
Thursday, August 27, 2020

19 Tips To Help You Stay Happy & Healthy As COVID-19 Continues

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The worst of the first wave of COVID-19 may have passed, but its impacts are set to last for a very long time to come. 

While you've done amazingly well to overcome the initial obstacles, it's clear that more permanent ideas are required. Here are 19 simple steps that will serve you well.

#1. Sleep Better

Daily routines have changed, but that shouldn't impact your nighttime routines. Set yourself a regular bedtime, and take the time to ease your body into sleep. When you sleep well, your energy and mood will greatly improve. 

#2. Eat Well

Nutrition is immensely important at all times. However, its impact is even greater right now. Increased water intake is particularly vital while a balanced range of foods should be a priority too. At this moment, portion control is pivotal.

#3. Stay Active

Most people have put on a few pounds over the last few months. Reduced activity is the main cause of those issues. Now is the time to stop making excuses. Yoga, home workouts, and cycling are just some of the available options.

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#4. Get Outside

In addition to time dedicated to vigorous exercise, you should get outside more frequently. The fresh air and vitamin D will serve you well. Exploring the local area with regular walks is ideal while gardening or picnics in the park are great too.

#5. Listen To Your Body

It's very easy to ignore declining health at this time. However, the sooner you respond to hearing loss or other health issues, the better. After all, failure to manage your health at this time could bring major disruption to your wellness.

#6. Cure The Boredom

Whether spending more time at home or less time with friends, you need to stop the boredom. Finding a hobby that can be enjoyed in short or long spells is essential. Otherwise, the repetitive nature of daily life at this time could pose problems.

#7. Meditate 

Keeping your mind, body, and soul in great health is a challenge at this time. Therefore, taking out a little time to enjoy breathing exercises or connect with your inner peace can pay dividends. Now is the time to put it into your routine.

#8. Get Ready For Work

If you're still working from home, it may be tempting to sit in your pajamas all day. This can disrupt productivity and make you lose confidence in your looks. A shower, followed by getting dressed, is essential.

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#9. Consider Building A Home Office

On a similar note, you must avoid working from bed or the sofa. If possible, transforming a guest room into a home office space should occur. If that fails, a designated area to work from should be the minimum expectation.

#10. Upgrade The Home

Looking at the same four walls for longer periods than ever before is probably getting a little frustrating. A dash of color and some new home décor features should soon solve this problem. It will make your daily life far better.

#11. Stay In Touch

Even the relaxed social distancing rules won't stop you from worrying about certain situations. However, digital communications can compensate for a lack of face-to-face interactions. Video calls and social media are ideal.

#12. Develop New Skills

You want to come out of this period with the knowledge that you've grown as a person. Learning a new language or developing new talents to boost your career of daily habits can have a positive impact. You may never have this opportunity again. Take it.

#13. Consider A Pet

Companionship is vital for your health, and a pet can deliver several benefits at this time. Nonetheless, you must take a responsible approach and consider whether it's suitable for the long haul. If it's not, signing up to take rescue pets for walks can work wonders.

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#14. Regain Financial Control

Financial problems are the most common source of stress. Whether it's reducing your monthly outgoings, stopping interest fees, or creating a side source of income is up to you. Either way, increased financial control is crucial.

#15. Stay Tidy

While it's an issue that's most likely to impact your home, it can extend to other areas too. Ultimately, though, good organization starts with keeping things clean and tidy. The clear surroundings will promote a clear mind.

#16. Celebrate Success

Many aspects of our lives have been made a little worse due to the coronavirus. So, when positive features develop, it's important to appreciate them. Focusing on those sources of positivity will work wonders for your mindset.

#17. Buy New Outfits

You may think that there's no point in doing this. Nonetheless, looking good makes you feel good. So, if a new outfit can revamp your style and restore your confidence, you should have no guilt about doing it.

#18. Make Plans

Whether it's making a bucket list or booking next year's vacation is up to you. However, giving yourself something to look forward to will help drag you through the tough times. Now is the time to do it.

#19. Remember It's Not Forever

Right now, it may feel as though the COVID-19 life will never end. It will. Even if it's likely to cause disruption for months to come, we will beat this virus. When you keep hold of that fact, positivity should remain.

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