
Friday, October 9, 2020

Proactive Steps To Boost Your Bank Balance

It’s no surprise that money worries are one of the most common causes of stress at the moment. With many people either losing work or finding themselves unemployed, it’s an anxious time. If you’re looking for ways to boost your bank balance and improve your financial situation, here are some proactive steps to take today. 

Reducing debt

The majority of Americans are in debt, but there is a significant difference between owing money on a mortgage or a long-term loan and being in a situation where you’re using credit cards or short-term, high-interest loans to make it from one payday to the next. If you’re up to date with mortgage or loan payments, and you don’t have any other outstanding debts, there’s probably nothing to worry about. If you’re borrowing money to stay afloat, or you’re turning to credit cards to cover the essentials, there is a risk of debt spiraling out of control. Try and reduce your debts as soon as possible by seeking professional advice and using programs like the Debt to Success System. The sooner you can start clearing debts, particularly those with high interest, the better. There is support out there, and it is possible to get back into the black.

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Decreasing spending

Increasing your bank balance depends on two key factors: bringing money in and lowering the amount of money that goes out. If you’re guilty of overspending, you’re not alone. Many of us live beyond our means, and we buy things that we don’t necessarily need or even want. If you find it difficult to resist the temptation of online shopping, you get lured in by deals at the grocery store, or you’re paying for subscriptions or memberships you’d forgotten about, now is the time to carry out an audit and start budgeting. Analyze where your money goes each month and highlight areas where you can eliminate or reduce costs. Cancel memberships you don’t use and start setting a budget to save on food shopping and control how much you spend on luxury and non-essential items. It’s also a great idea to try and make your money stretch further. If your home, pet or health insurance policy is due for renewal, for example, don’t automatically roll it over for another year. Compare prices online and switch providers if there are better offers available. 

Adding to your income

Most of us would like to earn more. It’s not always possible to get a raise or increase your hours, but there are alternatives to try and boost your income. Side hustles have become very popular in recent years, and they are an excellent way to utilize your skills and talents to generate a bit of extra cash. From painting, writing and blogging and baking to teaching a foreign language or a musical instrument and offering consulting services, you could use your spare time to sell all kinds of products or services. 

If your bank balance is lower than normal, or you’re worried about the prospect of getting into uncontrollable debt, it is possible to improve your finances and reduce the risk of financial stress. Keep an eye on where your money goes, tighten your belt, reach out and seek advice and consider ways to add to your income.

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