
Monday, December 30, 2013

Beach Fun

Here I am, on the second to the last day of the year 2013. Spending a quiet time on the beach. Getting some sun in December. Oh the joys of living in the tropics! Sunshine throughout most of the year.

I walk along the shore, feeling the small waves tenderly lapping at my feet. My husband walking alongside with me, hand in hand. I lovingly look up at him and he kisses me ever so tenderly. The children start teasing us, "Ewww! PDA! (Public Display of Attention)," "So mushy!" I wave to them in an effort to let them mind their own business. They seem to understand and the boys paddle away on their surfboards. The daughters are having a good time themselves, the eldest minding her husband and our sweet little granddaughter, and the other, playing cards with her soft spoken boyfriend.

A dream vacation, away from the hustle and bustle of city life, no smog, no noise, no stress.

Night came quickly and we gathered together in front of the bonfire. A few beers, hotdogs and marshmallows, and a lot of stories and laughter. It is close to midnight. We put out the fire and gathered our stuff. We get inside our rented cottage and gave each other the warmest exchanges of "Good night, I love you."

I fall asleep, happy and content.


My alarm goes off. What the..?!!! 

REALITY! I wake up and I was back in our house, my alarm still buzzing. Its time for me to get ready for work.



  1. LOL! I am very familiar with that dream! Happens all the time. Would love to be in the tropics right now instead of dealing with all the snow and ice here. :)

    1. I would love to have my day in the cold winter snow! Build a snowman, engage in a snowball fight, roll around on the snow for a change. :)

  2. I live in PA and right now its wet! We had snow and it all melted during the rain storm yesterday so everything is a muddy mess!! What I wouldn't give to be on a tropical vacations right now lol Send your dreams my way :)

    1. Oh, the muddy mess we have here is after the floods subside. It's not cold though. The air here becomes very humid before and after a storm. I will try to relive the dream and include some of my work friends and blogger friends too. Sending sunshine and warmth to your side of the world. :)

  3. I live in Canada, there is a ton of snow here and I don't think I'd trade the beauty of it for a tropical beach; I'm totally content with melting snow in a tub and swimming in it.

    1. I would want to experience that sometime in my life - melting snow in a tub and swimming in it.

  4. LOL! It sounded so nice and romantic. I love to visit the tropics in the Winter but I still love all my snow here in Northern Michigan!

    1. I had cousins who used to live in Michigan, but they moved to Florida when they married. I guess Filipinos are not meant for cold, freezing weather. Haha. :)

  5. The beach sounds wonderful right now. Which says a lot because I am not really much of a beach gal! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I might be backwards! LOL I am tired of the heat! I'd like to be somewhere with seasons for sure. :) But I understand what you are talking about with the dream.

  8. Don't you hate it when Dreams are so real you feel like you are actually there! lol I loved this post! Definitely something I'd like to do!

  9. Its great weather here in Florida But always have that dream to be back at home in the Bahamas, Love your post

  10. Sounds amazing! We just got back from the beach, but it was cold and rainy the whole time we were there. It's apparently not always sunny and warm in Florida. The views of the snowy white beaches and emerald green waters made the trip worth while.

  11. It's wet and very cold here in England.... I'd love a dream like that!

  12. i hate when dreams feel so real. on time a few months ago when i was pregnant i had a dream that someone was in the house trying to kill me. it was so real i was reaching out and calling my fiance and he was so scared for me he woke me up. at first i told him i didnt know what i was dreaming about but then i told him because he would let it go. the pregnancy have my mental going crazy.

  13. Great Post... Sounds very romantic and nice!!!! We usually go to a different place each summer. I wish we had the tradition of going back to the same place every year, but my husband prefers to go to new places. We did go to Cape May, NJ two summers in a row, and we loved it. This year we went to Holden Beach, NC, and we all had a great time.

  14. Amazing dream Aio! I wish to have a vacation like that in the future!

  15. My Mother_in_law is in florida right now, and we're all so jealous of her. We want to be at the beach, in the sun, and loving everything!

  16. Ha! Ever since our honeymoon in Hawaii, I have dreams like this too! I want to go back sooooo badly!

  17. I live in Florida and have that dream happen quite often! Sorry your alarm ruined yours.

  18. I love your attached photo! It is a beautiful shot!
    I live in Oman where is extremely hot for most of the year. I am really enjoying the current weather. It is just cool enough to enjoy :)

  19. I was enjoying your dream land imagery. Ugh, those are almost the worst dreams because they have to end with getting back to our real lives!

  20. I hate when that happens!! Paradise.. and pow.. it's over, back to reality. Maybe the dream is pointing out something that you need..

  21. Awwwww darn! Why couldn't that have been your reality instead?!!! Or maybe it will be soon....

  22. I live in Trinidad so this dream is pretty much my reality! :) And would you believe, my dreams consist of playing in the snow and having a snowball fight. I have never even seen snow 'in real' I have to dream about it.


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