
Friday, June 9, 2023

Understanding and Managing a Blocked Nose: Causes and Solutions

A blocked nose can be an incredibly uncomfortable experience, hindering both breathing and sleep. Everyone will experience nose congestion at some time in their life. But it begins to become a real problem when it is a frequent experience, leading to a source of discomfort in day-to-day life. 

Additionally, a regularly blocked nose can affect your sleep quality, leading to tiredness during the day, low energy levels, and also depriving the body of the regenerative process of sleep. You might also find it tough to maintain an active lifestyle if you can’t breathe freely as a result of your blocked nose. 

So, let’s explore the different causes for your nose problem and how to deal with each of them effectively.


Allergies are probably the most common culprit for nasal congestion. Seasonal allergies can be triggered by pollen, mold, or dust mites, and can cause chronic congestion. It can be helpful to identify your specific allergens with allergy testing. This can help pinpoint the triggers and develop an appropriate management plan. 

Combating allergies involves minimizing exposure to allergens. Yet, depending on your allergens and lifestyle, this can be easier said than done. Here are a few tips for common household allergens such as dust mites, pet hair, and mold: 

  • Keep your living space clean and free of dust. This includes vacuum at least once weekly, or more frequently if you have pets. 
  • Use allergy-proof covers on pillows and mattresses. Wash your bedding and towels regularly on a weekly basis at least. 
  • Using air purifiers will help capture allergens inside your home. You can also use an air dehumidifier if you struggle with excessive moisture levels leading to mold spread. 
  • Keep your windows shut during peak allergen seasons for pollen allergies and hay fever. 
  • Saline rinses and antihistamines will provide temporary relief by reducing inflammation. 

Flu or cold

During flu season, or when you catch a cold, nasal congestion is a common symptom. Strengthening your immune system can reduce the likelihood of falling ill. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can bolster your immune system’s defenses. 

You also want to learn the best practices to fight off a cold rapidly and effectively. Believe it or not, chicken soup still stands on top of the list of the best remedies for the goodness of its ingredients and the instant hydration it brings to the body. 

Nasal structure

The shape of your nose can contribute to breathing difficulties and increases susceptibility to blocked sinuses. Structural issues, like a deviated septum or a dorsal hump can restrict airflow and lead to chronic congestion. 

If you suspect your nasal structure is causing breathing problems, consulting with an otolaryngologist will help identify the cause. They may even recommend removing a nose hump with surgery, which is a procedure that can not only change your facial appearance but also improve your breathing. 

Nasal polyps

These non-cancerous growths can develop in the lining of the nasal passages. They are soft and painless swelling that can obstruct airflow and cause persistent nasal congestion. If you suspect polyps, you should seek medical attention from an ENT specialist, who will confirm the diagnosis. 

Polyps can be treated surgically, or shrunken with corticosteroids sprays or medication. 

In short, there’s no reason for you to let a blocked nose ruin your daily life. Once you understand and fully appreciate the different causes of nasal congestion, you can be in a better position to seek the right treatment and free your breathing. 

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