Thursday, October 5, 2017

In times of austerity, money can be pretty tight within the household. Coupled with an expanding brood, a 9 - 5 job and there not being enough hours in a day, our homes can begin to look tired, messy and cluttered. This is why you may wish to consider killing two birds with one stone. The stuff that is cluttering up your home is merely taking up space and is more or less obsolete in your pad. Why not consider decluttering, selling your unwanted stuff and topping up your savings in the process.

The ubiquitous auction site is still the go-to online platform for selling items. The reach is astronomical, and the global shipping programme now makes selling your item overseas easier than ever. If you haven’t used an item in twelve months, it’s probably time to give it a new home. You’ll be surprised at how much your things that are no longer of any use to you may fetch at auction.

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List Correctly

To get the optimum price for any item, it’s imperative that you list it correctly. If your getting rid of a retro 1990 Gameboy complete with Super Mario Land game, don’t list it under ‘Playstation Consoles.’ In your listing’s description be as detailed as possible and always be truthful. If the screen has a couple of pixels missing, don’t keep quiet about it. Take photos from every angle and show the device working. This way, any potential buyer will know of any faults and will have a clear view of the item.

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As the money starts to roll in, you’ll become more motivated to continue your decluttering mission and rid your house of unused items. Having a clearer home with more usable space can de-stress, relax and calm a household. If you work through your humble abode strategically, you can clear each room of your house one by one before tackling the clutter havens such as the attic or the garage.

With a more minimalistic look to the interior of your home, you may be spurred on to carrying out some home improvements, redecoration or DIY to transform the aesthetics of your pad.

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Alternatives To Savings

If you find that you are accruing a princely sum in your savings account, you may want to channel some of these funds down other avenues. If you have debt, it pays to clear it as quickly as possible saving you money on interest. Check out the impartial reviews on and apply for the most appropriate card for your financial situation. By consolidating your debt onto a credit card that offers a low-interest rate over the term of the debt, you can roll all of your debt into one monthly repayment. Set this up via direct debit so you ensure you don’t miss a payment and you’ll be debt free in no time.

If your goals are to live in a clutter-free environment and you ache to see a larger number on your savings account balance, why not embark on a decluttering mission and reap the rewards.

Investing in your garden is definitely a good idea. And it’s something that anyone can do. You don’t have to spend a fortune in order to change your garden for the better. Instead, it’s all about spending money in the right ways and knowing which changes are going to have the biggest impact for the lowest overall cost. Here are some ideas to get you started if you think it’s time for you to invest in your garden.

Add Water

Water can bring something entirely new to your garden. But it can mean many things. For those with bigger budgets, going as far as having a pool fitted is an option. However, there are many options on a smaller scale that are worth considering too. A pond full of carp or a fountain at the bottom of your garden can add some tranquility to your garden, and they can be fitted relatively cheaply if you know what you’re doing.

Make it Neater With Better Tools

Investing in the tools you use in your garden can be a really good way to improve the garden in a gradual kind of way. When you have better tools, you’re able to do more and achieve more in your garden every time you carry out some form of gardening. It’s these small changes that can lead to huge improvements in the long-term. You can compare things like chainsaws here. And there are many other types of tools that you might want to make use of in your garden too, so explore all the options.

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Refresh Your Lawn

Your lawn is a part of your garden that needs to look great, so why not invest in it? If it’s starting to look very patchy and tired right now, do something to change that. It could even be worth having it all dug up and replaced with a new lawn. The change this makes to your garden can be huge, and it’s well worth the investment if your lawn is in bad shape right now. Having a new lawn put in place is not too difficult, and you should be able to do it yourself once you have the lawn and the right tools.

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Make it a Social Space

Everyone wants their garden to be a space where they can be social and have fun with friends and family. But most gardens can’t really fulfill that function very well. You need more than a table and some chairs, no matter how much money you spent on those things, if you want your garden to be a truly social space. That’s just the way it is. Think about adding a pergola if you want a dedicated space in your garden for eating, drinking and entertaining. It’s a way of separating that space from the rest of the garden.

As you can see, there are many ways in which you can spend money on your garden. Don’t assume that it’s going to cost you big because all of the ideas above can be implemented in a low-cost kind of way. So, start putting what you’ve learned into action.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

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Get a decent price for the home you’re leaving

It's a feeling that just about everyone goes through at some point. You find a home that you really love, you work hard to make it your own, and you spend your time living in it happily for a long time. Then, after a while, it can start to feel as though your home is just sort of fading into the background of your life. It might once have been incredibly positive as a place where you could spend your time and feel comfortable, but now it just kind of feels stale. When that kind of feeling rolls around then, there's one incredibly common response that a lot have: move to somewhere new. And sure, that can often give you the excitement and new start that you might want, but it also puts you in a position where you have to deal with all of the stress and cost that also comes along with moving home. Not only that but moving to a new place might not solve your problem, it might simply transfer it to a new home. With that in mind, here are some things that you might want to consider instead of moving when you start to feel a little tired of your home.

Make some changes

If you're starting to feel frustrated and bored with your home and you want something a little bit new, then why not create that new atmosphere in your home? Perhaps the style of your home is the thing that's leaving you feeling unsatisfied? Well, then why not make some changes to the way that it's laid out or decorated? Or perhaps you don't feel as though you have enough space, or that the layout isn't working properly for your needs. Then why not get in touch with a company like and do some serious renovations on it. Sure renovations can be expensive, but they're often not nearly as expensive or difficult as dealing with everything that comes with moving home entirely.

Bring it back to life

Of course, sometimes it's nothing quite so concrete as the size or layout of your home. Sometimes it can just feel as though the excitement and joy that you felt when you stepped through the door for the very first time simply isn't there anymore. Trying to figure out how to make your home feel more vibrant and alive can be tricky, but there are a few things that you can try. One of the best things to do is to bring in as much light as possible. A dark house can feel much more dreary and cramped. The other thing to do is to deep clean it. You would be amazed at how much of a difference that can make to things like your carpets. It can often feel as though you've gone back in time to when your home was first new.

Of course, none of this means that moving home is never a good idea. If you really feel like you need a fresh start, then it can be one of the best things in the world. However, it's important that you remember that moving home is a big decision and not one that you should make without giving it some serious thought and consideration.

Moving home is, for many of us, an exciting time. In the early stages of a house hunt, we can’t wait to get our hands on a new property. Once we’ve found the ideal home, we dream of living there. We imagine where our furniture will go, and how our lives will look from our new locations.

And, don’t get us wrong; that excitement is crucial. But, moving house isn’t all about looking to the future. As the date for your move draws closer, you may find that you start to look to the past. As with any goodbye, you may begin to feel sentimental and emotional about leaving. 
In extreme cases, doubts can set in about whether you’re doing the right thing. After all, a home is an incredibly personal space. It becomes our one place in the world. Letting someone else inhabit your place might not be as easy as you expect. 

To ensure those sentimental feelings don’t ruin your move, it’s important you go about things in the right way. Otherwise, you may find that you don’t settle in your new home, or that you feel some degree of regret. Instead, follow these steps to ensure you say goodbye to your old home in the right way. 

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Get a decent price for the home you’re leaving

Obviously, you can’t put a price on emotions. But, getting a decent sum of money for your old house will go some way towards feeling like you did right by it. And, let’s be honest; that money will certainly soften the blow when you can afford to kit your new home with the best stuff. 

Bear in mind the traditional routes, such as estate agents, may not be the best way to get a good deal. As this article shows, there are hidden costs, such as agent fees and commission when you sell your house this way. Instead, it’s worth considering your alternatives, like selling your house directly, or operating on a private basis. That way, you can keep all the money involved. 

Find a new house you love more

It may sound fickle, but nothing will help you get over your old home more than a new one which suits you better. This way, excitement levels will be at an all-time high. Your negative emotions are sure to leave the moment you put your keys in that new door. By comparison, moving into a space you love less than your old one is sure to make you feel worse. 

Host a farewell party

Whoever heard of hosting a farewell party for a house? But, bear with us; this a step worth taking. Emotional closure is important, and saying goodbye with a party is a sure way to achieve it. As well as allowing you to draw a line under your old house, this is a chance to say goodbye to friends etc. So, it’s not a party for the house exactly. But, that will be a bonus of the process.

Why College Isn't Always Fun And Games

It's a very common idea that college is the place where you'll discover yourself and grow into the person that you are supposed to be. Now, this would be ideal, but it doesn't always plan out the way you might want it to. Sometimes things get in the way and distract you from the experience you were hoping for. Here are some examples, along with how you can manage the issues.

Believe it or not, but it's not actually the exam itself that is what's scary - it's the build up. Students take on so much pressure from this, by teachers, parents, and other students - even if it's not their intention, that's just what happens. No matter how hard you study and cram in sessions at stupid o'clock at night, you will probably never feel truly prepared, and that's completely normal. - You can find studying techniques on
It's important to remember that you can only do your best, and as long as you're paying attention in class, and doing all the necessary homework, there is no reason you shouldn't pass. And if for any reason you don't - don't beat yourself up, just learn from it. Evaluate the situation and look how you can improve it for next time so you get the outcome that you had hoped for initially.

It can be very hard to manage your finances when you're in school because it can get really expensive. Although your living situation might not be costing you a lot, the actual schooling and supplies do, and that's just not something that you can avoid, unfortunately. But because of this, a lot of students end up in debt, and unable to do anything about it because they can't even afford to buy groceries, let alone pay off monthly amounts to keep themselves from drowning in debt! 
One thing that can really help with this is consolidation, like explains. Consolidating a debt means that you are given another loan, but it's so that you can pay off all of your other outstanding credits. That way, the only thing left to pay is this one final loan. 

Whether they're friendships or romantic ones, you are bound to have a lot of them, and while this is a good thing, they can sometimes be a toxic distraction to what your goals are. College is a time for experiences and playing with the new found freedom you have - that's what makes it so exciting. But that doesn't mean that you should let it lead you away from what you came there to do.
People will argue, fall out, and talk behind your back. It's unfortunate - but it happens. It's your job to not let any of it get to you. Building relationships are awesome, but they're not the only thing that is keeping you going - you're doing that all by yourself. Don't ever think that you need someone else in order to succeed, because you don't. You're smart enough, kind enough and funny enough to make your dreams come true, all by yourself.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

You Really Are What You Eat

A healthy diet is essential to our lives. Sadly, many of the habits we pick up from our younger years or our peers can have a drastic impact on what we eat. For instance, if our parents didn’t cook much and preferred to get takeout, then we probably pick up on those habits. On the contrary, if your parents cooked food all the time, made it healthy and even got you involved, then you probably picked up some good habits that taught you how to make delicious and healthy food.

The choices we make in our diet can have a huge effect on our health. This is why it’s important to break out of bad habits as soon as possible so we can start taking control of our health again. There’s a common saying that you are what you eat, and it’s never been truer than it is today in the 21st century.

Diets Determined by Lifestyle

If your diet is largely determined by your lifestyle, then it’s important that you try and identify how it’s controlling what you eat and what you can do to stop it. One of the most common excuses for not eating healthily is because you don’t have the time or money. However, it’s actually a bad excuse that can easily be remedied.

For starters, most people eat fast food because they feel they don’t have the time in their schedules to make food. For instance, they might just pick up some burgers and fries on the way home from work because they walk past a cheap store. Perhaps they don’t have time between working on projects, so they order food instead of cooking it themselves. However, there are plenty of meal prep ideas on that are designed to save both time and money. Food prep is a fantastic way to get fast-food like convenience while still cooking healthily, and it doesn’t take long to do either.

Diets Determined by Goal

If you have the goal of losing weight, then you may want to look at resources such as that will have set meal plans and supplements that will assist in weight loss. When you’re on a strict diet that enforces low-calorie meals or one that omits certain types of nutrients (or at least, tries to keep them down) then you tend to be more disciplined. Goal-driven people find it rather easy to lose weight or gain weight, but they tend to easily lose focus and waste a lot of time and money.

If you have the goal of losing or gaining weight, then you need to stay focused. This can be difficult because eating more or less than you’re accustomed to can introduce strange side effects. You might find yourself feeling sick from eating too much, or you might find that your energy has dropped. This is normal because it’s your body adjusting to the new changes, and unless the changes are so bad that it stops you from living your daily life, you should continue your diet and the side effects will eventually disappear.

In the 21st century, what can be more noble than eschewing the daily drudgery of the rat race by taking your future in your own hands and attempting to make a living as a blogger? It sounds like an unattainable dream, right? But that hasn’t stopped ordinary people from all sorts of backgrounds from doing it all over the world. However, monetizing your blog is relatively easy but making a living from it can be hard. If you’re to make a decent living making money from home as a blogger, it’s important to avoid the common pitfalls that can seriously compromise your productivity.


The digital age provides creatives with more outlets than ever to share their talents with the world and make a living doing what they love. However, it also provides them with more distractions than you can shake a cursor at. Even if you manage to avoid the allure of your social media feed or funny cat videos on YouTube, there are still myriad distractions in the home that can derail your productivity.  

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Inappropriate space

Nascent bloggers make the mistake of believing that they can blog anywhere from their sofa to their favorite coffee shop. Sure, they can… But they absolutely should not. Your first task as a professional blogger should be to create a space that’s entirely dedicated to working. This is especially important when working from home where you’ll have to contend with the distractions of the household. Your work space should be comfortable, and if possible have access to a view of nature even if it’s just your garden. At the very least you should have some access to natural light. 

Whatever space you choose you should have, as a bare minimum:

  • A desk
  • A comfortable office chair.
  • Appropriate decor (houseplants and wall art are fine, but avoid anything that may prove a distraction).
  • Access to a power outlet. You don’t want to find yourself creatively on a roll, only to have to change rooms because your laptop ran out of juice.
  • Post-it notes to aid memory.
  • Quiet. 

Not having set working hours

In the name of productivity, and for the sake of your sanity, you can’t be at work 24 hours a day. Even those who’ve shrugged off the nine-to-five still keep set working hours. Establish 8-10 hours a day, every day which are dedicated solely to work and outside of those hours stop working. Unless a looming deadline or unexpected rush of work necessitates ‘overtime’, it’s important to stick to your prescribed hours.

Not taking a break

It can be tempting to plough through your work sans intermission when you have a lot to get through, but it’s important to recognize your brain’s limitations. Your brain needs rest to function at its best so make sure you allow yourself a 15-20 minute break every few hours. During these rest breaks it’s important to get away from your laptop (and any other electronic device if you can help it). Find a room that’s comfortable and visually soothing with rocking chair cushion sets and neutrally painted walls. Listen to some music, close your eyes and dedicate a few moments to just enjoying the rest. You’re much more likely to return to your laptop rested and productive than if you were to slave on regardless of your fatigue.

With just a little self-discipline and awareness, you too can turn the dream of professional blogging into a lucrative reality.

6 Survival Questions When Considering Relocating

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We all get itchy feet sometimes. We all wonder sometimes whether we are where we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to be doing. It can be, at times, an unnerving thought process. However it can also be an inspiring moment in your life that can lead to great and brave decisions.

If you are considering making big changes in your life and moving to a new city, or even a new country, to start afresh, then kudos to you. Anyone that has been in your position would no doubt pat you on the back and wish you all the best. Not, however, without first giving you some pearls of wisdom to send you on your way. So here are our top six things that anyone considering moving to a new place, must consider before biting the bullet and heading off into the exciting unknown.

Your Bank Balance

One of the most crucial places to start, when thinking of upping sticks and moving to somewhere new is to consider ‘can I really afford it?’ This sounds rather like common sense doesn’t it. But there is a lot to be taken into consideration when thinking about setting yourself up in a completely new city. It is all very well factoring in moving costs, deposits for a new flat and a few months of no income whilst you look for a new job. However there will inevitably be last minute expenses and unexpected costs that will crop up throughout this process, which means that your budget may not be quite as healthy as you think.

Therefore the more you think ahead financially and the more you plan for every eventually the smoother your transition into your new life will be. The general rule of thumb is that whatever you have budgeted for your move, then double it. If this is a figure that you are able to afford, then it looks like you are in fine shape to move forwards.

Contacts, Acquaintances & Friends

Sometimes complete anonymity and a fresh start is what is most appealing to moving to a new place. However moving somewhere where you don’t know anyone can be tough on people for many different reasons. So think about the place that you’re moving to and the contacts, acquaintances and any existing friends that you have already living there. Having people around you in your new city will not only offer comfort and support, but we all know that in many situations regarding finding new work, ‘it’s not what you know, but who you know’. Of course everyone and every situation is different, but choosing a place where you already know a couple of people is generally preferable to starting from scratch in your new life.

The Cost of Living

The cost of living varies greatly from city to city, from country to country. So you are certainly going to need to put some research into the cost of living in your new city. There are many ways to do this. A good place to start is by looking at the hdb rental price of the kind of flats you would be interested in and research the type of property your budget will be able to accommodate. From there, look into the details of local prices from the cost of grocery shopping, to public transportation to local taxes. The more detailed your research, before you arrive, the better idea of what lifestyle you can expect when there according to your budget and also the stronger your negotiating power when negotiating on salaries for your new job.


This is a really important part of filling in the details about your move. You will not just need to research the city but also the individual and surrounding neighbourhoods in order to understand the types of areas that best suit you and your budget. Luckily nowadays we have the world at our fingertips so it has never been easier to research cities, from a distance, in order to plan where to live in advance. Look into the types of neighbourhoods that you’d be interested in moving into and then hone your search down. If you don’t know anyone living in that city then contact a property firm over there who will be able to help answer your questions and will maybe even be able to help you find your first flat in your new city.

The Job Market

This is up there as one of the most important things that need to be established before any decisions are made. So you will need to look into the job market in the place that you are heading to. Is it a healthy and expanding job market? Do the wages match the cost of living in the city? Are there lots of opportunities for your line of work? Work cultures can differ from one place to another, so make sure that you know what type of culture you are heading into to make sure that it is one that will suit you and your individual objectives.

Timing is Everything

The last piece of advice is to really think about the timing of this move. Sometimes the timing of a move just might not be right. It is not that the new city is not right for you, maybe just that the timing of perhaps a new job, young family or increasing opportunities in your existing area may just mean that it might not be wise to up sticks at this precise moment and waiting for a better time in the future maybe be a better idea.

However if you are confident that the timing is great then you will simply need to plan a few basic logistics before heading off. Contacting your utility suppliers, organising removal companies, ending employment contracts and planning ahead for when you arrive in your new city is all crucial. All the little details in good forward planning will all go a long way in ensuring your transition into your new life will be as seamless and stress free as possible.

Surprising Causes Of Your Foot Pain

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Walking to the shops, to work, and well, anywhere really, is often deemed as one of the easiest forms of exercise. However, if you suffer from foot pain, every step is an agonizing struggle. There are lots of bones in your foot, which makes it no surprise that many people suffer from foot pain, and that there are a lot of possible reasons for it. In fact, almost 80% of women suffer from some severity of foot pain, which is a lot more than just the majority. If you’re one of the majority, here are five possible reasons that you could be suffering from foot pain:

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1. Wearing The Wrong Shoes
Often the most obvious cause for pain in your feet is what you put on them. Wearing the wrong shoes could damage your foot a great deal. If you’re a fan of pointy-toed shoes, you risk irritating a bunion, which will only get worse if you continue to wear them. Wearing heels that are too high can also cause a whole host of major problems, such as sprained ankles, stress fractures, and even neuroma. Ideally, you shouldn’t be wearing heels any higher than 3 inches for anything other than a special occasion, and should also steer clear of thin heels to avoid such problems.

2. You’ve Got An Ingrown Toenail
If you’ve recently had a pedicure or cut your nails, you might have left a small piece of nail at the corner of your toe. This piece of nail then continues to grow and can result in an incredibly painful ingrown toenail. This can also happen by stubbing your toe or wearing shoes that are too tight. Soaking your feet in warm water and Epsom salts will help to decrease any inflammation, soften the skin, and drain the affected area.

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3. You Have Another Injury
Any injuries to your back, hips, legs, or knees can cause you to walk strangely, and put more weight on one side of the body than the other. This can cause your foot to swell, develop stress fractures, and neuroma, all of which will cause you pain. Resting and icing your feet, or using anti-inflammatory medication should be able to reduce the swelling. However, if you want the problems to go away for good, you’ll need to treat the legs, hips, or back pain too.

4. Your Foot Shape
Unfortunately, just the shape of your foot can cause you issues. If you’ve inherited a high arch or a flat foot from your parents you will strain the ligaments in your ankle, which is going to cause you foot and ankle pain. Visit Shoe Finale to find the best shoes to wear if you have a flat foot. If you have a high arch, you should buy arch supports, which you can just insert into your regular shoes.

Although foot pain often isn’t too big of a deal, and can easily be fixed yourself, it can be a sign of more serious issues, like diabetes. If your pain ever gets too severe, you should always go and see your doctor, just to be on the safe side.

We all go through those moments when we’re just a little bit fed up of our house as it is. 

There’s nothing necessarily wrong with the house. It’s still standing; the walls aren’t crumbling; the decor isn’t in an obvious state of disrepair. However, it still feels a bit too samey, a few years since anything was changed -- and you find yourself itching for something different. 

For many people, the idea of something different involves an entire full-scale renovation. That will give you something different; something hugely different, almost akin to having a new house rather than just revamping a couple of rooms. While renovating is stressful, it also undoubtedly fixes the problem of being bored by your existing home -- however... 

Yes, there’s always a “however”, isn’t there? The “however” against renovations is a pretty powerful one, unfortunately: The cost. Going through a full renovation can have a disastrous impact on your finances, potentially even being so high you can’t even realistically consider it.

So is that the end of the line? Are you doomed to have to put up with your house as it is, even though everything feels a little stale and in dire need of an update? Of course not -- you just need to work a little makeover magic. 

Living Room

As the main functional point of the house, changes to your living room are probably the most sought-after. This is the room where you spend a lot of your time, where you relax and unwind from the day -- so making changes here will have a big impact. 

  • If fully replacing the living room furniture is outside of your budget, that doesn’t mean you can’t change the look of your existing furniture. The cheapest -- and most effective -- way of doing this is to use throws and blankets, along with a fresh set of cushions. This is a small change that you can reverse should you choose to in future; but it’s still a change that packs a significant punch. 
  • One of the best ways of improving the look of a living room is to add plants. You could choose one large, potted plant, or opt for a row of smaller succulents. This makes the room look fresher and healthier, even though the change itself is relatively minor. Such a change might also benefit your health; some indoor plants are known to improve air quality in the rooms they are placed in. 
  • If you don’t have the time or funds to re-paint or re-wallpaper the entire room, then why not just change one wall? This gives you a feature wall, so you can be adventurous with the color choice, and will make the whole room feel instantly more interesting. 


The master bedroom is one of the lesser-used rooms in the house, but it’s vitally important. The bedroom should be a sanctuary from the rest of the world, somewhere you can relax, and ensure you get the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Keeping these things in mind, here are a few bedroom-based changes you could make to the master bedroom.

  • A rug can make a huge difference to your bedroom, especially in winter. Choose something fluffy or with a deep pile and slide it under the bed, with some overhanging for you to step onto in the mornings. Doing this brings a little sense of luxury from the moment you wake up. 
  • A lighting change can give your bedroom a cosy feel without costing a fortune. Rather than relying on the ceiling light -- which has a tendency to flood the room with bright, almost clinical light -- opting for something simpler, like a floor lamp, can improve the feel of the whole room. Choose a laser-cut shade and the result is interesting shadow patterns on the wall when the light is on. 
  • If you want to keep it really simple, brand new bed linen can change how your bedroom looks and feels for the better. Such a change will also help to make your bedroom even more sleep-friendly, which will have huge benefits to your life and overall health.

A full kitchen renovation tends to include new flooring, new cabinets, new paint, new window coverings, and new counter tops. Your kitchen will look incredible if you’re able to invest in an entirely new design -- but your budget most definitely won’t. 

  • Perhaps the most dramatic change you can make in this room involves your kitchen cabinets. If you are happy to stick with your existing layout, then it’s relatively easy to source new cabinets without having to worry about the expense of relocating them. The cabinets are usually independent from the rest of the room as they’re suspended on the wall, thus lending themselves well to a change that won’t impact the rest of the room. A cabinet change is the most dramatic kitchen change you can make -- with the least amount of work. 
  • Unlike the cabinets, changing a floor in a kitchen is more a job for a full renovation. Removing and replacing a floor tends to require other aspects of the room to change, such as the counters to be moved or appliances pushed to one side. So it’s unwise to completely replace the floor the way you can with the cabinets, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make some flooring changes. Rugs are a good option, provided you use a rug gripper beneath to ensure they don’t slip if the floor gets wet. If there is an area of the floor that is ripped or damaged, then a rug is perfect for covering that too! 
  • Everyone stores items in their kitchen differently. Some like to display their pots and pans almost as if they are artwork; others tuck everything away in the cabinets built for that purpose. One way to make your kitchen feel like new is to do the opposite to what you usually do. So if your cooking implements are currently in cabinets, display them instead -- and vice versa. This might sound small, but it’s a change that is actually rather drastic, and can impact the entire feel of the room. It’s worth giving a go to see if it makes enough of a difference; it’s inexpensive, simple, and can be done in an afternoon. 

The bathroom is one of the most functional rooms in the house, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beautiful. However, second only to the kitchen, it’s also the most expensive to renovate. So how can you improve the entire room without spending a fortune?

  • Change the vanity if you want to make a drastic alteration to your bathroom. As with the kitchen cabinets, the vanity tends to be separated from the rest of the room -- so you won’t have to worry about fiddling with plumbing or damaging the floor. If you can’t afford a full change of the vanity, then why not consider using sticky plastic to cover it? This looks surprisingly good if you do it right, and there are thousands of different designs to choose from. 
  • One problem that many bathrooms suffer from is that they are cluttered. Bathrooms often don’t have a lot of storage space, which means that lotions and potions required for bathing usually get stacked up on any available surface. This looks messy, so for an instant improvement to the overall look of the room, add shelving or a bathroom cabinet. A cabinet is the best option if you have a lot of items to store; open shelving can still look a little messy, especially if you’re cramming multiple items onto one shelf. Pick the option that works best for you; the effect on the overall room is startlingly good.

The hallway probably isn’t an area you would pay much attention to when it comes to a renovation. However, as one of the most used areas in the house, it’s worth making a few improvements to these transitional areas. 

  • Choose the right colors and repaint your hallway for a huge impact. You will be surprised by how much better the area looks, and how it can improve the overall feel of your home as a whole. An uncared-for, shabby hallway is oddly depressing, especially given how often you’ll pass through it as you go about your time at home. Brightening and freshening the area up will make a big difference. 
  • Hallway flooring is vitally important due to the sheer number of footsteps it has to deal with. It’s best to use a rug, regardless of what type of flooring you have. Both carpet and wood floors will wear very quickly due to the constant usage of hallways; rugs can help protect the floor beneath and ensure you don’t need to do a full-scale replacement every few years.
  • Shelving or a piece of furniture in a hallway can give the area a functional, homely look. It might be worth scouring eBay and second hand stores to see if you can find anything that would suit the space you have available. 

In Conclusion

It is obvious that you can make dynamic and exciting changes to your home without having to resort to a full renovation. If you want to free yourself of that unpleasant same-old same-old feeling, then implementing a few of the above suggestions could be just the change you need.