
Thursday, February 8, 2024

4 Ways To Prepare For Dental Surgery

Dental surgery can be a daunting prospect for many individuals, no matter how regular their appointments are with the dentist. For others, however, familiarity with the dentist and the clinic helps eliminate any doubts or concerns they may have. Before showing up for a dental appointment, it’s vital to prepare adequately to ensure a successful procedure. Therefore, here are four steps to take in that regard. 

1. Brush and floss your teeth before surgery

Gentle brushing is key because doing otherwise can irritate your gums before the dental procedure. A soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste are your go-to tools before dental surgery. It is also advisable to avoid any teeth whitening formula at least five days before the procedure. Do not forget to floss your teeth, as that helps reduce the risk of post-operative infections. Food particles trapped in your teeth or along the gumline can move into the surgical site, increasing infection risks. Remember to be gentle with flossing to prevent gum irritations. Although it’s tempting to resort to an alcohol-based mouthwash after brushing and flossing, dentists say an alcohol-free antimicrobial mouthwash is best. Alcohol can make your gums feel raw and may increase discomfort levels after dental surgery. Moreover, research has shown that alcohol-based mouthwashes can weaken the tooth enamel.

Follow preoperative instructions

Your dentist will likely provide you with specific instructions to follow before your surgery. These are known as preoperative instructions and are crucial to the dental surgery’s successful outcome. They are often given in the days leading up to the dental surgery and are primarily centered around dos and don’ts that have direct bearings on the impending procedure. It often ranges from dietary restrictions to medication guidelines and discomfort management. It’s best to keep an open mind about how your body will react to any surgery, so following these preoperative instructions can boost quicker recovery.
Preoperative instructions also help reduce post-surgery complication risks. You’ll usually receive these instructions during one of your dental consultations before surgery. The timing of preoperative instructions matters because it influences the procedure’s results. For example, if you are on blood thinning medications, it may be required to stop them at least two weeks before dental surgery. Stopping them in time can reduce the risk of post-dental surgery blood clotting issues, so feel free to consider this. 

Prepare a comfortable recovery space

This step is critical during the recovery period when you cannot move around much. Even after dental surgery, you may be required to observe bed rest while limiting major movements. Remember to stock up on soft and easy foods that don’t require spending too much time in the kitchen. It would help to prepare soups, mashed potatoes, and other soft foods in advance. Easy-to-eat foods will prevent any irritation to the surgical site. Yogurt can also be helpful in these times because of its probiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, so feel free to consider this. 

Its cold nature, especially when kept in the refrigerator, can numb any discomfort at the surgery site. You will also need ice packs, sterile gauze pads, and over-the-counter pain relievers in your recovery space. Make them easily accessible so you don’t have to move around much trying to locate them. As a tip, create an inventory of everything you prepared for; that way, it will be easy for any person tasked to cater to you in that period to do an efficient job. Try as much as possible not to stock up on unapproved pain relievers, as they can be addictive.

Arrange transportation and support

Some anesthesia used for dental surgery may take longer to wear off after the surgery. It is therefore advisable to arrange for transport and reliable support to help you after the procedure. It’s risky to drive when these numbing medications have not yet worn off and could impair your judgment. Many medications have detailed cautions on their labels, and one is to avoid operating any machinery for a period. These can also be applied to dental anesthesia. Your support system can be a trusted friend, a sibling, or a parent who can safely take you home afterward. Apart from that, your trusted support can provide much-needed reassurance if you experience post-operative side effects or discomfort. Because you never know what your post-surgery recovery outcomes will be, it will be necessary to take these precautionary measures to be safe.

Dental surgery often has positive outcomes but that will so depend on the measures you take before the procedure.

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