
Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I have been a Catholic all my life. My mom is extremely devout. Her day begins and ends with prayer. When my dad was still alive, they made sure that we attended the 8 am mass every Sunday.

Growing up in exclusive Catholic girls schools strengthened my faith in God. I am not much of a church-goer, but I do pray - A LOT.

Miracles? They are true. I cannot forget that miracle I experienced when I was in 4th grade. Too young to understand, but never too young to feel the Love of God.

I had a classmate in grade school who was very well off. She had the best school bag her parents can buy. She had a beautiful lunch box by Sanrio, a famous (and unbelievably expensive) brand made in Japan. One day, my classmate brought a Hello Kitty stuffed doll. It was very nice. Soft, silky and holding it in your hand was heaven. My classmate was not snotty, she willingly gave each of us a chance to hold her doll and cuddle it. I drew up all my strength and asked her "May I borrow your doll overnight? I want to show it to my parents, maybe they can buy me one like that." To my surprise, she said "Sure!"

I emptied out my school bag, and stuffed my books in my locker. I wanted to make room in my bag for that precious little doll. When the school bus dropped me off at home, I ran upstairs to my room and opened my bag. I got the doll out and held it in my hands ever so gently like it was some kind of sacred thing. I then heard my mom calling me downstairs for a snack. "Be right there, Mom!" So I got out of my school uniform, left the doll on my bed and went downstairs to eat.

I hurriedly stuffed my favorite peanut-butter sandwich in my mouth and washed it down with a glass of milk. "Thanks, Mom!" I said, and raced right back upstairs. To my horror, the doll was gone! It was not on my bed where I left it, it was not in my closet, not under the bed, not anywhere! I felt weak and helpless. I was scared. Major scared. And then I started to cry.

I felt helpless and desperate. I could not possibly tell my parents. Not at that time. With no one to turn to, I knelt down and prayed. I prayed really hard. I asked God for forgiveness, for desiring things that do not belong to me. I asked Him to show me where the doll was and that I would be a good girl from then on. Crying and praying and storming Heaven for answers. I bowed my head in total resignation of my fate.

And then out of the corner of my eye, I saw the doll. It was on the floor, between the bedroom door and my closet. How did it get there? I never did find out how.

It was nothing else but a miracle. God heard my prayers. It was my very first real encounter with God's Divine Mercy.

I have had many others since that time. The birth of each of my three children were miracles. To wake up everyday, to feel, to love, to be alive is a miracle. 

That experience taught me a lesson - to pray to God with childlike confidence. To put all my trust in Him, to ask forgiveness for my faults, to thank Him for the blessings He gives me and yet I fail to see. 

Little miracles happen everyday. It is only with an open mind and a loving heart that one appreciates and acknowledges God's true love for us all.   


  1. oh am gee....ssooooo inspiring sistterrette...the miracles that happen through prayers...I just love love love the way you write!!! all your articles are worth sharing to the world...I wish I could have met you when we were still little girls...keep writing!!! :)

    1. Who knows we may have met before? We were probably just one of those kids in the crowd destined to communicate like this in later years.

      I could have been with you as a child when we were vacationing in Baguio (like once a month, we were there). I could have been seated near you when my family frequented the Manaoag Shrine. We could have been seatmates when I took the National Medical Admissions Test.

      Its destiny, Zen. I am so happy to have met you. :)

  2. I have to agree with you about little miracles! It happens often and we only need to take time to consider it!

    1. Totally agree! God's love for us never wanes. It is us who forgets.

  3. Such an inspirational post! I enjoyed reading it!

  4. Inspirational post, thanks for sharing!

  5. Little miracles do happen every day...I think that many of us are just too busy to notice :)

  6. I am grateful for your testimony of God. I too know that God performs miracles in this lifetime. He truly is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow.

  7. Just the inspiration I needed today! Thanks for the great post... keep writing, your voice is being heard!

  8. Your posts always touch my soul, you're a really inspiring person :)

  9. Great post. Being a believer myself it's easy to forget about gods little miracles in our day to day life. Thanks for reminding us.

  10. I LOVE Sanrio. Believe it or not, it's very well known outside of Asia, too. :D Cute story, really liked it, as usual when it comes to your writing.

  11. Thank you for sharing! Great article!

  12. I didn't grow up knowing God but we are bonding a lot lately and I've recently accepted him into my heart!

  13. Really an inspiration and a great reminder!

  14. I'm a catholic too and i do believe in miracle. For me the moment we wake up in the morning is a miracle alread. great post

  15. You are an inspiration. To pray like a child, I do it with a child. It sounds silly but it actually is more fun. You can hear her innocent voice thanking God for her toys, food and friends. LOL! Well, I wish, yes, we could be all that. More of thanking and less asking. Then, as adults, we'll start seeing those little miracles too.

  16. Oh my, I can almost feel how your heart sank when you did not see the doll. I do believe in miracle as well, I felt that with both of my kids.

  17. Now that we're adults it's still amazing how a child-like faith bring wonders to our lives :)

  18. AMEN! God will always hear His childrens' cries and prayers. A very good read sis.

  19. What a beautiful story! God moves in mysterious ways nga sabi nila. Prayers do a lot of wonders so keep on praying.

  20. I'm a living proof of God's miracles just like you, Eileen. I will always sing praises to Him for all the miracles I've experienced more so in the past 3 years.

  21. everyday is a baby is a miracle. there so much miracle in our my case proof is my daughter who undergo open heart surgery just last May 28.


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