
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Create a Mark - Join #Markerly!

With the emergence of new marketing strategies, businesses are now trending towards influencer marketing. What exactly is influencer marketing? It is the ability to affect the purchasing decision of a target audience. Influencer marketing provides brands to connect with the purchasing public through a group of people called influencers whose task is to increase consumer awareness of a product which in turn leads to increase in revenue for the brand. That being said, let me introduce you to the best influencer marketing platform and blogging network I have ever joined. 

Markerly is a full service managed network with 24/7 blogger support. I love the way they provide me support whenever I need it. Unlike other blogging networks, Markerly provides prompt response to emails - not generic ones but detailed and personalized.  The founders of the company are very much hands-on in running the business, hence the prompt, personalized support. With these great minds bringing bloggers the best sponsored content opportunities, the company has added $600K in seed funding to match bloggers with brands.

These wonderful people started it all - Rahf, Justin, Sarah and Todd

This company trusted me with writing sponsored content for big name brands. I was ecstatic when I got approved to write for them. I was so nervous writing my first post for them. I wanted everything to be perfect!As soon as I submitted my article, I got paid in less than 48 hours! Now isn't that amazing?

With Markerly, you can get to work with big name brands like Levi's, Super Bowl, TruMoo, eMeals, Skillshare, etc. You can also get free products to review like wine from companies like Last Bottle Wines and Invino or get cool earbuds from Jaybird. All you have to do is to be able to write about how great these brands are and that's not difficult at all, considering the brands Markerly is working with are really great. 

Searching the web for hours looking for sponsored content opportunities can be frustrating. However, with Markerly, they make it easy for us bloggers.I get an email when I am deemed fit for an opportunity. I find this very convenient. I am offered to write about something that is in line with my interests and reader demographics. Markerly is very focused on quality blog posts and bloggers that have engaged audiences. One more fantastic thing that is offered by Markerly is that they give you heat maps of your entire post so you can see what people are clicking on.

I am sure you are all revved up to join. Markerly's network is open to anybody to join. If you have 10,000 page views a month or an average of 3 comments per post, then come on and be a part of Markerly. It is going to be a great 2014 for you.

Click here to join and start having a rewarding blogging career!


  1. This sounds like an awesome blogger network. I think I seriously need to look into this.

  2. Blogging can be so rewarding. I blog for fun and I also do product reviews. Markley sounds like a great company.

  3. I've heard of Markerly before but never looked into it. It's great seeing another blogger having a positive experience with it!

  4. That sounds great I'll have to check Markerly out. I think I've an average of 3 comments a post, but I'm probably not up to 10,000 page views a month. I'm working up to it and I'm fairly close! Thanks for the heads up.

    1. I got approved to join their network when I was still a greenhorn in blogging. The good thing about joining is that you even get a chance to win a $250 American Express Card. You may be the lucky one on Feb. 27th!

  5. Wow, I will definitely look into this more. It looks great!

  6. Markerly looks like a great option for bloggers. Thank you for this information. I will look into their services.

    1. Hi Joanna! #Markerly is indeed a great option. Thank you for stopping by!

  7. I need to check this out. I would love to make connections with some of those bigger brands.

    1. Hi Billie! Aside from bigger brand connections, please do not forget the $250 American Express Card raffle for those who would sign in. You may be the lucky winner on Feb. 27th!

  8. WHAT?!?! That heat map to keep track of clicks is SUPER COOL - but really useful too. Thanks for the info - I will def check it out.

    1. Hi Jenny, I know, right? They do have great innovations at #Markerly. Hope to see you there! Don't forget to answer that one question at the bottom of this post for a chance to win $250!

  9. I have heard a lot about this company. Thanks for this info. I may have to look more into what they can offer a blogger like me!!

  10. Good relationship for them, with all your talent in writing. Keep it up!

  11. Hi there, thanks for the post about them. I will look them up. I am looking for more stead opportunities.

  12. Thanks for the info. It is always nice to be know what places are good to work with.

  13. will look this up sis. thanks for sharing about it. i have to work on that 3 comments per post. been too lazy joining comex these days. i am glad i did today. :D

  14. Hi sis! I already joined Markerly thanks to this reminds me to log in there and explore around...I want to win too!!!! love love love all the work you have done here on your yah!

  15. I didn't know that Markerly exists. Thanks for sharing. I'll check the site and explore muna :) Sana positive experience din!

  16. Looks like Markerly is a great venue for bloggers to work with big brands and to earn at the same time.

    Will check this out Sis. Thank you for sharing this wonderful opportunity.

  17. Markley is great. I haven't used them much for revenue though I think I should start. I love the blog buttons they have for your page though! Great info and thanks for sharing!

  18. What a great post and resource. As a born again blogger, well just in 2014 I've finally decided to TAKE ACTION, I found this post great. There is nothing better that peers recommendation. I certainly will join it. Thanks very much

  19. oh wow, Ai, thanks for sharing this, will look into this, haha, I am excited always to learn about new opps site :)

  20. this is legit? i hope it is, i will surely join the website...

    1. Hi Nova! Yes, this is legit. I submitted an article Saturday night and I got paid first thing Monday morning.

  21. I like using Markerly. I signed up for them a while ago!

  22. With your experience, I think i want to join the team and try my best! I'm excited! :D

  23. The more the merrier, so they say. This is awesome to bloggers who are currently into paid blogging opportunities. Maybe, I'll look into it also. :-)

  24. I was just sent an invite about this. I have to look through it in a bit and see if this can fit my blogging lifestyle! :)

  25. Good of you to share this sis, and what a great chance to be writing for popular brands and have a say in influencing others to buy.

  26. I love doing product reviews. I’m going to check Markerly. Thank you. ^_^

  27. Thanks for the info sis. I will surely look into this.

  28. Wow! This sounds like good news for us bloggers! Thanks for sharing this. This is the first time I heard about Markerly.

  29. I have been a member for a while but every time they sent me an invite to an opp, I always forget to sign up. I will check again this time.

  30. I have joined them but I have yet to get a task from them. I still do not know how their website works.

  31. I'd love to join the Markerly blogger network, but I have yet to reach the 10,000 page views a month requirement. Oh well.

  32. It's been a while since I had my assignment with Markerly but they pay right away and really good. :)

  33. Awesome and good working and very much helpful for me thanks a lot...

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