
Monday, September 16, 2013

Coming Home

No other joy can compare to the feeling of coming home. 

What exactly IS home? Home is family, home is warmth. It is a having dinner together, it is all about hugs, kisses and laughter. Home is where the only language spoken is love. 

Home is where every one longs to be.

In our earthly existence, we are so preoccupied in creating home for ourselves, and yet we are still restless and anxious about what the future will be. We work endlessly to be able to buy false happiness - gadgets, appliances, furnishings. With all the good things we have put in our home, we are still unhappy.

Then we realize that the most solid foundation we can ever build a home on is to put God in the center of our lives. We have to welcome Him into our homes. He is the God of unconditional love. He alone can make us feel complete. God patiently waits for us when we leave home. He guides us back when we go astray. He does not hold grudges against us when we turn our backs on Him. 

The world is in various degrees of turmoil. Brother against brother. Murders, famine, disease. We can only watch in disbelief about the crimes committed against children and the elderly. All we have to do to end this is to come home. 

I have no knowledge of how many more years I have in this life. Only God knows. In the meantime, I will strive to make my earthly home a real home - with God in the center. And I will be looking forward to another place, up there with my Creator.. that time when I can get to see His Holy Face, with His arms outstretched to welcome me.. To hear His voice saying.. "Welcome home, my child. WELCOME HOME." 

Praise and Glory to the Holy Triune God who lives and reigns forever!

Video Credits: 
Song Title: "HOME"
Artist: Gary Valenciano
Video courtesy of and Universal Records, Philippines.


  1. Great post! Home is always where I feel most comfortable & loved :)

  2. I love this! And that is how I strive to make my home complete also...

  3. I miss my home! I grew up in a small town where every one knows every one. I miss it!

  4. Makes me wanna think twice about moving out. :(

    Pauchee C.

  5. Beautiful post. a lot can relate what you are conveying to this post. we all want home, we want a family. I enjoyed reading your post and your views ( God, life, family, home, and everything in between). Thank you for sharing the song too.

  6. I just tweeted about If only we leave our house but we can't 'cause there's no where like home. I just hope God will guide even what's going on in our City. (Zamboanga City, PH)

  7. Great post, for me, home is family!

  8. I absolutely agree, no matter how fun you have on vacation, you long to get home sooner than you expected. There's nothing compared to the feeling of being at home.

  9. that's why no matter where you've been, there is still no place like the home where you were born and learn.

  10. O believe sis that harmony will always shines on home that put God at the center of their lives. Sis, mahaba pa buhay mo.. Promise.

  11. I can't wait when I can truly come home to where there is no pain, no suffering, no day no night. But when I think of that time when God calls us, I pray that my family won't be left behind and that we all will meet our Creator in that glorious day. But while we all wait, my earthly home is where I get hugs and kisses from my boys and husband and they are God's gifts to me. My family is my home for now.

  12. Spot on! Indeed, home is where the heart is! Beautifully worded. I love thought-provoking posts like this. They are hard to come by in this time and age of blogging :-) Kudos to you! ;-)


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