Monday, September 5, 2022

5 Things All Women Should Know About PCOS

Approximately ten percent of reproductive-aged women are affected by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). As awareness of PCOS grows, more and more women are demanding a diagnosis from their doctors so they can begin treatment.

In addition to prescribing medication, your doctor may suggest making certain behavioural adjustments to alleviate your symptoms.

So, what exactly is PCOS?

Small cysts on the ovaries are a symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, which is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Many other symptoms, such as obesity, insulin resistance, acne, and increased body and facial hair growth, can result from a hormonal imbalance. Many girls and women also have problems with ovulation and menstruation. Some women have heavier periods, requiring more frequent cotton pad or other sanitary product changes.


While maintaining a regular exercise routine is beneficial for everyone, those with PCOS stand to gain even more. Consistent exercise has been shown to help with all three of these issues: weight loss, improved insulin resistance, and lower testosterone levels.

If you want to maximize the positive effects of your workouts, it's best to combine cardiovascular and strength training.


Untreated PCOS is associated with high rates of insulin resistance, which increases the likelihood that a patient will develop diabetes. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet, is crucial when dealing with PCOS.

Consistently consuming high-fiber foods like beans, grains, and vegetables. Anti-inflammatory foods may help reduce the inflammation that triggers the ovaries to produce too much androgen. Fruits, nuts, fish, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables are all examples of anti-inflammatory foods.

Be mindful of your weight.

With regular exercise and a healthy diet, most people find that their weight levels off and eventually drop within a healthy range. However, PCOS can make it more challenging to lose weight at times. However, losing weight can help those with PCOS by balancing hormones and reducing other health risks. Talk to your doctor about what range is ideal for someone of your height and build.

Speak to your Doctor about alternative treatments

There are many treatments available for women that are living with PCOS. Your Doctor may recommend something alternative like acupuncture treatment for fertility, which can be very effective in managing the side effects that come with PCOS.

Natural Health Aids

Vitamin E and fish oil have shown promise in combating the inflammation associated with PCOS, according to the available research. The consumption of a supplement may be helpful if your diet is lacking in either of these.

Licorice root and ashwagandha are just two of the many herbs that have received high praise and widespread endorsement. However, you should exercise extreme caution when using herbs in case they interact negatively with any prescription drugs you may already be taking. Before you take anything, check with your doctor or pharmacist.

Last thoughts

Many of the symptoms of PCOS are dismissed as 'women's problems,' making it difficult to receive an accurate diagnosis. However, PCOS is much more extensive and has far-reaching consequences for both quality of life and fertility. Insist that your doctor conduct additional research to help you find a system that works with the changes you've made to your lifestyle.


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