
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Allergens in the Backyard: How Can You Eliminate Them?

It's not something people casually think of, but there are more allergens around them than they know. You may be the lucky one for not having experienced an allergic reaction yet. But it can be you or your loved one the next time you spend leisurely time in your yard.

You don't have to wait for that to happen, though. Find out what allergens are in your yard and what you can do to eliminate them and protect your family in the process.

What are allergens commonly found in a yard?

The most common allergen found in the yard is pollen. This is a yellow powder contained by plants transferred to other plants by the wind or by pollinators or other animals. Although pollen promotes plant fertilization, it causes distress for pollen-allergic individuals, especially during spring and even stretches to summer.

Because they're almost microscopic, pollen is hard to evade once they're in the air. They can scatter on lawn grass, bushes, pathways, and porches. In case you skip cleaning your yard, they can even make their way inside your home. Minimum levels of pollen may keep an allergic person from reacting. But if there's an overwhelming amount all around them, they might exhibit multiple symptoms, including a runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion in the nasal passages.

Being stung by an insect also causes allergies. While you can seek ways to exterminate them from the vicinity, sometimes a random stinger can lurk in the area and bite you if they perceive you as a threat. Allergic reactions may range from a simple rash to more life-threatening symptoms like breathing difficulty, nausea, and fainting.

Mold spores are likely to thrive in your yard as in the moist areas in your home. They can typically be found on decomposing plants, compost piles, and even grass. They are more active during summer. You can keep them from disrupting your daily life by keeping your compost bin at a remote location away from where you usually spend your time.

What should you do if you have allergies?

Allergic people know well that they have to keep their epinephrine shot pens in handy during allergy seasons. There are also over-the-counter allergy cures like Claritin and Zyrtec. Still, it's best to prevent being exposed to these allergens rather than cure the effects of exposure.

One way is by dressing properly when going to your yard. Wear long-sleeve shirts, pants, closed shoes, and sunglasses that cover your eyes well. Immediately shower when going back in, making sure to leave your outdoor clothes by the entrance.

Also, be cautious when dining with the family in your yard. You can take your allergy medicine ahead and keep a bottle of saline eyewash in your pocket for when you need to relieve your itchy eyes. Also, if you'd had an allergic reaction to food before, you should avoid them. Oranges, bananas, strawberries, cherries, and almonds are some things people have allergic reactions to.

How do you get rid of yard allergens?

People share the notion of preparing for the spring by doing some yard work during autumn. While this is sensible, it is important to take caution when cleaning as pollen may be lying around even when flowers are off-season. One sure way is by wearing a mask and other protective gear. Avoid doing yard work any time between mid-day and the afternoon because it's when pollen levels are the highest.

The worst tree to keep in your yard is birch trees and ragweed plants for the plant category. They can produce millions of pollen spores and. These lightweight allergens could travel as far as 100 yards to hundreds of miles from the source, so it would be best to get rid of the said plants if there are any in your yard.

If cleaning your yard proves to be extremely difficult because of your allergies, you can always call lawn and landscaping services to do the job for you. You can also plant more allergen-averse plants like apple, pear, plum trees, lilac, rose, sunflower, and daffodil for flowers.

Also, remember that pollen can stick to the exterior of your house. And so, as soon as spring starts, regularly sweep your porches and spray off excess pollen using a high-pressure hose. Do the same for pathways. Furniture can likewise be doused with hose water and rid of excess pollen using a cloth with some detergent.

The body develops immune responses to any perceived threat. Unfortunately, some people react worse to something as natural as pollen. The advice mentioned is practical, but it wouldn't hurt to go out of your way to get tested by an allergist for anything you might be allergic to. 

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