Showing posts with label Self Improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Improvement. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2017

What Truly Defines 'Cool?'

‘Cool’ is a word that has stood the test of time. People have been saying it for decades, arguably since the beginning of the 20th century. It is the one word that has persisted to mean ‘relevant, capable, impressive and competent.’ Those four words previously listed are still only attempts at listing the word ‘cool.’ This word takes up its entire category. There have been many trends which have come to refer to cool, such as ‘sick, fresh, funky,’ but all of these often live and die in the presence of ‘cool.’ 

The word ‘cool’ is universal. Even those who are lacking in English capabilities are able to identify what it means, because it’s such a pinnacle of our speech. This article is dedicated to analyzing ‘cool,’ what it means, and how to emulate it.

Cool Is Present

Cool always stays with the times. It never dies, and is spanned the world over. Surfers in Australia use the word cool, as do miners in Scotland. It’s an ever-present, ever utilized word, and it often refers to something being wholesome and present. ‘Present’ is perhaps one of the best ways to describe the word, because it’s always relevant. Someone who dresses shabbily in and and it dated clothing would be considered less cool than someone who shops for Billabong clothing online. Cool isn’t simply dictated by the quality of the threads you wear, although that can certainly help. Cool is more of a present, ever updating attitude, which is why it never goes out of fashion. It’s always here, and it’s always important.

Cool Doesn’t Care About Being Cool

Caring about being cool is the least cool thing you can do. This sounds quite funny, but it makes sense. We all know when someone is trying to be the focal point of the party, or we know when someone is playing disingenuous social moves in order to impress us. This idea of cool is faulty. Cool is really being down to earth, honest and filled with integrity. If cool was a person, they’d feel fully embarrassed by being labelled as ‘cool.’ This is how it preserves itself, and how the word continually stays relevant in common parlance.

To further back up this point, consider the actual real definition of the word. To be cool is to be chilled, as in temperature wise. This could be likened to emotion such as neglected to get ‘heated’ about something, but instead seeing things from a level, relaxed, patient perspective. Cool is not averse to passion, but only in the right instances.

This is why dressing in an understated way is so important. Highlighting the main focal points of your outfit such as a great watch or a nice piece of jewellery is tasteful and cool, because it’s not TRYING to show you how impressive it is. Someone wearing too much Jewellery or wacky colors can be seen as a little too complex. It looks as if you’re trying to hard. We’re not making any judgements on how people dress here, but simply how the word cool operates. That being said:

Cool Is Highly Personal

What is cool to you might not be cool to another person. The intricacies of a complex classical fugue might be considered the height of excellence to one person, while another might simply feel that the swift lyricism and strong beats of some modern hip-hop to be the coolest expression on the planet. ‘Cool’ switches in importance from culture to culture, and from person to person. This is what keeps ‘cool’ varied, and justified in its coolness. 

That’s why it’s important to pay cool no mind. Simply work on yourself, your appearance, your health, your career and you’ll find that cool comes to you. Think of it like a butterfly. If you try to catch it, it will get further away from you than ever. However, if you focus on other things and pursue them, cool will float and rest on your shoulder.

In Conclusion

The word ‘cool’ is many things to many people. It’s likely that after reading this article, the word ‘cool’ seems strange to read, hear and say. We’d like to take the opportunity to say that if you treat your family well, you earn your living and you’re happy meeting the challenges of life (even if it’s very hard,) then you are cool even if you don’t feel it. Now go out into this world with this knowledge, and achieve everything you’ve hoped to!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Don't Underestimate Mom Support

As a mother, you can easily become consumed by your kids. Their needs can far outweigh your own, even on the days you feel desperate for a shower, a hot meal and a reassuring hug. From the moment your child is born, you go from being your own person to being accountable for someone else. Their life depends on you, which can be scary and overwhelming as much as it gives you pride. If you have a strong partner with you through the early days of parenthood, then you know that you are lucky. A lot of new moms go through those days pretty much alone. Your days are stuck in the same routine from birth to teenage years, and it can get a little bit wearing! As a parent, you can find yourself becoming increasingly isolated from the people you once called your best friends. Getting onto different paths in life can be sad and leave you feeling alone at a time in your life where you need as much support as possible.

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A support system for a mother is an essential. Good people surrounding you when you are at your most vulnerable point can make a huge difference to the way you do things with your routines and your children. If you’re a seasoned mother, then you know the drill when a friend of yours falls pregnant: you need to be that support. The support system a mom needs should never be underestimated, and the amount of support you as a mom could give another is huge! No mother wants to ask for help; they believe they’re supposed to be doing it all alone and not being able to manage is a sign of weakness. In actual fact, asking for help is a sign of strength and there are many ways that you can help, and be helped, as a parent. We’ve put some of the best ways below for you.

Think back to when you first brought your baby home from the hospital. How into the chores were you? Not at all, we bet! A new mother has a tiny new life to get used to, so trying to fit chores in around that new baby, eating, showering and finding time to sleep isn’t easy at all. If you have a friend who is in the middle of a house move, then you know that they can benefit from a service like Pack Mom, and you can get a free quote to find out how other moms can rally around to assist in getting that house packed and ready for a move. There’s so much more a mom needs than flowers and advice – they need the chores done! So, roll up your sleeves and get stuck into the odd jobs.

If there is one thing that a new mother needs, it’s time. You may remember the drill from when you first became a mom. The hours seemed to melt into each other quickly, so one minute you’re holding the baby, then the sun goes down and you’re still holding the baby. Give your friend a heads up that you are on your way over. When you get there, tidy up, make some dinner and then take the baby off her hands. Give her a chance to go and shower, take a nap and have five minutes with a hot drink. No mom ever thinks about the small things that make them feel more comfortable, and so they let themselves get into a state. Postnatal depression is a real thing, but if you can be the support system your friend needs, you would be, right?

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Did you know that mom is always behind the camera rather than in front of it? If you’re a parent, you’ll already be very aware of this fact. Take a few photos of the new mom in your circle. It doesn’t matter if she’s in puke-stained pyjamas. It doesn’t matter whether she has her hair in tangles and her face unmade up. The early moments of feeling too tired to do more than concentrate on a new baby means that you can often miss those moments. Grab your camera and snap a few photos of the new mother in that stage of total euphoria and fear, so that she has that memory.

Older Children.
When you have a new baby and there are older children in the family already, it can be really difficult to spread the attention among the group. So, helping out by taking the older children out for the day to do some fun activities and even for a sleepover can really give a new mother a hand to adjust to a new routine. You don’t have to feed them sweets and treats to get them to feel good, either. Take them to a new movie or spend some time doing crafts with them. The guilt a mother can feel when she is dealing with a new baby and not spending time with the older children can be consuming, and when there are other hormones flying around it’s the last thing she needs. Support her by supporting her children.

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Go Out.
New mothers are often left behind by their circle of friends. It’s not always an intentional thing, it’s just one of those things where a new mother becomes overlooked as she continuously turns down invitations. Make a point of getting her partner to help by keeping the kids occupied and invite her out. Before a mother is a mother, she was a person first. A person with feelings, opinions and intelligence. Don’t underestimate the fact that motherhood has happened that she wouldn’t want to be treated that way still.

Being a support system for a new parent is just as important as having a support system for yourself. Never underestimate the need for a good support system, and never overlook the one that is around you in the form of friends and school moms. Your support can make such a difference to your life, so be the difference for someone else.

Monday, November 13, 2017

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Do you feel like you are not at the point in life that you would like to be? Well, you are certainly not alone - not by a long shot. Unfortunately, for many of these people, life-improvement always seems like something that is out of reach, and they don’t take steps to make the best of their situation. In fact, you don’t always have to take huge steps to improve your lot in life. It is the little things that you can do right now that are the ones we will focus on in this article. So, let’s get going!

Start Off the Day Right

Your morning routine has a big impact on how the rest of your day will go. So, rather than rushing out of bed, downing cups of coffee and trying to do a million things all at once, try getting up a little earlier so you can take your time and not feel so stressed. It may feel painful at first, but it is something that will certainly pay off in the long-run. Make yourself a good breakfast, catch up on the day’s news and even do some exercise or meditation. Instantly, you will be in the right frame of mind to tackle what the rest of the day has in store for you.

Vary Up Your Routine 

When many people feel stuck in a rut, it is because they are firmly entrenched in a routine that no longer provides them with any excitement. So, why not try doing one or two things to vary up your day? They don’t have to be huge - try a different route to work, get your morning cup of coffee from a different shop, enrol in a new exercise class at your local gym. The old saying ‘variety is the spice of life’ is still one that rings true, and you will discover this when you put it into action! 

Get Serious About Self-Improvement 

There are plenty of ways that you can improve yourself, and this is something that you should commit to for life. Start off by setting yourself some goals of what you would like to achieve in life. They can be huge to start off with, and then you need to break them down bit by bit so they seem more manageable. You could take up a new class to develop some new skills. You could try reading some books, so take a look at the top self-improvement books here. Commit to developing yourself, and life suddenly has a spark to it once again.

Practice Positive Thinking 

People have a tendency to be extremely hard on themselves, analysing every little thing that they have said or done in the past. But, just remember, no one else is dwelling on the same things to anywhere near the same extent. So, if there is one thing that you can do that will make all the difference, it is learning to be a little bit kinder to yourself