Monday, June 3, 2024
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
A beautiful smile can light up a room, make you appear younger and healthier, and draw people to you. Sounds amazing, right? But what do you do if your smile isn’t exactly stellar?
Here are a few ideas to help you improve the appearance and health of your smile right now:
1. Dental Composites
Composites, like these Tokuyama dental composites, are one of the best solutions for improving a smile if you have teeth that are chipped, discolored or misshapen. Composites can fill cavities, repair chips, hide those gaps in teeth and so much more besides, and all without anything invasive. They are your secret weapon to a stellar smile, for sure.
2. Whitening
Stained teeth are something no one wants to deal with, but most of us will build up some level of staining over our lifetime. That’s bad news because they're powerful, persistent, and have a knack for showing up when least wanted. But, you know what, these days we have teeth whitening Whether it’s a professional treatment by your dentist or an at-home kit, whitening is your key to defeating staining. Just remember, overuse can lead to sensitivity, so use wisely.
3. Braces and Aligners
In the quest for a straighter smile, braces and aligners are your best friend, guiding your teeth to their ideal locations. This journey might be long, filled with awkward food moments and strange new cleaning rituals, but the destination—a beautifully aligned smile—is worth every twist and turn, so speak to your dentist if you think this is something that could help you.
4. Veneers
Veneers really are the fairy godmother of smile makeovers. They don’t just cover imperfections; they transform your teeth into the best version of themselves. Whether you’re dealing with discoloration, chips, or gaps that dental composite can’t fix, veneers come to the rescue. They’re sort of like a facelift, but for your teeth, but think carefully before you get them as they are a permanent solution.
5. Regular Check-ups
Regular dental check-ups are non-negotiable if you want a healthy and radiant smile. These visits are less about lecturing and more about catching potential problems—cavities, gum disease, and other oral woes—before they wreak havoc. It’s your dental team’s mission to ensure your smile’s health and appearance are always on point.
6. Hydration and Diet
Your diet and hydration levels are the sidekicks to your smile. Drinking plenty of water and munching on crunchy, water-rich veggies not only keeps your body hydrated but also battles bacteria and washes away food particles. Basically, you need to get healthy from the inside out.
7. The Magic of Flossing
You knew it was coming right? Yes, we’re talking flossing. It might seem like a mundane task, but it’s your invisible shield against the dark forces of plaque and gum disease. Flossing gets into the nooks and crannies that your toothbrush can’t reach, making it an essential tool in your oral health arsenal.
Here’s to a smile that really does light up the room!
At some point in your life you have probably felt an uncomfortable pain coming from one of your toes, and you haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause right away. Having an ingrown toenail is not only painful, but it can also turn into a bigger problem if it isn’t handled quickly and professionally. When it comes to safeguarding your health, you need to make sure you know what to do as soon as you suspect an ingrown toenail is brewing. Although it may not be the most exciting topic to explore, it’s certainly one that could help you out one day and save you from a lot of discomfort. With this in mind, here is exactly what to do as soon as you start to suspect an ingrown toenail.
Don’t Mess With The Sore Area
Although it may be tempting to try and relieve the area yourself you should never physically touch your ingrown toenail or mess with it. Avoid irritating the area with nail scissors and try to keep it as clean as possible without touching it too much.
Visit a Specialist
Your next port of call when you suspect an ingrown toenail is to book in a visit with a specialist so that they can properly diagnose and treat the issue at hand. A professional foot doctor will provide you with an in-office x-ray and a thorough check up to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment for your ingrown toenail or toe injury.
Soak Your Foot in Warm Water
Of course, you should always take advice from your doctor when it comes to trying any type of treatment at home. Generally speaking, soaking your feet in warm soapy water can help to ease some of the pressure when you’ve got an ingrown toenail. The warmth of the water can reduce the pain surrounding your toe and provide a level of comfort too.
Take Pain Relief
In many cases, ingrown toenails can be very painful which is why it’s important to stock up on over the counter painkillers. If you think you need a stronger dosage or your current prescription isn’t working well for you, get in touch with your doctor or foot doctor. They may be able to prescribe creams, lotions or stronger medication to help ease any discomfort you’re experiencing.
Wear Comfortable Shoes
Now would be the ideal time to invest in a comfortable pair of shoes that doesn’t irritate your toe or make the ingrown toenail feel worse as you’re walking around. If you work in a job that requires you to wear certain shoes you may want to talk to your manager about having some leeway until your condition is all sorted.
All in all, it can be very uncomfortable to experience an ingrown toenail, but there are a number of helpful solutions to make you feel at ease as you diagnose the issue. Working alongside a professional foot doctor will help you to get the best possible treatment and care so that your ingrown toenail doesn’t impede on your quality of life.
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Friday, September 8, 2023
Your garden is supposed to be relaxing, to help you feel at peace and enjoy your own little slice of nature. However, it does require you to take care of it and, sometimes, that’s not always easy. This is especially true in the fall when the weather can start to really act against us. It’s important to mind your safety when you’re out gardening, no matter what the weather is, and here we’re going to look at a few steps you can take to do that.
Stretch and warm-up
Gardening might not be the most strenuous exercise in the world, but it is physical work. Standing, kneeling, reaching, and all the rest of it is good for your body but, in that cold weather, your muscles can be a little stiffer, as can the connective tissue on your joints. You want to avoid the increased risk of pulling something by taking the time to stretch when you head out there. You might not necessarily need to do your pre-gardening stretches in the summer, but it’s always a good idea to do it regardless, just to help you stay limber and avoid the aches that can come with working outside for so long. It doesn’t take that long to add that little bit of safety.
Don’t forget the sunscreen
You might think that because it’s not quite as hot, you don’t need to worry as much about keeping your skin protected from the sun, but that’s not strictly true. For one, fall can bring its heatwaves, and it feels like they’re sticking around for longer, and getting stronger on top of it. What’s more, you need to protect your skin from the sun no matter what season it is. Even in the winter, UV radiation can do real damage to your skin. To that end, make sure you equip the right sunscreen for your skin type and consider investing in a nice hat and even a pair of shades to make sure that you’re as protected as can be.
Move plants that are likely to get destroyed
If a storm rolls through your garden, you want to make sure that there’s as little as possible for it to lift and throw around. When it comes to your plants, one of the easiest ways is to get containers for them. Lightweight, portable planters allow you to quickly scoop up those plants and move them inside, whether you’re able to dedicate some space in the home by the window to your plants, or you’re able to bring in special lighting that can keep those plants happy and fed with the UV light that they’re going to need.
Let the pros handle the higher jobs
If you have any particularly tall shrubs or trees, then you are going to need to trim them. Overgrown trees can become a real risk in the fall, when the change in weather, especially windy weather, and storms, is a lot more likely to cause branches to break, fall, and cause either damage or injury. You might be able to handle the lower branches yourself, but it’s probably best just to entrust the task to tree trimmers near you, who bring the equipment and the training to make sure that they’re able to handle those heights safely. What’s more, it’s all too easy for amateurs to trim a little too much off the tree, which can be damaging to its health. Just another reason to let the pros handle it.
Take care of your surfaces
Smoother hard surfaces, be they walkways, driveways, patio pavers, or otherwise, can become something of a risk in the fall. The leaves are coming off the trees and there’s going to be more organic residue in the air, as well as rain in the air. When combined, these can form algae or a film or organic green residue that can cling to the top of these surfaces and can make them a lot slipper, making you more likely to trip or fall. This is a particularly dangerous prospect if you have gardening tools in hand. Take a pressure washer to these surfaces after it rains to make sure that you’re not giving that film the opportunity to form in the first place.
Extra care is required when lifting
No matter what time of year it is, you should always be mindful of how you lift objects, especially heavier objects. You want to engage your legs and your knees, not your back, when lifting, and to stretch beforehand to make sure that your body is ready for that extra stress. In the fall, try to be extra mindful of your surroundings, including any flooring or surfaces you have to move over. If it has been raining recently, then you might want to put on a pair of heavy-duty boots that can help you maintain your footing’s grip, regardless. Or you might just want to wait for better weather to be on the safe side.
Be mindful of pests
When fall starts to come around, so can the pests. After all, many of them are looking for new places to set up shelter. First of all, be aware of any wildlife in your area, and what you should do if you spot them, especially the larger creatures. You should also look out for the smaller pests that can become a real hassle. Check your clothes and body for ticks every time you finish gardening, and watch out for things like wasps, mosquitoes, fire ants, and fleas. Aside from protective clothing, you might want to keep some insect repellent at hand to make sure that these pests can’t cause any health problems by getting too close.
Reduce the amount of maintenance it needs
If you don’t want to spend as much time working out there in the ever-changing weather, then one of the ways you can do that is to simply reduce how much work you have to do in the garden in the first place. For one, you can look at bringing in more low-maintenance plants, typically plants that are native to the area, that aren’t going to need your attention as much, or you can build shelters that control the light levels over certain beds. A more drastic option would be to install an artificial lawn so that you need never to worry about mowing or watering your grass ever again. This does come with pros and cons to consider, of course.
Store and maintain your tools
Your handy gardening tools make pruning, clipping, and otherwise managing your plants a lot easier. However, they are prone to degrading over time, especially if they’re left out in the elements. Any moisture is going to make them a lot more prone to rusting, which can make them more difficult to use and more dangerous, on top of that. You can help prevent accidents by taking better care of them. Getting a good tool storage box for the home or shed can offer them an extra level of protection. You might want to look at how you can keep them effective and maintained, too, such as by oiling any joints or moving parts on them. Depending on the tools, there are maintenance guides you can find online.
With the advice above, you can make sure that you’re taking care of your garden while being as mindful of your safety as possible. A clean and tidy garden is a great addition to the home, but it’s not worth risking your health for.
Friday, August 25, 2023
Almost all of us have either given or received the advice to just breathe when something is stressful, upsetting or painful. Our bodies aren’t designed to be stuck in fight or flight mode for more than a few moments in the face of immediate danger. But stressful situations, anxiety and other unexpected things can set that mode off.
And a deep breath is exactly what you need to help.
How does deep breathing help stress?
Stress causes our body and brain to think we are under attack. You might sweat, you may shake, you may feel light-headed and your heart often races. Many people either hold their breath or breathe too quickly - which feeds into the problem.
Taking a deep breath engages your parasympathetic nervous system, which counteracts the stress and brings everything back down to normal (for your level).
Mindful and Meditative
Meditation and deep breathing go hand in hand with beginning us into the present moment and helping us let go of whatever is causing the anxiety. You are forced to focus on your breathing, and that takes your mind away from the issue for a moment, and that also reduces stress levels.
The more often you practice this, the better you will get at it.
Is there a right way to breathe deeply?
For most of us, our bodies will breathe automatically, but when it comes to those deep breaths, that will be something you need to control. What many people don’t realize is that we breathe quite shallow for the rest of the time, which is why one big deep breath can already work wonders.
Here are some techniques that are often recommended for people who are starting out, and over time, you may like to explore further with places like
Can anyone do breathwork?
Anyone who can control their breathing to an extent can try breathwork, but it is important that you speak to your doctor if it is something that may have an impact on other areas of your health. Breathwork does need to be done correctly and, in some cases, led by an expert.
There are a couple of breathwork options that are easier to master, though.
➤ 478
Many people find this breathing technique helpful when they feel anxious or stressed. By focusing on your breathing, you can take your mind off the source of the stress. Breathing slowly and deeply also helps to calm down your heart rate.
The 478 method is easy to remember and involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 7 seconds, and slowly exhaling for 8 seconds.
➤ Whistling Lips
If you want to take your breathing to the next level and feel even more relaxed, try this neat trick. Take a nice deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a second, and then purse your lips like you're about to whistle.
Exhale slowly through pursed lips and really focus on letting the air flow through them.
Do this five times, and you'll feel a whole lot calmer - noticeably so after the 3rd breath.
Breathing is one way to help reduce your stress, but here are some extra tips to help: Savvy Strategies to Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety Levels.
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Found a rash on your skin and not sure what’s caused it? Beyond obvious causes like chafing, sunburn and animal stings, there are many other things that can trigger a rash. This post can help you to narrow down the potential cause so that you can explore the right treatments.
Stress causes our nervous system to become oversensitive, which can result in all kinds of weird reactions around the body. One example is hives on the skin (small round bumps that are often associated with an allergy). Stress can also cause skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis to flare up. Learning to manage stress could help to prevent these skin rashes.
Excessive sweating caused by extreme heat can cause sweat gland ducts to become blocked and inflamed. This can lead to a blotchy and itchy rash known as ‘heat rash’. Heat rash is most common in babies, but can occur in people of all ages. The best treatment is to place an ice pack or something cool on the skin.
Some people are allergic to certain forms of medication. Reaction symptoms can range from mild to severe. Milder reactions typically result in hives or light redness, while more serious reactions can cause blisters. A drug rash may not always be an allergy, but could simply be hypersensitivity to a certain medication. Finding an alternative form of medication is typically necessary to stop repeat rashes. You can check this page for information on how to treat drug rash.
Certain chemicals in soaps and laundry detergents can trigger contact dermatitis in some people. This rash can take several forms including hives or red swollen skin, and it may or may not be itchy. It’s worth switching to hypoallergenic unscented soaps or detergents to see if this is the culprit. You can explore various treatments for these rashes ranging from over-the-counter steroid cream to an oatmeal bath.
Recently started using a new make-up or perfume? Chemicals in these beauty and aroma products could also potentially trigger contact dermatitis. There are hypoallergenic make-ups and even hypoallergenic perfumes you can try using instead. Depending on how severe the reaction, you may need steroid cream to reduce the rash.
A lot of people are allergic to specific metals like nickel, chromium and copper. Silver and gold allergies are much less common, but can still occur. Metal allergies are most commonly triggered by jewelry and cause a contact dermatitis rash similar to a soap or make-up allergy, usually localized to wherever the jewelry was worn. By trying different jewelry metals, you can work out which metals you can wear and which to avoid.
Some plants are poisonous and are known to cause rashes including poison ivy, stinging nettles and baby’s breath. However, some people can develop a contact dermatitis rash from brushing against other plants too as a result of developing unique allergies. Calamine lotion is good for treating many itchy plant rashes. Beyond avoiding plants that cause rashes, get into the habit of covering up skin when doing tasks like gardening to avoid future rashes.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Behind every woman's back lies an incredible potential that awaits to be realized. Backs are an integral component of strength, confidence and inner beauty; they allow us to navigate life with grace. From the moment we wake up each morning and stretch our arms high to when we lay our arms flat at night our backs play an integral part in how we go about living life each day. In this blog post we'll examine why having strong and healthy backs is vitally important as well as some tips for unleashing its true power!
A Strong Back Improves Posture and Confidence
Backs are at the core of good posture. Strength training exercises targeting back muscles can help us stand taller, appear less hunched over and walk with greater confidence. Poor posture not only hinders your appearance but can lead to chronic neck, shoulder and back pain as well. Engaging regularly in strength training exercises targeting these muscles can improve posture as well as overall self-esteem.
Improve Flexibility & Mobility
As women age, their mobility and flexibility can decline due to factors like wear-and-tear on joints and lower muscle tone. Strength training exercises designed for the back can help increase flexibility while simultaneously decreasing joint pain and stiffness - this leads to improved productivity at daily tasks as well as more physical activities like walking or running.
Reduce Risk of Injury & Chronic Pain
Strength and healthiness go hand-in-hand; stronger backs are less likely to become injured through everyday tasks. Building core strength helps the spine remain stable and better equipped to deal with minor bumps and bruises that come from everyday living. Furthermore, having strong backs may lessen chronic pain by protecting against long-term stressors like lifting heavy objects or sitting for extended periods. If chronic back pain becomes an issue however, look for specialists like Neuropathy and Pain Solutions as well as massage therapists specializing in back issues for further assistance.
Strengthen Your Core and Increase Balance
Your back muscles play a critical role in supporting the core and maintaining equilibrium. By strengthening our backs, we can move through everyday activities more effortlessly - this is particularly helpful for pregnant and postpartum mothers as they need to lift and carry their newborn with ease.
Tips to Improve Your Back Strength
Women's backs contain tremendous potential that should not be ignored! Unlocking its full potential requires consistent care and attention to ensure its full potential can be reached. Here are some tips for improving strength, flexibility, mobility and balance:
To target your back muscles more directly, consider engaging in activities like yoga or Pilates to develop muscles in your back.
- Add strength training exercises targeting your core and back muscles into your routine to strengthen them and maximize results.
- Incorporate core and back muscle strengthening into your fitness plan for best results.
- Conduct stretching sessions regularly to maintain flexibility and increase mobility.
- Take frequent breaks (such as standing up and moving around ) throughout the day to help avoid long-term discomfort.
- Attempt to take regular walks outside in order to relax your muscles.
- Engage in activities that help develop balance, such as Tai chi or standing balance poses.
By taking time and care to strengthen and care for our backs, we can unlock their incredible potential - as well as experience greater confidence, mobility, flexibility, and overall well-being. Allow yourself permission to begin unlocking your inner strength today!
Friday, March 24, 2023
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Monday, November 21, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Tinnitus, while not a fun condition, is managed by millions of people every day. Those who experience it will often hear a ringing, buzzing, clicking, hissing or humming sound, and this can come or go.
This condition can be permanent, or it can be temporary, and even those who are afflicted with it unceasingly can have periods where it is much less noticeable. For this reason, try not to worry, as there are many ways to help soothe or aid this potential condition should you have it.
To begin with, it’s important to visit an audiologist or simply pay a visit to your doctor to express what you’ve been hearing and when it started. On top of this, a health professional will be interested in learning if this has been tangentially related to any other health issues or lifestyle changes you’ve undergone.
Now, this might not be as obvious as “I started working as a technical specialist for a touring band, and suddenly my ears ring after twelve hours stood next to amplifiers.” That said, sometimes identifying the cause of your tinnitus can maybe help you find a better solution, or learn a helpful way to lessen that harmful exposure.
Let’s consider a small, but not exhaustive list of possible issues that can contribute to tinnitus:
A Build-Up Of Earwax
A build-up of earwax in the inner ear, or even out of it, can cause a real problem with your hearing. But of course, it can also cause tinnitus, and as such you may wish to undergo professional cleaning. Hearing loss can occur naturally with age, which isn’t something to disregard, but it can be relieving to hear that it’s simply wax that needs attending to. In some cases, this, combined with other conditions that narrow the ear canal, can require additional medication to solve.
Dental Issues
Dental problems can affect your jaw health and also your hearing. For this reason, it might be that you become referred to a dentist after your audiologist consultation. The dentist might recommend wisdom teeth removal, repairing a damaged dental environment, or even notice infections that might be causing a problem. This way, the resolution of a mouth issue could potentially help you resolve the issues you’ve been experiencing already. Two birds, one stone. This is not always the case, but it can never hurt to ask the specialists to what extent this is possible.
Certain Medications
It’s unfortunate, but certain medications can cause tinnitus also. In these cases, you might be able to alternate your medication, or at least seek further advice from your medical professional. These drugs can include NSAIDs, antibiotics, cancer drugs, diuretics, antidepressants, and even anti-malarial tablets.
If you do notice this side effect based on your medication, it’s important to relate that to your physician immediately. Don’t stop your medication unless you are instructed to - for instance stopping a course of antibiotics might be more harmful than not. Here you can work on the issue with a dedicated professional listening to your needs.
With this advice, we hope you can more easily identify the causes of your tinnitus going forward.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Growing a human being is no small feat! Luckily, you can do plenty of things to give yourself and your baby the best possible start in life. Keep reading for ten tips on how to have a healthy pregnancy.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Approximately ten percent of reproductive-aged women are affected by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). As awareness of PCOS grows, more and more women are demanding a diagnosis from their doctors so they can begin treatment.
In addition to prescribing medication, your doctor may suggest making certain behavioural adjustments to alleviate your symptoms.
So, what exactly is PCOS?
Small cysts on the ovaries are a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, which is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Many other symptoms, such as obesity, insulin resistance, acne, and increased body and facial hair growth, can result from a hormonal imbalance. Many girls and women also have problems with ovulation and menstruation. Some women have heavier periods, requiring more frequent cotton pad or other sanitary product changes.
While maintaining a regular exercise routine is beneficial for everyone, those with PCOS stand to gain even more. Consistent exercise has been shown to help with all three of these issues: weight loss, improved insulin resistance, and lower testosterone levels.
If you want to maximize the positive effects of your workouts, it's best to combine cardiovascular and strength training.
Untreated PCOS is associated with high rates of insulin resistance, which increases the likelihood that a patient will develop diabetes. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, is crucial when dealing with PCOS.
Consistently consuming high-fiber foods like beans, grains, and vegetables. Anti-inflammatory foods may help reduce the inflammation that triggers the ovaries to produce too much androgen. Fruits, nuts, fish, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables are all examples of anti-inflammatory foods.
Be mindful of your weight.
With regular exercise and a healthy diet, most people find that their weight levels off and eventually drop within a healthy range. However, PCOS can make it more challenging to lose weight at times. However, losing weight can help those with PCOS by balancing hormones and reducing other health risks. Talk to your doctor about what range is ideal for someone of your height and build.
Speak to your Doctor about alternative treatments
There are many treatments available for women that are living with PCOS. Your Doctor may recommend something alternative like acupuncture treatment for fertility, which can be very effective in managing the side effects that come with PCOS.
Natural Health Aids
Vitamin E and fish oil have shown promise in combating the inflammation associated with PCOS, according to the available research. The consumption of a supplement may be helpful if your diet is lacking in either of these.
Licorice root and ashwagandha are just two of the many herbs that have received high praise and widespread endorsement. However, you should exercise extreme caution when using herbs in case they interact negatively with any prescription drugs you may already be taking. Before you take anything, check with your doctor or pharmacist.
Last thoughts
Many of the symptoms of PCOS are dismissed as 'women's problems,' making it difficult to receive an accurate diagnosis. However, PCOS is much more extensive and has far-reaching consequences for both quality of life and fertility. Insist that your doctor conduct additional research to help you find a system that works with the changes you've made to your lifestyle.
Sunday, September 4, 2022
We will soon be entering the time of year when you always have to smile for pictures. It can be tiring to smile for all the photos that are coming up, and sometimes your smile can start to look unnatural and forced. We have some tips that should help you show off your beautiful natural smile in every picture.
Check out some of the ways listed below to get the perfect smile:
Look After Your Teeth
This is the most important thing to do to make sure you have a perfect smile. Even if you don't want your picture taken, you should still take care of your teeth. If you want the perfect smile, you should put on your list things like getting your teeth aligned by a cosmetic dentist, getting your teeth whitened, getting your teeth cleaned, and going to the dentist.
Your Bottom And Top Teeth Shouldn't Touch
This is a tip that not many people know, but it can do wonders for your smile. When you smile with your top and bottom teeth touching, your neck muscles can tighten and sometimes bulge out in an unattractive way. If you leave a small space between your bottom and top teeth, your smile will look more natural and soft.
Don't Smile Too Big
Not a joker smile, but a smile that comes from the heart is always the best way to go. We know you want to show off your white teeth, but a "joker grin" can make your smile look forced and bad. Research findings have shown that a smile that shows too many teeth doesn't make a good first impression. Don't try to make your smile bigger than it already is.
Wet Your Teeth Slightly, Then Smile
This is a simple but effective trick to have in your back pocket. It can make your teeth look instantly whiter and brighter in pictures. Run your tongue over your teeth right before you smile. It will keep your teeth from looking bland and boring and instead make them look smoother and shinier.
Have The Camera At Eye Level
If you hold your camera below eye level, your pictures will not look good. You could get the dreaded double chin, which could change the way your beautiful features look. By keeping the camera above eye level, you can avoid any awkward angles. It will also help your smile look much happier, shinier, and more natural.
Be Yourself and Take it Easy
Before any picture is taken, it's important to take a deep breath and try to calm down. But don't try too hard. Just let go and maybe even laugh a little. You will always have a beautiful smile if you are calm, happy, and sincere. Some photographers say you should pretend to smile at someone you love. No matter how you like to unwind, the most important thing is to have fun and be yourself. This is when you'll be most like yourself.
These six tips will help you smile perfectly in every picture. Is there anything you do to calm down before a picture? Please leave your suggestions in the comments.
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About Me

- Eileen
- Left the corporate world to pursue a lifelong dream of being a successful writer. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mom and grandmom enjoying everyday with faith and love in my heart as I go on this journey called LIFE.
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