
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Why Buying a Pre-Existing Domain Could Be Your Business’s Jumpstart


As you might already know, when it comes to preparing for a new business, you’re going to have to have an online presence. In fact, when it comes to your online presence, this just can’t be on some corner of the internet; it needs to be a total show-stopper. But that can take a lot longer; this can be years! Plus, SEO is almost always not on your side for the first year, sometimes even two years. So, that alone can be rough. But there is a shortcut through all of this, and that’s buying a pre-existing domain. 

You’re jumpstarting your business, but usually, you’re getting such a massive amount of legroom like pre-existing socials, established in the industry, SEO rankings, and so much more. And, of course, you can still have creative freedom (it’s called rebranding for a reason). So, with that said, here’s why new business owners should look into this. 

Ready-Made Trust and Recognition

Imagine moving into a shop that every local already knows and loves—that’s kind of what buying a pre-existing domain is like. These domains often come with a history of positive associations and recognition. If the previous business was well-regarded, that goodwill could transfer directly to you, giving your new venture a head start in earning customer trust. It's like skipping the line in building credibility, which can take years to establish from scratch.

There’s Those Sweet SEO-Perks

If you've ever wondered why some websites pop up first on Google, it’s often because they’ve been around a while. That’s something that new business owners absolutely hate, which is completely understandable! But that’s just a reality, and SEO doesn’t happen overnight; it truly is a long-term game. So, if you want to make sure that it’s easy to rank, then buying a pre-existing website could be the way to go about it.  

Search engines give preference to sites with history and a solid backlink profile. An older domain might already have these SEO perks, which means you could find yourself on the fast track to appearing in top search results. This can translate to more eyes on your site and more customers knocking on your digital door without the months (or even years) of groundwork.

Instant Traffic

So, this basically ties in with what was said above, too. Starting with a new domain means starting from zero in terms of visitors. But with a pre-existing domain, you might already have steady traffic. This is a massive plus if you’re eager to hit the ground running. On top of that, just having existing visitors can help you quickly test and tweak your offerings based on real user feedback, making your business smarter and more responsive. 

It’s not like that with a brand new website because it’s a whole operation to even get your website discoverable (due to no SEO). So, it’s hard to change based on feedback when there is no feedback due to no traffic. 

Marketing Magic

A great domain name acts like a billboard: it’s clear, memorable, and tells customers what to expect. For the most part, established domains often have the advantage of being straightforward and easy to remember. So, there are two parts to this: old domains are catchy because their domain isn’t taken. For example, they can have, while other people could use the same words but would then need to add numbers, such as which isn’t as memorable. 

Then there are the dot nets and the dot org, but they’re not nearly as valuable as the dot coms either. But there’s the other aspect, and that’s already being known. This not only saves you marketing dollars but also simplifies your efforts in telling the world who you are and what you do. You could look into some Expired domain guides to help you out with domains that have already been established, but of course, you could also buy one that’s about to expire or just a business that’s looking to sell. 

But all of these are seen as more beneficial than just starting up a whole new website (unless there’s something extremely specific you’re after). 

Cost Savings in the Long Run

Even though purchasing a pre-existing domain might cost more upfront than registering a new one, the investment can be worth it in the long run! The costs you save on marketing and SEO to build recognition and search authority from scratch can add up. It might not seem like much at first, but seriously, this can get pricey pretty quickly. Plus, the immediate influx of traffic and potential sales can help offset the initial expense.

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