Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Easy Ways To Start Increasing Your Energy Levels

Experiencing low energy levels can no doubt have a negative effect on your quality of life, so it’s vital that you can take the opportunity to boost your energy so that you can feel invigorated and raring to go. Fortunately this doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might initially expect, as this guide contains some of the most effective steps that you can follow to increase your energy in no time at all! So, if you’re interested in finding out more, then simply read on. 

Eat A More Nutritious Whole Food Diet 

One of the most important steps that you need to follow if you want to increase your energy levels is by eating a more nutritious whole food diet. Unfortunately it’s all too common for modern diets to consist of nothing but ultra processed foods, but these hold little value in terms of vitamins and minerals. Things like chicken nuggets, burgers, cakes and more are terrible for your health and will not help you to achieve the energy levels that you desire, as you need to focus more on natural foods like fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates and natural protein sources. When you make an effort to consume a whole food diet made up of the sources described, you will no doubt notice a near immediate change in the way that you feel. A healthy diet will not only boost your energy, but also help you to achieve clearer skin and improved wellbeing overall - what’s not to love?! 

Perk Up With A Mug Of Tea Or Coffee

Another effective method that you can explore to start boosting your energy levels is to enjoy a mug of tea or coffee! Caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee have long been a go-to for billions of people, helping to offer a midday pick me up that can keep you going until the late afternoon. Many people are under the false impression that coffee actually has more caffeine than tea but this is not the case, as in fact a mug of tea when brewed for 4-5 minutes can provide you with a lot more caffeine than a basic mug of tea. However, you can still find high strength coffee blends which offer a more intense caffeine kick if this is what you are searching for, and you should always take the opportunity to read some coffee maker reviews so that you can locate the best device to help you get your caffeine fix. Unfortunately some people do not blend well with caffeine and may experience issues such as the jitters, poor sleep or increased anxiety when consuming caffeine, especially in larger quantities  - thankfully, you can still start your morning off with a warm mug of mood boosting liquid without the need for caffeine, as you can whip up a delightful green matcha that can boost your energy levels without the need for caffeine! 

Get At Least 7-9 Hours Sleep Per Night 

Tossing and turning your way through another sleepless night can certainly be an infuriating experience when you’re as tired as ever, as nothing is able to recharge and rejuvenate like a good night's sleep. The average adult needs around 7-9 hours of sleep each night to feel their best, but it has to be said that it’s much more common for people to get less than 4-6 instead. There are lots of different reasons why you might be falling victim to poor sleep, starting off with your bed. If you have an uncomfortable mattress with unsupportive pillows and a duvet that’s too thick, then there’s very little chance that you’re going to be able to sleep well. Instead, you need a good quality mattress that meets your firmness needs (visit a bed specialist to try out different mattresses in person), along with a set of comfy pillows made from a long lasting material that isn’t likely to fade or lose shape over time. Your duvet or blankets should be light enough so that you don’t sweat your way through the night, allowing your skin to breathe for the sake of your health and hygiene. If you take the time to adapt your bedroom to promote a great night's sleep yet still end up staring at your ceiling until the early hours, then there are a number of other steps which may be of benefit. Try not to use your smartphone or laptop for a couple of hours before you go to bed to avoid the artificial blue light, and make sure you avoid consuming oily or spicy foods during the evening to minimize gastrointestinal distress when you’re trying to sleep! 

Start Your Day With A Walk

Although it’s fair to say that exercise is probably the last thing on your mind when you are suffering from low energy levels, taking a short walk in the morning is actually going to be a really effective method in helping you to feel awake, alert and ready to face the day. Start your day off by strapping on a pair of comfy trainers to go for a walk around your local neighborhood - it’s best to go before everyone else has started waking up if you want the best experience with no car engines or shouting voices, as this way you can ease yourself into the chaos of the average day in the calmest fashion. When you start your day with a walk you will certainly feel more awake and alert, as the fresh air and rising sun will help you to get prepared for the day ahead. It can be a good idea to adopt a dog if you need some motivation to go for a walk, as they need to go out and exercise at least once a day therefore you can use this an opportunity to walk them. 

Increasing your energy levels has never been such a simple task when you can take the opportunity to utilize some of the brilliant tips and ideas that have been carefully detailed above, so what are you waiting for?

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Adult Braces? Why Not!

If you are an adult who is conscious of their smile, you may have once considered adult braces. Braces are often something that’s given to children and teenagers to align the teeth as they get older, so you may not consider braces at first when it comes to improving your oral health and the look of your smile. 

The thing is, you’re not actually stuck with the smile that you have right now if you don’t want to be, because your dentist can help you to link with an orthodontist who can give you braces as a grown-up. More and more people are choosing to start orthodontic treatment in adulthood, and here are some of the reasons you should say yes.

  • Improving your self-confidence. The chances are high that you will be meeting a lot of new people both professionally and personally as a grown-up. Nothing can help to boost your confidence more than the perfect smile, before that your teeth need to be straight and you need to feel good about them. When you choose to get braces in adulthood, you’re starting yourself towards a journey that’s going to help you to improve your self-confidence and that’s not an easy thing to do.
  • They can correct any pain. Braces can correct any pain or issues with your bike and alignment that you have in your mouth. If you overcompensate a certain way when you’re chewing or smiling, or you are doing something because your teeth aren’t lined up the right way, addressing the issue with your boat with braces can really help you to be more comfortable and alleviate any chronic issues.
  • You have options. You don’t have to go with the old train track braces that are made of metal like you would’ve had to as a teenager. There are no more treatment options available than when you’re a child including things like Invisalign or ceramic braces. This treatment is created with adults in mind who were unable to have orthodontic treatment as children and were then able to afford it as a grown-up. Invisalign treatment please bend into the teeth to allow for a low-profile look and clear braces can add a little bit of clarity to the way you smile. 
  • They are now much easier to take care of. As a teenager, it’s very easy to be lacking in the way that you care for your braces. As an adult who is now paying for them, you may be more inclined to look after them and the way that they look. You’re also more likely to avoid the foods that can damage your braces and practice better hygiene including flossing and brushing. You will also ensure that you don’t skip out on your orthodontic appointment so that you stay on track with the money that you are spending. It doesn't have to be a bad thing – they are going to help you greatly as long as you choose the right dentist or orthodontist to go with you’ll be able to get the results that you want.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Natural Remedies To Help You With Pain Relief


When you are in pain it is no fun to have to deal with this. You might also be fed up with having to reach for over the counter prescription drugs each time you have a headache. If you prefer not having to take medicine, unless it is for medical reasons of course, then opting for more natural pain relief methods can be useful to know. So here are some alternative options below which are not invasive and will help to keep you feeling your best

Add Turmeric To Your Diet 

Turmeric can be great to help reduce inflammation and has been utilized for many years in traditional medicine. You could opt for natural supplements that contain turmeric or include turmeric powder in your meals. There is also the option of turmeric milk and turmeric tea. So it is very easy to include this in your daily diet. It contains an ingredient called curcumin which can be great at helping relieve muscle tension, soreness and inflammation. 

Include CBD Products 

A good alternative to manage your pain can be in the form of Cannabidiol otherwise known as CBD. It is extracted naturally from Hemp and Marijiuana plants but does not provide you with the same high that is generally associated with cannabis. You can find an array of products containing cbd online, which is perfectly safe and legal to take. You could choose tablets or oil to help you manage your pain relief which has been shown to help with chronic pain and inflammation. 

Try White Willow Bark 

White Willow Bark is derived from the bark of a tree and contains an ingredient inside of it calles salicin, which can be very useful at providing pain relief and reducing inflammation. This is ideal for example if you have joint pain, headaches or want something that is anti-inflammatory. You can find it in supplement or tea form. So you will be able to easily incorporate this into your routine. 

Use a Heat Pad

You could use a hot water bottle or heat pad and apply this to the affected area of your body. It can provide a soothing sensation and help your muscles to relax, which can be good at reducing the intensity of pain that you are feeling. 

Massage Therapy 

If you have pain in your legs or back then it can be useful to see a professional masseuse who will be able to provide a relaxing massage. Simply by massaging the affected area can help to improve blood circulation which can help restore any tired or damaged muscles. This can help speed up the healing process and potentially reduce the pain you are experiencing. 

Overall if you are tired of having to rely on strong medication to help reduce your pain then it is always useful to look for more natural forms of pain relief so that you do not become hooked on prescribed medication and can give your body a break from them. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to Ensure Your Well-Being While Working from Home

Working from home can be a great way to save on commuting costs and get more work done, but staying productive can also be challenging if you're not careful. Here are some tips for ensuring that you remain well-rounded and effective while working from home.

Have a Healthy Home Office

Your home office should be where you can feel comfortable working for long periods. Make sure that your desk and computer chair are at a comfortable height and that you have good lighting.

Ideally, this should be near a window you can open to have enough ventilation and fresh air. It is essential to have enough sunlight for Vitamin D and an uplifted mood. You should also be able to look out to rest your eyes.

Surround your home office with plants. The plants will improve air quality because they absorb carbon dioxide and toxins while releasing oxygen. Choose plants with large leaves because they give off more oxygen. That will keep you energized.

Take breaks every so often. Make sure to get up to walk around and stretch at least once an hour. According to Mayo Clinic, sitting for long periods can increase your risk of developing various illnesses.

Establish Rules for People at Home

If you live with other people, it can be challenging to establish rules for when you are working. You need to set boundaries so that people know not to disturb you while working unless it is an emergency.

Your home office can be the physical boundary between work and home life. Make sure to communicate your work schedule with the people you live with for them to know when you are available and when you are not. That will set clear expectations.

Do Not Over-Extend Work Hours

While it is reasonable to have to extend work sometimes, do not make this a habit. Working excessive hours can lead to burnout, and it is vital to have an excellent work-life balance.

Set a schedule for yourself and stick to it as much as possible. Turn off your work phone and computer when you are done for the day to relax and enjoy your personal time.

Eat Healthy Meals

When you're working from home, it can be easy to let your diet slide. Make sure to take the time to cook yourself healthy meals, and pack snacks and drinks that will help you stay energized throughout the day.

You can cook big batches of healthy dishes on weekends and freeze these in single servings. All you have to do is pop one in the microwave every mealtime.

Avoid working through lunch, and take a few minutes to relax and eat mindfully. This has several benefits, including easing stress, improving your digestion, and making you feel full and satisfied even when eating less.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Working from home can sometimes make it difficult to stick to a normal sleep cycle. However, getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining your health and productivity.

Try to go to bed and wake up on the same schedule every day, even when it is not a work day. This can help to regulate your body's natural sleep cycle.

Make sure that your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool enough for sleeping. Consider investing in a noise machine or earplugs if you live in a loud area.

Avoid working in bed, as this can make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you find yourself working late into the evening, try taking a break earlier in the day so that you don't end up feeling exhausted.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising not only helps to improve your physical health, but it can also boost your mood and mental well-being.

If you can, try to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise every day. This doesn't have to be all at once - you can break it up into smaller chunks of time if that's easier.

There are plenty of exercises you can do without leaving your home, such as yoga, Pilates, or simple body weight exercises. There are online guides to help you. If you have a backyard or balcony, you can also get some fresh air while you exercise.

Make Time for Hobbies and Socializing

It's important to make time for activities that bring you joy outside of work. Whether it's reading, playing an instrument, or spending time with friends and family, make sure to schedule some time for yourself.

You can also use your lunch break to socialize with co-workers, even if you're not in the same office. Connecting with others can help reduce stress and improve your mood.

If you live alone, there are plenty of ways to stay connected with others while social distancing. You can video call friends and family, join online communities, or even start a book club over Zoom.

Work Well and Stay Well

Working from home doesn't have to be all work and no play. By following these tips, you can make sure that you're taking care of your mental and physical health while still being productive. So don't forget to take a break, get some exercise, and enjoy your hobbies! You can create a healthy routine that will help you succeed without sacrificing your well-being.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Autoimmune Conditions: What You Need To Know

Being diagnosed with an autoimmune condition can be a shock to anyone, not least because even those of us who are constantly worried about getting ill tend to focus more on bigger, more catastrophic diagnoses. While issues such as cancer and heart disease certainly merit our full concern, none of this should diminish the seriousness with which we treat autoimmune diseases, which can be hugely complicated to deal with. If you’re concerned that you might be experiencing autoimmune symptoms, it’s worth looking deeper into the matter - so let’s have a look at what you need to know about such conditions.

What is an autoimmune condition?

This is a complex question in and of itself. Autoimmune conditions are still not fully understood, but what we do know is that these are conditions in which our bodies’ immune systems attack healthy tissue by mistake. Some examples are Addison’s disease, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

What causes autoimmune conditions?

This is unclear, but the leading theory is that rogue organisms - possibly bacteria - change the immune system in a way which causes it to mistake healthy tissue for diseased tissue. As a result, our bodies essentially attack themselves.

What are the signs of autoimmune conditions?

It very much depends upon the condition that you have, but telltale signs include fatigue, rashes, joint pain and an unexplained general feeling of illness. Other signs include seemingly isolated instances of decay, such as damage to the teeth and frequent infections.

How do you treat an autoimmune condition?

Treatment can be a long-winded process of exclusion, as the exact nature of the condition may not be immediately clear even after medical testing. Usually, the principal treatment will be to supplement a compound that the body is not making properly due to the condition - which may be vitamin B12, insulin or thyroid hormone among others. Until the exact condition is known, treating the peripheral symptoms is important: antibiotics will fight infections, physical therapy will help with pain and porcelain veneers are durable and strong weapons to mitigate tooth decay. Autoimmune conditions can rarely be cured, but the symptoms may be controlled to a great extent.

What is the prognosis for autoimmune conditions?

If you are diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, you will probably have it for life. While this sounds like a stark warning, it is important to know that the condition itself is almost never fatal, and you can expect to have the same lifespan as someone without the condition. The question of quality of life is more important - and as long as your condition is treated and the symptoms managed, there is no reason that your life need be greatly impaired. The issue of vital importance is that you get to the bottom of what’s causing your illness, and have the correct treatment. This may take time, but it’s worth it.

If you’re diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, it’s natural to be worried, but bear in mind that celebrities such as Venus Williams, Missy Elliot and Selena Gomez have all had varying diagnoses and thrived at the top of their industries afterwards. These are illnesses to take seriously, but they don’t need to be considered catastrophic if you look after yourself well.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Eye Redness and Itching: Causes and Treatment

Red eyes and itchy eyes can be caused by a number of things, including allergies, dry eyes, and eye infections. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important to see your doctor or optometrist to determine the cause and get treatment. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of red eyes and itching, as well as some of the treatments available.


Allergies are a common cause of red and itchy eyes. Allergic reactions can be triggered by pollen, dust, pet dander, or other irritants. You could also be allergic to certain foods. If you have allergies, you may also experience sneezing, a runny nose, or congestion. Treatment for allergic reactions typically includes over-the-counter or prescription medications to relieve symptoms. If you speak with a doctor, they can perform an allergy test on you so you can determine what the triggers are. By avoiding things that cause a reaction, you should be able to avoid the redness and itching around your eyes.


Uveitis is a condition that causes inflammation in the uvea, which is the middle layer of the eye. This can lead to redness, itching, and other symptoms. Uveitis often occurs after an infection or injury to the eye. Treatment typically includes medications such as steroids to reduce inflammation. Some people experience this once and then it is treated and goes away. However, some people find that it is a recurring problem. In this case, there are chronic uveitis treatments available that can help. These injections will help to manage the symptoms and stop them from recurring.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye Syndrome is a condition that can cause redness and itching in the eyes. This happens when there is not enough lubrication in the eye, which can lead to irritation. The symptoms of dry eye syndrome can be worsened by things such as smoke, wind, or air conditioning. Treatment for dry eye syndrome typically includes over-the-counter or prescription eye drops that will help to lubricate the eyes and relieve the symptoms. It is important to speak with a doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms regularly, as they can help determine the cause and provide treatment for dry eye syndrome.

Reactions To Medication

Certain medications can cause side effects such as redness and itching in the eyes. If you are taking medication and experiencing these symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor. They may be able to adjust the dosage or switch you to a different medication instead. Common medications that are likely to cause side effects include antibiotics, blood pressure medications, and antihistamines. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications often have a lot of side effects too.

There are many different causes of red eyes and itching. Allergies, uveitis, dry eye syndrome, and reactions to medication are all common causes. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it is important that you don't ignore them. There are many treatments available that can help to reduce redness and itching and deal with the underlying health conditions that cause the symptoms in the first place.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Feel Better About Your Smile with This Advice

Smiling is not only something that we do when we're happy but also something that can make us feel happy in itself. Even if you're not in the mood to smile, putting on a grin can actually help you to feel better by releasing endorphins. But it can be difficult to smile and laugh if you don't feel very good about your smile. A lot of people don't feel too confident about their smile, whether it's due to what their smile looks like or because they lack confidence or self-esteem. If you want to feel better about your smile, here are some things that you can do.

See Your Dentist

A visit to your dentist is essential if you have any dental problems that you need to fix. The longer you leave an issue with your teeth or gums, the worse that problem might become. Many people feel scared or anxious when thinking about going to the dentist, but dentists know how to treat nervous patients well. They can help to fix broken teeth with dental crowns, give you fillings, and replace missing teeth. Your dentist can also simply give you a checkup and ensure your teeth are clean and healthy.

Improve Your Oral Care Routine

Seeing your dentist is important, but you're still responsible for the day-to-day care of your teeth. A good oral care routine is important, not just to help your teeth look healthy but so that they feel clean and healthy too. When you take care of your teeth, they'll feel smooth and clean, and you'll have a nice, fresh breath. Plus, you can help to prevent stains by cleaning your teeth thoroughly every day. Take care of your teeth by avoiding anything that can damage them too, from playing contact sports without a mouth guard to eating hard candies.

Rethink the Perfect Smile

What is the perfect smile? With so many perfectly straight, perfectly white smiles in Hollywood and all over the media can feel hard to compete with. Even when you take care of your teeth, you won't necessarily have the perfect smile. Your smile doesn't have to be perfectly symmetrical, either. Everyone's smile is unique and yours doesn't have to look a certain way. Rethinking what a smile should look like can help you to embrace your own and feel better about what you look like when you smile and laugh.

Boost Your Confidence

Feeling more confident about not just your smile but also overall can really help you to have a more positive view of your smile. When you feel confident and have good self-esteem, you can smile without having to worry about what you look like. If you can work on your confidence and smile with confidence, you won't feel the need to hide your smile. It can take some time to improve your confidence, but practicing your smile in the mirror is one way to do it.

If you want to feel better about your smile, work on how you feel inside as well as what you look like on the outside.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

3 Less-heard-of Ways to Lower Your Stress Stat

Contrary to what most people think, stress can be good for the body. In fact, it is a natural response to threats like a pathogen fighting against the immune system or a possible bite from an animal.

If your fight-and-flight response doesn't work properly (or, on rare occasions, at all), you won't be able to determine the difference between a dangerous or neutral situation. You won't build lifelong skills like resilience or agility based on your experiences.

But chronic stress is a different beast. In the long term, it can increase the risk of inflammation, impair the immune system, and dampen the mood. For women, some studies suggest that it may decrease fertility.

While you cannot escape from chronic stress, you can learn to cope with it and lower its levels. And, as it turns out, even some of the unusual things you can do can help you manage this issue. Here are a few ideas you can try:

1. Do Some Chores

How can cleaning the house, sewing, or washing the dishes help you beat stress? These activities sound counterproductive. In reality, depending on how you do them, they can induce mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the concept of being conscious or aware of the elements of the present moment: sounds, objects you see, feelings, touch sensations, smell, and a lot more.

Doing this can slow down what could be an overthinking brain. It also teaches you to perform observations objectively or without judgment. This sense of detachment and awareness can reduce your feelings of anxiety and ease the tension in the body that could have been brought about by stress.

Usually, when people talk about mindfulness, they think about meditation. They don't mean the same thing, as there are other kinds of meditation.

Moreover, mindfulness meditation is just one approach to it. You can always be mindful by focusing on what you're doing, including the chores. Even better, activities like working on sewing patterns to download can turn into hobbies, so they become even more relaxing.

2. Walk Barefoot on the Grass

Also known as earthing, grounding is the process of walking barefoot (or with the least barrier between the feet and the ground). This is based on the premise that this activity connects your body to the free electrons on the surface.

Based on studies, people may develop the disease because of oxidative stress, and this happens when the body has more rogue electrons stealing from other healthy cells. Grounding, therefore, can help restore the balance and, thus, provide antioxidant effects.

It may also improve sleep, reduce inflammation, and decrease the risk of illnesses. The best way to ground yourself is to go out early in the morning and walk on the green grass. This way, too, you can enjoy some sunlight that helps produce vitamin D.

However, if this is not possible, you can perform visualization. Imagine yourself walking in the forest barefoot or touching the sand with your feet. Another option is to picture your feet slowly growing roots into the ground during meditation.

3. Embrace a Tree

Another unusual-but beneficial-way to decrease your stress levels is to hug a tree. Called forest bathing (or shinrin-yoku, since it originated in Japan), this is a mindfulness practice that can promote health and well-being in the following ways:

  • The forests can bring your attention outward, so you have less time to ruminate or overthink. In turn, not only does it calm your mind, but it also gives it a rest. This probably explains why many people feel refreshed after taking a walking trail among the trees.
  • Even the faint smell of the trees and forest can be calming, according to a 2020 study. Scientists in the research explained that this could be due to the unique way the brain processes smells. Because it bypasses certain regions, the brain can receive these sensory outputs more quickly, so you also respond faster with scents.
  • Hugging a tree may help release feel-good hormones. One of these is oxytocin, which other experts also call the love drug. It gives you the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you embrace a person. This is also the same hormone responsible for feeling or concepts of trust and empathy, which are essential in relationships.

Can exercise lower stress? Yes, it can. So do meeting with friends, writing your problems in a journal, or scheduling digital detox once in a while. But as this list shows, you can do so much moreto lower your stress level fast.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Hearing health is something that a lot of us are aware of, but we rarely check up on it. Unlike our overall physical health, our teeth or even our eyes, many of us tend to ignore our hearing health. This isn’t because we’re neglecting it, but it’s likely because most of us don’t know the effects of hearing loss. When you start losing your sight, it’s rather obvious because you start to notice differences in what you can see versus what others see.

This is a lot different from our hearing health because it happens very gradually as we age or if we’re exposed to loud noises. As such, we typically can’t tell if we have hearing loss or not and we usually brush it under the rug. Sometimes we just don’t notice a sound or we might be focusing on something else so we don’t hear someone calling for us. It’s fairly natural for this to happen and we usually don’t do anything about it.

So what are the signs that you should get your hearing checked? What kind of things should you be looking out for if you want to take better care of your hearing?

Source: Pexels (CC0)

Others complain about the volume that you listen to things at

One of the biggest telltale signs that you could be losing your hearing is if someone else complains about the volume that you listen to things. If you’ve ever passed your headphones to someone and they reel back because it’s too loud, or if they tell you to turn down the TV or your speakers, then there’s a chance that you might be experiencing hearing loss.

You work in a loud workplace

If you work in a relatively loud workplace that requires you to wear hearing protection, then it’s worth heeding their caution and ensuring that you have ear protection. Likewise, if you work in a loud environment such as driving a train, working as a DJ or even playing live music, then you’ll want to learn more about molded earplugs that could save your ears. If you work in a loud workplace, it’s a good idea to get your ears checked now and then so that you can ensure you’re not being affected by hearing loss.

You occasionally miss calls or alarms

Missing a call or alarm now and then is fine, but if you find that it happens more often than you’d like, then it’s worth seeing a hearing specialist. If it happens too many times and has caused you problems in the past, such as missing an important call or leaving a friend waiting outside your house for a long time, then you should definitely see an expert about it.

You find yourself pointing your ear at someone when you want to hear them

If you find that you’re constantly pointing your ear at people to hear them, then it could be a sign that you’re starting to lose your hearing. However, it could just be because you’re in a loud place, but it’s a concern that you shouldn’t ignore. While it doesn’t mean that you’ll need to start wearing a hearing aid every day, it could be a good wakeup call so that you start paying a little more attention to how loud your environment is.

Having a conversation makes you feel tired

Another sign that you might have hearing loss is if you feel tired after you have a conversation, particularly if it’s in a relatively loud space such as a crowded area. Trying to listen to people when we have hearing loss can be surprisingly stressful. This is because our body needs to compensate for our hearing loss, so we tend to strain our body if we want to hear something. This means that we can feel a little fatigued after a conversation. This makes it hard for us to be in social situations and can lead to us feeling isolated from others.

You experience a ringing or buzzing in your ear

A ringing or buzzing in your ear indicates that you have tinnitus. However, it doesn’t always mean that you have hearing loss. It’s worth checking as the conditions for both hearing loss and tinnitus are similar, but it doesn’t mean that one causes the other. While they are closely related, it’s good to remember that tinnitus can usually be treated in a number of different ways. You can retrain your ears to filter out the tinnitus, or you can even use devices to mask the tinnitus.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Tell-Tale Signs Of Vitamin Deficiency You Should Watch Out For

When people talk about nutrition, it is often in relation to exercise and weight loss. It’s important that you get your balance of nutrients right after working out so you can recover properly. However, nutrition isn’t just important after exercise, it’s important all of the time.

Your body needs certain vitamins and nutrients to function properly and if you have deficiencies, it can lead to serious health problems. That’s why it’s so important to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and potentially consider taking vitamin supplements. 

The problem is, a lot of people don’t realize that they are lacking in certain vitamins and nutrients until it starts having a serious impact on their health. Knowing how to spot the signs and adjust your diet accordingly is one of the best ways to protect your health. 

These are some of the most common signs of vitamin deficiency that you should watch out for. 

Getting Sick All The Time 

We all catch a cold from time to time, no matter how healthy we are. But if you are constantly getting sick and you find it difficult to beat a nasty cold, it might be down to your nutrition. Certain vitamins and nutrients are essential for a healthy immune system, so if you are missing them from your diet, you will get sick very easily and your body won’t be very good at fighting off illness. Vitamin C is a common one and people often recommend that you eat citrus fruits when you have a cold. As well as citrus fruits, you can find it in most green vegetables and there are plenty of supplements you can take too. 

You also need vitamin D for a healthy immune system, so make sure that you get outside and get some sun as much as you can. Iron, Zinc, and Selenium also boost your immune system and you can find them in leafy green vegetables, meat, and seafood. Unless you eat a varied diet that includes a range of different vegetables, as well as meat and pulses, your immune system will be weak and you will get sick all the time. 


Fatigue is quite a common problem, which has many potential causes. It might be down to lack of sleep or an underlying health condition, but it is often due to poor nutrition. People that do not get enough iron in their diet often develop a condition called anemia, which is characterized by a low red blood cell count and causes excessive tiredness. If you speak to your doctor, they can give you a blood test to determine whether you have anemia or not. In some cases, adjusting your diet may be enough to solve the problem but doctors often prescribe supplements to help improve your iron levels and boost your energy. 

A generally poor diet that is high in fat and sugar and low in vitamins will also lead to low energy levels. Even in people that have plenty of iron in their diet, this can still be a problem. If you notice that you are feeling tired, consider eating more fresh fruit and cutting back on unhealthy snacks. You’d be surprised how much difference it can make. 

Having said that, chronic fatigue can also be a sign of more serious health problems, like heart disease, thyroid diseases, or mental health issues such as depression. So, don’t ignore the symptoms and see a doctor right away. 

Lack Of Sleep 

Your fatigue will be made worse by lack of sleep, which can also be linked to vitamin deficiencies. There are countless reasons why you may find it hard to get a good night’s sleep, so it’s important that you investigate different possibilities, but there is a strong chance that it could be down to a vitamin D deficiency. Lack of vitamin D is one of the more common deficiencies because we spend so much time inside and don’t get enough sunlight. This has been shown to have a negative impact on sleep patterns and the overall quality of sleep that people get. If you can, get outside a bit more and make simple lifestyle changes, like walking instead of driving, to increase your vitamin D intake. 

Spoon Shaped Nails 

People who have anemia often notice other changes as well as fatigue, like spoon shaped nails. If you notice that your fingernails are up from the nail bed, it’s likely that you are lacking in iron. Some people notice this symptom even if they don’t feel fatigued. Speak with your doctor and they may provide supplements, especially if you are very fatigued as well. However, they may simply recommend that you change your diet. 

Hair Loss 

Hair loss is one of the lesser known symptoms of nutritional deficiency, but your hair is actually a very good indicator of how well-rounded your diet is. Many people with a poor diet have dry and brittle hair and, in some cases, it can start to fall out. This often goes unnoticed in men because they assume that it is just male pattern baldness. However, improving your diet is one of the best tips to stop hair loss for both men and women. Some hair loss is normal as you get older but if you notice that your hair is suddenly very dry and you are losing large clumps, that is a cause for concern. Hair loss can indicate a deficiency in fatty acids, protein or iron, so if your hair has changed in any way, consider whether your diet may have a role to play. 

Cracking Around The Mouth 

Dry, cracked skin around the corners of your mouth can be caused by a cold sore, but it may also be an indication that you have a vitamin deficiency. This condition, called angular cheilitis, is fairly common and it is usually down to a vitamin B or an iron deficiency. People notice that these small areas of cracked skin appear and they will not heal. Over time, they keep breaking open again and they usually don’t go away unless you address the vitamin deficiency that is causing it. 

Other oral health problems may be caused by a bad diet too. Mouth ulcers, for example, are very common in people that don’t get enough vitamin B in their diet. A pale, swollen tongue is another common sign of vitamin deficiency to watch out for as well. 

Dry Eyes 

Dry eyes are a very common problem these days because many of us spend all day working at a computer and most of us spend a good chunk of the day looking at our phone screens too. The light from the screens can put extra strain on the eyes, causing them to dry out and become painful. However, before you start blaming your phone, you should also consider your nutrition. 

Vitamin A is incredibly important for eye health and many people that suffer from dry eyes also have a vitamin A deficiency. If left untreated, vitamin A deficiency can lead to more serious ocular health conditions and it is even the leading cause of preventable blindness in children around the world. 

If you are concerned about dry eyes and you think that it may be caused by screens, you can use eye drops or sprays to rehydrate your eyes. Taking regular breaks to look away from the screen and refocus your eyes will also help a lot. However, if the symptoms persist, you should try to add more vitamin A to your diet if possible. 

If you notice any of these symptoms, you may need to change your diet to address your vitamin deficiencies. But if you are concerned about anything, it’s best to be on the safe side and see your doctor. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Snoring Can Be A Sign Of These Health Problems


You probably thought that snoring is nothing other than an annoyance at night. If you snore, you have to deal with people complaining about it in the morning. Even worse, if you live with someone that snores, you have to stay up all night trying to deal with it! 

In either scenario, you shouldn't turn a blind eye to snoring and dismiss it as inconsequential. It's important to get treatment for snoring as it is linked to some health issues. Similarly, snoring can also be a sign of different health problems manifesting in your body. If you snore, it's smart to see a doctor so they can diagnose the cause of your snoring. There's every chance that it could be one of these issues:


Rhinitis is a condition affecting your nose, making it hard to breathe. You will typically suffer from a stuffy nose, which gets worse at night. This can come about due to allergies, in which case you have allergic rhinitis. Or, your nose can react to environmental factors - like strong smells or dry air - causing the stuffy feeling. It's incredibly annoying, and the blockage in your nose means you're more likely to breathe through your mouth and snore at night. So, if you snore all the time and have a constantly blocked nose, this could be why. 

Sleep Apnea

Snoring is very closely linked to sleep apnea. Indeed, it's one of the main symptoms, along with choking at night. Sleep apnea is a condition where you struggle to breathe at night, and can often stop breathing for periods altogether. You tend to wake up feeling really restless, and you may startle awake in the middle of the night. It's a fairly serious condition as it leads to a considerably poor night's sleep every single evening. 

Thankfully, treatment for sleep apnea is available with special machines called a CPAP machine. Basically, you wear a mask over your face that's connected to the device, and it helps you breathe normally. It's worth finding a CPAP buying guide before getting any machines, just to be sure you buy the right one for your condition. Anyway, sleep apnea may be the reason you snore, particularly if you wake up in the middle of the night and always get a bad night's sleep. 

Excessive alcohol consumption 

That's right, snoring can be an indication that you're drinking too much alcohol. If this is the case, you need to cut down right away. Alcohol will do terrible things to your health, so it should be ingested in moderation. Excessive consumption causes snoring as the alcohol relaxes your tongue too much. Basically, this makes it flop around in your mouth, blocking the throat. In turn, this creates the sound of snoring. Try cutting down on alcohol - particularly before bed - and see if it makes a difference. 

You see, snoring isn't just an annoyance, it can be a symptom of underlying health problems. Figure out what's making you snore, then get the right treatment for it.   

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Ways In Which Even An Office Job Can Endanger You

You might think that getting to spend all day behind a desk is pretty compared to some of the jobs out there. There’s no denying it doesn’t quite carry the risks of working on a construction site, in a mine, or an oil platform, but if you neglect to recognize the health risks inherent in many offices, you can leave yourself open to some pretty serious injuries. Here, we’re going to look at some of the most common office health risks and what you can do to deal with them.


While it might not seem like the most serious of risks, eye strain can cause a lot of problems. For one, it’s painful, leaving your eyes feeling stinging and watery. However, it can also lead to increased stress, as well as headaches, including migraines, that can ruin your day even when work is done. Most modern eyestrain is caused by being too close to your screen, which emits blue light that can cause real harm. However, there are blue light covers you put over a monitor to control those emissions.

Musculoskeletal injuries

There are a lot of posture problems in the average office. Sedentary lifestyles can increase your risk of chronic hip pain, back pain, and knee pain. You can lose your range of mobility to the point that it’s easy to pull something simply by twisting the wrong way, or the pressure of bad posture can slowly cause inflammation and pain. Ergonomic furniture in the office can help you ensure you’re sitting in a safe and healthy way, but it’s crucial to take breaks, stand up, and stretch your legs.

Slips, trips, and falls

There are a lot of offices out there that could stand to be a lot tidier. The biggest risk of all is having any tripping hazards out in the walkway between desks. Looking where you are going as best as possible can help you avoid them but any tripping hazards are largely the responsibility of employers. If you don’t feel they have taken care of the work environment or left warnings where necessary, it may be worth talking to the best injury law firm if you injure yourself. Otherwise, try to warn them of work environment conditions ahead of time so they can fix it.

Lifting accidents

Similarly, if you feel like you aren’t able to safely lift some essentials in the office, such as boxes of documents or digital equipment from the storeroom, you should let your employer know. Trying to lift heavy objects without the right aid can cause sudden and serious back injuries. You can be taught proper lifting form to make sure that you’re doing it as safely as possible, but you should also know when you’re doing to need certain pieces of equipment, such as trolleys, to help move especially heavy objects. This isn’t as common in the office but does still happen regularly enough to keep it in mind.

Ensure you protect your rights to a safe working environment and speak up if you feel unsafe or have been injured by the office. You have to be your own advocate.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Common Reasons You May Be Experiencing Chronic Hip Pain

Your hips are involved with a wide range of movements you make every day, from walking and running to getting up and down and turning. It should come as no surprise, then, that many people live with chronic pain in their hips. However, just because they are a vital and key part of daily motion does not mean your hips have to hurt. The more you know about the common causes of pain in this area, the better prepared you will be to overcome it. 

Arthritis and Joint Damage

Arthritis is not a single disease. Rather, it is an umbrella term for many different types of degenerative joint disorders. The two most common forms are rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. They have very different clinical presentations and causes. 

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder where your body actually attacks the joints and, sometimes, organs. It can appear at any time in life but is more common in adults than children. RA can be a debilitating condition that needs careful management from a rheumatologist. 

Osteoarthritis is more akin to wear and tear. It usually develops over time as joints wear out. Poor nutrition and injuries can exacerbate the condition and cause it to appear in younger people. As osteoarthritis of the hip progresses, many people choose to undergo hip replacement Charleston SC to restore function to and relieve the discomfort in the joint. 

Soft Tissue Injuries

Pain centered on the external portions of the hip tends to be caused b soft tissue damage. This may be a strain, a sprain from a sudden injury or movement or tendonitis from repetitive use. In most cases, resting the affected area can help ease these symptoms. 

Although arthritis and soft tissue strains are common causes of chronic hip pain, they are not the only ones. The best way to determine why you are experiencing chronic pain is to discuss your symptoms with a medical care provider and undergo testing.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

How To Protect Yourself From Asbestos

Asbestos, though is has many uses and is very versatile, is a very dangerous substance. It is known to cause cancer and many other health issues. If you are doing any work with products that contain asbestos or if you will be near someone who is, then you need to take special care to make sure you do not get exposed. If you cannot do this on your own or you do not feel comfortable then the best idea is to hire a professional. Asbestos is dangerous and no job or project is worth risking your health.


Thin disposable coveralls will protect you while you work and they are also lightweight and breathable so you can still remain comfortable. Coveralls will protect your skin from asbestos, fibers and any other debris that may be around while you are working. They will keep your skin from getting irritated and they will also make it much easier to clean up when you are done. Because asbestos fibers are so dangerous you do not want them clinging to your skin or clothing, especially after you have taken your other protective gear off. You can learn more about proper protection from Asbestos.Net


Goggles will protect your eyes from asbestos particles. Asbestos fibers are microscopic and they travel far when released into the air. This is not a substance you want to get in your eyes. Goggles that create a seal all the way around your eyes will offer the best protection for this type of work. They will also protect your eyes from any other debris or flying parts while you work.

A Respirator 

A respirator is probably the most important piece of you protective equipment. Most of the problems that asbestos causes come from breathing in the particles and microscopic fibers that are floating around in the air once they are disturbed. It is very important to get a respirator that covers both your mouth and your nose and uses HEPA filters. Regular paper masks that are used for dust or mowing the lawn will be of no use when it comes to asbestos. It is just as important to ensure that you are using the respirator correctly as improper use will render it useless.

Working with or around asbestos can seem very intimidating and daunting or even scary. However, there are plenty of ways to make the experience safe. If you visit your local hardware store you'll likely find what you need and someone who can help you.

Friday, August 28, 2020

5 Habits That Are Damaging Your Hearing Health

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Right from birth, our bodies are exposed to different kinds of health problems right through our growing days into old age. But there are certain kinds of health problems that we are totally responsible for as a result of our habits and actions. Hearing loss may not be the most talked-about health issue. But with over 48 million Americans affected by different kinds of hearing conditions at some point in their lives, this health issue is more common than we may acknowledge. Unfortunately, most people only realize the negative consequences of their habits either when it is too late, or when their attention is drawn to it. So, in this article, we will take a look at some everyday habits that are causing damage to our hearing.

1. Listening to loud music

Sometimes, we feel like cranking up the volume to appreciate the beats and enjoy the music. But as the bass continues to pound in your inner ears, just remember that it could leave behind some permanent hearing damage. There is a reason why, thankfully, most smart devices warn us when we are turning up the volume too high. However, and quite unfortunately, most people go ahead and ignore the warnings. So, always remember to turn down the volume. And if you are a music lover, then it is best to ensure that you do not soak in your music non-stop if you are using earphones. Also, never turn the volume up beyond 65% of the volume setting on your device. 

2. Not eating a balanced diet

Yup, there is such a thing as ear food. Generally, the kind of food you eat will have implications on your physical wellbeing. Thus, it is very important to ensure that you consume a balanced diet on a daily basis. Fast food may be quick and delicious, but most of them are filled with a lot of trans fat and sodium, all of which do not add anything significantly positive to your health - and hearing health for that matter. Eat foods that are rich in omega-three fatty acids, which help to improve internal circulation, and hence feed the tiny cells located in the inner part of the ears. Also, ensure that you supplement your diet with vitamins such as vitamins D and B12. But only add these supplements if you have such a deficiency. 

3. Living an inactive or sedentary life

Not being active often or not regularly exercising is not only bad for your general health, but it also contributes to poor hearing. Being a couch potato, for example, will increase your likelihood of gaining unhealthy weight as well the many other health problems that come with it - diabetes, poor cardiac health, hypertension, etc. and all these can affect your hearing health. Regular exercise or an active lifestyle boosts blood circulation and, thus, provides the tiny blood vessels located in the inner part of the ears with enough oxygen and blood. This helps in delaying the onset of Sensorineural Hearing Loss

4. Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol

As if you need to be given more reason to quit smoking or cut down on the amount of alcohol you consume. Alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking are mostly likened to the liver and cardiac ailments. But that’s not all; these bad habits can also have a negative impact on our hearing health. Smoking is one of the main causes of arteriosclerosis, a condition that leads to the walls of the arteries becoming thick. This condition can affect the supply of blood to the inner parts of the ears, as the arteries are responsible for that. Drinking too much alcohol can also cause hearing loss. This is because it can contaminate the bloodstream and make it toxic. Thus, the kind of blood supply that will reach the inner parts of the ears will end up killing the tiny hair cells that are responsible for converting sound waves to electrical impulses to the brain. Plus, alcohol can also cause vertigo and tinnitus. 

5. Not getting regular checkups

Unfortunately, most people wait until they feel some discomfort or pain before visiting a doctor. But it is always best to visit an ear or hearing specialist at least twice a year. This could be the difference between ending up with a permanent hearing loss or detecting a potential risk early before it becomes a problem. You may be provided with hearing aids such as the invisible-in-canal or iic hearing aids to help support your hearing. Note, however, that hearing aids do not cure hearing loss. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020

19 Tips To Help You Stay Happy & Healthy As COVID-19 Continues

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The worst of the first wave of COVID-19 may have passed, but its impacts are set to last for a very long time to come. 

While you've done amazingly well to overcome the initial obstacles, it's clear that more permanent ideas are required. Here are 19 simple steps that will serve you well.

#1. Sleep Better

Daily routines have changed, but that shouldn't impact your nighttime routines. Set yourself a regular bedtime, and take the time to ease your body into sleep. When you sleep well, your energy and mood will greatly improve. 

#2. Eat Well

Nutrition is immensely important at all times. However, its impact is even greater right now. Increased water intake is particularly vital while a balanced range of foods should be a priority too. At this moment, portion control is pivotal.

#3. Stay Active

Most people have put on a few pounds over the last few months. Reduced activity is the main cause of those issues. Now is the time to stop making excuses. Yoga, home workouts, and cycling are just some of the available options.

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#4. Get Outside

In addition to time dedicated to vigorous exercise, you should get outside more frequently. The fresh air and vitamin D will serve you well. Exploring the local area with regular walks is ideal while gardening or picnics in the park are great too.

#5. Listen To Your Body

It's very easy to ignore declining health at this time. However, the sooner you respond to hearing loss or other health issues, the better. After all, failure to manage your health at this time could bring major disruption to your wellness.

#6. Cure The Boredom

Whether spending more time at home or less time with friends, you need to stop the boredom. Finding a hobby that can be enjoyed in short or long spells is essential. Otherwise, the repetitive nature of daily life at this time could pose problems.

#7. Meditate 

Keeping your mind, body, and soul in great health is a challenge at this time. Therefore, taking out a little time to enjoy breathing exercises or connect with your inner peace can pay dividends. Now is the time to put it into your routine.

#8. Get Ready For Work

If you're still working from home, it may be tempting to sit in your pajamas all day. This can disrupt productivity and make you lose confidence in your looks. A shower, followed by getting dressed, is essential.

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#9. Consider Building A Home Office

On a similar note, you must avoid working from bed or the sofa. If possible, transforming a guest room into a home office space should occur. If that fails, a designated area to work from should be the minimum expectation.

#10. Upgrade The Home

Looking at the same four walls for longer periods than ever before is probably getting a little frustrating. A dash of color and some new home décor features should soon solve this problem. It will make your daily life far better.

#11. Stay In Touch

Even the relaxed social distancing rules won't stop you from worrying about certain situations. However, digital communications can compensate for a lack of face-to-face interactions. Video calls and social media are ideal.

#12. Develop New Skills

You want to come out of this period with the knowledge that you've grown as a person. Learning a new language or developing new talents to boost your career of daily habits can have a positive impact. You may never have this opportunity again. Take it.

#13. Consider A Pet

Companionship is vital for your health, and a pet can deliver several benefits at this time. Nonetheless, you must take a responsible approach and consider whether it's suitable for the long haul. If it's not, signing up to take rescue pets for walks can work wonders.

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#14. Regain Financial Control

Financial problems are the most common source of stress. Whether it's reducing your monthly outgoings, stopping interest fees, or creating a side source of income is up to you. Either way, increased financial control is crucial.

#15. Stay Tidy

While it's an issue that's most likely to impact your home, it can extend to other areas too. Ultimately, though, good organization starts with keeping things clean and tidy. The clear surroundings will promote a clear mind.

#16. Celebrate Success

Many aspects of our lives have been made a little worse due to the coronavirus. So, when positive features develop, it's important to appreciate them. Focusing on those sources of positivity will work wonders for your mindset.

#17. Buy New Outfits

You may think that there's no point in doing this. Nonetheless, looking good makes you feel good. So, if a new outfit can revamp your style and restore your confidence, you should have no guilt about doing it.

#18. Make Plans

Whether it's making a bucket list or booking next year's vacation is up to you. However, giving yourself something to look forward to will help drag you through the tough times. Now is the time to do it.

#19. Remember It's Not Forever

Right now, it may feel as though the COVID-19 life will never end. It will. Even if it's likely to cause disruption for months to come, we will beat this virus. When you keep hold of that fact, positivity should remain.