Showing posts with label Finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finance. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2018

When we think a little extra spending money would be necessary, the next important step is to start conceiving ideas that potentially yield this ability in the future. Bringing a little extra income into your household may not be a complete walk in the park, but with a little extra time and effort, you might find it’s perfectly possible. To begin with, you will need to decide what kind of assets you have on hand. Are you skilled in a certain discipline? Do you have money saved you may wish to potentially grow? Are you in possession of coveted items? If so, you might consider the following options in order to build more of an established income stream, to raise your quality of life and help you indulge just a little bit more:


Learning how to invest can be a great method of slowly building up your profitable portfolio as the months pass on. This can seem very overwhelming for people who have yet to experience their first steps in this field, but there’s really nothing to be afraid of. There are multiple very worthwhile investing apps you can download on the Play and App stores, and many of these will offer you fall currency to help you practice your skills of forecasting and prediction. There are many resources online to help you understand basic trading concepts, such as this resource to aid in understanding CFDs. Investing is a fun hobby, and a potentially profitable pursuit, you just need the confidence to start.


It could be that renting out an asset you have could be worthwhile. You may have a spare bedroom, a full furnished and featured outhouse going unused, or a vacation home you may wish to make money on throughout the year. You may also be able to offer certain equipment if you have it, such as lending large speakers to students for house parties provided they’re willing to pay a large deposit and sign your terms that have been ratified with a legal business council. Renting your assets and valuable items may help you make long term income on something that may be going unused, helping you develop more appropriately.


It might be that freelancing is the best way to both practice a hidden talent and help make use of your free time. Many often think this space is limited to artistic or writing talents, but you can freelance anything. You might offer your business experience as a consultancy online, or perhaps reupholster furniture. You may verify the legitimacy of certain antiques, or perhaps become an expert in a field you’ve worked in your whole life, providing knowledge and direction to those who may need it. With the internet, almost every skill is easy to market and earn from, provided you exercise a little patience and market to the right communities.

With these simple tips, bringing a little extra income into your household is sure to be easier than expected.

Friday, September 7, 2018

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There are those chilling moments in life where you can tell that everything is just going wrong. Sometimes it happens out of the blue, and you’re assailed by multiple crises one after the other, and sometimes it builds up. You have a bad run in the office, and then an unexpected bill hits you, next thing you know you’re sick, and your car has broken down on a rainy day.

Things can quickly mount, and issues can build up, to the point where what was once a fairly manageable issue threatens to become a major life crisis that you will have real difficulty salvaging.

The key, when this unfortunate kind of situation arises, is to catch things as early as possible, and take the right kind of steps to begin correcting course as soon as you notice what’s going on.

But what are the right steps to take? In this article, we’ll take a look at a few things you can do in order to seize back control of your life when you can feel things sliding off the rails.

Research practical solutions before taking rash action

When you first notice that things are not as they should be, you may well be inclined to resort to rash actions in order to attempt to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

If you’re in a bad financial situation, for example, you may find yourself itching to sign up to the first unscrupulous payday loan provider you can find, without undertaking the process of learning what you should know about the various options available to you before committing to any single one of them.

It is simply in your best interest to pause, take a deep breath, and do your research before committing to any course of action which could have long-term or significant consequences for you.

The internet is a great resource for finding out about different strategies that people might use when in a tough situation, and various kinds of support groups, programs, and services are available which can help you to identify the best course of action before diving in headfirst.

Assume an attitude of extreme personal accountability

When something goes wrong in your life, it generally a good idea not to beat yourself up too much. It’s likely that you may only be partially, if at all, responsible for the way that things have gone. This doesn’t, however, mean that you’re free to sit back, cry, point the finger at others and try to externalise your issues.

The hard reality is that you need to adopt an attitude of extreme personal accountability in order to make the right kind of productive changes in your life going forward.

While you shouldn’t beat yourself up about how much of a failure you are, you should act as if you are 100% responsible for the way that things develop going forward, even if, on paper, you’re not.

Why should you do this? Simple. When you adopt an attitude of extreme personal accountability and take the default position that the outcome is in your hands and your hands alone, you empower yourself, psychologically, to take as much action as you can to set things right, while remaining driven and motivate to do so.

The opposite stance — one that says you’re a helpless victim who’s been hard done by — does not empower you at all. It robs you of your power and increases the likelihood that you’ll only sit in the corner feeling bitter, sad, and resentful.

Focus small, very small, and work on making things incrementally better day by day

When things go wrong in your life, you will often want to take the biggest possible corrective actions you can think of, as soon as possible. Sometimes this may be viable. In many instances, however, being overly frantic and ambitious in your attempted solutions will only set you up for failure and disheartenment.

Instead of shooting for the star, consider starting small — very small — so small that it’d be nearly impossible for you to fail — and do whatever you realistically can in the moment to make things even just a fraction better.

Keep doing that on a daily basis, and before too long, you’ll be in a much better position than you were to start with, and will be well on the way to getting things back on the right track.

These small actions could be having a difficult conversation with a loved one, or opening a new bank account, or even just vacuuming your home. Whatever makes things a bit better than they were before.

Try to restructure your habits and systems in line with what will be most beneficial for you

Humans are, to a large degree, creatures of habit. It’s not so much that we make conscious decisions about everything we do in our lives, it’s more like we run on autopilot for a significant chunk of the time, and look up occasionally to see what’s going on around us.

Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comics, notes that it’s the systems we have in our lives — those routines that we play out each day for their own sake, without really giving much thought to a distinct goal — that define our destiny to a very large degree.

Charles Duhigg, author of the book “The Power of the Habit” frames things similarly, when he talks about “keystone habits” that radically affect the way we live our lives.

To get your life back on track as soon as possible, one of the most meaningful things you can do is to identify the kinds of habits and routines that would be the most beneficial for you, and then to take steps to implement them, bit by bit.

Focus on one or two at a time, and keep the rest written down somewhere you can refer to them often. The more of these habits and systems you manage to successfully adopt in your life, the more you can expect to benefit in the near future.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Everybody knows that saving money is important, but people often put it off when they’re younger because they think that the main reason for saving is to prepare yourself for retirement. That is important, but you also need a good savings account to use as an emergency fund. Life is always unpredictable and from time to time, you’re going to be hit with unexpected bills. They might come from serious issues with the home or a broken down car. Whatever it is, if you have to pay out a load of money and you don’t have an emergency fund there to cover the cost, you’ll end up having to borrow money. That’s going to make it harder to save money and lead to financial problems in the future. You can stop all of that from happening and alleviate all of your money worries by building a good emergency fund. Here’s how you can get started today. 

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Find The Right Savings Account 

The first step in any savings plan is finding a good savings account. There are a lot to choose from so it can be difficult to decide which is best. Most people focus on the interest rate which is important, but it’s not the only thing. As well as finding an account with a high interest rate, you also need to think about the fees. High fees are going to eat into your savings more than you realize. Luckily, there are plenty of accounts that don’t have high fees. Most of the top online savings accounts have low fees and decent interest rates so they’re probably your best option. You should also think about how easily you can access the money. If you’ve got a savings account that you can easily dip into, you’re more likely to struggle with your saving. 

Set A Savings Goal

Now that you’ve found the perfect savings account, you need to start filling it up. If you don’t have a solid savings plan, you’re not going to get that far. Set yourself a savings goal, about half a years worth of expenses is a good number to aim for. Then you can start looking over your finances and work out how much you can afford to put aside. As soon as you get paid, put the money in your savings and forget about it. 

Save Change 

Saving up change doesn’t sound like the most effective way of building up a good emergency fund but you’d be surprised. Putting all of your extra change into a jar is a start, but what you should really be doing is cutting out the small purchases that you make throughout the day and putting the money in a change jar instead. Things like coffee or sandwiches that you waste money on every single day quickly add up over the weeks and months. Even if you saved $1 a day, that’s $365 in your emergency fund every year. 

If you don’t build an emergency fund right away, you could easily land yourself in financial trouble when disaster strikes. 

If you’ve spent years in the rat race, working a job you hate to survive, you know the incremental frustration that builds up week upon week, month upon month and year upon year. You know how spirit crushing it can be to slave away in a boring, repetitive and meaningless job while the skills you spent your formative years developing go to waste. This isn’t the adulthood you were sold. You were told that all of your hard work, study and endeavor would pay off. Yet here you are, years later, spending 8-12 hours a day in a cubicle under fluorescent lighting wondering if anyone even knows you’re there.

Image by MaxPixel
Yet all this living death is almost worth it when you’re able to shake of the shackles of corporate wage suppression and the anaesthesia of the 9 to 5 (or increasingly, 8 to 6) and go into business for yourself. If you’ve recently begun freelancing it can be extremely intoxicating being able to make a living doing something you love and working on your own terms. Just make sure that, in lieu of a payroll department, you’re honoring your tax commitments. Running afoul of the IRS could not only be damaging to your reputation, it could see you stuck with a hefty fine that could seriously cripple your operation. 

Here are some things you need to know about tax and your freelance business...

Even if you only freelance as a side hustle, it’s still taxable income

Many freelancers begin their career as a side hustle in their free time so that they can build their experience and establish a healthy client base while still enjoying the steady income from your day job. Just keep in mind that even if you’re side hustling the income from your business is still taxable and must be declared. Even a small amount needs to be declared to the IRS. The rule of thumb is, if in doubt, always declare. The IRS is far more lenient with those who are open and honest with them. 

Invest in an accountant

Even if you have a good working understanding of how to fill out your tax returns, it’s still advisable to invest in an accountant. Sure, they may represent a significant overhead, but they provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing your accounts are in safe hands. A good accountant will also generally save you more than they cost.

Accounting for your earnings

Needless to say, if the IRS is to accurately gauge your income, it’s your responsibility to keep an accurate record of your earnings and that means keeping an up to date account of your invoices. If any labor you undertake is of a casual nature and your client is unable to validate your invoice, use this paystub generator. An accurate and up to date account of your earnings is essential to keep the IRS on side. 

Keep track of your expenses

Finally, it’s important to remember that you are taxed not on your earnings but on your profits. Thus, it’s essential that you keep an up to date record of all expenses incurred throughout the running of your business. An accountant is especially useful here as they may be able to help you get a clear picture of what can and can’t be claimed for business purposes. 

Friday, August 17, 2018

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As a consumer, it should be fair to assume that you’re always safe when you’re spending your money with a company you recognize. There are strict laws in place across the world which make it hard for businesses to take advantage of their customers, and most simply wouldn’t want to damage their reputation by upsetting the people spending money with them. Of course, though, it doesn’t always work out this way, and a lot of people find themselves in bad positions when they trust the wrong company just a little too much.

Where Do You Stand?

When you think a business has done something bad to you, the very first thing to do will be figuring out where you stand. The law won’t always be behind you when you’re starting a fight like this. In other cases, though, you might have a very good leg to stand on, and it will be worth figuring this out as early on as possible. A quick Google search or two should be able to reveal other users who have had similar problems, giving you access to people who can serve as evidence of your potential success.

Researching The Issue

The research doesn’t stop here, though. Instead, when you’re doing work like this, you’re going to need to put a lot of time into research, as this will help you to understand the problem you’re having in greater detail. In some cases, you may find that the potential return from a consumer fight is far too small to make it worth doing anything. This won’t always be the case, though, and your web-based research could show you the true extent of the company’s mistakes.

Finding Solutions

One of the hardest parts of this sort of process is finding the solution you’re going to use. Whether you’ve fallen in a store and they’re refusing to help you, or you bought a product a product and it simply didn’t arrive, know which direction to go in can be impossible. With the help of a highly experienced and respected law firm behind you, this part of the job should get a lot easier, especially for those with no experience with legal issues. The solution you choose could take awhile to work out, but will be worth it in the end.

Spotting Signs Of Trickery

Finally, as the last area to consider, it’s time to think about how trickery might be spotted going into the future. It can be hard to rely on trust when you’re buying products from a big business. You assume that you can expect to get what they tell you they will provide, but they won’t always pull through. One of the easiest ways to solve this issue is through reviews, as most companies which are willing to trick their customers will have done it before.

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to start working harder on the time you put into fighting your corner when you come up against a big business. This sort of process can quickly become a big challenge, especially when you’re dealing with a very large corporation, and you will have to use everything you can to make a difference.

Friday, April 27, 2018

There are many reasons why people borrow money. In my opinion, people are forced to borrow money as a last resort when they could not raise the amount of money that is urgently needed. For those who are borrowing money for the first time, especially from family members or friends, it is not easy for them to open their mouth. They run the risk of their pride being hurt if their request is rejected.

In the old days, parents borrow money from rich relatives to put their children through higher learning but now we have study loans from educational ministry, association, etc. Once their children starting working, the loan will then be paid back in installments. There are advantages and disadvantages with borrowing money for their children education. With the loan, their children had the chance for better education and a better future. The disadvantage is that the children have to pay back the loan once they started working. 

These days, having your own personal transport such as buying a car is necessary when the young people joined the working force. In countries, where there is a good public transport system, owning a car may not be necessary. It is only when public transport is scarce that getting a car is necessary. When we don’t have the cash, we need to apply for a car loan before we can buy a car.

With an auto loan, we get a buy a car to commute to and from work but the disadvantage is that we are burdened with the repayment of the loan for the agreed period, sometimes for a minimum of 10 years. The same applies when we want to buy a house. We need a bigger loan to purchase a house. Applying for a house loan could burden us with many years of repayment.

One advantage of taking a loan e.g. housing loan from established loan lender is that the loan is covered with insurance and if the borrower dies before the full repayment of the loan, the next of kin that inherited the house need not have to continue with the loan.

Sometimes, applications for a loan can be rejected or disqualified for certain reasons when terms and condition were not met or complied. What happens is that people who need the money urgently will turn to alternative means to borrow money such as the California bridge loan lenders. Bridge loan lenders provide homeowners with residential bridge loans in California or commercial bridge loans for real estate investors. These bridge loan lenders offer fast approval and funding, competitive rates and reliable service for direct bridge loan financing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

From One Financial Extreme To Another

Money is not an object to some lucky people out there, but to others, it’s the biggest object in their life. So to go from one financial extreme to the other is pretty hard, and a lot of people actually never manage to do it. Once you’re stuck in a bit of a rut with money, it’s definitely hard to try and get out of it. But, there’s more to life than being stuck in a rut with money, so we’ve come up with a few tips that should help to take you from one financial extreme to another, see how the pointers below might be able to help you.

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Your Monthly Spendings

It can be quite intimidating listing all of the things that you have to pay for in one month. The list might seem small in your head, but once you write it out on paper and actually start putting prices next to the names, you’ve got a bit of a problem on your hands. One of the biggest monthly expenses is household bills, but luckily they’re one of the easiest to reduce. First, you’ve got the actual gas and electricity bills, they’re the worst. To get them down you just need to think smart, and even get a smart meter. That way you’re able to monitor exactly what you’re spending on both electricity and water each month. If you see it creeping up, you can take measures to make sure it stays down. Making sure you’re using energy saving light bulbs, only having the heating or air con on when necessary, and restricting shower times to ten minutes. It might seem a little strict, but if you’re looking to change your financial situation, then you’re going to have to take drastic measures.

Big Troubles

If you’re at the bad end of the financial extreme, then you could be going through some big troubles. One of the biggest is definitely bankruptcy, and it can often be intimidating for people to admit they’re going through that. If you are, chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers are the people you need to contact. They will do everything in their power to make sure you’re keeping as many of your personal possessions as possible. Recovering from something like this, or debt, is what will take you from one financial extreme to another. With bankruptcy, the first thing you need to do is find a job that will provide you with a good enough income to support the payments you’ll need to make. It’s also about staying mentally strong through the whole ordeal, especially if you have a family to care for. If an extra income is what you need to recover from either debt or bankruptcy, here’s one really easy way of earning some extra money.

Extra Income

One of the easiest and cheapest that you can do from the comfort of your own home is blogging. All you need to do is make the initial payment of buying a domain name and a server to host it on. Then find a great theme and something you wish to write about. All you need to do then is gain some followers and start contacting companies for collaborations. Within a few months, you should have a decent enough following to be able to make some big money!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

One quick look at an investment and you’ll think “oh my god, how does anyone understand any of this?!” To a layman, the idea that you can turn a couple of bucks into a million dollars is as easy as learning quantum theory. Sure it’s possible, but the chances of it happen are slim to zero. Anyway, that’s the attitude individuals have, particularly if there is a lack of knowledge and experience. Do you know this culture of fear is reducing your ability to make money?

No one expects you to take like a duck to water. Investments aren’t guaranteed and there are bound to be errors along the way. However, success is relative so there’s no reason to make as much as a Buffett or Musk. It’d be nice, but it’s important to stay grounded in the beginning.

With those words of advice ringing in your ears, below are the tips which should ease your fears. This is advice that makes people think “yes, yes I can!” 

Ride Winners And Sell Losers

Conventional wisdom dictates that you should buy low and sell high. Another good piece of advice though it is, selling at the right time is the key to success. Get rid too soon and you may lose money, yet keep hold for too long and the investment may tank. So, the simple equation is to sell the losers (obviously) and ride the winners until they begin to turn. Everyone wants to know the nuclear codes, and the truth is there aren’t any. What there are is a set of guidelines which any investor can use to their benefit. Take a loser as an example. Stocks underperform, and there’s a chance they will bounce back. Still, if it has been a while and it shows no signs of recouping its losses, it’s time to get out unscathed. Never let ego prevent you from making a savvy financial move. 

Cool Down On The Small Details 

Regarding the research that goes into choosing an option, the fine print is essential. This example, though, is talking about something else, something called short-term gains and losses. Using generic rules isn’t a smart move on the whole, yet this generalization holds true: investments fluctuate. Whether they go up or down, they tend not to stay steady for the first couple of months. In fact, it can take a year for a stock or share to plateau at a constant rate. Please don’t worry when there is a hike because it isn’t a clear indicator of the future. A feature of the market may make investors take a gamble or pull out, but they will be back. Short-termism hits new investors all of the time and it’s essential to stay strong and hold firm. After a year or two is when it will start to show its true colors.

Avoid Penny Stocks

Ever watched Wolf of Wall Street? If you haven’t, Jordan Belfort made millions from trading these stocks and he was a shady character. Not that a Hollywood movie should stop you investing, but the film does show you the risks. To lay it out plain and simple, there is as much risk with a penny stock as a high-value option. Imagine you invest $10 compared to $100 and it drops to $0. $10 may only be a small amount, yet it’s 100% of the total investment. By the law of percentages, if a $100 stock fell by 50%, you’d lose a small chunk of change in comparison. Also, you have to take into account the reliability factor. There is slight chance that the penny stock may boom into a winner and provide a huge ROI. The odds, however, are high that it’ll fall in value and you’ll lose the stake. A reputable option costs more but carries less risk.

Don’t Gamble On A “Hot” Tip

“Hey, do you want some advice? Cool, because this stock is about to soar. It’s 100% guaranteed.” Investors find themselves in conversations like this on a regular basis, and there is a sign it’s a scam. The glaring symbol is the fact that they advertise it as a sure-thing. Nothing is certain regarding investment, and you should remember this at all times. Gambling on a tip is a poor move because it neglects the legwork needed to be successful. Wealthy men and women don’t take advice based on random strangers in the street. Instead, they find the areas where they think there are opportunities and investigate. They may have more resources and more knowledge, but anyone can conduct a simple Google search without any hassle. Should you hear something and check it out, it’s a different matter because you’ve evaluated the pros and cons. Just don’t take a person at their word if they are unreliable and untrustworthy.


You’ll hear this term a lot because there is never a reason to put all of your eggs in one basket. Portfolios need to include a variety of investments as it lowers risk and increases the chances of making money. How you do it is the trick and it’s where the majority of people fail. Typically, beginners see diversifying as dipping into separate industries. So, as well as having gold and real estate, they’ll add stocks and shares. There; all done. Not quite because to be successful there has to be a range of risk too. Usually, a portfolio will have a majority of steady options, but it’s also important to include high-risk, high yield. Bitcoin may qualify depending on your position, and you can check out more investing info by following the link. The high-risk stuff should only be a small percentage of the overall investment, of course. Too much of it and you may end up doing the thing you tried to avoid in the first place.

Pick A Plan And Be Consistent

Last but not least, it’s best to choose a strategy and stick with it through the good and the bad times. Everyone has a personal style, and it makes the process easier which is why it isn’t closed-minded to stick rather than twist.

Do you think you can be a successful investor after reading this post?

Saturday, March 3, 2018

There is a common misconception about managing money. Generally, the social expectation is that you need to be born in a wealthy family to have an understanding of the financial market, and therefore be able to define which risks are worth taking to grow your income. Unfortunately, scientists all over the world have to admit that, despite their best efforts, they didn’t find the investor gene, nor did they discover a formula to grow such a gene. What this means is that investment know-how is not acquired by birth. It is a skill that you develop gradually, assuming you’ve got the right qualities to manage financial duties effectively. 

The smart investor rejects unnecessary luxury
Don’t waste unnecessarily
First of all, a good investor isn’t someone who can happily through money out the window with feeling a significant consequence. It’s a person who is acutely aware of the value of money and therefore ensures that there is no unnecessary spending. As successful investments are defined by their ability to get more return for your money, it’s natural for the investor to cultivate budget boosting tips. Getting more value for less money is the definition of quality investment. You may not be yet ready for the stock market, but you can certainly get used to maximize the value of your money by cutting down energy and grocery costs.

Don’t get less for less
Value is what investments are about. An investment that costs less but delivers less too is not profitable. Similarly, you can apply the same attitude in everyday life. Of course, you want to cut down your bills to maximize your wealth, but the process should remain reasonable. Choosing not to turn the heating up in winter might save you tons of money on your energy bills, but putting your health at risk is not a smart investment. In other words, paying less for what you need is not the same than ignoring your needs to reduce expenditure. 

Know when and where to invest
Nobody is born with a knowledge of the best investment solutions. As the finance market is always fluctuating, the smart investor needs to ensure a regular source of information to stay on top of the trend, whether it’s checking the stock score of Vanguard Healthcare ETF or identifying trend patterns in the market transactions in Asia. Similarly, if the stock market isn’t your kind of investment, it doesn’t stop you from learning more about other kinds, such as the property market for instance. 

Sao Paulo stock exchange

Stay informed of your situation
Last, but not least, the best quality of a good investor is to know how much money they can afford to lose. As there is always a degree of risk in investment, you need to be comfortable with a loss, and more importantly, you need to manage your budget closely. Using budgeting apps such as Digit bot or BUDGT, you can learn to keep track of how much you spend and earn. These apps can also let you know how much is available for a financial investment. 

The bottom line is that to become a successful investor; you need to establish a trust relationship with money. You need to understand and respect its value, and know how much you can bear to spend and invest. But there’s no beginner's luck: without educating yourself about the options available, you will burn your gains! 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

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When it comes to ways to show off your financial pedigree and class, jewelry is one of the oldest options people have. For a very long time, wearing wealth on your body has been a popular concept, not only enabling you to keep the stuff safe but also making you look great in the process. Of course, nowadays, the options people wear are most subdued than those in the past, while also being very pricey. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the best ways to get your hands on fine jewelry without having to pay an extravagant amount for the privilege. 

Go Secondhand: As the first option, a lot of people don’t know what the jewelry they own is worth. Often being unwanted family heirlooms, the marker for second-hand necklaces and rings is huge, and it’s easy to find a very good deal. To achieve this goal, hunting around thrift and charity stores will often result in loads of great options which won’t be found anywhere else. To help you with this, it could be worth finding someone with some knowledge of old jewelry to make sure that you’re buying items which are actually worth something. While a lot of items in the market are gems, even more of them are fake, cheap, or made from materials which won’t last long at all.

The Right Rocks: Along with looking for the right secondhand option, a lot of people will find a lot of success when choosing the right stone for their jewelry. Options like Roma Designer Italian jewelry don’t use expensive rocks like diamonds. Instead, to keep things affordable, alternatives with similar qualities are used to make sure that the items look great. To help you to find examples like this, there are loads of websites out there which let you compare different gems and stones to make sure that you can get the best option for your money. It can be very surprising to find just how many different kinds of rock there can be.

Auctions: Finally, as the last option on this list, it’s time to add a little bit of competition into the mix. Jewellery auctions are very intense places. While there are people looking to complete their favorite outfits, there are also those fighting to get the best possible deals on items which they plan to sell. The very best of the bunch will be hotly contested, and a lot of people will be trying to buy them. Knowing when to stop is very important. Otherwise, you could find yourself spending far too much on items which you don’t really want.

Hopefully, with all of this in mind, it will be a lot easier to start spending time on the jewelry you adorn yourself with. Nowadays, people are becoming a lot more tasteful with the metals and stones they decide to wear, and this makes it a simple matter of finding something you like to kick off a collection to go with all outfits.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Image Credit: Pexels
There are many reasons why you might want to write a financial plan. You might want to get a better grip on your own personal finances, or you might be thinking of starting a new business.Being on top of your finances will reduce stress, make you feel more confident and make you far less likely to unwittingly fall into debt.  With that in mind, here are the benefits of being financially aware.

Understanding Your Finances

The first thing that you are going to want to do is fully understand your finances. How much money is going in and how much is going out. What are you buying and what are you being paid for. A good thing to do is to start by making a list of how much you make and what you spend money on side by side. You don’t need to worry about how much each of these are at this stage, but doing so can save you time in the future. The idea here is to understand both sides of your finances and make sure that nothing is forgotten about. If you are running a business, then you should probably look up what net working capital is defined as, as this will helpful in the future. Understanding what you are spending money on will help you to see which purchases are unnecessary and which aren’t. You will see what is important and what isn’t. Make sure to do this step before jumping ahead.


Forecasting is planning out what you expect to make and what you expect to spend money on. It is often best done on an Excel spreadsheet, but it doesn’t have to be. What you want to do is put all of the spending and income that we mentioned above and work out the difference between them. You will want to do this for each month of the year. There are templates that you can find online that will help you to structure your forecast. Doing this will show you exactly how much money you have left after buying all the things you would normally buy in a month. It is always worth putting money into savings and having a space for this in your forecasting. Doing this will give you peace of mind that you are financially stable and let you plan for larger purchases such as saving money for a holiday or saving for a house. This will let you plan and let you know how much money you will have throughout the year. 

Budget Monitoring

Budget monitoring is like an extension of your forecasting. Instead of planning what you are going to make and spend, you are putting your actual income and purchases down on paper when they happen. If you make a food shop, then you mark that in the cost collum. If you do some extra work and get paid some more this month, then log that income. This way, you will be able to spot in advance if you are likely to go over budget for a month before it actually happens. If you follow all of these tips, then you can avoid debt and live a happier life.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Has An Injury Turned Your Life Upside Down?

Has an injury turned your life upside down?

The Mess

When it comes to injuries, they can be downright life-changing. It can vary a lot based on the severity of it, but in most cases changes would need to be made in order to get you back on track. It can be hard to see clearly in these times because if the accident was someone else’s fault, you might be left with emotional effects too! There’s a lot that goes into your recovery, and a lot of it relies on you; as you may even be put out of a job. It’s not an easy journey to get back on your feet, but there are plenty of methods you can use to make that path a lot smoother.

Your income

If you’ve been put out of work due to your injury, you might want to look into different methods of making money. Sadly those bills are going to keep coming, and you may receive money from the government, but that doesn’t always cut it. There are many routes you can take when you want to make money outside of your job, and each of them has their own kinds of benefits. Some of them might even be more effort than others, but it all depends on your skill set and capabilities. 

Firstly, you can actually get by on creating media content. There are many content creators out there who produce to an audience and find different forms of payment from them. An example; digital artists often sell commissions and high prices to fans who like their style and want something of their own to be drawn. It can be quite a good income if you’re getting enough exposure as there are many people out there who can’t do that kind of work themselves; however, not everyone is suited for that kind of work! It can be a difficult talent to pick up, especially if you want to do it professionally, but it can be worth it if it’s something you enjoy doing.

Secondly, there are many jobs you can get online. Like before, this depends on your skillset too, and most of them will involve working with a computer and certain software. An example would be data input, where you essentially spend your time working with numbers and spreadsheets. These kinds of jobs mainly require a lot of writing and experience with their prefered software, so if you’re already a tech savant this might be the ideal role for you! There’s no specific line of work for working online; some will be easier than others; the main struggle would be the availability of jobs out there.

(Image: Pexels)
Online courses

If you’re no longer able to do the job that you used to be working at, then it might turn to plan for something new. There are many online courses out there you can take if you want to start your life in another direction. While it might feel like everything is a mess right now, this could actually be a good opportunity to experiment and try new things. Many people seek these kinds of changes in life, and it’s not always because they’re forced to. Not just that, but online courses are usually quite flexible with times; which makes them a lot less stressful.


Not all cases need legal action, but if you've had an accident that wasn’t your fault, it might be time to do something about it for yourself. Many people out there seek compensation for their injuries, and it can be quite a significant amount of money, which might actually be essential to help you put your life back together. You should see if you feel you need professional help. There are many benefits when getting help from a lawyer, and it can save you a lot of time and effort. You get access to many different tools available, and their complete experience with similar cases; which makes you much more likely to build a compelling case.

There’s no good time or reason that you should suffer the consequences of someone else’s mistakes, and you shouldn’t let it go away unsolved. It can be hard enough to recover from your state without the extra money from compensation, and there’s no reason for you to go without it. You may even find yourself in debt from medical bills, which means working from home might not even be enough to keep your finances balanced. You don’t have to let your injury beat you, take the steps you can to get on top of the situation and don’t let your life fall away in the background.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Why Is Your Credit Score Important?

What is your credit score?

A credit score is a value which is calculated by lenders to judge your credit at a certain point in time. It is used to assess how likely you are to repay any loan you are given, and therefore whether they should take the risk and give you the money. 

There are three different credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, and these each calculate the credit score slightly differently, but based on the same financial factors. There are five main factors which come into play when calculating your credit score and how likely you are to be accepted for a loan:

  • Payment history: a record of all payments relating to credit which you have paid
  • Outstanding debt: any debt you have which hasn’t been paid
  • Length of credit: how long you’ve had credit, the longer the better because it shows stability
  • New credit: any credit you are pursuing
  • Types of credit: the type of credit you have

Can I improve my credit score?

There is always a risk in life that something will happen that makes paying back your credit near impossible, and due to this there may be a few bad records on your credit report. But don't fret: it could be a mistake on your report, which you can get a best credit repair service to help you with, or it could be something that you can change and manage. 

There are a few ways you can save yourself some money and improve your credit score:
  • Cut back on your spending
  • Pay off any existing debt which may be affecting your credits score
  • Closing multiple credit cards
  • Start saving and budgeting

Credit counseling

If you are really struggling with paying back your debts and managing your credit score you can always ask for help from a credit counsellor. These are non-profit companies and will provide you with different services depending on your needs. They will work with you and your lenders in order to find the best solution for your issue and the best way forward. Most lenders are willing to do this because they will receive some of their owed money back, so it is a win win for them to be involved and help you solve your issues. 

Monitor Your Credit

Think of your personal record and how that follows you all the way through your life, your credit history is exactly the same. Whether you have a high credit score or a low one, it is crucial that you take the time to monitor your credit situation so that you can either improve on your score or maintain it at a high level. You have the right to request your copy of you credit report for free, so take advantage of this and take a look through it to make sure that it is all in order.

Do you need perfect credit?

No. It is not a common occurrence for people to have a completely perfect credit history and score. Lenders are simply looking for evidence that you have paid off your credit most of the time and that you are likely to back what they lend you within a timely fashion. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

5 Reasons Why Debt Can Sometimes Be a Good Thing

Yes, debt sucks. No one wants to be in debt because it usually means we owe someone money, and that means paying it back out of our own pocket. No one likes the idea of a bad credit rating either. If you fail to pay your bills on time then you might end up ruining your credit score or potentially landing yourself in even more trouble. It goes without saying that having a debt to pay off is a situation no one wants to be in, but there are some positives to debt that you may not realise.

To make it clear, this article isn’t made for the purpose of saying that debt is a good thing. It’s not going to tell you to take a maximum personal loan from just to pay for a home renovation and it’s not going to tell you to splash cash you don’t own. Instead, these are reasons that will help you cope with debt and give you a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to.

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1. Debt helps you repair your credit rating

Having debt doesn’t actually lower your credit rating unless you fail to pay it back. For instance, taking out a mortgage means that you’re technically in debt because you need to pay it back. However, you need a good credit rating to take out a mortgage in the first place. Don’t let people fool you by saying debt means you have a poor credit rating. Many people put themselves into debt for the sake of repairing their credit rating for the future.

2. Debt was probably an investment

Whether it’s buying a home or a car, having debt often means you borrowed money for a reason. This article from actually goes through a couple of reasons why you’d want to take out a loan in the first place, and they’re all valid reasons because you're investing in something.

3. Debt can help you realize your situation

Being in debt and being unable to pay it off is a good way to remind yourself of your financial situation. Living a lifestyle that you can’t afford is a quick way to plummet into debt and end up with a poor financial record. Let debt be the wake-up call you need to break out of your bad spending habits and change the way you treat your money.

4. Debt means you can afford a home

If you’re in debt because of a mortgage then you’re actually in a much better situation than you think. The fact that you could pay a deposit for a home and even be approved for a mortgage means you’re in a good financial spot. This is one of the many ways that debt can show you that you’re in a good spot. Of course, a mortgage isn’t the only way to own a home, and it could be that you need mobile home financing. In that case, it’s best to speak to experts like Top Notch Mobile Homes Financing so you can work out what you need to do and what financial situation you have to be in. 

5. Debt can help you cover emergencies

And lastly, debt can help us cover emergency expenses. Whether it’s paying for a repair or fixing our car, if our savings can’t cover the expenses then we’ll be forced to take out a loan and plunge into debt. While it’s not pretty to be in debt, at least we solved our emergency.

Friday, November 17, 2017

What People Never Tell You About Debt

‘It’s terrible’, ‘you can get out of it if you’re determined enough’ and of course, the classic, ‘you obviously overspent.’ Essentially, if you’re in debt, you’ll hear people telling you, not completely surreptitiously that it’s your fault. This is nonsense, and I can prove it with one statistic. In 2015 8/10 Americans were in debt as seen on, and if you think that stat has changed, you should probably think again. The world hasn’t improved all that much in two years. In fact, I would argue that while debt is terrible, being determined isn’t even the only thing you’ll need to get out of it. So, let’s look at some of the things that people will never tell you about debt but that are certainly true. We’ve already covered one. 

Overspending Isn’t The Only Reason For It

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It’s important to remember this because it can seem like overspending is the reason why people end up in debt, and yes, this can be a cause. In fact, you could even go as far to say that too many people are relying on the plastic in their wallets and purses rather than the money in their bank account. That, it could be agreed, would be a fair point. But it’s certainly not the only cause. Do you know what else can cause debt? 

Buying a house. It’s true, buying a house is a massive cause of debt for people, and we’re not just talking about expensive mortgages here. We’re referring to the bills that people just don’t see coming from expensive repayments. You can very easily get in over your head, particularly if we’re talking about your first property here

Or, how about medical bills. In countries like America, where healthcare isn’t a given, medical bills can certainly cause issues with relation to people’s finances. For instance, cancer treatment regularly exceeds one hundred thousand alone. Just think, finding out that you have cancer and then discovering that treatment of the disease will cost you your livelihood, but your quality of life's in jeopardy. 

Alternatively, you could just be made redundant. It’s easy to think that if you work hard, always do your best and deliver a great level of quality when working you won’t lose your job. But that’s not true. Workers are laid off all the time and what then? On average, it can take around six months for people to find work after being made redundant. That’s more than enough time to end up in some form of debt, particularly if you have to borrow to pay the bills. 

There’s More Against You Than You Think

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Okay, so your finances have been through the wringer, and you’re trying to recover. How do you do it? Well, one possibility might be to borrow your way out, and it’s not as crazy as it sounds. If you can borrow from a source offering a lower interest rate, then it makes sense, and that’s exactly what is on the table with debt consolidation. With debt consolidation, you can pool all your debt from various sources into one easy to pay the sum. Awesome right? So, then you can pay it off naturally each month like a basic tax. It’s probably sounding even better, but here’s the kicker. To do that you need to be able to borrow. 

You might run into a slight problem there with your bad credit score. Bad credit scores tend to scare off lenders, and you will almost certainly have one if you’re in debt. It sounds crazy when you’re talking about a loan designed to get people out of debt, but we guarantee there is debt consolidation loan lenders that won’t give out money to people who have bad credit. Luckily, not everyone is like, and you can read for more information on companies that can and will give these types of loans out to people with bad credit score. But borrowing to pay off the debt isn’t your only issue. So, perhaps we should look at something no one will tell you about debt recovery. 

They Won’t Let You Forget

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This is absolutely true. You might think that once you pay off your debt, you can get back on your feet, but that’s not always the case. Indeed, it’s fair to say that even after you start paying off the debt people are still going to hold your problems against you and it’s all due to that annoying credit score. This can impact your livelihood, whether you can rent or buy a property and many other financial and personal issues. The fact is that you won’t just be working to escape debt. You’ll need to salvage your credit score too. There are ways to do this, such as peer to peer lending schemes. These are safe projects that allow those who need it to lend and borrow money in an environment where there is no risk. You can learn more about correcting your credit score on

This, among many reasons, is why the road to debt recovery can feel a little like a juggling act. It’s not just about paying the money you owe back. 

It Gives You A New Perspective

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On the plus side, getting lost in debt certainly gives you a brand new perspective on finances. You have a completely fresh outlook where you will be more concerned about how much you’re spending and where. As well as this, you won’t be so quick to spend on frivolous purchases and perhaps even avoid things that depreciate in value rapidly like for instance cars. A little run-in with debt is enough to convince anyone that it’s never a good idea to buy a car brand new

As such, you may just find that this negative experience helps you handle money far more effective and with a little luck, improve your quality of life. Particularly if you start saving more for rainy days and spending less on things that you don’t need or won’t want in a few days. We’re not saying this is what lead you to debt. It’s highly likely that it was something far beyond your control, but it never hurts to focus on the silver lining of the fact you’ll do everything in your power to make sure it doesn’t happen again. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Financing Your Home Improvements

Do you often find yourself looking at big houses, having lots of work done and wondering how their owners can afford to make changes all the time? Or hear your friends and family talk about extensions they are having or big decorating jobs they are planning in the future, knowing that their jobs mean they couldn’t afford such an expense? Do you want to make some changes to your house, but find yourself unsure of how you could ever afford it?

Well, you’re not alone. Many of us have constant urges to make changes to our homes. We want to make improvements which will keep it warm and safe. We want to replace things that are broken and old, and we want to change our décor. Many people finish one room only to start making plans for the next almost immediately. While a little paint job or a change in accessories are cheap and easy, larger changes and improvements can get very expensive; it’s thought that the average new kitchen costs around $20000. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make changes. Here’s a look at some of the options available to you when it comes to financing your home improvements. 


If you want to make some changes without getting into debt, the best thing to do is simply save and only spend what you can afford. Ask your employer about 1099 forms to help you manage your income, and set yourself a budget. Try to pick up some overtime at work, or look for ways to make extra money online. This money is in theory extra to what you normally live on, so can all go into your home improvements fund. Put this money into a high-interest savings account to get the most from it. 

Ask for Help

Another option is to ask your family for help. Most of us hate asking family for money. But, if your home desperately needs work and your family can afford it, they may be willing to help you out. Even if you wanted to pay them back with interest, it’ll be significantly less than you’d pay a bank.


For large home improvement jobs, often the best way to raise the money is by refinancing your home. Essentially borrowing on your house to improve your house. Mortgage refinancing doesn’t necessarily have to mean borrowing more money. If the interest rates have changed significantly since you got your current deal, changing to a new deal could lower your payments and free up some money.

Take Out a Loan

Personal loans often have higher interest rates than mortgages, but if you don’t want to use your home as collateral or change your current agreement, it can make a good option. Just make sure that you shop around for the best deal, and never borrow more than you can afford to pay back.

Pay with Credit Cards

Credit cards can have even higher interest rates and shouldn’t be used to make large payments. However, they are fast and easy to use for smaller home purchases. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

When Running A Business, Know Where Every Penny Is

The financial side of business is about knowing a lot more than what’s currently in your bank account. To get a full understanding of where your money is, it’s a good idea to figure out both your net worth and your cash flow. That way you can understand how much cash is truly locked up in things like your assets as well as your expenses. From there, it’s a matter of learning how to free up that cash when you need to.

Enough demand to meet the supply

You should always aim to spend only as much on resources as you need to meet their current demand when running a business. Spending too little and having too few resources is going to mean you’re missing out on potential business and thus potential profit. However, spending too much on certain resources, inventory, and parts can be just as limiting to your profit potential. It means ending up spending money on things the business doesn’t need. It may go even further if, for instance, you’re buying goods that need to be refrigerated or kept in dry conditions, meaning you have to pay for the storage methods used to keep them in good condition. If your money is being spent on resources you don’t need, it’s financially healthy to take more care collecting data on your business’s trends and learning what the demand really is.
Waste not, want not

The same goes for the resources that you use internally. Become more efficient will always benefit your balance directly. If you truly need certain resources then, by all means, you should spend on them. Again, it’s about figuring out your needs and not exceeding them. For instance, becoming more sustainable with your energy use is rarely going to leave your business in need. Just as switching to a paperless storage system and cutting on printing costs rarely proves a serious issue to businesses. If it doesn’t hurt to reduce your waste, then it’s important you do so.

Get to know the tax man

Current base tax rates for businesses will give entrepreneurs a lot to complain about. However, the truth is that no business should be paying those tax levels in the first place. You don’t have to do anything dishonest to reduce how much taxes you’re paying. You simply have to be aware of the many deductions you could make in your tax return that you’re entitled to. Deductions for things like banking fees, equipment and repairs, office supplies, consultation fees, and much more. If you’re not sure how to safely navigate the work expense deductions, it’s worth hiring a CPA who can help you do it.
Conjure up some credit

Looking for new funding should never be treated as a cut and dry as getting access to more of “your money”. It has to be paid back and means it will impact the future of your business finances until it’s fully paid off. However, that’s not to say you can’t benefit monetarily from being more particular about the loans you take. The better your payment terms and interest rates, the more of your money you get to keep while paying them back. To that end, taking steps to improve your business’ credit will always open access up to the loans that allow you to save more. However, keeping a close eye on reports, making regular use of affordable credit arrangements, and staying up to date with all creditors does a lot more than improve the loans you have access to. If your business gets a bad credit rating, it can have other effects such as suppliers suddenly demanding you pay in cash rather than credit.

Look at all that stuff

Your net worth is calculated not only through your cash but through the assets currently in the business. This might mean property, vehicles, computers, specialist equipment, and much more. You might think these assets are of little benefit beyond selling if you need to, but that’s not necessarily true. Look at Equify for details on how those assets can be used to help you secure funding at a better rate, to begin with. By using said assets as collateral on a loan, you can give your business more options financially when things like bank loans aren’t an option.
Get an offer you can’t refuse

When cutting expenses, you should look beyond just how you can save in things like energy and printing costs. You should also look at the services and goods you get from your suppliers. With suppliers, the guaranteed satisfaction and repeat custom of a business can often be more lucrative than charging higher prices, so there is often some wiggle room for negotiations. Look at Computer Weekly for an example, with tips on how to negotiate a lower price with data center providers.

Reinvest for return, not a nicer chair

When you make money, you must always be pouring some back into the business. Beyond paying off creditors, it can help you make some real improvements. However, for your sake financially, you need to carefully consider where you invest that money. It may be tempting to get a new chair for the office or a better business trip for your staff. But where is the return on that investment? Instead, think of return above all else when spending in the business. Market research, hiring an accountant, marketing, branding, customer service, better equipment and software. These are all areas that can make a direct and measurable impact on how much your business is able to profit, so they deserve your attention first. If things keep going well, you might one day be able to afford that new chair without worrying about the return. Until then, be smart with reinvestment.
A business owner has to be savvy with their money. In particular, there are times when business is lean or when you want to scale and you find you need more than the bank account tells you that you have. For those moments, the tips above can be exactly what you need. The money’s there, and it’s yours. You just have to learn how to reach out and take it.