Showing posts with label Road Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Road Safety. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

You’ve been involved in a car accident. It happened so suddenly and the violent impact has made you a little disorientated. This could last for many days or even weeks, depending on the severity of the crash. You will be in pain of some sort. Even if you’re not injured in a major way, you will only feel your minor injuries once you’re away from the situation. Your adrenaline will be pumping so you could be feeling fine but your body is merely coping with the traumatic event, by releasing endorphins. Once the seriousness of the incident wears off, you will become more wary of what actually happened. It's at this moment that your near future will be up in the air. The other party could blame you for the accident, your license could be given points and you may also be deemed guilty by a court of law. When you are sure it's not your fault, knowing the ways to prove your innocence will be your saving grace.

Seeing is believing

Before the era of smartphones, the only way to prove your innocence without a shred of doubt was to obtain CCTV footage. Despite having smartphones, CCTV footage is still one of if not, the best way to show a court of law that you were not at fault. Seeing is believing as they say and, footage of the accident taking place will leave nobody in any doubt. The cause for speculation will be eradicated if you can get the relevant pieces of footage. It's in your best interest to speak with your lawyer as soon as the crash occurred. Let him or she know where the crash happened and where you have spotted security cameras. Your lawyer will take down the details and make a short list of stores that they can contact in the bid they will release those tapes to him or her. 

However, if there are witnesses to the accident, it's vital that you get them on camera if you can. Usually, citizens will admit to seeing the whole event take place, but they may not want to be on camera. Those that do, get them to introduce themselves before explaining what they saw. Get as many eyewitness testimonies by the side of the road as you can. If someone doesn’t want to get in the camera, kindly ask them to give you their details so you can contact them later on if needed. You may need to entice them with the offer of payment, should you need their testimony in court.

Have your wits about you

When you’re involved in a bad car crash, your fight or flight mechanism will be in full motion. You may become erratic and just try to get to safety. However, it's within your best interest to stay still and take a few deep breaths. When you have your wits about you, you need to immediately start recording the event. Using your smartphone, record from the inside of your car. Make sure you get a 360-degree shot of your surroundings before you get out of the car. Once out, you should record the road if you find any skid marks. This will be incredibly useful in determining who saw who first and tried to stop. It will also indicate who was speeding, by the length of the tire marks on the road. It's a good idea to keep the camera rolling by putting it in your pocket just so you can pick up the sound. You may also want to use voice recording apps that have features allowing you to lower background noise and pick up voices only. Make sure you are recording every single word you speak and what the other party says. This could be your saving grace if it ever arrives at a he-said-she-said scenario in court.

Make special notes

You never know where you may have a car accident. It could be in the middle of a busy city or out in the middle of nowhere in a rural part of the country. You cannot rely on eyewitnesses coming in to corroborate your story. You need to take special notes of the accident. If you can smell alcohol on the breath of the other driver, make a note of this either in writing or in the recording on your smartphone. If you can see alcohol bottles or cans in their car, this is also noteworthy information. 

Is the other driver slurring their words? This is also something you have to take note of, either by video recording or merely in written form. Make sure you are jotting down the time and date, as well as what they were saying when they made it apparent they could be impaired somehow. Take pictures of their tires. If tires are bald they will have much less grip on certain surfaces and conditions. It will take longer for the car to stop and as a result, pose a danger to other drivers. This is great evidence to use against the other party. Are any of their car lights out? If their brake lights are not working properly or perhaps their headlights are uneven, this could confuse other drivers. A badly maintained car by the other driver will help your case, in some cases win it for you.

Refer to police evidence

It's common for police officers to be called at the site of a car crash. It's within your best interest to cooperate fully with the officers at the scene. They will be logging down information and making a crash report which will go down in the police and accident databases. Once it's on this system, it holds a lot of weight in the instance of proving your innocence. Most of the time, officers will take a report down and then notify you when they have logged it into the system. This is for both party’s knowledge as it will be the precursor which then allows legal proceedings to occur. If you are afraid this may happen to you or if you are the person who wishes to initiate the proceedings, then you can use this Accident Report service. It will show you the police’s accident report in full, with all the details the officers saw and took. All you need to do to use it, type in the area ZIP code, the date of the accident, the vehicle manufacturer and the year of your car’s build. 

All this will be used to then locate your accident report and make it ready for printing. Your attorney will want this report before anything else. Since it is the word of law enforcement, it will be the end-all and be-all of any case you put forth. Video evidence is great, but the officers will be trained in explaining certain things that will give your footage creedence. This is not a case of vice versa. 

Record your phone calls

Sometimes the guilty party will try to intimidate or plead with the victim of a car crash, over the phone. This usually occurs when you have pressed legal action and or their insurance company is finding them at fault for the crash. It's so important that you don’t hesitate to record the phone calls. Have another smartphone at the ready so you can do this while taking the call on your own phone. In some states, you have to declare you are recording the other person, but in some, you do not have to. In many cases, it's best not to let the other person know as they will change their story before proceeding any further; thus you’re unable to catch them trying to frighten you. 

Expect the guilty party to try and use subtle language to threaten you. You must try and get the truth of their intentions or feelings out of them without being too obvious. Asking them questions is a very good tactic which will lead them to be defensive and thus, shows their true colors. When they make a threat, ask them to repeat it with an excuse, such as you didn’t hear them. Sometimes recordings can be muffled and thus it provides leeway. When they repeat their threats clearly and thoroughly there is no way of hiding from the facts in court.

Be completely cooperative

It's easy to become overwhelmed by the situation but if the other party is dragging you to court, don’t be intimidated. Be completely cooperative with the police and their legal team. Even if you are absolutely innocent, any form of resistance to document requests or interview requests will be taken as an admission of guilt. Do not slow the process down, in fact, offer to help in any way you can. In the meantime, make your own case by working with a legal team and ask them for advice on what you should do if further requests are made. Hold onto your video evidence and make multiple copies of them so nothing can be lost in the event of a hardware error.

There is a myriad of ways to prove your innocence. You need to work quickly at the scene of the accident, collecting as much video evidence as possible. 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Preparing For Life As A New Driver

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If you are a new driver, there will be many things you will soon learn. While you may be fooled into thinking that once you have passed your driving test, you will be filled with confidence and can’t wait to get on the open road, the truth is, you will spend most of your first year driving absolutely terrified.

While you may think that you learn all you need to know as a driver while you are learning, you will find that while you are driving around in your first year, you will learn a hell of a lot more than they don’t teach you in drivers ed. 

Taking all of this into account, you should be preparing certain things for your life as a driver that covers you no matter what situation you may find yourself in. Whether you like to acknowledge it or not, at some point in your time driving, you will have minor accidents, and there are a few things you will really be thankful for.

The first thing you should make sure you have is great insurance. While you may find some cheaper insurers, you will find they are cheap for a reason, and the level of cover they provide is rubbish.

Alongside your insurance, it’s always a great idea to have access to car accident lawyers. While they may only be needed in extreme cases, they can be some of the best people to have around when an accident happens. 

The below infographic will give you a little more insight into how car accident lawyers can help should you find yourself in a sticky situation, and you may also learn a few things you didn’t know along the way.

Infographic Design By Zavodnick, Zavodnick & Lasky, LLC

Monday, February 24, 2020

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 
If you’re worried about what you would do if you were to have a car accident then don’t worry, you have definitely come to the right place. Although the chances of getting into a car accident are low, you need to ensure you’re as prepared as you can be should the situation arise. Whilst it may be overwhelming and stressful, there are lots of things you can do to make the situation a little easier. From remaining calm to calling for help, the more you’re doing the better. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider if you find yourself in a car accident:

Are You Remaining Calm?

One of the most important things you can do if you find yourself in an accident is to remain calm. Although the situation is incredibly stressful and overwhelming, staying calm will help to ensure you’re approaching the situation as rationally as you possibly can. If there are others in the car with you, you need to ensure you’re also helping them to stay calm. For tips and tricks when it comes to staying calm in an emergency situation, you can visit this site here.

Have You Called For Help? 

Once you have calmly assessed the situation, you need to call the right people for help. Whether that means calling your friends and family or calling the emergency services, getting help should be your main priority. If you don’t have your phone on your or you’re struggling to connect, you may need to attract someone’s attention in order to ask for their help. Chances are if you’ve been in an accident, there will be people who stop and offer to help regardless.

Are You Hurt Or Do You Need To Seek Medical Attention?

If you or anyone in your car is hurt, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you’re seriously injured or someone needs attention right alway, calling an ambulance should be one of the first things you do. If you’re feeling sore as a result of your accident, you may be able to wait a couple of days before booking an appointment. At the end of the day, you need to do what’s right for you.

Do You Need A Replacement Car?

Another important thing to consider is whether or not you’re going to need a replacement car. Depending on the damage that you have done to your car, chances are you’re going to need to use a loan car for a couple of weeks. If you’re looking for a loan car you can use after your accident, you may want to consider contacting not my fault car hire.

Will You Be Claiming On Your Insurance? 

Finally, you may also want to consider if you’re going to be claiming on your car insurance. Although there are certain cases where you’re not going to be able to make a claim, it’s always worth contacting them to find out exactly what you’re entitled to. For a guide to claiming on your car insurance, you can visit this site here.

Are you worried about being in a car accident? What can you do following an accident to ensure you're approaching things as calmly as you possibly can? Did we miss anything off the list? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How To Feel Confident On The Roads As A New Driver

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In life, it’s rare that people equate thorough confidence with being safe. We often think it can lead to bravado, stupidity, and arrogance. Of course, that can be the case here, as well. However, we would also argue that no driver who is insecure on the roads can actually be safe on the roads, even if they are trying to be perfectly considerate as a countermeasure. This is perhaps one of the most important measures for a new driver to learn, because it means that you will be able to adequately and promptly respond to many road situations.

Let’s consider what that may look like:

Keep Your Vehicle Maintained

There’s nothing more important than keeping your car maintained, because a faulty vehicle in disrepair can spell many difficulties on the road. This means that understanding what each and every car warning indicator sign means is also an essential consideration for anyone genuinely hoping to approximate the best care as soon as they can. Not only this, but learning basic maintenance habits such as checking your oil, replacing tire pressure and changing the tire itself is essential.

Try New Routes

Try new roads, never become too comfortable in your daily driving habits, as that’s an easy place to begin driving on auto-pilot. Drive to new towns, to cities, and try to increase your experience on the roads. When you have the chance to experience a range of road travel situations you will be more able to drive safely and stay alert no matter where you’re going. Too often people can drive only the roads they know for months, only to feel extreme anxiety when then having to drive for a vacation or to visit someone a little further away. Keep your route fresh.

Maintain Your Health

Your vehicle health is important, but your personal health is crucial. Ensure that you’re caring for it as appropriate. Get enough sleep before driving, as this will keep you alert and able. Stay hydrated, and remember to gain your Doctor’s approval to drive if undergoing a harmful illness or overcoming an injury. Also ensure that you are able to focus well, that you can see signs up to twenty meters away with ease, and if not, that you have your driving lenses well equipped. We can only trust our driving ability to the degree that we are healthy behind the wheel, after all.

With this advice, we hope you can always feel confident on the roads as a new driver.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

What Should You Do When You're in a Road Accident?

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A road accident is a scary situation to find yourself in. But following the right protocol can make a huge difference in the way that you are able to deal with a crash and recover from a crash. There are various steps that you can take once you’ve experienced an incident on the roads, but here are a few you should seriously consider.


The first step that you absolutely have to take when you’ve been in an incident on the roads, no matter how big or small, is stop. Stopping your vehicle is extremely important for safety’s sake (both your own and others’) and for legality. It is illegal to drive away from an incident and it’s highly likely that you will be found quickly and will face serious legal repercussions if you do drive away. Stopping your vehicle gives everyone involved a chance to see what has happened, seek relevant medical attention, resolve issues regarding insurance and damaged property, and recuperate so that they can safely drive their vehicles away. Always stop.

See If You Need Medical Attention

Once you’ve stopped, you need to examine yourself for injuries. If a situation is bad, someone will need to call emergency services on your behalf. If you feel okay, still be wary. You don’t want to move in a way that could harm you or prolong or worsen an injury you may have experienced. It’s always best to seek medical attention after any road incident - there are many issues that may not manifest immediately and that may need professional diagnosis and treatment.

See If Others Need Medical Attention

If you are okay, you need to check if anyone else involved requires medical attention. If you are in an emergency or are witnessing an emergency, call the emergency services and they’ll be able to guide you through exactly what you should be doing to help the individual. They will be able to come to the scene and help once they’ve arrived.

Call A Lawyer

You may need to contact car wreck lawyers if there’s any damage caused by the incident - whether that’s personal damage or damage to your property. These lawyers will be able to ensure that you receive compensation for any damages and this can help to put things right more easily or at lease ease pain and inconvenience. Compensation can be used to cover lost wages (giving you more time to recover properly) and damaged property (helping to replace items and belongings that have been broken or need to be replaced). This lifts a weight from you.

Seek Support

The emotional and psychological aftermath of a road accident can be overbearing and difficult to deal with. Remember that there’s plenty of support out there for you. From therapists to support groups and helplines, plenty of people are ready and able to give you a lift and improve your overall mental and emotional condition.

These are just a few steps. There are other steps you should take, such as collecting insurance information too! But these noted above should get you started in the right direction!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

11 Ways To Become A More Confident Driver

If you want to become a more confident driver, it’s important to realize that this isn't something that will happen overnight. It takes time to become a good, confident driver. Be prepared to work at this consistently. 

Below, you’ll find 11 ways you can become a more confident driver. Start working on these things now and you’ll have unshakable confidence on the road before you know it:

1. Take Extra Courses And Lessons

If you know you need to improve your confidence and fast, then taking extra courses and lessons could be the way to do it. Just because you’ve passed your driving test doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take extra workshops and courses if you feel like it will help you. You may be able to learn extra skills, tips, and tricks on these courses that will help you to become an overall better driver. You may even be able to find courses that enable you to spot hazards and avoid them by driving defensively. 

2. Get A Car That Suits You 

You must get a car that suits you - you shouldn’t get a car that’s too big or fast for you to handle, or you’ll likely make mistakes. Once you have a car you’re confident driving, make sure you’re as familiar with your car as can be before going out. You need to know what all of the symbols mean, as well as where your lights and other features are. This will enable you to drive as safely as possible. 

3. Practice As Much As Possible

Practice makes perfect. You can’t expect to be a great, uber confident driver if you’ve only been out on the road a handful of times. Making short journeys to begin with will help you to get the hang of driving, and you can gradually build your way up to longer journeys. If you’re scared to drive, the longer you spend away from driving and the road will likely stop you from trying. You have to keep practicing to build on your skills and develop that confidence. 

4. Have A Good Idea Of Where You’re Going

Make sure you have a good idea of where you’re going so that you are sure nothing will trip you up on your way. You can download sat nav apps on your phone that are really useful, providing you have somewhere secure to place your phone as you drive. You shouldn’t need to touch it as you drive, or you could get distracted and get into an accident. Even if you don’t get distracted, you could get in big trouble for messing with your phone while you drive. 

5. Be Aware Of Any Diversions Or Accidents

Research the route before you set off, even if you have a sat nav. This way, nothing can throw you off as you make your way to your destination. You want to make sure you’re aware of any diversions or accidents ahead of time so you don’t panic when you’re in the car. 

6. Take The Weather Into Account 

The weather will affect how long it takes you to get to your destination, as well as how you drive. You need to take a wider berth around bikers and horses, and you should also make sure you leave at least a few seconds in between you and the car in front. Wet roads make stopping times longer, so you need to account for this. 

If the weather is particularly severe, you should avoid driving altogether. For example, icy roads can cause accidents, and snow can be very difficult to navigate. If you have no choice but to drive, make sure you take your time and that you have things in the car that will help you in an emergency. This includes a phone, phone charger, first aid kit, torch, and so on. 

7. Avoid Driving With Friends

Driving with friends while you’re trying to build your confidence could have an adverse effect. If there is too much talking around you, you might find yourself more distracted and focused on them rather than the road ahead. You may find yourself needing to contact a car accident lawyer, rather than enjoying the trip. Limit the amount of friends you have in the car while you’re trying to build your confidence, and make it abundantly clear to them that you can’t have them talking and laughing loudly. Don’t try to show off either, or have your music too loud. Drive sensibly, just as you would if you were on your own. 

8. Don’t Focus On What Other Drivers Are Doing

One of the worst things you can do is focus on what other drivers are doing. If they are driving closely behind you, for example, don’t feel under pressure to speed up. Continue driving safely and to the speed limit. They can overtake you if they have to. You can’t let other drivers intimidate you. Focus on what you’re doing. 

9. Don’t Hesitate To Take A Break

Stop somewhere appropriate if you need to take a breather - the services are ideal, or a car park if you know that one is close by. You shouldn’t really stop on the hard shoulder or somewhere that could cause an accident. However, it’s always safer you stop and take a breather, especially if you feel a panic attack or something coming on. It might seem silly, but deep breathing can be a huge help. 

10. Put On Some P Plates

Let other drivers know you’re not that experienced by putting P plates on your car. This way, they should give you a wider birth and understand that you may not be the most experienced road user. 

11. Be Kind To Yourself 

You may make a mistake or feel terrified of the road, but you must be kind to yourself. If you beat yourself up, you’re going to feel worse and you’ll create a vicious cycle that is hard to get out of. In general, your mindset will set the tone for the drive ahead. Try to remain relaxed and positive, even if you’re not 100% confident. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

If you look down your driveway to see an old banger staring back at you, you would be right in thinking that it’s time for a new car. The choice of vehicle stock in the twenty first century can be mind blowing. However, for the family market, there are newer SUVs, greener cars and safety features to consider. The most important thing for most families when choosing a new car is budget and working out whether to go brand new off a forecourt or whether to opt for a reliable used car from a dealership. Take a look at this guide to help you navigate the family car market. 

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Used Or New

There is always a temptation to go for a brand new car. However, with a new car comes a larger price tag. This is a cost that will depreciate the moment you drive your new set of wheels away from the forecourt. You could cushion the blow of a new car by opting for a sell car for cash sort of scheme, where you can trade in your old banger for some readies to put towards your new vehicle.

Alternatively, you could seek out the used car route. Used cars are becoming more and more reliable as manufacturers lengthen warranties. Choosing a used car can save you cash upfront initially and you will have more choice, helping you pick a vehicle that belongs to a lower insurance group.

Running Costs

If you aren’t sure what to look for when selecting a new family car, take a look at running costs. You need a car that will do many miles to the gallon so look at fuel economy. Ensure that you consider greener cars. Electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming more popular as they require a recharge rather than more expensive fuel. They are also better for the environment, belong to lower insurance groups and cost less in maintenance. They may cost more to buy initially, but these sorts of cars are great for the long term. 

Don’t forget to look under the hood of any car that you are looking to buy. If you have no idea about the mechanics of vehicles, take someone who can spot a blown head gasket or a poorly conditioned engine. You don’t want to be stuck with a lemon on your driveway.

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Safety Features

On any journey, you want to make sure that your brood is protected. While you may be a safe and defensive driver, other road users may be aggressive and fast, with very little hazard perception. Accidents can happen, and you want to make sure that the motor that you have protects your passengers. Take a look at the Euro NCAP website which rates all family cars out of five for safety features. Consider looking at cars with more advanced braking systems, blind spot detectors and hazard perception. More advanced automated safety features are becoming standard in twenty first century vehicles.

Choosing a new car can be a pleasure for some, but a chore for many. Follow this guide and ensure that you find your perfect family car.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How To Prepare for Car Accidents Before They Occur

Accidents can be part of life, and are often things that are considered inevitable. If you are someone that drives every day, then it doesn’t put you at risk. Plus, we will see and hear about car accidents on the news each day. You are no doubt aware of some of the risks that come from driving, but until one happens to you, then it is hard to really know the impact that it can have. So with all of that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can help to prepare for car accidents, all before they even happen. 

The things to do are things that are clear and pretty obvious, but they can tend to be something that we start to ignore when we have been driving for a long time. But if you aren’t paying close attention, then you might find yourself in need of a car accident attorney. So next time you get behind the wheel, make sure that these things come into your head, so that you can follow them and be the safest and most courteous driver that you can be. 

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Check your car before you drive

When you are learning to drive, then it can be one of the things that is going to be drilled into your head; check the car properly before you drive. But checking out the car first before you start to drive, is something that is really important. It might feel like you’re being super cautious, but your safety, and of those people around you, really is something to think about and consider. So make it a habit of checking for things like leaks, lights that are no longer working, and anything else that doesn’t look quite right. You should also check something like the rear view mirror to make sure that visibility is clear, as well as things like the wipers working well. 

Keep it slow

If you are someone who manages to make it to your final destination just in time, or even a little late. But that is only going to be a good thing if you have arrived there safely. It is so important to drive slowly, or basically just keeping to the speed limit, because after all, they are there for a reason. Of course, being someone who drives slowly doesn’t mean that you will be kept away from car accidents, but it will mean that you have plenty of time to react to different things, which could cause a potential accident. You are going to be much more in control of your car when your car is being driven slowly, rather than when you are storming through the roads. Plus, the severity of having an accident is going to be much less when there is a slow car, compared to a car going quickly. 

Keep both hands on the wheel

It is going to seem a little old-school, but having both of your hands on the wheel are going to help immensely when you are driving. Believe it or not, both hands are actually meant to be on the steering wheel. When you drive, the thing you should be focused on is the driving; there doesn’t need to be any other tasks that occupy you. Looking ‘cool’ with just one hand on the wheel isn’t something that should compromise your safety. It will give you much more control and help you to reduce the chance of being in an accident when you’re not in control of the wheel.

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No distractions

Driving is something that is enjoyable and fun. But there are some distractions that can really kill all of the fun. Things like calls and text messages can wait until you are at your destination. Updating your social media is not something that is needed when driving; a tweet can wait. If you need to make a call or get in contact with someone quite urgently, then it is a good idea to pull over, or just wait until later. People can always leave a voicemail if needed. 

It is important to remember that distractions can be outside the car too, not just things that are inside. There might be some things that catch your eye on the road, as well as things like the weather being a distraction. Putting sunglasses on when the weather is sunny, is naturally something that can be needed when the sun shines, but that can be a distraction as it can be hard to do one-handed when you’re driving. The focus when you are in the car should be on driving the car. Eating can be something that can be a distraction too; if you’ve ever opened a bag of chips when driving then you will know can be a dangerous distraction. 

Drinking and driving don’t go together

This could definitely be something that could have been classed as a distraction, but because of the impact it can have, it does need its own section. Drinking is a massive no if you are thinking of getting behind the wheel after. There are many accidents that are caused by drinking and driving, and the consequences can be pretty terrible. When you have been drinking you will lose control of your senses, especially with a large reduction in reaction time. So you really are putting yourself in danger, as well as the other people out on the road, so there really needs to be a blanket ban on it. Call a taxi if you end up drinking when you didn’t plan on it, and then you can collect your car the next day when you’re rested and it is all out of your system. Your life is so precious and losing it over driving after drinking would be something that would massively disrespect it.

One of the final things to do is to make sure that you have your phone charged, and have a list of numbers that you can call in case of an emergency (once you have been pulled over, of course). 

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

What Makes A Careful Driver?

Millions of people hit the roads to get to work every day. No matter where you live, there are always risks to bear in mind when you get behind the wheel of a car, van, or truck. Most of us would consider ourselves careful, safe drivers, but over 90% of accidents are caused by human error. Whether you’re an experienced driver or you’re relatively new to the road, it’s crucial to be aware of the risks posed by driving dangerously and to make an effort to steer clear of trouble. Here’s a useful guide to what makes a careful driver. 

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The most common causes of accidents on the road

Research suggests that most of us rate our driving skills highly. However, the statistics tell a different story. More than 90% of accidents are caused by mistakes. The most common causes of road traffic incidents include:


Speeding is one of the most significant risk factors for fatal crashes. If you’re driving too fast, it’s much more difficult to maintain control of the vehicle, it’s more challenging to react quickly, and the impact is likely to be greater. Driving at speed increases the risk of life-changing and fatal injuries. You might think that speed restrictions take the fun out of driving, but they are there for a reason. The limit is set according to the type of road and the proximity to residential properties and community buildings like schools. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents based in the UK, an increase of just 10mph from 40mph to 50mph can elevate the risk of life-threatening injuries by over 40%. 

Driving a lot slower can help to prevent truck accidents. Truck accidents can be one of the most devastating types of accidents especially when they involve collision with smaller vehicles. They usually get very complex and  a truck accident lawyer will often need to get involved. You can help prevent the risk of collision by slowing down.

When you’re driving, always pay attention to the road signs, and make sure you’re aware of the speed limit. If you’re going too fast, and you have a crash, you will probably be held liable for the accident, and you may face legal charges. Adjust your speed according to the weather conditions and the surface. If it’s foggy, it’s raining, or there’s ice or snow on the ground, reduce your speed. Your stopping distance will increase in wet weather, so you need to give yourself more time to slow down and brake. 

Driving fast can be fun, but you should always be wary of the fact that hazards can appear out of nowhere, and that you have a responsibility to protect other drivers, as well as yourself. If you are hurtling down the road, and an animal runs out, for example, you may not be able to react quickly enough, and this could put other road users in danger. Stick to the speed limits, and be prepared to modify your speed to minimize the risk of collisions. Even if a road has a speed limit of 70mph, it might not be safe to drive at this speed if visibility is poor, or the surface is slippery. 

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Distracted driving

We live in a world where we tend to try and do several things at once. We watch TV while scrolling through our phones and having conversations with our families. We take business calls while reading and sending emails. Multi-tasking is fine in certain environments, but it’s not a skill that should be exploited when driving. When you’re driving, your focus should be the road ahead, the vehicles around you, and any other hazards that could come into play. 

One of the most pressing concerns for drivers is that the landscape can change in a matter of seconds. One moment, you’re moving along without a care in the world, the next you’re having to slam the brakes on. Even in quiet areas, animals could run into the road, children could appear from behind parked cars and other drivers can make mistakes that require you to be able to react instantly. If you’re sending a text message or messing around with the navigation system, you might not be able to brake or steer your car away from a hazard in time. 

In some countries, it’s illegal to use your phone while driving, but in others, this isn’t the case. The best advice is to avoid doing anything that could potentially distract you from the road while you have the wheel in your hands. If you need to make a call, use an in-car, hands-free system or pull over in a safe place. Keep at least one hand on the wheel at all times and make sure you’re prepared to change gears, to brake quickly or to turn the steering wheel. Checking social media is much less important than staying safe. 

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If you’ve had a sleepless night, or you’re feeling drowsy and lethargic, it’s best to avoid driving or to take steps to wake yourself up and increase alertness. When you’re tired, your reaction time increases, and there’s also a risk of falling asleep at the wheel. This could have devastating consequences. If you have to make a journey, open the window to let fresh air in, listen to uplifting music, and have a caffeinated drink before you set off. If you’re already on your way, and you feel your eyes closing, and it’s impossible to stay awake, pull over in a safe place, park up and take a nap. It’s much better to delay your journey slightly and arrive in one piece than to run the risk of injuring yourself and others on the roads. 

If you are prone to feeling tired when you drive, try and steer clear of making trips at night, and drive when you feel most alert. If you have a long journey ahead, and you want to set off late to avoid peak traffic, have a sleep beforehand. 

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Drunk driving

Drunk driving is one of the most common causes of fatal car accidents. Drinking alcohol has an array of negative effects on drivers. The problem is that often, drivers don’t realize these effects. Even if you feel fine after a few drinks, there’s every chance that drinking could put your life at risk. Drinking affects your reaction time, it can cause you to lose focus and concentration, and it can encourage you to take risks you would never even consider if you were stone-cold sober. You might try and overtake when there isn’t enough time or space, for example, or you may drive faster than usual. If you need to respond instantly, it might also take you too long to react, which could end up in a serious collision. It’s also worth noting that drink driving is illegal. If you cause an accident as a result of drinking too much, you will be held liable, which enables the other person to claim car accident compensation, and you’ll also be likely to face legal charges. Rules vary according to where you’re driving, but in most countries, drivers who are over the limit face fines, driving bans, and even prison sentences. 

If you do decide to go for an impromptu drink after work, or you’ve ended up having a couple more beers that you intended to, don’t risk getting behind the wheel. Organize a taxi or ask a friend who hasn’t been drinking to give you a lift home. 

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Careless driving

When you learn to drive, you’re required to take a test and swat up on the rules of the road. This might not be the most interesting or fun way to spend your time, but it’s critical to ensure you stay safe when you pass your test. Rules and laws are there to protect road users and pedestrians. If you’re driving too fast, you’re weaving in and out of traffic, you’re changing lane or overtaking without signaling or giving yourself enough time, or you’re aggravating other drivers, this kind of behavior will put you and others at risk. Take your time, be patient, and give other vehicles time and space. There should be a gap of two cars between you and the vehicle in front. If you’re too close, you might cause the other driver to become anxious, and you also run the risk of flying into them if they brake suddenly. Keep your distance, especially in adverse weather conditions. If you plan to change lanes, you’re overtaking, or you’re stopping, check your mirrors, signal, and then move. Always check your blind spot for cyclists and vehicles you might not have spotted. It’s also essential to make sure you look before turning into or out of a junction. Other drivers should not have to put their brakes on to accommodate you. 

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Most of us assume that accidents happen to other people. The truth is that anyone can be involved in a car crash. The vast majority of incidents are caused by driver error, and every driver should be aware of the risks of taking to the road. Driving carefully is essential for your own safety, but also for the safety of other drivers and pedestrians. It is also essential if you want to continue having the freedom to get behind the wheel as and when you want to. You’re going to have to drive safely in order to avoid immediate threat suspension, losing your license and other punishments. Next time you take the keys in your hand and fire up the ignition, think carefully about the decisions you make and pay attention to the rules of the road. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Essential Advice For New Bikers

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There’s nothing more liberating than having a motorcycle of your own. Hitting the open road on a motorbike is an experience unlike any other. Sure, driving a car is a freeing experience too, but it’s not quite the same as feeling the wind against your body and cruising the roads on a magnificent piece of machinery. Still, there are a lot of things to consider if you want to be a responsible motorcyclist. Here’s some essential advice for new bikers.

Drive defensively.

The best way to be a good biker is to drive defensively. Maybe you’re skilled at riding your motorcycle, but you have to be skilled at keeping your emotions in check too. Many incidents on the road are caused by reckless drivers, but reacting aggressively to reckless driving can turn a dangerous situation into a full-blown accident. You need to adopt a defensive attitude if you want to be a responsible motorcyclist. If you see someone driving irresponsibly, then give them plenty of space. Deescalate dangerous situations on the road. That’s the key to being a smart biker.

You might even want to consider taking an additional riding course to fine-tune your skills. You’ll probably find that there are plenty of options in your area. You can always improve your existing skills. If you want to drive defensively, then improving your own understanding and ability to operate your vehicle will definitely help. Remember, you can’t control other drivers on the road. Some of them will be sensible, and others will be entirely irresponsible. All you can control is your own driving.

Learn how to maintain your vehicle.

You also need to learn how to maintain your vehicle now that you own a bike. Obviously, this is an important piece of advice for all road users. Car owners need to regularly maintain their vehicles too. However, it’s particularly important for motorcyclists. Your motorbike endures a lot on the road, so you need to take a good look at it on a regular basis to make sure it’s actually roadworthy. Mechanical malfunctions on the road are never good news, but they can be particularly dangerous when you’re on a vehicle with two wheels that needs to keep moving to stay balanced.

You might want to do some research to find a good supplier of motorcycle parts, accessories, and even biker gear. You could check out a store such as Solo Moto. They sell plenty of high-quality biker parts and other necessary accessories for motorcyclists. If you’re going to repair your vehicle or make some improvements, then you need to make sure you use the right resources to get the job done properly. You can’t cut corners when it comes to vehicular maintenance.

Of course, it’s important to know your limitations. You can watch all of the motorcycle maintenance videos on YouTube, but you might still struggle to fix certain issues with your vehicle. If you think you’re facing a problem that’s beyond your expertise, then you might want to seek help from the professionals. Take your bike into your local repair shop when it needs to be fixed properly. You should take it to a specialist for a check-up on a regular basis anyway. That way, you can be sure you’re riding a bike which is safe for use on the road. This is one of the most essential pieces of advice for new bikers. Pay attention to your vehicle. Learn how to maintain it, but learn when to let a specialist take the reins too.

Get the right gear.

There’s no denying that you take more risks when you get on a motorcycle than someone who gets behind the wheel of a car. You don’t have the metallic shell of a big vehicle to protect you. That’s why it’s so important to get protective gear if you should have an accident, whether it’s big or small. Even falling off your bike whilst it’s stationary can cause some serious injuries if you don’t wear the proper gear. Make sure you get yourself a good helmet. Obviously, you want to look stylish on your vehicle, but you need to put safety first. Do your research to make sure you get a helmet which is going to be sturdy and durable. The same goes for the rest of your gear. You don’t want to spend a fortune replacing your gloves, boots, and other essential pieces of biker attire because they get worn out too easily. Think about this in terms of safety and your personal finances.

Being A Responsible Driver In The Modern World

With the increasing number of cars on the road and the increasing number of ways to distract yourself with technology, it can be hard to drive safely in 2019. Being a responsible driver is tough in the modern world, but the following pieces of advice might help you out.

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Drive in the right state of mind.

One of the most important ways to be a responsible driver in the modern world is to drive in the right state of mind. This has always been the case, of course, but the fact is that there are more ways than ever to distract yourself in 2019. Drunk driving has always been a cause for concern, but plenty of drivers allow themselves to be distracted by phones in the modern age. Focus your concentration on the road. It’s as simple as that. And make sure you don’t get behind the wheel if you’re tired, stressed out, or mentally impaired in any other way. Driving in the wrong state of mind can be dangerous even if you’re sober. In fact, depending on how distracted or tired you are, it can sometimes be just as dangerous as driving drunk.

Be a defensive driver.

Of course, even when we drive in the right state of mind, we can find ourselves presented with dangerous situations. It might be tempting to react in an aggressive way, even if you were in the right state of mind when you got behind the wheel. However, letting your emotions take over is going to impede your ability to concentrate on the road and react with quick reflexes. In that sense, driving aggressively is just as dangerous as driving whilst intoxicated or in a sleep-deprived state. Even impatience can be dangerous; don’t run red lights or swerve around slow drivers when you’re in a rush.

Still, even the most cautious and observant drivers can find themselves involved in road accidents. If you want to be a responsible driver, then the important thing is that you respond to such incidents in an appropriate manner. Your first priority should always be that everyone involved is okay, even if the incident was just a minor bump or scratch. You might want to look into auto accident injury care if you’ve had a car accident that injured you or someone you love recently. It’s important to get the treatment you need. But just ensure that you always react to situations on the road in a defensive manner if you want to be a responsible driver.

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Keep learning.

Whether you got your driver’s license 10 days ago or 10 years ago, you’re prone to making mistakes. The difference between a responsible and an irresponsible driver is that the former actually learns from their mistakes. If you want to be responsible on the road, then you need to make sure you keep striving to be a better driver. If you make an error, then log that error in your mind. Ensure you don’t make the same mistake again. If you do, then don’t beat yourself up about it, but just make it your goal to keep improving. Human beings make mistakes. We can only strive to get better.

Monday, June 24, 2019

3 Things To Remember As You Drive On The Roads

For anyone of any age, driving on the public roads is something that you need to be very careful about. It is clear to anyone that it is the kind of thing which can be very dangerous, and which you need to put a lot of focus into if it is to go right, and the more that you can approach it in that way, the better off you will be. The truth is that driving can be made a lot simpler by ensuring that you approach it in a certain way, and that is what we are going to take a look at in this article. Here are three things that it is worth remembering as you drive on the roads, to ensure that you enjoy it more and that you are as safe as can be.

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Accident Protocol

It is important that you have a good sense of what you would need to do in the case of some kind of accident. If you fail to understand this as fully or properly as you can, then it might mean that you struggle to survive an accident as fully as you would probably hope to. There are certain things you should always do after an accident. One of the first is to make sure that nobody else is hurt. If they are, call an ambulance. You probably also want to call the police if it is that serious. You are then going to want to call Hadley Law Firm, or whoever else might be representing you, as well as your insurance provider. Knowing the protocol will actually mean that you have more confidence as you drive around, so this is hugely important to think about from time to time.

Confidence Is Everything

When you are driving, you will find that being able to have a lot of confidence is absolutely always going to help you drive better. Those who drive with confidence tend to have fewer crashes, and they tend to enjoy the process more as well, which is no bad thing in itself. If you are not currently all that confident, then you can improve this by simply getting a lot more practice in. you can do that through merely driving normally, or you can consider taking further lessons than strictly necessary in order to develop your driving skills. However you do it, developing your confidence is going to help a lot when you are driving.

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Slow & Steady

Remember that driving is one of the most dangerous things you will ever do. That attitude is the right one, as it ensures that you are going to take seriously the power of the vehicle you are behind, and that you will therefore be more likely to take it easy. Taking it slow and steady is going to ensure that you drive with much greater purpose, and that you are much less likely to be involved in any accidents, so this is definitely something that you will want to make sure you are doing from the start.