
Friday, May 22, 2020

Scratching Your Travel Itch During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has brought with it a lot of changes to our lives, including how we socialize, shop, and work. It’s pushed us indoors, to the point where even a trip to a local restaurant seems like an exciting day trip. Bigger travel trips that will take us further afield will have to put on pause for the time being, which is pretty heartbreaking for people who already had a trip planned. Still, though you may be unable to explore new lands right now, there are ways you can experience the wonder of travel right from your own home. We take a look at some of the best ways to do this below.
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Virtual Tours

OK, taking a virtual trip might not be as fun as visiting in person, but it’s better than nothing! There are many ways you can explore the world from the comfort of your sofa. You could load up a place on Google Maps and dive into street view, for example. It won’t be as good as the real thing, but it will give you a sense of what the destination is like. Some of the world’s best museums have their collections online too, allowing you to virtually visit the attractions you’re currently unable to visit in person.

Foods of the World

One of the joys of traveling to a new destination is having a chance to enjoy all the delicious recipes that come from that region. If you can’t get there to taste it first-hand, then why not look at making the meals yourself? It’s a great way to bring a dose of international culture into your life. This carnitas tacos recipe is delicious and straightforward to make, and will make you feel like you’ve just touched down in Mexican -- especially if you’re playing Mexican music and sipping a Corona beer while you’re making it. You don’t always need to travel when you have your stomach to travel for you!

Learn a Language 

If you’ve always liked the disorienting sensation of not fully understanding what’s going on around you when you travel, then why not throw yourself into learning a language? You’ve got all this time that you have to spend at home; you may as well make the most of it! In the early stages, you’ll be completely confused by the language, just like you are when you’re traveling. Slowly but surely, however, you’ll find that the language is beginning to sink in. And who knows -- by the time the lockdown is lifted, you might just be able to speak the local language the next time you take a trip!

Planning a Trip

And talking about taking a trip: now could be the time to get planning. The pandemic won’t last forever! By dreaming up some travel plans now, you’ll be ensuring that you’re raring to go when it’s finally possible. Much of the fun of taking a trip happens during the planning stage anyway. You’ll find that it really can be enjoyable! 

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