
Monday, December 9, 2013

Decorating a Child's room: Creativity within Budget

A child's creativity peaks at around the age before he/she starts school. By the time they are of school age, their potential declines as they become more preoccupied with schoolwork. To encourage them to keep their creative juices flowing, careful planning must be done to renovate and decorate their niche - their bedroom. 

Decorating a child's room must be done is such a way to make it more ergonomic, comfortable and cozy. It is in their bedroom where their ideas are formed, when play time allows a child goes into his own imaginative world, where they are allowed to express their feelings.

A reputable company, allows us parents to do just that - encourage our children's creativity. They provide beautiful and amazing baby wall stickers in bright colors. I love their nature and animal designs. It creates awareness of the beauty of nature in a young child's eyes. The smiling animals, pretty flowers and colorful trees encourage a child's imagination and happy playtime.

Big Eyed Baby Owls and Butterflies on a Tree design

Colorful tree and colorful animals decal design
As the child grows older, he/she may need a little more personalized design for their room. Not to worry, there are hundreds of baby wall sticker designs to suit every age. There are princess castle designs, robots, and quotes. 

The best part of it is that these decals are outrageously affordable and easy to install. Made of the company's innovative self adhesive woven fabric, these decals are removable and reusable. Simply remove the decal from its backing paper and position on a clean wall. Because there are no special tools, glues or pastes needed, these decals will not damage your walls. Innovative, classy and fun. 

Visit the website at and choose from their wide variety of baby wall sticker designs and other products. All with a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

Let's foster our child's creativity and imagination. They will, after all, be the innovators of tomorrow.


  1. As a kid I remember sticking many things on our wall! The designs you shared are so cute!!!! :)

  2. These decals are great! We just bought some for like $100 and I thought it was quite much but my husband didn't seem so. These are all so lovely. I'm going to look into it more.

  3. They are all beautiful but I'm particularly fond to the little owls, I've got a soft spot for them :) But I guess my little daughter would take the castles and princesses any time.

  4. you have got beautiful decals all over the wall!!! it enhances the beauty of the room. Perfect design

  5. Decals are my best friend! LOL! I use them for decorating every room!

  6. yea i have heard of that company a while back, they have some great stuff there for your home

  7. My little guys are 3 and 6 I can't wait until they are older so we can redo their room. Right now it still has some baby decor so its soon time for a switch I just need them to make up their mind

    I will def. keep this website in mind when we finally start to redo their room :)

  8. Those stickers are a great idea!! Children change their minds so often, I love how you can create a room based on their current love! Great idea!

  9. I absolutely love how colorful and bright these stickers are... we are soon going to have foster kids in our home and I think these decals would be a great way to add some fun, whimsy-ness to the room but still keep it so that the room is gender neutral... or if we have a permanent placement we could always change the stickers to suit the child! :) LOVE them!

  10. those are really cute designs and this post is very timely as I am looking for wall stickers that are affordable with great designs.

  11. I adore the one with the owls and tree! I want it!!!

  12. I love the basket ball one, of course I want a real hoop on it so we can play. It is amazing what a difference a little vinyl makes.

  13. What a fun idea! I live in an apartment and these would be great for decorating! I love those owls so much!

  14. OMG!!! I love all those decorations! So adorable!

  15. My niece would love that third decoration. She's into princess stuff.

  16. Those designs are fantastic but I love the one for a girl's room.

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