
Monday, October 13, 2014

The Bear Poem

Early in my world when I was young and free
I met a boy and asked myself, "Is this he?"
He held out his hand, with a smile of joy
I got that feeling, "Am I Helen of Troy?"

Mom and Dad voiced their disapproval
"You're being hard-headed, as usual
"He is a drop-out, what life will you have?"
"Its nothing serious," I said with a laugh.

The days flew by and things went way out of hand
Confused and worried, a pregnancy unplanned.
Too young to be a wife, too young to be a mother,
Why did this happen? How will I tell my father?

"You will marry my daughter and pull her out of shame.
She is studying for her future, you must do the same.
Once the ceremony is over, my daughter stays with me.
You go home to your parents, wherever they may be."

The boy never got past being a boy
He loved his friends, he loved his toys.
With a second child on the way
I had to be strong despite the clouds of gray

My father died of cancer when he was fifty eight
One of his last words were "Help my daughter set her life straight"
I feared the future without my father
Who will defend me and my children against this monster?

Sixteen years, three children and buckets of tears later
I decided to make my life better
I hauled my three kids and entrusted them into my mother's hands
I then found myself working in a foreign land.

The monster could not keep up with the responsibility
Packed his bags and left without saying sorry
I could not cry a tear of remorse
I laughed, jumped and celebrated this divorce.

I loved the new freedom, I loved being me.
I was happy but deep inside, I felt empty
As if fate had it all planned,
Here comes a man with his words, "Its okay, I understand."

We have now been together for eight blissful years
The union of like minds and like hearts braving new frontiers.
He took on the task of being my children's father
Looked after each child to ensure they would not falter

As we hold hands on a quiet Sunday evening,
Sharing dreams and hopes, both hearts smiling.
I raise my glass, "To infinity and beyond!" I say
He squeezes my hand and whispers, "Here's to forever and a day!"

I have three wonderful children now in their prime,
A roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back, and some spare time.
And I have a husband who loves me unconditionally,
For all these, I thank God dearly.

P.S. This is my second attempt at writing a poem. The first attempt was when I was 15 years old. Unfortunately, I was not able to save a copy. 


  1. That's so sweet! Good thing you fought for your love. We're not supposed to judge people here. I guess that make you more eager to prove them wrong. :D More blessings to your marriage!

  2. very romantic poem of the man you found which totally turned out to be the one.

  3. I like your poem. Though it is just your 2nd time to write one, it is not obvious at all. It is good.

  4. Oh man! What a wonderful poem! After every hardships, there will be someone God has reserved for us. So happy that you have him with you now, Ate! :) Kilig!

  5. This poem is so heart-warming that I had to hold my tears. Life may be bitter at times and past may give us tremendous disappointments and heartaches, we should keep our faith that tomorrow will bring better and brighter days.

  6. You are a natural poet sistah and I love what you wrote. It comes straight from the heart!

  7. I love reading your life story in that beautifully written poem! You're lucky to have found someone who loves you unconditionally.

  8. I admire you for your strength and positivity amidst the hurdles in life, keep it up :)

  9. a beautiful and inspiring poem! thanks for sharing

  10. You should have that made into something you can hang on your wall at home. What a keepsake that would be.

  11. that is a beautiful poem Sis :-) I loved it :-) Great job :-)

  12. Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing it with art.

  13. Eloquently told! Thank you for sharing such a personal story that brought tears to my eyes! I'm so glad you found true love!

  14. I have little to add that everyone else has not already said. A beautiful heart felt piece of writing and am glad I was fortunate to have read it.

  15. Loved this! Oh my what a heart arming piece of poetry. High Five!

  16. Thanks for sharing this poem - I am so glad that you and your children have now found stability and love. All the best.

  17. Turns out you don't need a lot of words to tell a long story. While it si probably the kind of story that has been told many ways before, you come up with a refreshingly direct way to say it.

  18. I love long poems that tell stories. They're like short films. "The Bear Poem" is good, so feel free to write more. I'm glad for your happy ending.

  19. What a nice poem. Keep up the good work!


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