Thursday, September 9, 2021

Your Home Needs a Rooftop Deck

The pandemic has proven the necessity of having additional and outdoor living spaces. People had to spend more time at home because of the spreading virus. Certain aspects of life, including work, are now done at home. 

While many restrictions have already been lifted, many employers are adopting a work-from-home setup. The past year proved that most jobs do not have to be done at an office. In fact, people were more productive and less stressed when working from the comforts of their homes. 

There also is a need for more outdoor space for relaxing. The lockdowns meant that people have been spending more time indoors, which has detrimental effects on the body and mind. People need sun exposure and fresh air to be healthy physically and mentally. 

A rooftop deck is a great addition to the home. 

Is It Worth It? 

A rooftop deck is a nice way to add an outdoor living space into a home, especially for those who live in urban areas with limited room for expansion. The rooftop space can be used as a garden, a dining area, or a place for recreation. Anything you can do on the ground, you can do on the rooftop, too. 

A rooftop deck addition will not be cheap, and not all houses are suited for it. Moreover, many homeowners are concerned if the expensive addition will increase the property's value when it is time to sell it. 

In most cases, a rooftop deck is worth it. 

It is a coveted home feature because it creates more space for the homeowner to enjoy. A rooftop deck that overlooks a nice view is an advantage. It will cause buyers to fight over the property, further increasing its price. 

Depending on the material used, a rooftop deck can typically add about 6 percent to 8 percent valuation to the home. Homes that have one sell faster, too. 

In a strong real estate market like in San Francisco, where the rooftop deck can be enjoyed all year round, homeowners can get a 147 percent return on investment. They will profit off of selling a house with a rooftop deck. 

Several homeowners are adding rooftop decks to their property. It is a good investment that can increase the property's resale value and provide additional space for lounging and other activities. 

However, the challenge is to make your rooftop deck charming and comfortable. 

A Strong and Weather-Proof Rooftop Deck

The addition of a rooftop deck is not an easy home improvement project. It has to withstand environmental elements. It should also have the integrity to tolerate outdoor furniture, a garden, and the constant movement of people who will use it. So, it is often a good idea to have a roof inspection carried out before you build one.

A rooftop deck has to be resistant to changes in the weather. Because it is on top of the house, it will be the first to catch rainwater and, depending on location, snow. The surface of the space should be waterproof.

Many use concrete to build their rooftop deck. The material is actually porous, which means that water can penetrate through it. It is bad news for a space that frequently will be exposed to moisture. Builders use a sealant to make it water repellent. Bitumen can provide waterproofing to any surface. It is similar to those used on roads and pavements. It is ideal for rooftops that will be used for strenuous physical activities. 

Moreover, there should be proper drainage. The rainwater that will fall on the rooftop deck should not create a pond. Not only will standing water make the deck slippery and unusable after a storm, but it also creates the perfect environment for mosquitoes to survive. The water should be controlled and flow away from the house. 

Similarly, when building for warm weather environments, pop materials with fluoropolymer at the top of your list. It’s UV resistant and can keep furniture cool enough to sit on, even in direct sunlight with little breeze. 

Consider adding an awning or any overhead covering if you plan to use it as a space for dining and relaxation. Sunlight gets very intense, especially during the summer. 

Make It Lush

A rooftop can get pretty hot during the day. Unless you add plants, it will also look gray and boring. You need a kind of space that will feel welcoming. Plants can add vibrancy and life to the space. 

Obviously, you would not be able to grow a tree from a rooftop deck. You have to consider the weight and the size, and the weight of the vegetation. Anything that is lightweight and will stand at a medium height will not be a problem. 

A few pots and planters would not add much weight to the rooftop deck. However, if you plan to grow an entire garden, consider using bagged soils as container mixes. Those are lighter than regular garden soil, and they retain moisture much better. Avoid using terra-cotta and concrete pots and planters, either. A plastic or wooden pot or planter would not be too heavy. 

A rooftop deck can be used any way you want. It can be your own bar. You can add a jacuzzi to it. You can make it your own basketball court. It is a great addition to many homes and will be one that you will use until you decide to hand the property over to someone else. 


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