
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Top Tips For Novice Cat Owners

Cats may make terrific companions for people who enjoy being around them. They are adorable and fluffy, and while they certainly require care, they do not necessitate the same level of attention as a dog - for starters, they do not demand daily walks!

However, before you adopt a cat, you should conduct thorough research and prepare yourself. Cats can live for up to sixteen years on average, which is a very lengthy period of time in any species. 

Fortunately, we have put together some pointers for novice cat owners to make the process a little less complicated.

Think about your way of life

Despite the fact that cats are by their very nature independent creatures, they are not fully capable of taking care of themselves. Before bringing a pet into your home, be sure that your way of life is suited for your new companion. The type of cat you should get should be dictated by your lifestyle, including how busy you are, whether you have young children or other pets, and how much time you spend at home. For example, very busy people may find it difficult to find the time to care for a cat that requires a lot of grooming and attention, particularly for highly intelligent and active cats. If you are going to become a parent, or if you are frequently gone on vacation or on work, you may wish to postpone your decision for a while. Some cats, on the other hand, are well suited to living with people with busy lifestyles. 

Any allergies?

Does anyone in your household suffer from allergies, or do you? If you have a history of severe allergic responses, you should consider having yourself tested for feline allergies before bringing a cat into your household. On the other hand, some persons with allergies may eventually become accustomed to their own kitty while remaining sensitive to other cats. A safe bet is to select a cat that has a low level of allergies. Consult your veterinarian, literature, or the staff at your local animal rescue center for recommendations.

Feeding them

Certain cats, like some humans, are pickier eaters and have stronger food preferences than others, just as some humans are. It is unlikely that you will find many people who will turn their noses up at the prospect of eating canned tuna or salmon. However, getting into this habit can be a costly endeavour. Try them on a variety of healthy dry cat food and wet foods until you find one that meets their needs as well as your financial constraints. Remember to pick cat food according to the cat's age - if you have a kitten or an elderly cat, you may want to get a meal that is specifically customized to their nutritional needs. It is also beneficial to keep some treats on hand or to make some.

Keep them flea free

This is something that none of us wants to think about, but it is an unavoidable part of cat ownership, especially if you do not want your home to get infested with the little animals they bring into the house. Your veterinarian can advise you on the finest flea preventative or treatment to use and can prescribe it for you. It is recommended that you do this once a month or more frequently. If you are unfortunate enough to get bitten by bugs - and it does happen, even to the most diligent and meticulous of pet owners - keep an eye out for the unmistakable bite marks on your ankles and lower legs. It is possible to use flea bombs and sprays that are successful; however, it is necessary to keep on top of things because fleas can remain latent in furniture and carpets for years at a time.

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