
Saturday, September 19, 2020

Prep Your Home for Winter

With fall weather upon us, now is a good time to start planning your home maintenance so it's ready for the colder weather. Before you begin, here are a few items you should add to your to-do list to ensure you're ready for the winter when it arrives. 

Check Your HVAC

To keep your HVAC system in good condition, it's a good idea to have it serviced each year. Before cooler weather settles in for the season, have an HVAC contractor come out to inspect and clean your system so that it continues to run optimally during the long winter months. 

Clean Your Gutters

Once the leaves start falling, you'll want to set aside some time to clean your gutters so they don't get clogged, which can cause them to back up or overflow. While you're cleaning them out, give them a good inspection to see if they're still in good condition. If they're in disrepair or have seen excessive wear, it's time to call for gutter replacement St Louis.

Seal Your Home

Before cold, damp weather arrives, you should seal off your home to protect it from the elements. Take the time to walk around your home and caulk around windows and doors to prevent energy loss. Sealing around your home also prevents critters from making their way into your home during the winter, which can lead to infestation. You may also want to consider sealing your driveway if it's pavement to prevent cracking during the colder months. 

Close Your Pool 

If you have a pool, you should be sure to have it cleaned, drained, inspected, and closed up well before winter arrives. While you're having your pool shut down, have your sprinkler system winterized as well to prevent blown lines when the ground freezes. 

With these items crossed off your fall maintenance to-do list, you'll be ready to relax when winter arrives and rest easy knowing your home is prepared for winter's arrival. 

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