
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Learn the Secrets to a Healthy and Happy Family


Juggling with work, a partner, kids, parents, and other personal responsibilities that come with family life like maintaining the household chores and expenses can be stressful. Sometimes it is impossible to see the fun and joy in the family. However, that should not be the case. Below are secrets to maintaining a healthy, strong, and happy family.

Eat together

Eating together as a family has great benefits. Children get to consume healthy diets, have higher self-esteem, well-behaved, and have better vocabularies. Additionally, children who eat dinner with their families have lower chances of developing eating disorders like Anorexia, do drugs, commit suicide, drop out of school, or get pregnant. This is mainly because eating together creates a sense of security, and parents can guide their kids and ask about their day during meals.

Share stories

When the day is over, you come back to family, parents from work, and children from school. Ask your children about their day at school and also tell them stories about your day. You can create a tradition of telling each other the highlight and low moment of your day. Tell your children stories about their family history to give them a sense of control and high self-esteem.

Your family will be happy whenever they have something to look forward to. As a parent, you are also able to learn your children's interests, and you can advise and support them. If your child has severe loss of hearing, get cochlear implants to improve communication and their psychological well-being.

Take a vacation

A vacation will break the monotony of how you do things at home. It increases the feel-good-chemicals (dopamine) that bring the whole family closer. Making fun and lasting memories together once in a while, especially during the holidays, will make your family grow healthier and happier. During this time, avoid using your phone regularly to deal with work-related issues, read books, and watch movies after your day-time adventures.

Have conversations about money with your children

Children grow up knowing that their parents are their superheroes, and they are. However, learn when to tell your children no to something that they want when you cannot afford it. As much as pleasing your children is necessary, taking care of your finances is crucial to building a happy family. Teach your children about savings and debt at an early age. Tell them how money is made, spent, invested, and lost. Truth is better than ignorance.

Invest in your marriage

The love between couples is the foundation of a healthy and happy family. Once you get children, don't forget to put time into your marriage. Ask a relative to come and watch the kids as you go out on a date or get a nanny, agree on how to parent your kids together, make financial decisions together, and enjoy some alone time together.  Your partner should not become a substitute provider of love when children come into the picture.

Bottom Line                                 

Building a healthy and happy family requires positive thinking. Ensure you spend time together by sharing meals, share stories about your daily activities and family history, and go for vacations to break the monotony. Also, invest in your marriage as it is key to creating a happy family and discuss finances with your children.

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