checked off, consider this to be a favorite but if not, then carry on searching.

Try Not To Rush Ahead

Rushing ahead when it comes to buying a home is not going to help you. It’s important that you’re not trying to get to the finish line by cutting corners or perhaps comprising because you want to get a house. Try to take your time when shopping for your home and for all the other processes needed in order to find your home and to pick the right option for you.

These are some easy mistakes to make, but if you make them, then you could be missing out on a better deal.

Doing what you can to take charge of your money is one of the best things you can possibly do. There are a lot of elements that play a part in this, and it is something that plays a massive part in this process. You need to make sure you focus on doing as much as possible to focus on improving your personal financial situation moving forward.

There are a lot of things that play a part in taking this to the next stage, and one of the key things you need to consider is the best ways of boosting your financial situation. In 2020 it has become more important than ever to manage your money better and make the right decisions with your cash. Here are some of the key things you can do to boost your personal finances right now. 

Hire an Accountant

There are a lot of things that you can do to help you with this, and hiring an accountant is one of the best things that will help you improve your personal finances. You need to make sure you do as much as possible to bring somebody on board who is well-versed in matters of finance, and who can help you and give you the right kind of advice to help with this. There are a lot of factors that play a role in this, and it is important to ensure you choose the right accountant. 

Side Hustles

Side hustles are another hugely important part of the process when it comes to making excellent financial decisions. You need to have some sort of plan in mind to help boost your bank balance, and making sure you use the right side hustles is one of the best ways of being able to achieve this. There are a lot of factors that you need to consider, and plenty of side hustles you can use to help with this, such as e-commerce, blogging, and many more. 

Set a Budget

Setting yourself a budget is one of the most important steps you can take to help you organize and take charge of your money. We waste so much money in our lives buying things that we don’t actually need to be buying. There are a lot of things that you need to work on as much as possible here, and setting a budget to stick to is hard. But it can also be very rewarding in terms of long-term savings, and this is certainly something to think about. Head to for help and advice when it comes to improving your budgeting and slashing more costs. 

As you can see, there are a lot of things you can do to take charge of your cash and make better money management decisions. Try to ensure you do as much as possible to follow these ideas and techniques, and make sure you use them to try to improve your finances moving forward. There are a lot of elements that play a part in this process, and you are going to need to work on this as much as possible. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Building the Courage To Make a Compensation Claim

There’s a good chance that you’ve seen plenty of different compensation and accident attorney advertisements. They advertise how they can help you seek compensation that will boost your bank balance and get you the justice that you deserve. Unfortunately, it can be daunting to register to these services and actually seek help. You could have a number of different reservations and you might find it stressful to go through the entire process. So to help you out, we’ve put together this post so you can build up the courage and confidence to make a claim and finally seek the justice you deserve.

Knowing what you can claim for

One of the biggest reservations that people have when it comes to making a compensation claim is understanding what they’re even entitled to. If you told your story to someone, they might try to put you down by saying that there’s not much you could claim for, that there are no real damages and that you’d be wasting your time. While this can be true in some cases, you’ll never know what you can claim for or how much.

But it’s also not the most important thing about making a compensation claim. In reality, what most people are seeking is justice and compensation for expensive things like medical bills. They’re not really concerned with turning a profit–they just want help to get their life back to normal.

Looking for local attorneys

Once you’ve made the decision to go through with your claim, it’s time to look for a local attorney. You’ll find many helpful attorneys close to you, but it’s important to find a specialized one that works in the field that you’re making a claim for.

For example, Wetzel Law Firm specializes in car accidents and there are some attorneys that focus on family law matters. Finding the right local attorney is important, but what’s more important is that they have a solid reputation dealing with cases like yours.

Getting you back into your normal routine

One of the big reasons why people claim compensation is in order to get their life back on track. We briefly mentioned this before, but it deserves a bit more explaining.

When someone suffers something difficult such as a car accident, the initial shock and damage are the things you feel initially. After that, you’ll start to feel some of the psychological effects of the car accident. For example, you might find it difficult to drive again or you might develop PTSD whenever you enter a vehicle.

For a situation like this, it’s important to seek justice and compensation to help relax your mind. Some people might also find it helpful to seek counselling as part of the process. This will help you ease your worries and assist you in getting back on the road. This is unique to car accidents, but the same kind of rules will also apply to other situations where you could claim compensation.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Proactive Steps To Boost Your Bank Balance

It’s no surprise that money worries are one of the most common causes of stress at the moment. With many people either losing work or finding themselves unemployed, it’s an anxious time. If you’re looking for ways to boost your bank balance and improve your financial situation, here are some proactive steps to take today. 

Reducing debt

The majority of Americans are in debt, but there is a significant difference between owing money on a mortgage or a long-term loan and being in a situation where you’re using credit cards or short-term, high-interest loans to make it from one payday to the next. If you’re up to date with mortgage or loan payments, and you don’t have any other outstanding debts, there’s probably nothing to worry about. If you’re borrowing money to stay afloat, or you’re turning to credit cards to cover the essentials, there is a risk of debt spiraling out of control. Try and reduce your debts as soon as possible by seeking professional advice and using programs like the Debt to Success System. The sooner you can start clearing debts, particularly those with high interest, the better. There is support out there, and it is possible to get back into the black.

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Decreasing spending

Increasing your bank balance depends on two key factors: bringing money in and lowering the amount of money that goes out. If you’re guilty of overspending, you’re not alone. Many of us live beyond our means, and we buy things that we don’t necessarily need or even want. If you find it difficult to resist the temptation of online shopping, you get lured in by deals at the grocery store, or you’re paying for subscriptions or memberships you’d forgotten about, now is the time to carry out an audit and start budgeting. Analyze where your money goes each month and highlight areas where you can eliminate or reduce costs. Cancel memberships you don’t use and start setting a budget to save on food shopping and control how much you spend on luxury and non-essential items. It’s also a great idea to try and make your money stretch further. If your home, pet or health insurance policy is due for renewal, for example, don’t automatically roll it over for another year. Compare prices online and switch providers if there are better offers available. 

Adding to your income

Most of us would like to earn more. It’s not always possible to get a raise or increase your hours, but there are alternatives to try and boost your income. Side hustles have become very popular in recent years, and they are an excellent way to utilize your skills and talents to generate a bit of extra cash. From painting, writing and blogging and baking to teaching a foreign language or a musical instrument and offering consulting services, you could use your spare time to sell all kinds of products or services. 

If your bank balance is lower than normal, or you’re worried about the prospect of getting into uncontrollable debt, it is possible to improve your finances and reduce the risk of financial stress. Keep an eye on where your money goes, tighten your belt, reach out and seek advice and consider ways to add to your income.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Expensive Mistakes To Make While Moving

Moving home is rarely an easy time for anyone. However, it doesn’t have to be quite as expensive as it can be, either. Here, we’re going to look at some of the most common mistakes that a lot of people don’t even realize they’re making until it’s too late and they’re being stung with a hefty bill. Keep your costs down by avoiding the following expensive mistakes.

Having poor timing

Sometimes, you don’t have much say over when you move and you don’t have the time to prepare quite as much as you would like. However, if you do have some time, then be sure to think about when exactly you’re going to move. This blog post shows that the costs of moving do change depending on the seasons. Since a lot more people tend to move from the spring to summer, for instance, you can expect to get charged more by the majority of moving companies, since they’re busy enough to justify it.

Not thinking about what to do with the cars

If you have more than one car, or you’re planning to make the move without driving at all, then finding yourself wondering what to do with your wheels can be a very sudden and not-too-small expense to deal with. The sooner you consider what you’re going to do with your car, the better. Whether you decide to drive it after all and make sure it’s fit for the trip or you visit this website to have someone relocate it for you, it’s better to decide and prepare the funds you need for it in advance. If you have to use emergency moving services, you’re going to pay more.

Not downsizing your move

If you haven’t taken the time to sell, donate, or otherwise get rid of some of your possessions before you move, then you’re adding unnecessary cost already. A lot of the time, you’re going to find yourself unpacking on the other side and wondering why you still have X, Y, and Z. Take the time to make a full inventory of your belongings and decide what you can and can’t live without. For the latter, buy-sell-swap sites make it all too easy to sell your old possessions.

Thinking DIY is cheaper

Whether you’re talking about just moving your vehicle or moving all your possessions, the DIY approach is often more expensive. Driving your own car will use up a lot of fuel, while the costs of transporting it professionally usually gets split between multiple car owners. Meanwhile, if you aim for a DIY move without fully accounting for the costs, you might be surprised by how much it costs to rent a moving vehicle and how much you have to pay for moving supplies, as well.

Avoiding the mistakes above won’t necessarily make moving cheap, but it can at least make sure that you’re not spending a lot more money than you have to. It’s still on you to make sure you’re getting the best deal from any services you choose.

Monday, October 5, 2020

4 Car Problems You Can Never Ignore


Driving a car comes with freedom and convenience. It means you don’t need to wait around for buses or spend often-extortionate fees on taxis. However, as useful as a car can be, it can also come with some problems. It’s no secret that running and maintaining a vehicle can be expensive, and this is why there are several problems that you mustn’t ignore. 

Noisy Brakes

Squeaky and squealing brakes won’t just be annoying. It can turn very dangerous, very quickly. A squealing set of brakes signifies a serious issue with your brake pads and ignoring it will mean either you have some expensive repairs on your hands or end up in an accident while on the road. Neither of these is an ideal solution, but while you may not want to pay up, this is a much more appealing solution than potentially being responsible for the injury of a passenger of another driver. 

Straight Driving 

Being able to drive straight is something that most drivers take for granted. However, while it isn’t too common, it can still happen, and this can lead to a wide variety of potential issues that will hamper your ability to drive safely. Wobbly steering means you run a greater risk of being involved in an accident as you will not have adequate control over the car. If your car seems to struggle driving straight, you can look at Suspension Alignment Shops Near me to make sure you get the issue fixed as soon as possible. 

Flashing Lights 

Flashing lights will always happen on a car, and most of the time, you will feel you can ignore them, especially if you’re a new driver who doesn’t yet understand the ins and outs of their dashboard. However, just like any other problem in your car, these warning lights illuminate for a reason. One primary problem you might encounter is the Check Engine light, which signifies a range of different issues, including transmission problems or even fluids leaking. Whatever the icon, it’s essential that you get it looked at and research what this light means to ensure you stay safe on the road.  

Shifty Shifting 

If you drive with manual transmission and find it difficult to glide through your gears, you should think about the potential problems. Not only will difficult gear shifts damage the transmission and the clutch, but it could also cause you to get stuck at traffic lights or even in the wrong gear while driving down the highway. Many drivers will ignore this issue and put it down to being a quirk of the car. However, leaving this problem for too long could be catastrophic. 

Safety First 

Ignoring problems with your car is never a wise thing to do. There is no such thing as a Best Case Scenario, and no matter how minor the issue might seem, it will catch up with you eventually. While visiting a mechanic can be intimidating (not to say expensive), it’s something you must do to ensure that your car is safe to drive. 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Bathroom Renovation and the Valuable Life Lessons It Brings

Renovation and remodeling projects may be a bit stressful, but they can also be a lot of fun. Those who have ever had home improvements done, such as adding a sunroom, installing high-quality solar panels, or remodeling a kitchen know what it's like to deal with not just the headaches but also the eager anticipation of the end result.

But there's one other aspect about remodeling projects that we found interesting. And this is the unexpected wisdom we gleaned from them, especially bathroom renovations.

Life Lesson #1: It's important to have a clear vision of what you want

Since bathrooms are more limited in space compared to all the other areas in your house, you need to have a clear picture of what you want it to look like. It's hard to start a remodeling project with no clear goal in mind.

Similarly, in life, you need to have a vision for yourself so you can plot out how to get there. Your vision will determine the steps that you will take. It will give you the motivation to keep showing up every day and make progress constantly.;

Life Lesson #2: Preparation and lead time make a whole world of difference

Another important thing you need to keep in mind if you want to renovate your bathroom is you need to have a plan before you make things happen. You need to make sure you have enough money for the project. If you're DIY-ing it, you have to have the right tools and equipment. If you're not prepared for it, chances are, you'll end up making things worse and prolonging the process.

Preparation is also a big deal in life. It is said that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Have the foresight to anticipate potential problem areas and have contingency plans in case they happen. Foresight means your back-up plan has a back-up plan.

Life Lesson #3: Know your priorities

When installing a shower stall, some folks will compromise its size to give the bathroom a larger appearance. However, that few inches you choose to skimp on will spell the difference between a cramped shower space and something more comfortable. What good will a spacious-looking bathroom do if you can't even take a decent shower in it? When it comes to planning bathroom renovations, always prioritize function and not just appearances.

A lot of folks also tend to compromise plenty of things to make a good impression on people. Perhaps some of us even know a few who would spend hundreds of dollars on clothes and yet struggle to feed their families. Don't get your priorities mixed up.

Life Lesson #4: Don't be afraid to try things out to see what works for you

When painting bathrooms, sometimes you need to try out different types of paint first to see which one will work best with your concept. You may spend a bit more on some paint samples but seeing how they actually end up like will give you a clearer picture of what your bathroom would appear.

Life is also a series of trials-and-errors. Don't be afraid to try new things out. As the millennials say, YOLO. You only live once. It's okay to take some risks. Be a bit bolder. It's good to be cautious but being a little more adventurous can do you some good, too.

Life Lesson #5: Be flexible

Things won't always go as planned in any remodeling project. There will be some unexpected expenses along the way, even if you think you've already covered all the bases. If you want to see the result fast, you need to be flexible with your budget.

We're all too familiar about life not going well for us all the time. Our ability to be adaptable will determine how fast we progress in life.

Whatever we do in life, it's important to take a step back and see the bigger picture, so we don't miss out on the important lessons that life is teaching us. There's a lot that life wants to tell us. We just need to be more sensitive to its voice.

The Keys To Staying Active As You Age

We used to think that there was an age limit when it came to living an active lifestyle. But this is not the case; more and more, we’re beginning to understand that it’s always possible to live your best life, no matter how many times you’ve been around the sun. The thing to remember, however, is that it won’t just happen. Left to its own devices, your body will naturally begin to wind down. If you take steps to combat that, then you’ll be fit and healthy no matter how old you are! In this blog, we’ll look at some of the key ingredients that you’ll want to incorporate into your life. 

Low Intensity Activities

There’ll come a time when you’re not quite as able to do all the physical activities that you used to do. You might like to play football, but at some point, you’ll have to concede that your body isn’t quite cut out for it. So what’s the solution? It’s definitely not deciding to stop all physical activity. It’s switching to lower intensity activities, such as swimming, in-line skating, and walking. These activities will keep you active, without putting too much pressure on your body.

Stretch It Out

Your body will begin to seize up over the years. It’s just a normal process. We’re less active; we’re sitting down more -- your body isn’t going to be as flexible as it once was. But only naturally. There are things you can do to loosen up again. And when you do, you’ll find that your body feels so much better. Yoga is amazing for this. They say, in fact, that you stay the age you were as when you first started doing yoga. So get going! If not a full yoga workout, then following along with a morning stretching routine will be a good substitute.

Useful Tools

There are advantages to living in the modern world that we’re prone to take for granted. For instance, there are many more tools available than we used to have in the past, ones that we can use to help stay active. There are devices we use to assist us in our movement, which are especially useful if we have an injury. There are support braces that’ll help if you have a knee injury or canes that’ll assist with walking. Take a look at the product selection from Ergoactives to see if there are any products that’ll help with your particular issue. If you have an injury that doesn’t seem to be healing, you’ll also want to work with an expert such as a physiotherapist. They’ll help to get you back up and active in no time.

Avoid Bad Habits

Finally, if you want to stay active as you age, then be sure to avoid the bad habits that’ll compromise your quality of life. If you drink too much alcohol, for instance, then you’ll have activity issues: it has a big impact on energy levels, especially when you’re older. So take a look at your bad habits, and work on putting them behind you. 

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

4 Signs Its Time To Replace Your Car


Is it time to send your old motor to the great scrapheap in the sky? Sorry to say it but it might be!

While you might be tempted to hold onto it forever, perhaps because of the happy memories it has given you, or because of the expense of a new car, you might have to admit to yourself that now is the time for a replacement. 

Of course, you don't have to break the bank and buy something brand new. Used car dealerships akin to Indi Car Credit can often offer you something that won't derail your finances, so it is worth shopping around. And you might want to do so at your earliest opportunity, especially if the following signs relate to you.

Signs It's Time To Replace Your Car

#1: You have a breakdown company on speed dial

Cars are great...until they break down! They tend to break down at the most inconvenient of places too, such as in the middle of the highway or in places that are miles away from a service station. So, if your car has started breaking down with alarming regularity, then it's clearly time to consider buying something new. 

#2: Your local garage is like your second home

This is really a follow on from the last point. If your car is often in need of repair, you are going to spend more time in your local garage than you might want to. Minor repairs are natural, but if you're regularly having to book your car in for engine faults, exhaust problems, and radiator issues, these are signs that your car has long since past its prime.  Now, you could set yourself up in a corner of the garage with your own armchair and a kettle if you're never away from there, but instead of making yourself home, you might want to replace your car instead. Despite the initial expense, it will work out cheaper for you in the long-term. 

#3: Raindrops keep falling on your head

The best place for a shower is in your home and not in your car. But if your car is rusting, it might be that holes have opened up where they shouldn't. For this reason, you might be subject to a sudden shower if the heavens open up and rain starts coming through. If your car is corroding, there could be holes in the floor too, and pieces of your car could fall off when you're journeying from A to B. These are not good signs, so protect yourself and your passengers by ditching your crumbling motor.

#4: Your family won't get into the car with you

It might be that you're a less than careful driver, in which case, we wouldn't blame them for steering clear of the passenger seats. On the other hand, it might be because your car is falling apart, so they might be embarrassed to get in there with you. And if your family has grown in size, they might struggle to fit in there anyway, regardless of the state of the motor. So, consider their needs as well as your own, and if there are any practical reasons why they won't get into your car, consider replacing it soon. 

So, is it time to replace your car? It might be, especially if you have related to the signs we have listed. Consider the option then, and bless your life with something that won't derail your finances or your personal happiness. 

Take care and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

3 Things You Should Know About Captive Insurance


Accidents happen, and businesses carry business insurance to pay for any damages or repairs that result from unexpected accidents. Companies may purchase general liability, income, commercial property, workers’ compensation and cybersecurity insurance. However, some businesses have risks that are not covered by traditional insurance companies, so these companies may seek captive insurance.  


Captive insurance companies are subsidiaries of a parent company, so the parent company owns and pays their premiums to their insurance company. Their purpose is to mitigate their parent company’s risk in areas that are not covered by traditional insurance, such as an oil spill in an offshore drilling company. These companies only provide captive insurance services to their owners. Typically, larger corporations create these insurance companies due to their administrative and overhead costs.


The Internal Revenue Service requires that insurance companies distribute and shift their risks, and captives must also follow this rule. Many captives are located in tax havens, such as islands in the Caribbean, to gain additional tax benefits. For example, companies that start captives try to deduct the insurance premiums they pay to their captives from their taxes even though they are essentially paying themselves. This may be considered abusive tax evasion.

Asset Accumulation

Captives accumulate assets. These assets result in significant surpluses or reserves for policy claims. These insurance companies need to keep a portion of their assets in case of an emergency.

Because it is quick and easy to draw money out of a captive, companies may seek to cash out the surplus over the assets they are required to save. However, but this may have substantial tax implications, especially if this money is not used on a covered emergency. Therefore, these companies must weigh the benefits of drawing out the money against tax penalties.

Companies in high-risk fields may choose to create their own captive insurance company. However, they should weigh the advantages and disadvantages prior to withdrawing the captive’s assets.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

4 Gifts Men Will Love

If you are looking for something to buy a man in your life, there are so many options to choose from that you would be forgiven for not knowing where to begin. No matter what the occasion might be or what relation the man is to you, there are many ways to approach this. Whether you find gift-buying to be stressful or you generally revel in it, either way it’s good to have a sense of what to buy. Let’s take a look at some of the best gift ideas for the men in your life.

Self-Care Products

There is a real trend of male self-care products right now, and you could make use of this in buying something that your man is going to be able to use on himself. There are many to choose from, so whether you go down the skincare route or you end up getting him something for his facial hair, you can be sure it is going to be well appreciated. You can see beard products to discover what a great range there is, or you could simply go for something simple like a moisturizer. Either way, it’s going to go down very well indeed with most men.


Sometimes, the classic options are classic for a reason, and that is certainly true when it comes to buying a man some tools. If you know that there are certain tools that he needs, or you just want to take a risk and get something particular, then it could go down very well. Another way to approach this would be to get him a general toolbox, full of a wide range of tools that they could use at different times. That is bound to be something that they can get a lot of us out of at different times.

Cooking Equipment

Many modern men love to cook, and if that is true of the man you are buying for, then you have so many options to choose from in this area. You might go down the grill or barbeque route, for instance, or you could look into getting him some high-quality utensils or even a knife block with great knives. Or you could think about getting something you know they have been wanting, whether it’s a griddle pan or a set of wine glasses. Anything for the kitchen is generally going to be well appreciated by most men today.


Maybe you want to try and find him some kind of experience to do instead, as this is often a great way to ensure that the gift is appreciated and that it lasts a long time in memory. If there is some kind of experience that they have always wanted to do - gliding, bungee jumping, skydiving, riding in a hot air balloon - then that is a great way to go. If not, you can surprise them with something original and just hope for the best.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

How to Effectively Create a Pet-Friendly Home

Maintaining a clean and stylish home, even with animals indoors, is possible. Check out these tips on making your home as pet-friendly as possible.

Keeping the house clean and orderly can be extra challenging for pet owners. Animals have a mind of their own, and even the most effective dog training will not stop a pet from being, well, a pet. Still, pet owners will do anything for their furry kids, even if it means making adjustments to their homes and lifestyle to keep the pets safe and happy.

Having animal hair all furniture and clothes, bites and scratches on stuff, stains on the carpet - there are only some common problems that pet owners face in the household. These can be solved with the right planning and materials. Coupled with lots of love and effort, you can maintain a clean and stylish home even when you have pets in the house. Here are some tips on making your home as pet-friendly as possible:

Buy Pet-Friendly Furniture

Upholstered or slip-covered furniture and pets do not blend well together. That is why if you have pets staying indoors, having furniture made of stain-resistant fabric is essential. Certain materials are more susceptible to stains and stinky odors, which can make your couch unpleasant to sit or sleep on. Do away with fabrics such as silk, velvet, and tweed and opt for leather, synthetic microfiber, and materials made for outdoors. Also, choose fabrics in darker colors instead of white or beige.

Use Pet-Specific Items That Will Blend Well with Your Interiors

Cat litter boxes and dog crates are functional items that your pets need, but they look out of place with your home's interior. The solution is incorporating them with existing furnishings to make them blend seamlessly with your theme. Instead of using just the litter box, you can create a litter box cabinet where your cat come and go when the need arises. It also hides the litter box well and lessens odors and mess that comes with it.

Dog crates are mostly large and bulky, which makes it harder to hide. Why not create a kitchen island that has a space below that can serve as the dog crate? That is a stylish and space-saving solution that your pet will love.

Put Screens on Your Windows

If you have a two-story house or higher and have cats in the house, it's best to install screens on your windows to protect your felines from injuries. Cats go in and out of windows, and a lot of them get injured when they jump from higher grounds. Screened windows should be enough to keep the cats in and force them to use the door instead.

Avoid Having Carpeted Floors

Carpets will absorb stains and odors that come naturally from having pets in the house. Opt for ceramic tile or porcelain flooring instead, which are highly resistant to scratches and stains. If you have to use rugs, get ones that are washable and made of durable fabric. You don't want to end up wasting good mats on dogs and cats who will inevitably scratch them.

Use Trash Cans with Lids

If you have dogs, you know too well the probability of having trash strewn across your floor or lawn. Dogs have a knack for rolling around in garbage and other smelly stuff. To discourage your pooches from rummaging through the garbage, use trash cans with lids, especially for your kitchen, pantry, and bathrooms. If you can, place these garbage cans behind a kitchen cabinet or other closed-off areas to keep them safe from your dogs.

Create a "Mud Room"

Nothing beats seeing the pure joy on your dog's face when running around outdoors, especially in muddy areas. The problem arises when the dog re-enters your home with his dirty or muddy paws. One way to solve this problem is to designate a place in your house where your dog can clean off before entering the rest of the house. An existing laundry room will be perfect for this purpose, where you can also keep your dog supplies along with the dog shower.

Make Modifications to Curb Your Pet's Behavior

Cats will always love to climb and seek higher places to perch on. If your home lacks the space for him to do it, he will try to go outside, which is a problem if you want to keep your kitty strictly indoors. Arranging your furniture can solve this - you can have cat shelves installed, which allows them to prowl and climb all they want while still confined indoors. Even better is making them a cat patio outfitted with screen walls. That will effectively contain them while being outdoors technically.

With these ideas in mind, you can prepare a house for your furry family member. This way, you can ensure their safety and health, even without your supervision.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

How Frontliner Moms Get by Every day and How We Can Help

Each of us is struggling in this pandemic. Some are battling poor mental health, difficulties in online classes, work-from-home demands, family issues, or others. But the medical frontliners, especially the moms, could have it the worst. 

Your hardships aren't invalidated, of course. Each of us goes through things differently, but the fact that frontliners work the hardest during this time is undeniable. They've been sacrificing the comforts of home for months now. Their well-being is also affected due to continuously rising cases and deaths.

Frontliners themselves come up with ways to uplift each other and their patients. Various organizations in different countries also make donations to them or visit them personally to increase their morale.

But while these actions are comforting to frontliners, they may only offer short-term joy. The things that'll benefit them more are increased support from their employers, a compassionate government, and cooperative citizens.

That said, let's see what can be done for frontliners to receive those urgent needs.

Support From Employers

Since classes are already beginning, one of the most urgent needs of frontliner moms is child care support. What employers can do is to reach out to public officials and ask for plans on long-term child care support.

Even if schools are only held virtually, young children will still need the guidance of their parents. They're too young to manage on their own yet. To address this, health care employers, together with appropriate organizations, can collaborate with the local government that can then partner with a local school district to open some classrooms for affected children, for example. And as it goes without saying, the schools should also develop plans to prevent viral infections.

Employers should also get feedback from their workers. They can only find out their exact needs by hearing it from them. A data collection survey software can help them do this, provided that they follow up each cited issue with action.

Allowing flexible work schedules is also immensely helpful, particularly to cleaners, security officers, and some nurses. Also, employers and employees must strive to achieve better work-life harmony. The higher-ups should understand the challenges faced by their frontliners better, then optimize work processes and improve their welfare.

And though giving excessive workloads tends to be inevitable these days, employers still have to be mindful about it. They must respect their frontliners' rest hours and day-offs.

How Frontliner Moms are Getting By

Every frontliner mother faces a different challenge. Some are lucky to be helped by their spouses in caring for their kids. Others have to sacrifice even more sleep to nurse their infant child.

But a struggle that all moms can relate to is the "mom guilt." They tend to feel remorseful while they're at work and their kids are staying at home. But according to physician moms, vigilance and preparation are essential to their jobs of being a mother and frontliner. Dr. Courtney Howard, a Canadian emergency doctor, is always ready to take action, even while facing a sense of impending doom.

It's saddening that a cure to COVID-19 is yet to be administered, so the least we can do while waiting for it is to cooperate with the health protocols and heed the plea of frontliners. The faster we flatten the curve, the sooner the moms can be reunited with their children. And of course, employers should regularly check in with their employees and immediately address their concerns.

Survive the Heatwave without Breaking a Sweat

Summer is coming and heatwaves in Australia are reaching record highs. In 2019, Nullarbor and Adelaide recorded temperatures of 49.9°C and 45.3°C, while temperatures in cooler cities like Brisbane and Sydney went up to 41°C and 42.4°C. Expect next summer to be the same and make a few changes to weather the heatwaves. 


Outside temperatures shouldn't matter if your house is well-insulated. With proper insulation, temperatures inside your house can stay cooler than outside temperatures by 5-10°C, and that's without air conditioning. Prioritize insulating your roofing. Sun hits your roof more than any part of your house and it is generally the place with the highest rate of heat transfer. Minimizing heat transfer also reduces the stress on your air conditioning system. 

It won't be working as hard and would reduce your electrical consumption. Proper insulation has been noted to cut electricity bills by as high as 30 percent, so your investment on insulating your roof should pay off in just a few months. Roofing insulation can last up to 15 years so a bit of money should solve your heatwave problems for years to come. Aside from your roof, make sure to inspect your house's vents and other openings to reduce unchecked heat transfer. 

Get Some Shade

Direct sunlight is the primary cause of heating. Adding shade or extending your house's shade should reduce the temperature of the immediate area around your house. Plant a few fruit trees in line with the sun or buy full-grown ones and have them replanted. You can also build an insulated patio to add some shade near your doors or windows. A patio will allow you to spend some time outside the house if you feeling cooped up, and you'll still be protected from the heat and the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. While patios are excellent during the summer, you can use them any time of the year when entertaining guests, hosting a barbecue, or just lounging around by yourself with a good book.

Don't Let the Sunlight In

Glass windows and doors serve as ports that let sunlight and heat inside your home. Houses with exceptionally large windows are vulnerable to heat transfer and absorbed heat can stay up even when the sun goes down. If you want to keep it cool, you'll need to add a few shades or heavy curtains to keep sunlight out. Shades and curtains are simple solutions and you can always take them down when summer ends. 

A more high-tech option is smart glass or switchable glass. These modern glass marvels can turn opaque with a switch, allowing you to regulate the amount of light entering your home but they do come with a hefty price. A less expensive option is UV-filtering film. UV film can reduce the heat entering your windows by close to 75 percent and they also keep your house safe from harmful UV radiation.

With climate change, expect heat waves to be the norm. Adjust to the changing times by making a few changes in your house that will make it resilient to extreme outside temperatures to keep your family safe and comfortable.

Passing The Time When You've Got Nothing Else To Do

There comes those moments in our lives, when we’ve accomplished all of our tasks, and we have nothing else to get on with, and we’re stuck with a little period of time before we move on to do something else. Maybe you’ve got half an hour before picking the kids up, or an hour before going to work, and you’re not quite sure what to do with yourself. You don’t usually get these little moments of freedom, after all!

So when they do hit, it’s time to take some time for yourself, and do something enjoyable and/or relaxing. And if you’re in need of a few pointers right now, here are some things you might want to get on with.

Pick Up a Book

A book is a great way to pass the time, thanks to the abundance of books on offer to us, and the amount of stories we all enjoy getting into. And if you’ve got a bookshelf of neglected paperbacks to get on with, taking the 20 minutes you’ve got right now to get stuck into the first chapter is very beneficial for you. 

Sure, you may not want to put the book down once your free time comes to an end, but you can always pick it up again later. And this is a good excuse to buy some cute bookmarks as well! 

Play Some Mini Games

If you’re bored and have a few minutes, why not make good use of your internet connection with some commitment free and fun gaming? Mini games are free to play, and all you have to do is search for the website they’re hosted on. Plus, a whole bunch of them can even be played on phones nowadays, thanks to an upgrade in modern tech! 

Any and all kinds of mini games can be found online, including bus games, racing games, dress up games, stickman games, and even story games you might find yourself coming back to… Either way, you’ve got some time to kill, and you want to have fun whilst you do so, so load up that laptop! 

Even a Nap Works! 

And if you’ve got half an hour, why not fit a power nap in, before you have to get back in the car and go elsewhere? After all, it’s very good for your body to have a bit more sleep every now and then, and all those biphasic sleepers across the globe can’t be wrong! 

So go grab a blanket, snuggle down into the sofa, and get 40 winks while you have the chance to. Recharging is always good for you, no matter what anyone else says. 

If you’ve got a bit of time to spare, and don’t know what to do with yourself, why not make good use of ideas like those listed above? Until you settle into this new found freedom, it could be a good idea to pass the time a little constructively in a more relaxed manner. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

We all love our pets; they're like family. But, sometimes, it can be a problem when you can't control what they do outside your home or even on your lawn. If you're considering turning your simple backyard into a luscious garden but concerned about having plants that either may be toxic to your pets or that they may destroy, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind while you make your choices.

Photo by Peng Louis from Pexels

Plant Safe But Pet-Repellent Plants

There are some plants that cats and/or dogs seem to dislike a lot. But remember, they don't like them for a reason, and whatever it is, if they've accidentally ingested too much of it, there will be consequences-not deadly but unpleasant for the pet. So, it's a good idea to pick your plants carefully and create boundaries for your pet whenever they're in the garden. Here are some plants to consider.

Prickly, Thorny Plants -They may not be the friendliest of plants, but they can make for a useful barrier between pets and areas in the garden you want them to avoid. Rose bushes, Prickly Pear, or succulents are good but avoid Aloe Vera, Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia Milii), and the Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata), to name a few, as these are toxic to pets.

Scaredy Cat (Coleus Canina) -Neighborhood cats and dogs will learn to avoid your garden, not to mention the occasional rabbit and fox, if you plant these around. When brushed or broken, the leaves and stem of this perennial plant release a foul odor similar to a skunk spray.

Herbs -Often, pets don't like the smell of some plant herbs, so they leave them alone. These herbs include Rosemary, Lavender, Citronella, Thyme, Sage, Bergamot, Basil, Cilantro, and Catmint. The latter you use not to repel them but distract and redirect them away from your more precious plants.

Citrus Plants -Most dogs don't like the strong smell of citrus, but you'd need a few of these trees planted together and producing fruit in a few years before the smell becomes unpleasant to them. Perhaps scattering some lemon, orange, lime, or grapefruit peel will do the trick in the meantime.

Crushed Red Pepper- Pets don't appreciate the scent of this strong spice. It's best to have the powder sprinkled around the garden area to repel dogs or cats or other nocturnal visitors to your garden. But avoid applying them on the leaves of your plants.

Avoid Toxic Plants

It's surprising how many dangerous plants your pets are exposed to-lilies, daffodils, foxgloves, tulips, chrysanthemums, and ivy, etc. There's a detailed list of toxic (and non-toxic) plants on the ASPCA page that can help you decide which pet-safe plants to add to your garden.

Designate a Bathroom Area

Build an area for your pets to relieve themselves. Training them to use this spot away from your garden will prevent them from having their way with your plants. Before you start building, it's vital to choose pet-friendly surfaces like cedar mulch and pea pebbles.

Choose a Safe Ground Cover

Depending on the type of dog you have, it may be worthwhile considering your options for ground turf. It doesn't have to be real grass if you don't feel like you'll have the time to maintain it properly. You can choose from either artificial turf cover lawns, or mulch. Check to make sure whichever one you decide to pick is appropriate for the size of your dog.

Elevate Your Sprinklers

If you decide to install automated sprinklers, make sure their position is elevated enough that it protects your water mechanism from being dug out by your fun-loving, dirt-digging dog.

Build a Digging Pit

This is good protection for your garden and lots of fun for your pet. No matter how you decide to build the digging pit, it's important to remember that it has to be covered overnight, or some cat will think it's a litter box specially made for them.

Apart from the smaller plants, it's important to look at the condition of the trees in your yard. Are some of them looking a bit worse for wear? Maybe it's time to get an arborist to check the health and safety of its bark and branches. If the branches are no longer sturdy or the tree is rotting at the base from a fungal infection, it may be time to have the tree removed and replaced with a healthier one.

More importantly, with thorough research and proper care, you can have a garden that will be a haven of small delights that you and your loved ones can enjoy for years to come.