Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Beat the Heat with these Family Summer Safety Tips


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There are tons of summer safety tips knocking around. But with good reason! Summer is dangerous by nature, so from sun protection to dangerous activities, here are some more.

Keep Up with Car Maintenance

Your car might be the last thing on your mind when you just want to have fun. But checking it throughout summer is just as vital as during the winter. The hot Sun can wreak havoc on a vehicle, and you don’t want to be broken down during a heatwave! Just a quick visit to your local auto repair shop before heading out can be the difference between an adventure to remember or an ordeal you want to forget! If money is tight, a daily FLOWER check can help you out.

Protect Yourselves Against the Sun

Of course, the Sun is constantly in the sky, shining bright and hot during the summer. Unless you live in the UK! But even on cloudy days, the Sun can be very dangerous. You see, it doesn’t need to be sweltering for the Sun to cause damage. Most of the damage from sunburn comes from the strength of the UV radiation and not the actual heat. Sunscreen and UV clothing or accessories like sunglasses will help. Stay in the shade and drink water when it is hot.

Family Summer Safety Around Water

Further to water, we all love dive-bombing in the local swimming pool! But it isn’t a good idea. There might be some poor kid in there who hasn’t learned to swim properly yet gets nervous around unfamiliar things. This can be true of children or adults on the autism spectrum. Water is, of course, also inherently dangerous, and over 3,500 people per year drown in the US alone! Be a water watcher to make sure the kids are safe, and always stay sensible around the sea.

Avoid Popular Yet Dangerous Activities

Swimming is popular in summer, and it can be dangerous. But with the right rules in place and sensible behavior, it is unlikely that anything bad will happen. However, there are some things that people enjoy doing during summer that have a high chance of severe injury. This includes things like using a trampoline. Even when they are secured correctly and have safety nets, trampolines can still be hazardous. Imagine your child jumping 10 ft and landing on their neck!

Prevent Those Pesky Bug Bites

Do we really have to put up with bugs? All through summer, it can feel like you have a new bite every other day! And some can be very dangerous depending on where you live. The US and Australia, for example, have some of the world’s most dangerous spiders. Then, there are territories with mosquitoes. Fortunately, all it takes is quality insect repellant to reduce or even eliminate the chances of being bitten. So always keep your preferred product on hand.


Keeping your care well maintained is one of those family summer safety tips you may not think of. Water is also dangerous, not just in summer. And do you really want an itchy spider bite?

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Why Staying Young Is Great For Your Family

Youth is fleeting, people like to say. And, historically, it was. By the time you got to thirty, your time on Earth was nearly over. 

Today, though, things are a little different. For the first time in human history, most people have control over how long they live. Research suggests it's possible to slow down the aging process by decades, simply by looking after yourself. 

Most people don’t take this approach, though. They believe they need to burn themselves up in a puff of smoke because they’ll be gone soon anyway. 

But if you have a family, is that the right attitude? Wouldn’t you prefer to be there as long as possible so you can support your kids and avoid health problems as much as possible? 

That’s why staying young is great for your family. Even when your grandchildren are growing up, you still have the energy to look after them and keep the family unit together. 

Staying Young: It Means Doing More

Staying young is not just about looking good or feeling good. It is also about having a positive attitude, a curious mind, and a playful spirit. How many people do you know who got older and stuck in their ways? It’s something that affects a large swathe of society. 

When you remain young at heart, it opens life up to you. It lets you continue bonding with your family for many years, way longer than you might expect. 

Here are some of the benefits staying young offers:-

  • Having fun with your kids or grandkids, like playing games or telling jokes
  • Being better able to relate to younger people in your family, what they want, their interests, and their challenges
  • Being able to inspire your family to live a healthier life so they wind up with fewer health problems in the future
  • Regularly encouraging the family to go out on adventures, such as camping, hiking, and biking, letting them spend more time in nature
  • Keeping the romance alive with your spouse or partner. Staying young can help to keep the spark in your relationship, making the marriage happier and more fulfilling. 
  • Keeping your sense of surprise instead of just going through the motions, plodding through years of your life without things changing significantly

How To Stay Young For Your Family

As we have seen, staying young brings multiple benefits to your life. It helps you connect with your children and maintain your facelift results

But what do you need to do to remain younger for longer? Well, let’s take a look. 

Adopt A Positive Mindset

The first step is to adopt a positive mindset. You want to be grateful for what you have and feel confident that lifestyle changes will have a significant impact on your biological age. 

If you’re not sure about this, read the scientific literature. There is ample evidence that modifying how you live can have a tremendous impact on how old you are and look. 

You’ve probably felt like this after going on a long, healthy vacation somewhere. You came back positively glowing. Now, imagine that same glow lasting for years, just by adopting a few lifestyle changes. 

Keep Learning New Things

Another way to keep yourself young is to continuously learn new things. Challenging yourself with new languages, hobbies, and skills keeps your brain sharp and helps you remain open-minded. 

Stay Physically Active

You should also remain as physically active as you can to boost your mood and improve your health. Exercising may slow down physical aging if done correctly. 

You don’t need to exercise for four hours a day to experience the benefits. Just taking 45 minutes of intense training followed by a long rest sends signals to your body to act and look younger. Follow a training routine for three or four months and you’ll really start to notice the difference. 

Eat A Balanced Diet

Perhaps the best way to stay young is to eat a healthy diet. Whereas other animals become healthy when you reduce the quantity of food they consume, humans appear to become healthier and live longer when you increase the quality. 

But what does that mean in practice? Well, you’ll want to:-

  • Eat a balanced diet that minimizes sugars, added fats and salt
  • Focus on eating mainly whole plant foods
  • Ensure your diet has plenty of nuts and legumes in it
  • Avoid processed foods that can disrupt your hormones and make you feel depressed

Have Fun

Lastly, don’t forget to relax and have fun. After all, that’s what being young’s all about. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

How To Prepare For Your Family’s Future

Starting a family can be a totally life changing experience, as you soon realize just how rewarding and fulfilling it can be to raise children. However, it can be an equally frightening and anxiety provoking process too, as you’re bound to be constantly worrying about your little ones and their future. 

Thankfully, this handy guide is here to change that. Below are some of the best tips and tricks that you can make the most of to prepare for your family's future in the best way possible, helping you to rest easy each night knowing your children can maintain health and happiness for years to come. 

So, what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more!

Financially - College & Other Monetary Necessities 

It’s vital that you can take the time to prepare for your family’s future financially, especially when you consider the current state of the global economy. It’s getting harder and harder to earn a good living these days, especially without a college degree, so it’s a good idea to give your children a boost by creating a kind of nest egg for them. A college fund is a great place to start, as studying is a considerably expensive task that would likely never be accessible for your child if they had to pay for it themselves. It’s fair to say that it’s not always easy to build such funds, especially if you’re a single parent household with countless bills to pay, but thankfully there are a few options to explore. You can open a savings account with a good interest rate that you deposit a small amount of money into each month, as this will certainly build up over time. You can also make the most of your assets by getting mortgage life insurance protection, as it would be tricky for your children to access the funds tied up in your home if the worst were to happen. 

Health - Lay The Foundations By Setting A Good Example 

Another key responsibility that a parent has when preparing for their family’s future is to lay the best foundations for health and well-being. It’s far too easy to fall into the trap of ultra processed junk food, hours in front of a screen and minimal exercise, as this is unfortunately the most accessible and stress free lifestyle. However, you need to set a good example for your little ones and show them that taking care of their health is worth the time and energy! Help them to understand how to build a balanced plate of food with complex carbs, protein and fruit and/or vegetables, and encourage them to get involved in the cooking process when they’re old enough, too. Exercise daily by going to the park or even by dancing to the radio in your living room - make working out fun, as this way there’s less of a chance they’ll develop a negative opinion of exercise early on. 

Preparing for your family’s future may be hard work, but it will no doubt be more than worth it. Good luck on your quest to protect your children's health and happiness!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Taking Your Kids To Visit Grandma When She's No Longer At Home

Seeing our children develop close and loving bonds with our own parents is one of the primary joys of family life. Unfortunately, while this relationship is straightforward while your parents are living independently, maintaining that bond becomes a whole lot harder if your parents ever face the reality of entering an assisted living or care facility. Suddenly, visits go from being an everyday occurrence to being a pretty big deal, and you may even prefer to keep the kids away while your parents settle.

Eventually, though, grandchildren and grandparents alike will be desperate to reunite, and we’ve got some crucial tips to help you manage the smoothest possible first visit when that happens. 

Tell your children what to expect

While most kids won’t bat an eye at their surroundings when they’ve seen them more than once, children can find it quite overwhelming the first time they visit their grandparents outside of their home. This is especially true in things like care homes, where the environment can be busy, and entirely unlike the home space that kids are used to. Even in more home-like assisted living apartments, children may struggle to settle if they aren’t quite sure where they are or what it means. To avoid this, it’s always worth talking to your children about what they can expect, including things like staff presence, on-site activities, or any health-related changes that they might not be prepared for in your parents. This way, they’re far less likely to experience unpleasant shocks and distress on the day. 

Find a time that works for everyone

If kids or grandparents are tired, hungry, or anything else, this visit could become more emotional and rushed than you would ideally like. Hence why it’s also vital that you time your visit carefully based on everything from your children’s meal and nap times to the care home schedule where relevant. This way, you make it far more likely that the visit will run well without unexpected hiccups or the risk of a bad atmosphere, which is going to make all of the difference for keeping everyone happy for the duration.

Plan activities if you can

Particularly if your grandparents aren’t in the best of health, sitting around in their apartment or care home room can be difficult for them and your child. As such, you may also want to fill this visit with activities that can keep everyone occupied and ultimately show your child the fun grandparents they know and love. Luckily, most care home facilities will have family-friendly activity schedules that you could sign up for. Equally, if an assisted living facility offers additions like restaurants, swimming pools, etc., you may find that heading here helps to keep everyone busy, having fun, and distracted from the more medicalized or scary elements of this move. 

Kids are resilient, and once they’ve visited your parents a few times they likely won’t even notice this change in scenery anymore. That’s especially true if you make their first visit as good as it possibly can be using these pointers. 

How to Mentally Prepare for Having a Baby

When you are planning to have a baby, there is so much to think about. But one of the most important things to consider is how you will mentally prepare for becoming a parent. It can be a huge change, and it's important that you take the time to get ready for it. This blog post will discuss some tips on how to mentally prepare yourself for starting a family and also talk about some of the challenges that you may face and how to overcome them. So if you're pregnant or planning to become pregnant soon, make sure to read this post!

1) Talk to other parents

One of the best ways to mentally prepare for starting a family is to talk to other parents. They can give you advice and tell you what to expect. You can also ask them about the challenges they faced and how they overcame them. This will help you feel more prepared and less alone.

If you don't have any friends or family who are parents, there are plenty of online forums where you can chat with other parents-to-be. Just remember, every parent's experience is different, so take everything with a grain of salt! Another great resource is your OB/GYN or midwife. They've seen it all and can answer any questions you have about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

2) Do your research

In addition to talking to other parents, it's also essential that you do your own research. Read books, articles, and blog posts about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. This will help you understand what to expect and give you a better idea of what you're getting yourself into. It's also essential to learn about the different challenges that you may face as a parent so that you can be prepared for them. And don't forget to talk to your partner! They need to be on the same page as you when it comes to starting a family.

3) Make a plan

Once you've done your research and talked to other parents, it's time to make a plan. This should include everything from how you're going to financially support your family to how you're going to balance work and parenting. It's also important to think about the kind of parent you want to be and what values you want to instill in your children. Making a plan will help you feel more prepared and less overwhelmed when starting a family. You could also look into IUDs affect on fertility when considering starting a family soon.

Of course, even with all the planning in the world, things can still go wrong. So it's important to be flexible and remember that there is no such thing as a perfect parent or a perfect family. So just do your best and enjoy this special time in your life!

4) Seek professional help

If you're feeling really anxious or stressed about starting a family, it's important to seek professional help. There are many resources available to help you, including therapy, support groups, and hotlines. Also, don't be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.

Having a baby is a big change, but it can also be an amazing and rewarding experience. By taking the time to prepare for it mentally, you can set yourself up for success. So talk to other parents, do your research, make a plan, and seek professional help if needed. And enjoy this special time in your life!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Dealing With Family Loss: How To Make Coping More Doable

The concept of losing a loved one isn’t something that any of us can comprehend until it happens to us. There’s is nothing worse than losing someone that you love, and coping with that loss can be extremely stressful and upsetting. This is especially true if you have been put in charge of dealing with the arrangements following their death and you have your own young family to look after. 

Knowing where to start after losing a loved one can be extremely difficult. There’s a lot that you need to think about and consider when it comes to coping with the loss of a loved one - it’s not an easy task, knowing what steps to take in the wake of someone you care about passing away. However, just because it’s not easy, that doesn’t mean that you cannot make coping a little easier. 

Photo source: Pixabay

Here’s how to make coping when dealing with a family loss a little simpler to manage - read on for everything that you should know. 

Don’t put pressure on yourself 

It’s easy to put a lot of pressure on yourself when it comes to coping with family loss, as there’s probably a lot that needs to be done. However, try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Realize that it’s okay to move slowly to organize things and that there are no time constraints on how long you have to get organized. Coping with a family loss is hard and it’s important to realize that it’s okay to not be okay and to need time. 

Find a funeral home 

An important step to take when it comes to coping with the loss of a loved one is to find a funeral home to work with on the end of life celebrations. You want to find a funeral home like George Boom Funeral Home that is able to offer you plenty of help and support with every aspect of your loved one’s funeral arrangements. Finding the right funeral home will help to make the process that little bit easier, so it’s worth taking the time to find the right one. 

Spread the load 

Don’t try and deal with everything yourself, you’re grieving too. Spread the load and speak to other family members and friends and see if they can help you to organize everything in the wake of your loved one’s passing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, after all, you need time to grieve too. Whether you need help organizing the service or you need help organizing the memorial, don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Coping with the loss of a loved one is never easy; it can be extremely upsetting and even traumatic. Dealing with that loss and putting the arrangements in place to say goodbye isn’t easy either, and it can often end up feeling like a little too much pressure. Hopefully, however, the advice above will help to make dealing with your loss that little bit easier to cope with. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Learn the Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Family


Juggling with work, a partner, kids, parents, and other personal responsibilities that come with family life like maintaining the household chores and expenses can be stressful. Sometimes it is impossible to see the fun and joy in the family. However, that should not be the case. Below are secrets to maintaining a healthy, strong, and happy family.

Eat together

Eating together as a family has great benefits. Children get to consume healthy diets, have higher self-esteem, well-behaved, and have better vocabularies. Additionally, children who eat dinner with their families have lower chances of developing eating disorders like Anorexia, do drugs, commit suicide, drop out of school, or get pregnant. This is mainly because eating together creates a sense of security, and parents can guide their kids and ask about their day during meals.

Share stories

When the day is over, you come back to family, parents from work, and children from school. Ask your children about their day at school and also tell them stories about your day. You can create a tradition of telling each other the highlight and low moment of your day. Tell your children stories about their family history to give them a sense of control and high self-esteem.

Your family will be happy whenever they have something to look forward to. As a parent, you are also able to learn your children's interests, and you can advise and support them. If your child has severe loss of hearing, get cochlear implants to improve communication and their psychological well-being.

Take a vacation

A vacation will break the monotony of how you do things at home. It increases the feel-good-chemicals (dopamine) that bring the whole family closer. Making fun and lasting memories together once in a while, especially during the holidays, will make your family grow healthier and happier. During this time, avoid using your phone regularly to deal with work-related issues, read books, and watch movies after your day-time adventures.

Have conversations about money with your children

Children grow up knowing that their parents are their superheroes, and they are. However, learn when to tell your children no to something that they want when you cannot afford it. As much as pleasing your children is necessary, taking care of your finances is crucial to building a happy family. Teach your children about savings and debt at an early age. Tell them how money is made, spent, invested, and lost. Truth is better than ignorance.

Invest in your marriage

The love between couples is the foundation of a healthy and happy family. Once you get children, don't forget to put time into your marriage. Ask a relative to come and watch the kids as you go out on a date or get a nanny, agree on how to parent your kids together, make financial decisions together, and enjoy some alone time together.  Your partner should not become a substitute provider of love when children come into the picture.

Bottom Line                                 

Building a healthy and happy family requires positive thinking. Ensure you spend time together by sharing meals, share stories about your daily activities and family history, and go for vacations to break the monotony. Also, invest in your marriage as it is key to creating a happy family and discuss finances with your children.

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Are you no longer intimate with your partner? Both physical and emotional lack of intimacy comes as no surprise in marriage, triggered by a myriad of situations that happen along the way. However, not every married couple is capable of resolving marital issues on its own, hence ending up estranged. 

Nowadays, marriage counseling has become an effective way of saving relationships. These therapies teach individuals how to express their emotions, admit their fears, and let go of their grudges. 

These are the main ways in which therapists help partners renew their love.

Improved communication

The core of marital problems is predominantly the communication between partners, such as barely speaking to each other, not being able to find a common language, or turning a blind eye on what the other spouse wants to say. Therefore, marriage counseling sessions provide the perfect opportunity for individuals to vent out without feeling disconnected. Visit this page to check out some helpful strategies for improving communication in marriage. 

Additionally, therapists ensure no issue is left unheard, hence allowing both spouses to share their side of the story. In the meantime, they take the role of mediators by providing unobstructed two-way communication, preventing partners from interrupting each other while opening their souls. These professionals will make sure you understand why the old patterns of interaction are no longer functional, as well as assist you in finding new ones. 

In some cases, having no normal conversation between spouses is triggered by the fear of one partner to share its opinion and true feelings. In such scenarios, marriage counselors provide the necessary encouragement to individuals to speak up without feeling afraid. Therapists work on improving clients’ self-confidence, as silence is definitely not golden in a marriage. 

Fear realization

Many married couples cope with repetitive arguments due to the fear of certain aspects of marital life. Most individuals aren’t even aware of their underlying fears, thus inducing unnecessary quarrels in the hope of getting rid of their negative energy. Nevertheless, the arguments keep on repeating as long as spouses take no action to overcome their fears. 

Instead of going through tirades every single day, couples therapy might provide you with the long-desired peace of mind. Most of the respectable marriage counselors are experts in helping married couples understand how fear affects their relationship. Through conversation, your therapist will make your realize your deepest fears, such as having financial problems, not being prepared for the role of a parent, or feeling no longer intimate enough with your spouse. After admitting your fears and discussing them with your partner, you’ll no longer be tempted to initiate quarrels. 

Improved intimacy

Another major issue married couples experience over the years is the lack of both physical and emotional intimacy.  It’s common for spouses to drift apart after years of being in a marital union, as infatuation fades gradually. However, partners should strive to keep the spark alive, regardless of the inevitable feeling of monotony. 

For instance, most couples forgo physical intimacy after their newborn arrives due to being overwhelmed by their new role of parents. For some spouses, the sexual dry spell lasts for a few months, while for others it lasts much longer. In the latter case, most partners feel like strangers, which might eventually result in an emotional, not just physical estrangement. 

Fortunately, marriage counselors help spouses deepen their intimate connection both on a physical and emotional level. By tackling the core of the issue, these professionals enable married couples to rekindle their spark and restore their intimacy. 

Learn to forgive

Couples therapy teaches partners about the power of forgiveness, which most individuals lack. Instead of putting an end to your marriage after learning about your husband/wife’s infidelity, find the strength to give him/her another chance. 

Moreover, counseling might prevent you from terminating your relationship prematurely. After listening attentively to what your spouse has to say about its disloyal behavior, perhaps you’ll reconsider your opinion about getting a divorce. Go to this link,, for some useful tips about forgiving after an affair. 

Final word

Marriage counselors are the right professionals to consult when coping with marital problems. 

Don’t miss the chance!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How do you explain to a child about the coronavirus crisis? It is difficult enough for adults to get a full grasp of the pandemic, what more for a child who is wondering why he or she cannot go out and play. Here are some of the questions your little one may ask, and the best responses you can give.

Image credit
Question: "What is a Corona Virus?"

Response: "A Corona Virus is a germ. You know what germs are, right? But this one is different because it can make people sick very quickly. The germ comes from people who have it in their bodies already."

Question: "Why can't I go out and play? 

Response: "We are doing our best to keep you healthy and free from the virus. We cannot see it, so the best we can do is to stay home. We do not know where it is. It is an invisible enemy. So to avoid getting sick, we should stay home. Only Mommy or Daddy can go out to get food and other things we need."

Question: "Mommy, why do you have to wear a mask when you go to the grocery?"

Response: "Mommy needs to do that to protect me from the virus. Remember I told you, we cannot see it? A mask protects Mommy's nose and mouth from inhaling the virus so I don't get sick. I also wash my hands thoroughly after I get home before I touch anything else. Mommy and Daddy are being very careful so that we don't get sick."

Question: "When can I go back to school? I miss my teacher and my friends."

Response: "Right now, there are still people who are getting sick, so your school will be doing online classes for now. You can still see your teacher and your friends. You will still be doing your lessons, sing songs, and learn art. The only thing different is that you will be using the laptop to do these things. It will not be forever, only until things get better."

Question: "Can I visit Grandma and Grandpa?"

Response: "Sure you can, but not as often as we did before. Once a week will be fine. But you will have to wear a mask and a face shield when we take you to visit your grandparents."

Question: "Can people die if they get the virus?"

Response: "Yes. People may die if they get the virus. These people are those who are already sick of something and then they get the virus. But if you are healthy and strong, you may only feel sick for a while and then get better. Now, do you understand why I keep telling you to eat healthy food and finish your veggies? It is because I want you to have a strong body to protect yourself from the virus."

Question: "When will the virus go away?"

Response: "Many people like scientists and doctors are working to find a cure. Do not worry, they are doing their best. Let us pray for them so that they may find the solution to get rid of the virus." 

These are just some of the questions a young child may ask. As parents, you must learn to choose the right words that your child will easily understand. Be honest, but also be careful not to overwhelm them with information and cause anxiety. Reassure them that all these things that are happening are only temporary.

Keep their little minds busy with other things. Encourage them to be creative through art. Get new books, especially on topics they are interested in. Keep them interested in learning new things. You can get your child a small plant that they can take care of. You can sit outside in your patio at night and gaze at the stars and the moon. Teach them about the planets, the solar system, asteroids, and galaxies. There are so many ways to keep a young child curious and hungry for new knowledge! 

My 4-year old grandson busy drawing the earth, sun, moon and other planets
Being on lock down has its perks too. Some of you may have been given a work from home set up by your employer. That's good because you get to spend more time with your child and you get that chance to personally see to it that your family is safe. 

We have been on lock down since March 16th. That's a total of 126 days to this day. Some restrictions have been lifted, but the rising number of cases is still getting everyone worried. My family and I follow strict sanitation procedures - wearing a mask (and face shield if possible), no shoes or slippers in the house, washing hands, avoid touching our faces when we are outside, and practicing social distancing. Prayers do help a lot too!

Before I end this post, let me share with you a photo of my grandson's drawing. He drew the earth, and then grabbed a red crayon and started coloring a part of the earth red. When I asked him what the red color is all about, he said, "This is the people on earth with coronavirus." And this kid is just 4 years old! 

That red area, according to my grandson is, "People on earth with corona virus"
Stay safe, and stay home as much as possible. Let us listen to the experts' advice and be vigilant always.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pixabay - CCO License

Although it’s important to prioritize your health at any age, there are certain advantages to enjoying a healthy lifestyle as you get older. The aging process can mean that you experience various age-related health issues, but these shouldn’t impact your quality of life.

With the right prevention and symptom management, you can enjoy an active lifestyle. To maximize your enjoyment of life, take a look at these top tips for remaining happy and healthy as you age:

Keep moving

Keeping active is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health as you get older. Maintaining your mobility ensures a greater level of independence as you get older, so it’s certainly something you’ll want to prioritize. A daily walk, a gym workout or even playing with nieces, nephews, and grandchildren are excellent ways to keep active as you get older.

Stay social

Being sociable helps to prevent loneliness and isolation, both of which can have a significant impact on your physical and emotional wellbeing. In addition to socializing with your current circle of friends, take a look at community groups and local events too. If it’s logistically difficult for you to be as social as you’d like, get to grips with technology so that you can maintain social connections online.

Check your hearing function

Age-related hearing loss is an extremely common issue but it’s one that can be managed successfully. A hearing test will assess your hearing function and indicate whether or not you’re suffering from any form of hearing loss. If so, an audiologist will determine what type of hearing loss you’re experiencing and prescribe appropriate treatments and symptom management devices.

Do balance exercises

Many older people find that their balance deteriorates over time, which can increase the risk of falls and subsequent injuries. Incorporating balance exercises into your daily routine can help to prevent this from happening. Ensure you have a safe area in which to practice and ask your physician for advice on which exercises are best for you.

Travel more

If you’ve always enjoyed taking vacations and seeing new places, don’t let your age stop you! A road trip across the U.S., a cruise around the Bahamas, or a trip to Europe will reignite your passion for life and keep you feeling young at heart.

Overhaul your diet

As you get older, your metabolism changes, which often means you don’t need to eat the same number of calories as you used to. Additionally, now is the time to cut back on salt and saturated fats, as they can increase your blood pressure and cause cardiovascular problems. By maintaining a healthy weight, you can reduce your risk of related health conditions and enjoy being more active.

Prioritizing Your Health at Any Age

If you want to be happy and healthy as you age, the best time to start making changes to your lifestyle is now! No matter what age you, prioritizing your health will help to ensure you enjoy better health in both the short and long-term.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Why Escaping To The Country Could Be Good For You

If you have been a city slicker for your entire life, you might be craving the peace and quiet of some countryside living. Moving to the country is a very stereotypical thing to do when you hit your mid-thirties, and you’re thinking about settling down to a gentler pace of life. As our kids grow older and we are reconsidering our priorities, we look to the countryside to help us start a new chapter. Rural or village life may sound idyllic, but you need to head on a few long weekends in the country before you make your mind up. Take a look at why escaping to the country could be good for you.

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 Moving Away From Work

Our work lives tend to be more frantic than ever. In the twenty first century, there is greater competition in every industry, and as you rise through the ranks in your career, you will find more responsibilities and stresses intrude on your home life. You might be working long hours, you may have an overbearing boss, and the targets that you are set may be unrealistic. Give yourself some physical distance between you and your work by moving further out into the country. You could even take advantage of a flexible working policy and work from home a little more.

Rural areas may not have cable so you need to source a reputable Internet service provider to give you the speed you need to hook up reliably to Zoom or Skype meetings with your work colleagues. Companies like Viasat have a range of comprehensive plans giving you fast download times and the data allocation that you need.

Open Air

Getting outside in the open air can be good for the soul. Being surrounded by greenery can be great for your mental health as the natural environment can lower your blood pressure, release endorphins and make you feel calmer and more content. Head for a stroll outside of the city, and you will feel your heart rate lower and your mind become less clogged with the stresses of everyday life. You can get the kids away from their video games and into the great outdoors a little more. They will relish spending time with you and enjoy your attention. Have a kickabout with a ball, fly a kite or go on a hike and a picnic.

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More For Your Money

While you might enjoy a small flat or modest house in the city, you can get a lot more for your money in the countryside. You could be swapping a leasehold apartment for a detached dwelling. This can help you get more space for your growing brood. You might have your own garden for your kids to play in. Schools can consist of better quality teaching, crime rates can be lower, and your neighborhood might feel more friendly. People in cities tend to keep themselves to themselves, and the neighborhood spirit isn’t as alive. In the countryside, you will know your neighbors’ names and become friends.

Consider moving to the country to improve your health and start a new life chapter.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Caring For Someone With A Chronic Condition

Chronic conditions are hugely important things which affect not just the person suffering with them, but everyone around them as well. This can often especially be the case when someone is diagnosed with something very suddenly out of the blue, but even when it is from birth it is likely that it can affect one’s life profoundly too. If you are living with someone, or otherwise close to someone, who has a chronic condition, you probably want to know what you can do to help them. As it happens, there are many things you can do in caring for a person who has a chronic condition, and we are going to take a look at some of them now. Bear these things in mind if you want to ensure you are helping them out as well as possible.

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Understand The Condition

The most important thing that you can do is to understand everything there is to understand about the condition itself first and foremost. By getting to grips with everything you can about the condition, you are going to be in a much better position when it comes to helping that person, rather than being in the dark. There are many things you can do in order to learn more about their condition, whether you look for information in trusted books and medical journals or whether you simply speak to the medical professionals. If you seek information online, be sure to take great care in ensuring that it is a reputable and trustworthy source, otherwise you might struggle to know whether the information you are getting is any good at all.

All in all, if you make a point of understanding the condition more, you are going to feel more capable of helping your loved one - and they are going to likely appreciate that you have taken the time to learn all of that information.

Be There For Them

The best thing to do in a day to day sense is just to be there for them however you might be able to. That means that you are by their side when you need them, so they know that you are there and they subsequently feel supported. That doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to put literally everything on hold, nor are they necessarily going to ask for that. But showing that you are there for them is going to mean that they feel so much more supported, and in many ways it is the most important thing that you can do for them. As long as you are there for them and generally supportive, that is absolutely going to be the best you can do.

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Help Them Make Healthcare Decisions

With many chronic conditions, there are going to be a huge range of decisions which the person needs to make. Knowing that they have someone with them who can help them to make those decisions will make it a lot easier, and should mean that they are going to be more likely to make an informed and sensible decision along the way. If you are particularly close to them and they want you to help them out in the future in this way too, then they might even think about asking you to be their power of attorney for healthcare and medical decisions. This is a big responsibility to have, and you are going to have to think carefully about whether or not it is something that you want to engage in. As well as the huge decisions you will likely have to make in the future, you have to bear in mind that there are many risks of being a power of attorney, and it’s a decision that only you can really make. So be sure to take it seriously and treat it carefully, and you should find that you can do what is right.

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Ask Questions

It is generally best not to just assume that you know how the sufferer is feeling or what is going through their heads, and that you instead simply ask them where necessary. The more questions you ask them, the more you are going to work out what is going on for them. That will inform the help that you provide them, and it will help you to do the right thing for them at all times. You will also find that it’s a great way to show how much you care, and they are probably going to appreciate it for that reason too. Ask as many questions as you can to really get to the bottom of their experience at all times.

Taking Care Of Yourself

A big mistake that a lot of carers make is that they forget that they are also important. If you want to ensure that you are going to be able to help the person long into the future, and if you want to stay sane and happy yourself, then you need to make sure that you are caring for yourself as much as you are caring for them. If you forget to care for yourself, you can find that it quickly leads to a lot of resentment towards the person you are caring for, and that means that you are then more likely to start turning away from them, so it’s really no good for anyone to let this happen. Taking care of yourself means that you give yourself a break from time to time, that you say how you feel about what is going on, and you don’t completely give yourself up in service to the other person. If you can remember that and still show them a lot of care, you have done it right, but it is a hard balance to get right.

As you can see, there is a lot to think about when you are caring for someone with a chronic condition. As long as you have thought about these things, you should find that you can do it much better.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

7 Ways To Protect Yourself Right Now
It’s safe to say that we’re all living through strange times right now. We’re all having to adapt our lives and change our habits and it can be really hard to deal with. But, at the same time, it’s happening. And there’s not a lot that we can do about it other than work with it and try and make the most of it. Sure, there are also going to be negatives that we have to deal with too. It can be incredibly stressful and you may be experiencing a wealth of worries. But that’s not all. You may be dealing with money troubles or struggling to manage day care for your kids. And while there will always be a range of worries that go with the current situation, here can be positives too.

As with anything in life, you always have the option to focus more on the good things than the bad. It can be hard, but it’s something that can make you feel so much better when you do. After all, you’re spending more time at home and around the people that you love, and it’s a good idea to try and make the most of that. But at the same time, you will want to ensure that you are protected too. Let’s take a look at how you can do that.

1. Block It Out

To begin with, as much as you might want to stay up to date with the latest information, you should also try to block out as much noise as you can. Sure, take in all of the official information, but try to distance yourself from the news or social media conversations around the pandemic, especially if they are making you anxious.

2. Cut Back

Next, you’re going to want to take a look at your financial situation. One of the most important ways to protect yourself right now is for you to make sure that your money is manageable. It can help for you to cut back your monthly expenses here so that you aren’t paying out too much. Any way that you can reduce your costs and spend as little as possible will allow you to have a cushion in case anything happens to your income.

3. Save More

Now, you may find that you do actually have some spare money to put into savings. And, because we’re living and working through such strange times, it’s nice to be able to have some money in savings. Even if you use it soon, it’s very reassuring.

4. Be Careful

Next, you’re going to want to make sure that your home is protected. And that means that you’ll want to be a lot more careful about your house and property. Sure, you may be in all of the time now, but you may be targeted when you do go out of the house. So maybe look to hire a certified residential locksmith to keep the house safe. It’s also a great idea to make sure that you don’t lose your keys because you need to be in your house more than ever now.

5. Be Vigilant

And it’s important to be careful online as well as in real life. Sadly, you may notice that there’s a lot more online scams at the moment. So you’ll want to be vigilant. And not only that, but make sure that your online security is still good.

6. Go Slow

But that’s not all. You’re also going to want to make sure that you’re protecting your health here. And yes, that does involve wearing a mask or gloves and washing your hands when you’re in public, but it also means slowing down. Don’t feel pressure to be on the go. Don’t push yourself to do too much because it’s an exhausting time right now. So it’s okay to slow down in life and just enjoy the time right now for what it is.

7. Be Kind To Yourself

Finally, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re able to just be a lot kinder to yourself. It’s easy for you to beat yourself up and feel like you’re not doing so well, or to feel like a guilty parent, or worry about what’s happening with life. But this isn’t going to be the best thing for yourself. Instead, you will need to make sure that you are a lot kinder to yourself. Take it easy and just enjoy this time, because soon enough, life will be back in full swing.

Friday, May 1, 2020

What is your idea of a gift that keeps on giving? 

More often than not, you’d come across such a description underneath the photo of a particularly funny t-shirt or a cupcake that – oh miracle of culinary technology – hides another cake in its heart. Perhaps, we tend to rely too much on clichéed sentences to fill our conversations and minds. At the end of the day, the gift that keeps on giving becomes a meaningful piece of junk, at best. 

However, in challenging times such as during a lockdown situation like now, gifts that go above and beyond and that are looking toward the future can brighten up someone’s day significantly. Why does it matter? Because in uncertain times, a present that can make both today and tomorrow better can be a life-changer. Not sure where to start? Here are some ideas to fit every budget and help you create a meaningful present: 

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Start gardening with your relatives

Children are the first to struggle with self-isolation. Now that the weather’s getting warmer, you can seize the opportunity to spend an afternoon in the garden. Indeed, gardening is a breath of fresh air, both figuratively and literally, under lockdown. Spending quality time with your children and your partner to prepare your quarantine garden is guaranteed to boost your mood and your pantry! With this in mind, you can also visit relatives who are self-isolating and offer to prepare a vegetable plot for them. In an afternoon, you can plant plenty of veg and fruits that will give delicious and fresh crops in the weeks and months to come. It’s a nice way of being there for them without putting their health at risk. 

Forget jewelry, settle for gold

Is someone’s big birthday coming? As tempting as it can be to buy a beautiful piece of jewelry, you can break up with traditions and consider purchasing gold directly? You can find exquisite nuggets By Grant Gold Nuggets, which come primarily from Australia, Alaska. But you can also find exotic gold locations around the world. Gold can act as a good luck talisman. It is a reminder for someone who struggles during the pandemic isolation that things can get brighter once this is over. While you can find gold pieces to suit all budget sizes, it’s fair to say that your friend may not be able to replace their pre-pandemic income through your gift. But it can be a source of motivation. During the Wild West conquest, finding gold nuggets was a lucky sign. It could do the same thing today!

Give time as much as you can 

Spending time with the people you love is a gift that doesn’t cost any money. You can make distant relatives feel valued and help them cope with isolation. All it takes is a little planning, as per The Financial Diet. People who are self-isolating can rely on digital meetings to come together and even plan common activities online. You could play games or have a family video chat. Don’t let other technologies distract you as you do – aka no checking your text messages when you’re in a Zoom meeting with your cousins. 

Meaningful gifts can help someone cope with self-isolation pressures. It doesn’t have to be much, from fixing a vegetable garden in a relative’s backyard to scheduling video chats with friends, you don’t have to break the bank to give someone that will be a token of love and appreciation during those challenging times.